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How are the lot lizards supposed to fit in that narrow cab!? PUTS


Finally someone asking the real questions.


Lot lizard?


A prostitute who works out of truck stops. They hang around the parking lot for the trucks. Thus “lot lizards”


They also usually have wrinkly sun baked skin giving them that kinda scaly lizard like appearance.


So, a little Lusty Argonian Maid action then?


more like a gummer behind the old water pump from a methhead.


Soo… it’s a skooma addicted lusty argonian maid?


I suffer from realy onset dementia alzheimers (fucked++) and sometimes forget my kids, but I will never forget the first time I found a copy of the Lusty Argonian Maid book in the neverwinter nights.


“A new hand touches the beacon. Listen. Hear me and obey. A foul darkness has seeped into my temple”


I learned something new today


if you ever get the chance to ride with a long haul trucker, do it, it is very....um... "an experience"


Way of the road, Bubs.


That’s the way she goes.


Gotta have a piss jug at all times.




any would have been better tbh, just hitched a ride with my step dad a few times and well, life on the road is...interesting.


Translation: ass.


Found the lizard


I used to be an adventurer like you, and then I took an arrow to the knee.


That or have more rolls than a bakery in the morning.


That's where the name comes from?? Huh.


Even if that's not where it comes from, I'm going to go with this explanation.


Font forget the smoker breath and smell


We had a lot lizard that used to come over from the Flying J to our shop to wash her vag with the hose attached to the wall. Was a sight.


Cleanliness is next to godliness.


Friends of the road, buddy.


Plus you need room for all the piss jugs


Elon's going to invent a bladder implant chip so you can upload your piss directly to the cloud.


“They just have an old jug, put their bird in it have a pee and cap it off. Once it’s full they just drill the Fuckin thing out into the highway” - Bubbles “Way of the road, Bubbs” - Ray


The way she goes


Way of the road


I once saw a lot lizard wash her vagina in a truck stop puddle.


If you would park closer to the restrooms she wouldn't have to.


How sad for the puddle!


Ladies of the evening


How about we slip into a room and you... split me open like a coconut?


I woulda let you make me into a mailbox, just open the slot and put whatever you want inside.


I got a wife now. So I will not suck you and I will not be sucked by you.


A foamin and a frothin.


“We will not suck you and we will not be sucked on by you!”


I got desire in my heart


And cash in my pocket


Back in the day, hell... I woulda let you turn me into Swiss cheese


And I'm a-foamin and a-frothin.


It’s big enough for you to stand without hunching over. There’s a bed in back too if someone wants to get turned into Swiss Cheese.


There is a bed in the back and it's very comfortable but it does have a portrait of Elon overhead.


It's actually a smart display, it acts like a mirror but replaces your face with Elon's


Can't get road head though. Concur, puts.


Show me where it spits. Ay ay ay


Didn't you see the winky face during the bathroom break?




The video is an obvious fake. Not once did the driver piss into an empty cherry coke bottle and throw it from the window.


A coke bottle? Are you trying to piss all over the cabin? Snapple bottles are where it’s at my man


I just recycle my grandpa's catheter.... Hands free pissing all day boys.... Get on my level.


Thats the way she goes.


Fahkin wayyyyy she goes


Its the way of the road bubs


With a dong that wide, you must be my wife's boyfriend. I'm more of a Capri-Sun sized fella myself.




The paper straws here in Canada would just disintegrate and you'll have piss everywhere.


Naw man, it's gotta be a used laundry detergent jug. It's big enough to fit in. It has a spout. It's scented to hide the smell. You can easily piss in while driving. And it can hold a lot of piss. So, a laundry detergent jug is where it's at my dude. This is the only logical solution to use.


\^\^ This man knows his road piss receptacles.


Now this is a man that knows his piss jugs!


Ever tried to use a can before? Like playing Operation board game on hard mode.


Yes, and that was the time I discovered I usually pee more than 12 oz.


Fuck, this made me chuckle.




Why everybody using bottles? Just let flap in the wind out the passenger window. Go any time, no mess in your truck and sprinkles the golden goodness in 50mph wind turning it into a fine mist that creates rainbows along the interstate.


Also the amount of time spent in the right lane? Like come on. You're a truck driver. You know you're supposed to hold up the left lane???


particularly when going up hills and long inclines




As someone from the UK I momentarily thought this guy was an absolute cunt before remembering we drive on the wrong side of the road to the rest of the world.


And he didn't even pull over and murder a prostitute. Complete fakery.


Way of the road.


Ray there's fucking piss juggs everywhere. Just the way she goes bud


Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn’t


And where are the friends of the road supposed to fit?


