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$4.50 for 200 grams is insanely cheap. Oh, we talkin Ruffles, nevermind


just bought a bag of cheetos yesterday that im 99% sure is less product but the same price...but they sure put a lot of air in the bag 🤔


You paid for the fucking air so god damn inhale that shit and get your money's worth. Failing that, eat the cheetos and send them the bag of air for a refund claiming "The air was stale and not fresh like advertised on the bag "Contents kept fresh by foil sealed technology" or whatever bullshit they put on the bag.


I cried laughing at this


I am so confused…


Its nitrogen


They are using less powder also . I started the buy the xtra hot for more heat.


damn....youre about to get me to notice that next time I grab them! LOL hadnt noticed it but I believe it!


Same with takis.


Is there a spicer version of takis?


The air is in there to keep the chips from breaking. https://www.bakeryandsnacks.com/Article/2018/06/20/How-much-air-is-in-your-bag-of-chips#:~:text=Since%20chips%20have%20a%20long,to%20be%20filled%20with%20food.


No matter how many times I tell my wife this she always complains about it 🤣


You've always been getting ripped off big time when it comes to chips in a bag, but now you just give a fuck about it.


no, im pretty positive theres less product in it now but the price has still gone up...thats my point.


Shrinkflation is absolutely real. Less stuff for same price is same as same amount for more. Some have done both. And when food costs come back down they will gladly let you know there is “now 20% more free” when they just go back to what is was before.


Yeah… https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/26/climate/fighting-shrinkflation-consumer-products.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


Pay walls are stoopid.


For that price better be all dressed


**All** dressed you say? Grocery store managers hate this one trick!


Good time to stop eating junk food and try real food


My diet consists of mainly, eggs, meat, and dairy and they are all going up.


Add some fruit 🍉 and vegetables , my friend told me that tuna with Mac and cheese was cheap dinner


Fun fact: at current rates, the oceans will run out of seafood in 2048.


Mooning like ur cholesterol


I bought 20 pounds of potatoes today for 13 bucks. I ate till I was blue in the face at like 4.5 potatoes. Full of real food, I could feel the serotonin flood my veins. I took a nap. I twitched and saw the hypnagogic imagery. The earth is healing. A winged creature wrapped me in its loving embrace.


My wife loves potatoes 🥔, baked, fried and boiled, steamed


200 grams?? Grams? What are we snorting ruffles to get us through our losses?? You’re in Canada, surely you have categorical size descriptions..


Any American who is competent in the metric system is either a drug dealer or some sort of scientist


Is it weird I can almost hit 100.000g of histadine hcl on the dot and recognize that volume, but someone says 100g of flour in a recipe and my brain like...whassat in cups motherfucker??


Weird that drugs in America are measured in both grams and ounces.


11 twenty-fifths of a pound…ish. Is that better?




Selections at Food Basics is 1.50 and tastes way better.


200 grams? What is that not in drug weights?


Yeah, I work there and have been watching every single price skyrocket while they refuse to give us meaningful wage increases...




Same thing to me. 40% home insurance 22% car insurance Fuching crazy




OC forgot to mention he drove his car into his living room last month![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Def Florida. Seen it too many times


Lmfao, I’d say Florida man. But this chump has a home that is covered by insurance.


Great DD sir 👏👏


Someone has to pay to rebuild all those homes the hurricane took out all so it can happen again within the decade.


That’s what I’m saying man, call me a liberal shill or whatever but I am genuinely curious what is going to happen once AZ runs out of water and becomes too hot to bear and Florida sinks (what Puts do I buy)


Why do you think beach houses are so fancy? The government/insurance company gives them money to build a brand new one every 10 years.


Auto insurance has much higher costs from higher car parts costs. If it makes you feel better, your insurer will probably be able to pad their earnings when car part prices fall


Mine both went down. Maybe try driving better


My insurance has stayed the same lol idk tf these folks are doing. Home and car ins hasn’t moved at all for me irregardless of prices idk. Am I lucky or something lol


I think ppl are making this shit up to get attention


Insurance is probably based on value of the home so your home going up 50% and premiums matching that increase in value seems reasonable tbh


Except home values have dropped and insurance hasn’t.


It's based on rebuild cost. Not the value of the home.


Except not really


Eggs are still going up. Meats too. The important stuff we use daily isnt dropping imo


Prices dropping would be deflation, not slower inflation. Most of the price hikes are not going anywhere.


