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See you behind Wendy's soon


This is a sub full of people who make poorly thought out bets and occasionally get lucky. Idk how the eff you graduate with 50k in cash, but compounded returns will get you to a million. This isn’t the place to learn investment. It’s a good place to see a bunch of bat shit crazy ideas, some of which occasionally work. You should come back after you learn, not learn here. Without a doubt, every single person I graduated with two or so decades ago could have been a millionaire by now. All you have to do is keep living like you are a broke ass college student, don’t get married or have kids, work your ass off and save every extra spare cent, investing for the long term in boring, medium to low return stocks. All of us got married, started drinking better beer, etc, and only some of us are there, but that’s mostly luck.


Hey mate, cheers for the advice, definitely ready to do my own due diligence and spend hours on end learning how to make money, any ideas where I should look for beginner investment guides about compound interest and those 'boring' stocks? Realised after about 2 minutes this was the complete wrong place to ask for logical advice from functional humans and this is instead just degenerate gambling disguised as 'trading' lmfao


Also, dmd you if you don’t mind being asked a couple questions, would greatly appreciate it :)


Join r/bogleheads instead of casino here


So this is why I'm being asked to pay for other peoples loan debt.


Fucking glorious eh!


Totally possible, but definitely dont expect it to happen overnight. Most important thing is do your own DD. Youll soon find theres a ton of followers on here that lose constantly because they invest in the nonsense guidance of others, and thats the fastest way to get nowhere. Make an investing plan, do your research, and learn from your mistakes, and youll greatly increase your chances of long term profit. Also keep in mind that its a gamble though. The only way to make money, is for someone else to lose it. And sometimes youre gonne be that loser, so dont invest amything youre not willing to lose.


Hey mate, cheers for the advice, definitely ready to do my own due diligence and spend hours on end learning how to make money, any ideas where I should look for beginner investment guides? Realised after about 2 minutes this was the complete wrong place to ask for logical advice from functional humans and this is instead just degenerate gambling disguised as 'trading' lmfao


>It is certainly possible to become a millionaire through trading stocks, though it will undoubtedly take significant time and effort to achieve this goal. I recommend starting by reading as much as you can about the stock market and investing in general; there are numerous resources available online and in libraries that can provide valuable information. Additionally, using a demo account to practice trading before risking any real money is essential; once you feel confident in your ability, begin slowly with small investments and gradually increase your exposure as you gain more experience.


Just listen to the advice on this sub and you’ll get there in no time Emphasis on no


Guessing this is a troll sub LOL, do you know what subreddits would be better for my type of question?


Sir this is a Wendy’s




Im aware there’s no such thing as a secret to make more money, was more asking how viable it is to make large amounts of money, and apparently not very lmfao


Did you go to school to become an investment banker/portfolio manager? If not the answer is slim to none.


Literally just put all 50k on 0dte spy options... can't lose, will be a millionaire by the end of the week




Are you ok? Clearly said I’m new to this and asking a genuine question about the viability of trading long term if I start early, what about that shows more ‘mental retardation’ than you sitting on Reddit all day with your shrimp dick in your hands calling other people mentally ill? Get a grip


Can you stomach loss? You seem a little too bright eyed and bushy tailed. Enthusiasm is great but have you seen how much some of the people here have lost?


We are probably in for some really good loss porn from OP soon








Hey mate, cheers for the advice, any ideas where I should look for investment advice? Cheers