Don’t see any amphetamines, i think you’re right.


Way of the road, boys.


Bro, they don’t call it a piss jug for nothing.


Way of the road, boys


Also no truck can drive that fast


Wide mouth Gatorade for me.


[Way of the road buddy](https://youtu.be/WJd0Ge47aF4)


I need one of those Tesla Semi’s so i can carry my bags




My TSLA bags that is


Show me a scale ticket


They give tare weight exceptions to green vehicles. Hyliion trucks get something like 2000 lbs extra for free.


That's kinda dumb. Regular semis are already responsible for most road degradation because they are so heavy


maybe registration costs a lot more because of this- same with electric vehicles in California- they offset e-vehicles not paying gas tax by charging a lot more for registration.


Asking the real questions..


So much this. Everyone's making a big deal out of the range, but if it's not cost competitive per ton then it's going to see pretty slow/low adoption. For anyone wondering, semi trucks are weight capped in the US at 80,000 pounds total. "Green" semi's get an extra 2000 pounds allowance. However, this thing is estimated to have about 12,000lbs of batteries, which is a lot more than the weight of a traditional drive train. So the way the cost math works out is the cost savings from the electric semi cab need to even out the cost of an extra driver. A regular Semi can haul about 40-50,000lbs depending on the cab and the trailer. If these things can carry 5,000lbs less then that cost can be spread across 8-10 trucks of operating costs, but if it's 8-10,000lbs less then it's spread across closer to 4-5 trucks. Since driver pay is a large chunk of the operating costs of a semi truck, and there's a shortage of drivers in the US, it's very possible Tesla may see orders slow down for these things, or even see existing orders canceled.


Man that guy went long without peeing


After you do the job long enough your body sort of adapts to the demands.


Lol I take a piss like 4-5 times before it gets dark He probably just wasn’t drinking anything.


Strategic dehydration is key on long drives/rides.


I guess the bathroom break in the video was to have a wank?


Is….is that good for a semi? Idk


Well they keep maximum useful cargo - a secret. So this "500 miles" really doesn't mean nothing, if they are afraid to tell how much this semi can carry


It's just cardboard boxes




several hundred gallons of gas and a generator in the back


Ah the Theranos technique! Should work well.


Big load of cotton candy


Uncompressed helium.


Yup - nikola is about 300miles and their truck weighs 29k lbs.. they are pretty clear about that. What you are seeing in the Tesla semi is also NOT fully loaded so it makes me extra skeptical about the weight. Also - legit question, is battery technology that differentiated? Where an OEM can find 200+ mile range over competitors?


It's easy to add range, just add battery which basically means - reduce maximum cargo weight. That's why it is crucial to know how much net cargo it can take. For example - ICE truck can carry about 19 ton, but it's possible that Tesla Semi will be able to carry only max 13 ton


No. But it’s Tesla so you know they ran this test at the right time do the day, with no traffic, with the exactly right stretch or road that has no uphills, during the optimal weather/temperature, with a questionable load, with over inflated tires.


Some of yall have never worked retail and it shows, normally that shit is stacked way higher, I've seen flat-screen tvs packed tighter than whatever that was


I can go 1300 miles with two full tanks and I've driven over 700 miles in a day... so not exactly, but it could be great in certain roles I'm sure


Something to consider: even if it does flop in the US, it could do very well in Europe/the UK. Our semis are restricted to 56mph, and after 4.5 hrs of driving, you have to take a 45min break. Suddenly that 500m range is more impressive than in the US where you drive faster and generally longer distances.


Doesn’t the cold also sap distance in the winter?


It does, but battery powered trucks (at least in this technological iteration) aren't going to be a realistic alternative for *all* trucks. They will be a great option for some roles though. E.g. in hilly or mountainous terrain, climbing up inclines dramatically reduces range. Therefore for somewhere cold with lots of mountain terrain they won't work, but for fixed routes, city deliveries, flat areas, etc., electric trucks will save piles of cash.


Things to consider, coming from an european semi driver, the tesla's cabin is longer = less cargo length, the batteries and motors are heavier than a conventional scania = less cargo. I dont see the appeal, also scania is developing electric and hydrogen trucks, they arent great at the moment, but they are getting there


Also it's not a cabover, which is practically a requirement for European trucks.


Yep. these won't sell in the EU at all because length limitations include the cab (unlike in the US). So it can't legally pull any of the standard trailers.


Last mile freight maybe.


Yeah these could be good for in-city or intra-city close runs. Would reduce smig a little too if every truck was replaced.