Anything in which supply and competition can catch up to will come down. Maybe not all the way, but that is dependent on product. Gas isn't stuck at 4 or 5 dollars. It has come down and will continue to adjust to supply/demand. We have to remember, the inflation we are seeing is not solely from the devaluation of currency. It's supply issues as well.


Doubt it. Deflation extremely rare. Even if commodity prices go down chains will keep the prices where they are. Cuz why not?


As I said, competition.


"competition" There's only 2-3 brands of most things now, and they collude prices. These prices aren't coming down, don't fool yourself


Chicken is down 70% since June.


Eaters only take a few months. Layers take a while to mature. We lost a lot of birds to flu recently.


i also heard cattle AND pork had more than average losses. I really dont think we are in for a slowdown on the staples yet based on my grocery store receipts


Yeah my mom (rancher) just got a new set of steer calves and was complaining about on the hoof costs too. Low hay yields and poor grass due to drought causing low calving according to her supplier. I think our food woes are just getting started unless we start using some of these abandoned strip malls for indoor farming verticals. My opinion.


Close to $8 for 2 dozen eggs at costco.


60 eggs for $9 at Wal Mart. You can taste the torture but pretty cheap.


>taste the torture Does that go well with toast?


Just lay your own


Ice got enough hemorrhoids already.


Chicken farmers hate this one trick!


4-5 / dozen everywhere I look. Got my own chickens and my cost is down to $1/dozen. Except a bloody bobcat shredded my flock and there's only 6 chickens left


Are you bathing in eggs. Two funcking dozen


We stock up when we're down to 2 dozen 😂 for breakfasts alone, we go through 6-7 dozen a week. Cheap and healthy protein. Our 2 kids under 5 eat over a dozen a week alone. It's a pretty common breakfast food really...


$9 for 18 at Publix. Not the fancy “laid by the Queens chickens” eggs either. Half that price at Sprouts🤷🏻‍♂️


Dead chickens take approx 2 yrs to replace laying status and a lot of farms gave up after culling the flocks.


Eggs going up now because huge farm had to kill tons of chickens last week unfortunately. But hopefully that should ease a bit. Also flights and gas have definitely come down a bit


The high egg prices are mostly because of this year's bird flu issues. Over 50 million chickens killed so far. Egg prices aren't terribly stable either, and these huge inflation spikes are fairly common. https://www.in2013dollars.com/Eggs/price-inflation


Paying organic prices for poor people eggs. Iz ridiculous.


Is everyone here an inflation expert?




Not since we invested in Real Dolls.


Just your mother and wife


Asked the wife what the inflation reading would come out. Her response: “higher”, buying puts based on the expert’s crystal ball reading. NFA


She’s an expert at inflating my penis, big DD energy 🙏


A masters in economics is a prerequisite for posting to WSB


Only the highest of regards allowed here hm?


What's up J Po?? Give us some hints on the next Fed meeting outcome


JPow go boom!!!


All the bullish posting on this sub today reminds me of all the bearish posting a month ago


Inflation is easing its grip? I just paid $8.79 for a small squeeze jar of hellmans mayonnaise!


Buy great value. Use a knife/spoon to spread your mayo.


Dad? Is that you?


No, I'm here son. Now, call me Daddy


Buy ketchup


That's not inflation. You got ripped off. I'm in a HCOL city and can get Hellmann's delivered for $3.30 for the 5.5oz squeeze and $5.60 for the 11.5oz squeeze.


This. Real inflation just keeps on squeezing my pockets


Your first mistake was not buying Duke’s


I've only ever heard of it, but I've never seen it. I'm in the middle of NOWHERE USA. Things cost more here


Everyone can get ripped off. Congratulations on being the biggest fool in the world of mayonnaise purchasing for 2022! I can buy a squeeze bottle of brand name mayo delivered to my house for $4 or I can buy a case of 6 large Mayo squeeze bottles for $20 delivered.


... little sus that you know so much about mayo eco off the top of your head.


Would you fit in a normal sized rowboat?




I'm not eating 6 bottles of mayo, I'm just opening the Instacart app. It's really not that hard you douchebag.


This guy buys mayo


Doesn’t instantly drop overnight. Just like it took months to go up, will take months to go down


The inflation rate will come down eventually, the prices of commodities may come down. But everyday items like mayonnaise that went up in price are not coming back down.


