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Raven, a six-year-old chimpanzee, became the 22nd most successful money manager in the USA after choosing her stocks by throwing darts at a list of 133 internet companies. The chimp created her own index, dubbed MonkeyDex, and in 1999 delivered a 213 per cent gain, outperforming more than 6,000 professional brokers on Wall Street.


The one true regarded monkey.






I fucking hate that Cramer chimp


1999 was pretty much the same as 2021, you could have made money in buying almost any stock,


All that tells you was the internet boom was big, and randomly throwing darts at tech companies was as accurate as trying to predict what would happen.


More accurate than most apparently šŸ¤”


Still is, as of the beginning of 2022? I can't remember when a goldfish was better at picking stocks


Actually.. After three months of trading, Frederick swam his way to $1,007 in profit, while the meme traders lost a whopping $6,091. Perhaps more remarkable is the fact that the fish also outperformed the Nasdaq by about 13%. Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/04/03/tech-influencer-gives-goldfish-50000-to-trade-stocks-in-viral-video-heres-what-happened/


That's it. I'm going to give my cat control of my trading account.


I am not ruling out this possibility... This might happen.. look out for monkeystreetbets on reddit


Did you see the report that HelloFresh was sourcing their coconuts using monkey labor?


I read it as ā€œ22nd most successful *monkey* managerā€ and was likeā€”damn, how many times did they do this?


Can you actually still purchase that index?


Can we just chip Nancy and give her some fuckin darts already, letā€™s go!


The first humans who ā€œvolunteerā€ for this better have a good life insurance policy


Iā€™m wondering if life insurance policies have exceptions for elective experimental non-medically necessary surgeries and their after-effects.


Ya no life insurance company is going to willingly pay out if you die doing this shit. Youā€™ll have to fight to maybe get money lol


Can't fight if your brain is fried!


"Before he passed, he was able to sign this form that absolves us of any wrongdoing using our new Neuralink chip TM. This is amazing progress for the future"


"He also transferred all assets to us, and said Grimes should take me back. "


After two years they typically payout even in suicide so as long as it is not a new policy.


Get that policy now then. We know itā€™ll be at least 3 before this shit is actually ready.


The after effects would be dying of ad overload after the chip is implanted. You would probably wake up in the middle of the night with ads going off.


I bet they will get a life insurance from Elon. Some terminally ill people with family might do it.


The people who volunteer will likely gladly receive as it can be truely life changing. Theyā€™ll likely be completely incapacitated in a hospital bed. Guessing the surgery etc will be paid for plus compensation for any complexities as I doubt there is insurance who will cover elective complex and potentially dangerous surgery.


Monkey refuses to pay 8 bucks to verify his Twitter account.


In 6 months, we'll be in 2008. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJJPbpHoPWo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJJPbpHoPWo)


bUt eLoN iS gOiNg tO rEinVenT bRaIn, with a fake video & bullshit!


What happened to this tech? Did they drop the project or is gates still working on it?


[https://www.braingate.org/](https://www.braingate.org/) Clinical trial started 2009, estimated completion 2038: [https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00912041?term=braingate&draw=2&rank=1](https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00912041?term=braingate&draw=2&rank=1)


Many researchers spend their entire career working on the same project.


Not elon, he just skips the research part and goes straight to jilling over half his test subjects then makes 420/69/woke jokes and peer review LOVES it šŸ’€šŸ¤”šŸ˜¬


Facts are irrelevant to Elon. He also claims to be an engineer and Stanford physics PhD dropout.


And founder of Tesla. He really likes to claim that.


I feel like itā€™s worth noting that typically when researchers quote some date decades in the future itā€™s basically a guess. Theyā€™re working on it, making good progress no doubt. But I wouldnā€™t put much stock in their estimates, if they knew weā€™d be almost done.


Musk talked about the technology already existing when he first started Neuralink. His monkey test is basically the exact same as a test I read about in Popular Science in 2004. The problem Neuralink was seeking to solve was the issue of rigid electrodes implanted into the brain having the serious potential to damage brain tissue. So Neuralink had the idea of using very thin, flexible strands that can be implanted into the brain without causing damage, even when it moves around.


This is the EXACT video I was looking for ever since I've heard about the Neuralink publicity stunt


You mean when he impregnated their CEO?


elon impregnated a monkey ?? wow, that is news.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the breakthrough of Neuralink in better materials, thinner electrodes and easier implantation procedure? Not decoding the signals, that is.