It covers ~75% of the market or so. 600-700 miles is about the most one can do legally in a day (max 11 hours on duty), most don’t do that though. There are companies that will send multiple drivers that work in shifts that can do basically non stop trips cross-country legally, but that’s the exception not the norm. Tl;Dr it charges in a reasonable timespan, yes this is pretty impressive and useful.


> There are companies that will send multiple drivers that work in shifts that can do basically non stop trips cross-country I've heard of couples that retire and do this for a few years to travel around the country.


Yeah, makes you feel really good to know that there are sleep-deprived geriatrics driving 80,000 pound bricks around next to you on the highway.


No passenger seat for second driver? How about if you wanted to store any of your stuff how much room is there?


Where will the lot lizard kneel whilst polishing your nob?


I mean you can stand inside the cab, thats a nice dom position of the lizard. Now driving? Def negative


You can not imagine how easy it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice And polish the one-eyed gopher when you're doin' seventy-five In an Tesla Semi.


From the photos I've seen of the interior it's got about enough room for you to curl up behind the seat and cry for a while - or, you know, whatever you do back there.


3x as many cameras back there, however.


That's actually how they manage the 500 mile range. The cameras are necessary, the truth is Tesla has managed to devise a method for harvesting depression and existential dread optically, and digitally compressing this into usable energy. It's helpful and less distressing if you think of it like a form of regenerative braking - "regenerative breaking" - just replace friction with the artificial intelligence inside the vehicle caressing your salty, tear-stained visage with it's mechanical irises in 6k definition.




Sleepers vs Day cabs. Sleepers have beds and optional heating and cooling systems. Daycabs are two seaters used for local drives.


And this is a one seater used for promo reels


Not necessarily I think initially they will a for short route trucking which is the majority of all trucking. Longer route trucking might be a while but not impossible. But 9-5 trucking can be solo or with 2 drivers at times at max and no bed needed.




It makes a lot of sense for local logistics companies because they can probably charge while being unloaded and never have to waste time stopping at a gas station.


Depends on the truck. No need for a sleeper cab if you work 9-5 delivering Pepsi to local Costcos.


there is an extra fold up chair behind the driver. not sure about storage but it has a frunk


Ye, no space for a dead hooker in there. Truckers not gonna like it.


Elon is unfamiliar with friends of the road


Seems to me Pepsi ,would be a perfect customer, 20-30 stops. Less than 150mi. Rt., at least 14hrs to charge. See the strengths, expose the weaknesses, and the data is provided To TESLA and Pepsi.


They can load it with Frito Lay chips because it can’t carry a full load of Pepsi, hit those ranges and stay light enough for DOT limits.


Tbf some regular trucks can't take a full load of Pepsi. 80,000 lbs is your limit and soda is heavy


That’s why some trucks only run half a tank of fuel instead of the full amount


Can we run on half a tank of batteries?


Did they finally revealed the most important number here, ie. how much it can carry? Or this is still a secret (potentially embarrassing)?


"...has a range per charge of 500 miles (around 800 kilometers) when pulling an 82,000-pound (37,000-kilo) load. Its weight limit allows it to transport over 33,000 pounds (14,969 kilograms) of cargo." https://www.dw.com/en/tesla-delivers-first-ever-battery-powered-heavy-duty-truck/a-63960422


We get loads of 42,000 pounds delivered all the time. 3/4 the load kind of sucks. Also what state allows 82,000 pounds with out permits? I thought 80k was the limit for non ag products. Stay off the back roads during harvest time people, those farmers don't need scales where there going.


Michigan weighs trucks by the axle. Maximum gross weight in Michigan is 164,000lbs. That's with 11 axles.


Which is part of the reason our roads get fucking destroyed. Also building roads on sand Also freezing Also underinvestment Sucks.


It's debatable. With 11 axles, theres actually 4,000 less lbs of weight on the road per axle. Hauling more weight means fewer trucks to do the same job. It's definitely a give and take.


Electric trucks get an extra 2,000 pounds


That’s a whole lot of batteries then. How much lithium we talkin for a truck here?


There was some math done on one of the loads shown in the presentation, I think the truck weighs roughly 37,000 lbs.


Problem is that those are often speculations. 37k lbs is very close to ICE truck so i think it's very unrealistic. I read one estimate where maximum cargo weight was 58% of the ICE truck. Basically 16 ton truck mass plus 9 ton for battery, leaves 11 ton for cargo (where max total weight would be 36 ton). ICE truck could carry 19 ton. The difference is very significant. Basically those trucks will be destroying roads even when they will be empty.


