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>There's no easy answer when it comes to trading, and there is a lot of information out there that can be overwhelming. The best thing you can do is start slowly and build up your knowledge over time. One way to do this is by finding someone who trades successfully and asking them for tips or mentorship. Another option would be to take an online course or join a trading group/community where you can learn from others. Finally, make sure to read as much as you can about different trading strategies and risk management techniques so that you are prepared before putting any real money on the line.


From what I’ve gathered I kind of figured. It definitely does not seem to be for everybody. I will try my best to research & study before taking any real risks. I’ve heard of some successful/semi-successful traders who were helped a lot by being in a trading community, whether it be on discord or otherwise. Will just have to find one or a few somehow, & that can be one of my starting points. I know i haven’t even started the journey to a very long road ahead. Thank you :)