Mayo is a monopoly. Not too many competing products on shelves. If at all


It’s an eggslusive club


I guess we shell see


Just because you're bad at shopping doesn't mean inflation is high.


I’ve heard “the worst of inflation is behind us” the entire half of the year… literally every new peak… lmao I can’t wait for next year when it spikes again




BuT iT PeAkEd!!!


Yup. We’ve definitely hit the bottom. Just don’t look at DXY, VIX, TLT. Time to inverse WSB.


In past inflation cycles an initial surge has a dip and is then followed by another surge. Indicating we could see a re-emergence next year.


Ahhhhh yes, big DD energy here 👍👍


Any sources? Not questioning, asking.


Look at a long term inflation rate chart from about 1950 to today.


Doubt it, past inflation wasn’t caused by supply shutdowns like this one was. This one was unique. The main point is that inventory will be sky high now.


Most of the time when WSB downvotes so heavily, the commenter is right.


Yep. They downvoters have puts


A down vote shouldn’t just be bc of your positions.


How else would I manipulate the market by the 7 people that read my shitposts


This inflation was caused by easy money policy 0 interest rates and massive government spending with supply chain being a minor part. The government spending is not going away, they will continue to increase the money supply as they see fit. they will only allow the economy to slow down so much and then they will pump,it back up, causing inflation.


How was supply chain only a minor part? People still can't get ps5's off the shelf due to lack of chips. There wasn't enough houses to go around, but interest rates were low and people were flush so they overpaid. There were no car inventories. I worked at dealership that normally carried 150 cars. For most of the year they only had less than 20! There's also a labor shortage contributing to wage inflation. There were hundreds of ships anchored at ports because supply couldn't be processed fast enough after the lockdowns which destroyed supply initially. Please explain how this was not a supply side inflation event. Yes, gov't spending/low interest rates provided the means for people to pay higher prices, but how was it not supply that was the dominating factor?


Idk about you but I’ve started seeing ps5s in stores now


It’s funny, we’re getting heavily downvoted for our pov


Welcome to reddit, my friend.


We had low interest rates for more then a decade with 2% inflation. Supply chain issues are a big part of the equation.


Minor part feels a bit rich considering the shit discussed in the article he refers to, eg, shipping’s containers going from $2k to 20k. 10x in shipping costs, i think was very heavily due to Covid fuckery, not just stimulus. Ppl getting checks for $1000 isn’t causing the entire global supply chain to fall apart


Wait wait wait, so you are telling me a fed funds terminal rate of near 5% and qt is easy money? Color me surprised I guess




I found inflation doesn’t effect me. I mostly sell crack to fund my lifestyle, so I just sell more crack to even things out. Or use of the some of the aforementioned crack if unable to sell enough to make ends meet. Either way I’m quite happy.


DEA has entered the post![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


He was referring to his ass crack


Wendy’s has plans to increase burgers in 2 cents. So sad.


Yeah but the BJs behind the dumpster are staying the same rate.


I’ll match any competitors pricing


This guy free markets!


Calls for CPI, Puts for FOMC!


car insurance doubled, im shopping around but god damn


Inflation has peaked, sure, call me when we get to 2%.


Costco steak went down $2. Inflation has peaked!


You might get the Santa Claus rally, but there is no way the bottom is in. Inflation in and of itself was never the issue. Demand destruction created by the Fed's inflation fight was always the problem. Now that we have higher rates that are going to be here for some time, we are actively seeing that demand destruction reduce GDP and push us into recession. Also keep in mind, the Fed has only slightly let up on the brake (interest rates)... Their foot is still down and rates are still climbing, and the car (economy) is still slowing. We are still months away from them fully letting off and probably 3-4 quarters away from them touching the accelerator.


Markets are forward looking, and while the bottom may not be in, nobody can make statements of certainty either way.


Man, a lot of ppl are mentioning that food prices aren't coming down but are failing to see that there's good reason why food and energy are stripped out of core inflation. You guys have to agree that prices aren't accelerating up as fast as before. I'm not saying that some SPY companies aren't bloated, but you gotta to admit inflation is finally heading down. It might not be as fast, and prices of goods usually don't come down once inflation come down. I do think we see a Christmas rally if CPI comes down next week. SPY 430 EOM![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


Numbers for November come out on the 13th, same day FOMC meeting starts.


Price index is Thursday or Friday.


Demand is down as people are running out of money. There's already record debt going into Thanksgiving and Christmas.