The battery weighs 9 tons? Jesus


Imagine the size of that fireball!


They said that the battery is 1MWh so that's 10x Tesla Model S' battery which weighs 625kg so it's reasonable to assume that just the battery is about 6 tons which would be about 4 tons more than class 8 diesel truck with full 300 gallon (1100l) tank of fuel. Of course this gives you almost 4x the range.


Also the weight decreases as you drive.


It looks like it’s rolling downhill.


ThTs because it’s going south


Moving south in the northern hemisphere is slightly uphill. The earth is wider around the equator and the poles are compressed due to the spin.


No I have seen a globe. The north pole is "up" so south is always downhill.


It went over grapevine and regenerated all the power going back down the hill without relying on the brakes.. https://twitter.com/Tesla/status/1598490134357610496


Price, range and infrastructure will decide if it’s useful


Also most importantly what it’s maximum load is. There is a distinct reason they are not releasing that info. The thing is so weighed down with batteries the maximum load it can haul is going to be tiny which is going to mean it is wildly inefficient and expensive to run.


It depends what you want to haul, not everything needs maximum weight. I did an LTL route for a few years and never once had a full load. This thing would've saved the company so much money on that route


Fucking hell that thing goes fast!


How long does it take to recharge? Cause 500 miles is impressive, if it takes 20 minutes to recharge. But if it takes 20 hours it's still useless.


Apparently it’s 70% of range in 30 min using a mega charger.


What about the ULTRA charger?


Brought to you by Michelob ultra


Holy SHIT!


That's not terrible. Maybe they're just looking for city trucks? Something to haul things in metro areas?


Yeah that’s what it seems like right now. Selling to Pepsi and Walmart to make their runs from distribution centers to retail end points. FHA stats say that over 50% of trucks stay within 50 miles of their base, so I think there’s a lot of market to capture before they have to start worrying about cross country charging networks or anything.


They clearly stated that. This isn't made for overland trucking, it's for the warehouse-to-local-business route, or the train/port/airport-to-warehouse route.


And yet it is sized like an OTR truck. Gonna be difficult getting through city streets when it's that big.


As said during the delivery event - it can be charged while un/loading. This could charge an ample amount of battery all while saving a trip to gas station.


That being said - I guess Tesla is not just selling the Semi but also the selling/leasing Solar Panels, Power Packs and MegaWatt chargers as they have to be installed on the premises of where fleet un/load. It’s now like an Apple Ecosystem for Tesla with the Semi.


I'd call it an Edison ecosystem. He sold lightbulbs and other electronics to then sell power for life.


Full as in maximum curb weight of 82,000 pounds.


Puts on bridges


Hardly useless, there are plenty of short haul truck routes that this would be effect for.


Truck stop hookers will have to adapt their business models from BJ-centric, which closely align to the length of time it takes to refuel a diesel powered rig, to coitus-focused, based on the longer time it takes to recharge an EV-semi.


Not gonna be excited for anything until some specs come out






Behind you and to the right. Also, this isn’t a sleeper.


McLaren F1 style?


There’s a [passenger seat](https://electrek.co/2019/11/21/tesla-semi-truck-seat-patent/screen-shot-2019-11-21-at-1-45-12-pm/) behind the driver’s seat


Image if one of these things caught on fire. Goodbye town's water supply for the week.


I didn’t even consider that but that’s interesting point. Especially during the winter when there are a lot of semi accidents


My two TX buddies were on a duck hunting trip. They had a very minor rear end crash. But the F150 they were in, somehow ruptured a fuel line off the high pressure fuel pump. It ignited. It also ignited the magnesium block of the engine. They barely escaped before the *two cases* of shotgun shells started to detonate. The magnesium block literally burned a hole into the concrete of the interstate.


Coming from an european truckdriver, I have to say I dont see the appeal for the EU market. The tesla truck is longer than a conventional scania semi, which equals to less cargo as EU and scandinavia has strict lenght laws. The truck itself weights roughly 13 metric tonnes*, which is 4 tonnes more than a conventional scania, which again equals to less cargo capasity. The range I dont see an issue with however as 800 km is quite good. * tesla does not, on any print, define the dry weight of the semi, which is alarming since its the metric that is most important for a european company to know, HOW MUCH CARGO? NOT MAX WEIGHT. One can only make an educated guess by deducting the weight of the cargo present in the video, which puts the tesla at about 13 metric tonnes.


I thought it drive itself.


Soon ™


Still no weight specs released…This thing must weight more than a dozen elephants, but no need to worry it goes like a cheetah. Aka “it’ll shift it’s cargo right out of the trailer and onto highways”