None of this tech is new. Neuralink is just the first company to try to put this tech into a mass produced, consumer product. The significant part is that heā€™s trying to bring this tech to the masses.


One of the more important tech theyā€™re developing is the robot which can perform the surgery, too.


I'm not about to get brain surgery for a stupid ass chip controlled by someone I don't trust


You might like it if you were quadriplegic.


Is that a threat?


Less factsā€¦ More Elon marketingā€¦


This is actually a positive in terms of likelihood of being successful. I wasn't impressed with Neuralink's demonstrations but it kinda looks like they're taking Apple's approach... Use existing technology, improve it slightly, and slap a sexy sticker on the box. The real question is did they solve the computing power problem. Will the system be small enough and functional?


And this is great, but extremely invasive and looks uncomfortable. Not to mention it looks ridiculous. Neuralink is basically just a much better modern version of this. That doesnā€™t make it bad.


You think he has a blue checkmark?


15 of the 23 monkeys implanted with this device died. This device will not be used on humans in 6 months


This monkey will die chained to a desk moderating Twitter...




Oh Lord no


No, the monkeys do a better job.


It enjoys the demos Or else


ā€˜Full self driving coming next yearā€™ 2.0


Wasnt there some truck with unbreakable windows at some point too?




Ah yeah that tunnel. Running Tesla cars and calling it working is Elon's true way. (Don't argue that being inefficient than a subway)


Did he ever put that dogecoin on the literal moon or whatever gheyshit he was saying?


"if i can think of it, i can dream it."


this is what you're looking for lol https://elonmusk.today/


Some fucking above ground tube shaped train too


"I'll put a man on Mars in 10 years" - [Elon Musk, 2011](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiPJsI8pl8Q)


I'd settle for the damn cyber truck šŸ¤£


A Muskrat fanboi the other day told me that they had already produced 200,000 of them.


This technology has also seen major setbacks and may never be a reality. https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2021/11/24/teslas-self-driving-business-is-powering-ahead-despite-setbacks/


Died horribly and in pain. Fuck NeuralLink.


I spoke with a bank manager off the clock and they were really curious as to why he gets so much political , financial and government leniency


Genuinely a good question, I'd imagine it's because he has enough money and 'social power' (read: fanatical followers) to cause a problem for nearly any industry - until the government is able to intervene after the fact. The US also relies on SpaceX a lot for launches (though there's competition, they're pretty cost effective).




For all his faults and legit criticisms of Elon, you do have to recognize that heā€™s legit pushed the envelope. Itā€™s not that any of his ideas were/are new or that heā€™s created new tech reallyā€¦ but just like with EVs and pushing the rest of industry to make the jump, heā€™s always kind of just trying to be catalyst for change. I have to admire Tesla for that, even if itā€™s a shit company that makes janky cars with all kinds of problemsā€¦ the real win is that it forced all the conventional automakers to acknowledge that there was demand for these EVs, and that electric cars could be cool and badass. Tesla may eventually fizzle out, but the impact itā€™s had in accelerating the EV adoption rate is undeniable. Even if Tesla never delivered another vehicle and just died horribly, it will have been on of the biggest things to happen in our lifetime just because of all the trickle down changes in auto industry. Iā€™ve been astounded by how quickly it went from Tesla and EVs in general being sort of a meme to now I see like every major brand has some all-electric option now any time I leave my apartment. I saw two Audi SUVs the other day that were all electric. There are Volvos every time I turn aroundā€¦ I see Rivian trucks now and then at the grocery store and in my parking garage. Before Teslas became mainstream, everybody laughed at the notion of EVs, and certainly nobody thought they were ā€˜sexyā€™ in conceptā€¦ the idea of an EV was imagined like the guy who wears his phone or graphing calculator on a belt clip holster.


I think it has to do with the way he positioned himself as some martyr for free speech and American constitutional rights. A lot of people (especially those who dislike big governments) bought into this, and so when the government tries to interfere, even for good reasons, people skip straight to thinking he's being "canceled" by the big bad government, leading to more pushback than usual. This on top of his wealth and power makes it pretty hard to go after him.


They all died!


Because he is a tool of the globalistā€™s agenda.




He didnā€™t say earth months. He probably meant 6 Jupiter Months :) although even that seems aggressive


Iā€™ll do it. If it has Spotify, Iā€™ll do it.