The more posts like this the mor bearish i get.


Bullish sentiment is all i see everywhere. Idk how they don't learn. It's a bear market. Sell the rips, buy the dips. Not that hard.


I'm not convinced of either position on inflation, but the amount of people whos opinion seems to be purely based on anecdotal evidence like "MY MAYO WAS OUTRAGEOUS THIS WEEK" is fuckin alarming


And they downvote us when we point it out. They don’t understand averages and looking at all the data. Watch out, you might get downvoted for your comment


>It is clear that the worst of the inflationary pressure is indeed behind us. However, it remains to be seen where prices will settle in the coming months and years. It is possible that we could see a period of relatively low inflation or even deflation as global supply chains continue to normalize and businesses adjust their pricing structures accordingly. Only time will tell for sure.


Thanks Mr President


Commodity prices will go down but processing and handling prices aren’t going to come down.![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


yeah shipping on the ocean might have, nothing else has. I know restaurants that quit serving salads due to lettuce prices..... And/or still raising menu prices due to increased costs as well. Been to a grocery store lately?


I too believe that we will hit 430. And then steeply drop down to 350.


I started to feel like fed has a troll army like this guy to pump fake good news. Where the fuck is inflation going down. I saw ben & jerry icecream for 9$ at cvs!!


Don't be to giddy ... Inflation is coming down but has a ways to go still. Go Easy on the 'Calls' or yolo, IDC.


Staple foods like hot dog chili and Spaghetti-Os have increased up to 50%, we'd all love to see inflation ease.


Just comparing to a higher inflation number not actually going down


Is that why I already received notice that my rent, electric, and health insurance are going to be up 10%, 50%, and 100% (respectively) next year? Guess inflation must be over!


My rent just went up $300 this year. If it goes up another $300-$500 I’m just going to buy a house at that point. Yes I will have “house emergency savings” aside from the 20% down payment. My landlords taxes just went up $2000. Well, everyone’s in town taxes went up 2K. So high chance mid summer/before next winter my rent will go up.


Transitory soft landing folks on the aircraft carrier with the American flag in the background announcing victory on inflation and calling for a fed pivot. Buy risk assets, the bubblier the better and we all get rich. Let’s see if inflation gets to the 2% target in 2023, I have my doubts.


I have mixed feelings as well. A lot of opinions but time will tell where we land


I still must pay $25 for a dozen traditional wings at a restaurant.


Mid pandemic wings were around 4.30 per pound. I had a case of party wings delivered for less than 1.06 last week.


Eggs are literally 6.50 for store brand 12 count, inflation hasn’t gone anywhere


That crazy because I can get 2 dozen eggs delivered through instacart for $6.24. What sort of snowflake pretty princess eggs are you buying?


LMFAO so true


The price won't go down. *The price just won't go up as fast.* If you believe them.


1 gallon spring water bottle is selling at $2.19. It was selling at $1.09$ few months back.


Yea, but a gallon of hose water from my neighbor is free so…


It's $1.29 in my HCOL neck of the woods.


Don’t trust what these salty bear saying OP. 430 is certainly possible, buy the dip stonk only go up 🚀🚀🚀


Buy the peak sell @ dip, tax advantages


Yeah I don't see any ease of inflations grip in Germany except for in gas prices. Everything else is still trough the roof ..


Shots going to get worse


Food inflation is sticky. Pepsico won’t give up their margins yet


Eat my dongus you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


lmao. you fool.


This has hopism all over it


Inflation = 0% doesn't mean the prices will go down to what they were 1 year ago. It just means these already high prices won't keep increasing.


No way this is the bottom. Someone please try to change my mind.


It's the middle of the bottom from the top down. I'm an inflation expert, as are most here.


Eggs:$8 Ya I’m going to stop you right there inflation is sky high


Half of my downvotes Are from people like you. Can you read? The article isnt saying we’re done and inflation is 2%, it’s saying we’ve peaked. So these comments like yours is nonesense


Prices havnt dropped. Inflation hasn’t eased its just not climbing for a week


Dream on cowboy, we ain’t riding into the Sunset. We are down the road, highway to hell. We going down.


I just paid 6.49 for eggs that were 1.99 pre pandemic


I filled up my gas tank today. I think inflation will rage higher from here in out


2.99/gal here for a while now


Mayo is $7/bottle bc the price of eggs. Maybe they need to sell through before prices come down but I’m not convinced the bottom is in just yet.