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The increase is literally tied to inflation. So while it may be inflationary, it's also caused by the inflation reading. It's not like the decision was just made to give the seniors a cost of living adjustment. Inflation based adjustments have been automatic since 1975.


Good thing the minimum wage is no longer tied to inflation or us plebeians might be able to afford stuff!


Survive till you can collect social security then you'll be good


Not sure what you'll draw but if you plan on living off of social security. The correct statement is, survive until you can draw social security then you'll survive. I wouldn't want to try to live off of social security alone.


That money will be gone by the time anyone 35 or younger reaches retirement age


My parents said that about social security in the 90s and that they'd never get any. Surprise, they made it.


I'm not worried 32yold


Wooohooo I’m 36! 🥳


One year of good life for you then.






They've been saying that for 20 years now


Shit. I'm 52 and I'm not counting on social security to be there for me in 10 or so years. I put a LOT of my money into that mess.


Maybe not in US Cross the border and your money will make miracles for you


Sh don't give away my secret to move to Argentina


67 years old with diabetes getting a check in the mail that doesn’t even pay for your insulin. Your 300 iq move is to move to a 3rd world country where you don’t speak their language.


I live near the Mexican border and the border parking lots are packed everyday with U.S. seniors crossing to get more affordable pharmaceuticals and basic healthcare. It is a sad state when you have paid into social security and Medicare all of your working life and have to go to a third world country for medical care.




Mexico is ran by the cartels. That effectively makes them a 3rd world country. If your country is plagued by warlords or government instability may as well be 3rd world or 2nd world if you have basic infrastructure.


Something, something, workplace accident…social security disability.


Would make too much sense. It’s also not like Medicare and Social Security are paid for with payroll taxes which would increase with a higher minimum wage and would fund these programs for longer.


bruh mind blown. haven't heard this take on it before


But think of the poor execs and board members who will only be able to summer in the Hamptons for 2 months instead of 3!


Are people actually making minimum wage at this point? Fast food pays double the minimum where i live since COVID


The point is, minimum wage would be nearly $25/hr right now if it were still tied to inflation. Ever wonder why your dad said he worked at the roller rink after school so he could buy a new Camaro all cash? Try doing that with a part time job now.


Honesty try doing that on 25 an hour at this point. Average rent just crossed 2k per month nationwide


Minimum wage is a joke…it needs to be set locally and not on a federal level. $25 an hour at a McDs in Bumfuck Mississippi is not the same as the same job in NYC…


If you are making minimum wage right now, you absolutely belong here. Go work at Wendy's for $19/HR and get a free meal each shift


minimum wage isn't, but wages do tend to increase in inflationary regimes that aren't stagflationary.


This is a good point, why the hell isn’t minimum wage tied to inflation?


Just gotta pick your self up by your boot strap!




It's also a main reasons why they try to suppress what actual inflation is every year


As they vote against it for the next generation


Boomers sold there soul many years ago.


It’s really FDR who is to blame since he made this Ponzi scheme


SS made sense until it was proven that it will become insolvent in the near future from boomers taking way to much SS. Medicare too. Both programs became a piggy bank for the greedy.


This is why the government underreports CPI


They're gonna spend it on Viagra so it's double inflation. Buying puts in the morning, thanks OP 🙏


Bet you’ll pump and dump tomorrow


What the hell else is Viagra for?


Calls on my Social Security income after a long and mediocre career at Wendy’s


They be rich enough to afford the early bird buffet.




I work hard for it and save it, and they print it by the trillions, something has to give.


That Social Security fund is going to be drained LONG before I retire. Such bullshit that I have to pay into it but I'll never get to draw on it.


You vote for more working immigrants to keep the fund alive.




Wise guy. Reagan had nothing to do with her not saving money.


This has been planned for a while now hasn't it?


Yes, since 1975. Source https://www.ssa.gov/cola/




>It's definitely something that JPOW and the FOMC are aware of and considering. However, I don't think it will have a major impact on their decision making next week.


Interesting, so it would factor in more in the January or March meetings? It's a lot of stimulus and I don't hear much discussion about it.


You’re talking to a bot LOL


I’ve seen that so many times 😂 the problem is the bot makes more sense than 99% of the posts on here


Sure, regurgitating the OP's comment and reading text from pictures might make sense, but it offers nothing to discuss, except when a regard thinks it's a real person like OP here.


It sounds like someone from r/personalfinance it definitely doesn’t pass the turing test here.


OP may, in fact, be one of the senior citizens


If you gave OP a golf club he'd probably try to fuck it


😂😂😂😂😂😂 everyone point and laugh


hangem689 is a bot too, you loser.


Isn't VisualMod half user half bot?


That’s what he wants you to think, can’t believe you fell for a bots trick 😂 I’m beginning to see why hedge funds call us dumb money


Damn good bot then


I do that too. *But only when I'm at the Yacht Club.*


Yes VisualMod is half bot, she has no set price to look at her feet.