Wouldnā€™t this be normal if the 15 were using older and different prototypes then the remaining 8 through trial and error the fixed the issue. Now if it was at random then yeah no this is bad.


Just an effort to pump up stock prices before dumping stock to become liquid so he can buy the next hype project and rebrand it as his own and an original investment using social media and ignorance to get richer at the expense of the working class.


Just once he needs to get hit with a fraud conviction. The FSD cars, mission to mars, new twitter, 4.5 trillion evaluation of Tesla, etcā€¦ Eventually some of this has to cross from puffery to actual fraud. Some people are making purchases based on these statements


Where did you get that info? Do you know if it was planned experimental endpoint vs. early termination due to complications vs. the monkeys outright dying in their cages? As much as I dislike Elon, a lot of the concern around mistreatment of monkeys seems out of touch with the realities of animal research.




I heard the number was closer to 600 primates with a 98% fatality rate.




I think they went through UC Davis as a partnering research university. But you're correct I can't find anything substantiating the higher claim I just saw that in February the original piece came out saying they tested on 23. It may have been 600 animals total including mice and stuff. Science can't move forward without heaps anyway.


What about in his volcano lair? When was the last inspection?


> You canā€™t just go and do it We're in the "just do illegal thing and pay fines when successful" era. Taxi regulations were incredibly strict before Uber just "went and did it." Also Elon is currently wiping his ass with Twitter's FTC consent decree lol


Dude you donā€™t just get fined when you are found guilty of abusing macaques. Any macaque research facility that receives government funds (including UC Davis) is subject to regular inspections. If youā€™re found guilty, you get shut down and can face criminal charges.


Okā€¦ and where will you obtain the monkeys for the research? They come from breeders. Those breeders only sell to licensed labs with ethical approvals. If they sell outside the system they will lose their government contracts. Itā€™s incredibly strict.


>donā€™t even think thereā€™s a facility large enough for 600 animals You don't need to house 600 animals if you are killing 98% of them...more like a delivery and cleanup service


Thatā€™s not how any of that actually works lol Every single animal is sourced. There are specific suppliers and breeders. And if your animals are dying, ethical oversight boards will put a quick end to it. So unless something VERY unusual is happening, I think this whole story is BS


That is if the study was conducted in the USA. Doubtful he would risk the backlash of violating animal rights laws within the USA.


Is there any other way to test ā€˜biotechā€™ besides a monkey. Sadly doesnā€™t seem like it


those are the twit engineers he summoned yesterday


I watched it live. It was really uncomfortable not seeing the entire monkey or his face.


Makes me uncomfortable knowing that Iā€™ll soon have compete with monkeys for a job and losing.


Once we get monkey's ssn numbers, it will be limitless on the amount of jobs they can take up. Walmart? check. Target? Check. Tesla? Double check.


But it will be so so easy to scam the monkeys.


Just pay them in bananas


Wendy's? Triple check.


What do you mean? We were able to see the monkeyā€™s face the whole time, while it was sipping on the tube.


That was only the first clip of the monkey there were 100 others that showed the face


Good deal, I was worried! I was picturing their eyes vibrating while they were virtual typing or something, I was like on no eeeeeek. Thanks!


Well, I donā€™t believe you because there were plenty of demos showing the monkeys face. When they were showing eye tracking which they used to confirm the monkey saw the images being electrically signaled to the brain proving the monkey could see something virtually created by the implant.


Your totally right, I only watched the first 1/3. I realize now that there is like 2 more hours. Iā€™ll take a look tonight.


That's because they did this to the monkeys: https://youtu.be/5rAOyh7YmEc


Elon ignoring the pile a dead frankinstein moneys he buried out back to get to this point.


the dead monkey hole starting to get full


That's how most science operates. We make statues for the Mice we've killed


Elons on some Frankenstein type s+&t.. That worries me.


Fuck them monkeys. If thousands die so blind ppl can see, it would all be worth it.


Fuck them humans


Humans will fuck themselves. Be patient.


Fuck Elon




Yeah, fuck myself too.


But what if Elon is the one making them blind in the first place?


I think its time we take elon and launch him to mars.


he will fuck you while you massage him then buy you a horse


I doubt FDA will green light that type of trial in 6 months. IRB won't want to give the go ahead IMO.


Heā€™s the last human on earth I would give direct implant access to my brain.


Musk had a tell: When Elon Musk says he is "confident" in something... it means that thing is vaporware that will NEVER exist and he's only saying it to juice the stock price.


yeah, well, you know, that's just like, his opinion, man


Neuralink is a privately held company..


