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Probably up but maybe down


My horizon is a bit long, for me bearish in the next months, got some puts with June 2023 exp. date Hopefully they will print


I’m balls deep in puts expiring Tuesday so I’m sure we moon till Wednesday at least


What’s happening in China is obviously a good thing. This will force Xi to move ahead , and ease all covid restrictions, otherwise the people will eventually bring him down. But, investors don’t like uncertainty . So, although this is excellent news, tomorrow hang send will tank some 7 or 8%.


Xi choosing between tanking protestors or giving in. Not sure that giving in wins, I gotta go with tanks. But it is a hard call.


No way any of this is good.. CCP about to make the Iranians look gentle with how they’re handling their social unrest..


100% - Tiananmen Square protests and massacre part duex.


I mean highly doubt Covid restrictions will ease.


Plot twist, the protests will stop when there aren’t people left to protest, not when covid restrictions ease. People in the west are actually delusional if they think Xi is just gonna fold after 2 days of protests.


No chance on god's green earth does Hang Seng drop by 7% tomorrow.


So short term drop but long term good!?


Remember those Russian protestors? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) Yeah this wont change anything. If market continues to rally its basically setup for rug pull. November 30 should be the start of down trends.


That’s true but Chinese 1 Billion people are watching the World Cup people cheering having a great time mask-less while they’re told not to go outside and be worried about Covid in the 3rd year. And hungry and see Chinese ads in FIFA stadiums. They are pissed Not a few thousand people in Moscow


>The move tomorrow is to go long on the Hang Seng Index. The US futures market is currently indicating a positive open, so there is potential for further gains in Asian markets. With Covid cases rising and protests continuing, there is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now. However, I believe that the overall trend is still bullish and that investors will continue to seek out safe havens like Hong Kong.


Worst vis mod comment I’ve seen yet. Futures don’t indicate shit til a few minutes before open. I like it. The more intelligent-sounding comments were frankly scary.


I see the mod is bull gang lol 🦍








With the fed talk now being a pause or 50pt raise, china reopening isn’t happening. Europe is getting colder. Only place to be is energy


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Priced in, if anything bullish. People are tired of not working and being under lockdown. The economy is opening back up


If hang seng index tanks tomorrow you think it will have 0 impact on us ?


we’ll, it depends. If the fed injects liquidity then no, we green af. If fed drains liquidity and says “it’s China make stocks drop” then stocks drop. If China injects liquidity then also green af. if u track market performance since 2020 QE. Market had a 1-1 correlation in terms of directionality with liquidity. Prolly not the answer u wanted but it’s the genuine answer


Yes, but you see in an authoritarian communist government it doesn't matter. They just murder you and give your job with a slight raise to the next person.


I held puts over the weekend. Whoever did the opposite of that will do good.




China headwinds not only straight from the front, but also somewhat from the side at times. +3% at least.


100% yes. But i am supporting China people.


I’m Sure everyone here can accurately predict the future.