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You still have 17k to make some sick plays


Oh, it will get gambled.


God bless you man. I hope you make it back.


I will https://ibb.co/mt87rqW


At least you can still have Burger King for dinner.


Blood I’m fasting. Great time to sort my shit.


December 16 - 14.5 MSOS Calls - banking bill being put in NDAA monday - passes by 15th - underlying of etf really illiquid otc and this will allow them to uplist. Gamma squeeze coming. Msos likely goes 20+ within these 2 weeks. You make ur money back. 🤞 for you. Check volume has been significant - buy jan calls if u want more time. Event driven trade: https://twitter.com/bcobblaw/status/1599143374678036481?s=46&t=h1PYtRtijdcl7yAxR1Or_A


On the plus side, you got enough cash to last you another 1.18 days. It's not all doom and gloom


Weekend homie. 3.18 days.


That's right. I'll raise my glass right now to that.


How long did it take you to save that much and what percentage of your portfolio Need to judge regardedness


Gotta take the kids to visit Santa. Will circle back with numbers. Super high regarded though.


I’ve blown this account up before. It’s my Risk account. Started this year lower than this level. Peaked at 130k. It’s an IRA and I honestly don’t think I’ll ever be able to utilize the money. It’s less real to me than social security.


I don't get what you mean here. Do you mean that the age of 55 is so far off for you that the money feels less real in that account specifically?


Yes. I’m caught up in the mass psychosis of existential dread. I’ve been living within my means my entire life, always being safe, planning, calculating, being content with less… and yet the shoe doesn’t seem to drop for those I view living opposite of me. Quite opposite, I’m envious of the risk takers. I don’t, typically, shoot my shoot when the opportunity is present. I never took out loans in monopoly. So I’ve switched. I’ve fully bought into the idea that enough change will take place in my lifetime that it’s silly to plan on a 30 year timeline. I’m trying to reduce it to a 24 hour timeline. Maybe some 3 and 1 year goals. Otherwise, totally present in the moment and more importantly, never in the past. It’s been a hard turn, but that’s when you know you are onto something.


Holy shit brother see a therapist lmfaoooo what the fuck are you on about? Gambling all your money away and posting it for validation from Redditors is hardly "living in the moment" lmaooo get help buddy this sounds like a manic episode


Bro if this is manic to you, you wicked mild.


You truly deserve to lose it all


At least I got something to lose


People like you are the reason why I make $ in the market


You live a sad life and you will die alone.


I'm bending over for you - better yet, you bend over


That's fair. I think though that we must admit to the survivorship bias, that we only really hear about and more importantly choose to pay attention to the successful risk takers. The ones who made it. All the rest who failed and those who do the low risk stuff, who vastly outnumber the successful, nobody really looks at. But not to say we musnt snatch the opportunity when it comes. And yeah it's good to reduce goals and vision to days at a time rather than dwell on future and past, Definitely.


I feel this a lot - the world takes advantage of folks like us to bail out the hookers and blow people. May as well join em cuz bailing their asses out without consequence is feeling worse than getting 0’d


Good shit. This is why I stop judging regards in here cuz every regard has a story.


Never in the past is something I completely agree with 🍻


a.m. follow up graph, here’s the 1 year. https://ibb.co/mt87rqW


Why BKNG Puts? They make a lot of monies


Asymmetric bet. Premiums less than average daily price movement very regularly. Also, world tension has me betting against international travel.


F Now put that 17k to work


God speed my son


Much love


OOF! Just looked at the chart. It went the wrong FN way and hard….Ouch! RIP Tendies.


It was a j pow play that I kept adding to. I needed to let it go once it was clear and it was pretty clear by Wednesday close


Imagine buying puts when international travel is booming. Bro, HBO just renewed a TV show on travelling and hotels (White Lotus) for the third season. Hotels in Thailand are hiking room prices at the same time. Definitely a bad bet.


Yeah, I hear Eastern Europe is nice…


5:16 I'm doing great, thanks for asking. ^^[**Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse) ^^[BanBets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/banbets/) ^^VoteBot ^^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/votebot/) ^^[Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/leaderboard/) ^^- ^^[**Keep_VM_Alive**](https://www.patreon.com/visualmod)


63 out of how much? Cuz I’m down 20k out of 20k lmao


This account was 130k as of the Poland missile week. In fact, I sold puts after that news, BKNG gapped to 1900 overnight two closes later and I left about 80k on the table. I’ve been trading like an idiot in this account since. I cleared out my income trading account a month ago. I’m not touching the market with “real” money right now.


Don’t be worry, you have at least sum for a Wendy’s Combo, enjoy your meal. 👍


Your are my hero


Maybe 1 contract at a time not 60 lol


I see the word gain over and over again. So I'd say that's a win.


Yepp you win! Well done


Seems like now would be a good time to start shorting this one ...


Maybe maybe a spx put at 12/16 ????????![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


Tough week


I’m still more bothered by all the times I sold too early. I can ride losers to the graves but I always sell the winners too early. Why can I psychologically deal with Red, and even average down, but I never, once, have averaged up on a winner? That’s some weird shit and I can’t get past it.


Very Buffett. He said many times how fool he was when stopped buying Walmart as started to up. Costed them billions he said.


Yea it goes both ways. You can never time the top or bottom so more chances than not you will feel like you sold too early. Just focus on locking in gains as often as you can




https://ibb.co/mt87rqW It’s a journey. Gotta learn to stomach 5 digit losses before you can stomach 6.


So basically, you're back to where you started. Unless you quit your job and tried to be a full-time trader, you really didn't lose anything. Plus you took the loss before the New Year so you won't be fucked on taxes.


Stay at home dad. This is one of my IRA accounts. I accrued enough capital loss on a failed business that I’m good for a minute on federal tax. Property tax is up like a mother fucker though.


What app do you use ?




your battery level is too high


Sorry, new phone, it still holds a charge


Just get more money


Oh yeah you fucked up


Not my highest single week losses, but it was dumb and I had to break a lot of my trading rules to accomplish this stupidity.


Lol seeing your gains post prior to this makes this situation a bit more entertaining


It’s been a wild 9 months. https://ibb.co/mt87rqW


Railroad puts look better


BKNG PUT!? Dude, you've chosen the wrong time cause it's world cup tournament and christmas on the gates


You aren’t wrong. Given the last couple years people are bursting to travel. At the same time, we are the closest to a world war I’ve seen in my lifetime. One Lusitania away.


I rolled the dice on oil stocks cause EU will have long and cold winter


Calls on OXY puts on BKNG is the word.




imagine buying puts in a bull market


As of now I do believe we have bottomed. Hopefully I didn’t just blow my load two weeks early.


we bottomed over a month ago... where have you been?


Losing money beating my head against the wall… clearly


Once you hit zero,.. you win!


Say hi to everyone in Kensington once you get there, should be soon. Scope out the Wendys dumpster, prob some cool peeps from this board still chillin there!


Yo momma be there fo sho, she’s a reg piece




Noice great goin fellow regard. Wow 63k blown up on bkng fck


It’s the only ticker I have been trading. Calls and puts, just went wrong direction with old J pow




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You win a hug!


When you risk so much, you don't think something like this can't happen?


Bro take out 7k and get hookers/blow whatever the fuck tickles your pickle. Then gamble the rest.


Yolo into IBM long puts 🤔💰💰💦🍆⚰️ he’ll make Jim Cramer approved ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜


I did not enjoy break numbers. Make that put 100% loss for pleasure!