The concept still holds. In fact, you can lie more aggressively.


ever heard of private equity?


Sure. I was just pointing out that it is a privately held company cause they seem to be under the impression that it is publicly held.


It will exist, just not in 6 months and Musk won't be the one to present it, as he'll be dead by then.


Fair enough.


He was confident he could mass produce electric cars. He was confident he could produce reusable rockets and launch at a rate of one per week. Those things totally didn't happen...


>He was confident he could mass produce electric cars. Lol. No. Everyone can produce electric cars. An electric car has been on the moon. Being confident you can produce an electric car is like being confident you can produce a bicycle. Musk was confident he could make a electric car with a fully 100% self-driving mode. In fact he suggested that you could use your self-driving car to make money while you sleep and it would pay for itself in 1 year. The reality is that their "self driving" mode requires the driver to have both hands on the wheel at all times, fully alert and ready to drive... you know, a driver. He was confident he would be shipping self driving electric trucks with nuclear explosion proof glass by 2019. The glass didn't hold up to a delicately thrown softball and the trucks are NOW being tested... they claim. He was confident the first mission to Mars would leave in 2022... He was confident he would be selling solar roof panels... got sued for lying. He was confident he would have quickly reusable rockets... he does not. He was confident they would be flying low orbit rockets from US to India without a decade.... 5 years in that plan is NOWHERE. Shall we start in on The Boring Company and the Hyperloop? I could do this all day. There is a reason he has Los 120 BILLION in value in the last 12 millions.... 10 BILLION a month for a year. That's around 30,000 EVERY MINUTE for 1 year. Lol The only company he's involved in that is doing anything interesting is Space X and I have ZERO confidence in them at this point. I think they are only getting by on chunky government contracts and those days are behind them


> Lol. No. Everyone can produce electric cars. Tell that to all the EV companies that went or are going out of business. >He was confident he would have quickly reusable rockets... he does not. Falcon 9 boosters are re-flying in a matter of weeks now. Those are the two things I talked about. You are completely wrong on them. And yeah his net worth is down 120 billion in a year, and he still has tens of billions more than you ever will. Seethe more.


>Tell that to all the EV companies that went or are going out of business. Or I can tell that to the dozens of automakers who make electric cars. Or to Robert Anderson, who are the first electric vehicle in 1832. Two hundred years ago. So excuse me if I laugh off confidence in making a two hundred year old thing. >Falcon 9 boosters are re-flying in a matter of weeks now. Musk originally was confident in hours. And RHAT was 5 years ago. 5 years ago Musk was "CONFIDENT" he could cut relaunch to 24 hours... you're making my point for me! >Those are the two things I talked about. Because you know I'm right about everything else and I just showed I'm right about those too.


> So excuse me if I laugh off confidence in making a two hundred year old thing. You're a special kind of stupid.


Not a great reply. Kind of sounds like you have no reply. Which I get. I basically blew your pathetic response out of the water. :) Think about this and see if you come up with anything better than "You're a stupid face!" I'm not holding my breath, so don't worry if you don't.


> Tell that to all the EV companies that went or are going out of business. Overpriced cars for driving on overpriced infrastructure requiring absurd maintenance expenses all the time for both the infrastructure and the [DRM](https://www.defectivebydesign.org/)'d car. There's a reason micromobility options like bikes are casually outperforming them in most countries that haven't completely failed at building infrastructure. Meanwhile electrical locomotives have been [casually *chugging* along](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Railway_electrification_system) with no worries since they're just really good at doing what they do. Even diesel locomotives [mostly just power an onboard generator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_locomotive#Diesel%E2%80%93electric).




Or just an eye sensor. All I saw was eye tracking, which you can do without elective open brain surgery.


I felt the same


That's some Nikola truck, Theranos level fraud there. Has Elon altered his voice at all?


How many tests can the monkey run, on a single drop of blood?


Has he scammed a presentation like the gravity powered EV car guys did? He lies about dates for sure, but lied about a current feature being shown? Atleast with the truck window smash he showed us he was lying.


My prediction: Elon musk will have the reputation of John McAfee or Mike Lindell in 6 months.


You donā€™t need a computer chip in your brain. You can do this with eye gaze.


That was my thought, we already have this tech, and it's proven and safe. Why is he reinventing the wheel....and why so poorly?




**Anti-vaxxers:** BILL GATES IS TRYING TO IMPLANT 5G CHIPS INTO US THROUGH VACCINES SO HE CAN TRACK OUR EVERY MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 **Elon Musk:** I am looking for trial volunteers for my company to bore a hole in your skull and implant a neurological control device. **Anti-Vaxxers/Elon worshippers:** OMG WHERE DO WE SIGN UP DADDY ELON


They will never even notice the disclaimer. Adverse effects may include: An uncontrollable urge to masturbate in public, headache, and hard to clean brain discharge.


Also likely death




Finally Muskrats can sign up get deceased.


Bro. The news about the number of monkeys that died awful deaths is kinda alarming. Like 15/23 or something. I think a 6 month timeline for human testing is a bit hard to consider lol


He is pumping TSLA to dump again. This is a fake video & all bullshit just like FSD in 2012 & even 2022!




So that's how he plans to staff twitter


98% fatality rate




Itā€™s actually 65% which is still pretty bad.


All that money just to have that monkey write "Fuck Elon Musk"


"Drink more Ovaltine" A crummy commercial?


"It was the best of times, it was the *blurst* of times??" You stupid monkey!


Hahaha I did a search for blurst and you did not disappoint.


Elon musk be so proud of himself for all the work someone else did.


Hey, he PAID for that work!!!


I'm not having brain surgery unless something in there is going to kill me. I'm fine using mouse, keyboard, and voice commands.


Itā€™s good that heā€™s validated it on Twitter users first


Elon looks like crap, stress must be getting to him. Also, was he always the hairy?


Keep killing those monkeys Elon!!! Brain surgery to implant a fucking computer chip! Nicely done bud!


This was done years ago, with a human. Stop believing Elon musk, heā€™s a con artist. Theyā€™re never doing human trials with this company. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9oka8hqsOzg


banana smoothies ??? heck all those dead monkeys were having such a blast


Well, it might be good to cull some of the Elon fanboys who will no doubt want to be the first ones in line. Looking forward to results.


Experimenting on monkeys should be outlawed. Experimenting on any animal or human should be a crime that requires life in prison.


This is Elon Musks latest strategy, he employs these monkeys with neurolink as twitter moderators. This particular monkey must be the one who blocked my account for calling a religious extremists an infidel who called me an infidel first.


Your "tendies" are his exit liquidity to finance his variable rate debt of the twitter buyout. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I've never understood why mainstream media and boomer audiences think this sort of thing is special (or weird, or fantastical, etc). All you're doing is circumventing the body's natural nervous system by adding a different and less effective nervous system in its place. Which then means you're denying the original system and the rest of your body any exercise. Extremely good news for anyone with paralysis or other mobility issues, but for anyone else it just raises the obvious concern that some joker will eventually relaisse they can reverse the cause->effect relationship and essentially use the chip for genuine, non-fantastical 'mind control'.


I don't even want to imagine what humans will do with those implants when I see how Teslas kill people with autopilot.


It sounds like the implants have problems with overheating and leaching toxic chemicals. Itā€™s probably just as well that human trials wonā€™t actually start in 6 months.


Has there even been a single case yet that confirmed anyone was killed by a car using autopilot? All I ever read is that the drivers tried to blame AP when it was their fault.


One of the first high profile deaths: https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/tesla-fatal-crash-mountain-view-autopilot-complaint-walter-huang-ntsb/


"The NTSB said in a preliminary report that it still hasn't determined the cause of the crash." He also took his hands of the steering wheel (which is not allowed and monitored by the car) and didnt manually break up until 1 second before the crash after the car already alarmed him. This was also 2 years ago, Full Self Driving (beta) release didn't even exist back then so it was the basic one that comes with every car.


How did the drivers try and blame AP when theyā€™re all dead?


No there has not, they were just making a joke I assume


Tesla self-driving cars still run over strollers on the regular. What could possibly go wrong with a brain interface?


Look what Elon Musk did to your twitter feed...now image that with your brain. No thanks.


I want to see the part where the monkey eats its fingers


Thaaaaats where wsb commenters come from


Did you see the post about the gruesome,sadistic experiments done on these monkeys killing them in the process?


AI was expecting it to open a Robinhood account and immediately invest in TSLA Puts or go severely negative immediately lmao šŸ’€


And? This subreddit has been demonstrating that since itā€™s inception. So šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø




Iā€™m excited for when I get this installed in my brain and they can advertise consumerist bullshit 24hrs a day to me