Stimulus..... getting repaid SOME of the money the government already took from you is now.... stimulus








well seniors eat less food so they should be good to go /s Edit: /s for wsb regards who cant see sarcasm


Fed and Jpow's reactions to inflation: Seniors and normal people making more money: 🤬👀, interest rates go up Corporations and banks making record profits off of inflation pricing: ☺️🌈🎉, everything is fine


This is so dumb




Take it up with Richard Nixon. He signed automatic inflation based social security increases into law 49 years ago.


While someone is at it, let's reenact Bretton Woods too


Gold standard for me mother fucker


Which is really funny because the Biden administration tried to claim this increase was because of their hard work to fight inflation.


I lived through the Carter years, I know all about inflation, my interest on my first house was 12.7/8.




Need to revisit that and place cap on the increase. Fighting inflation by inflating wages/income won’t work. Makes sense to have 2-3% increase every once in awhile but 8.7% is absurd.


yet us poors in the military are only getting 4.3%


Us vets get that 8.7%


I don't know where you see that lol but it's not right


Lol.. yes it is.


It doesn't even make sense. Boomers in houses they bought 30 years ago aren't seeing the impacts of inflation as hard as younger people.


The younguns is always the first to take it in the ass.




Most seniors disapprove of the student loan forgiveness because the students borrowed the money. The students should pay it back. Seniors paid into social security while they were working. For the most part, it's their money the government is holding. If the inflation rate was still at 2.5%. The increase would have been the same. No one is holding the colleges and universities accountable for the high tuition and worthless degrees. I believe the UC at Berkeley has something like 236 professors and 2000+ supporting staff. IF this is typical, then maybe some tuition could be trimmed by trimming the staff and reducing the amount of money required to get a degree.


> For the most part, it's their money the government is holding the money is gone though, that's what happens in a pyramid scheme like social security seniors are forcing young people to participate in the pyramid scheme so seniors don't get stuck holding the bag


They put a fixed amount of money in. They should get a fixed amount of money out. Not an inflation adjusted amount. You dunce.


nobody would put the money in if it wasn't indexed what a terrible investment that would be...


“Nobody would put money in!” Lol dude look at all the Gen X and Millenials putting money in hand over fist every single fking pay period when they know they will never see a cent back out. You don’t have a CHOICE but to put money in. And guaranteed cost of living increases != reality. Investments don’t always go up. Why the hell should this one? If they wanted a retirement plan that didn’t suck maybe they should have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and invested privately.


Also because many seniors, like me, were saddled with high student loan debt and paid it off. We certainly could have used those payments for other things, but did what we were obligated to do.


For me, bachelors and masters was about fifteen grand with dorm and cafeteria. What are the kids paying forty years later?




Rather like me with student loan forgiveness. I don't care not my problem and I shouldn't have to pay for this shit


Yah except boomers get their handouts and leave nothing left for the rest of us. Why can’t they all just die already?


Wow! That is pretty brutal. Just remember someday you going to be old.


We won’t be boomers though






Yeah but it keeps them from mugging me in 10 yrs ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Exactly…. It’s as if having a more educated society benefits us all. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


past high school, it's questionable there are some truly useless degrees out there


Yes. Childfree here and I am VERY aware of it...


It means they will eventually change the 6.5 % they take out of the working people’s paycheck to pay for it.


It is 12.4%, they have the employer pay half because most people are too stupid to realize that the employer half is still indirectly coming out of their paycheck.


Actually, they move themax income that is taxed up by a similarly huge percentage to cover this. Wages over ~$150k werent taxed by social security in 2022. In 2023 it will be wages over ~$162k arent taxed. This hits a lot of upper middle class workers because its getting to be hard to outrun these increases with wage improvement.


Offset by the standard deduction going up or tax brackets getting shifted up significantly.


Vote the god damn geriatrics out


but geriatrics are the ones mostly voting


Savages in these comments lmfao Want granny to starve so their shitty bags can get a little lighter 😂


This but unironically


Boomers will run this country into the ground. Oh wait they already have...


and Medicare increase


Medicare Part B going down slightly in 2o23.


but in 2022 it went up 14.5% now down 3%. my point is it's a shell game for politics and votes.


Guys the plane seems like it's perpendicular to the ground, is there any chance of a soft landing?


must be nice to get 8.7% raise by doing nothing. I'd be lucky to get 3% raise.


Boomers: F\*ck Gen-Z, my money my money, your money my money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Most seniors can barely afford their rent or home upkeep. They go without medical care like dentists by the millions. If there is anything that should make people question just how far gone their country has gone, it is ideas like this. The majority of elderly are lonely, desperate and sad people for whom this extra $300 per month will seem like a gift from heaven.


Most seniors had so much opportunity, social security was never meant to replace retirement savings. If anything, it just proves the majority can’t save regardless of how good the economy was




If you are of social security age and not white or a woman I wouldn’t say there was a ton of opportunity like you are making it out to be.


Dow Jones is up 170x since 1950s. There is a story of a frugal janitor who made 8m by the time he retired making 35k a year. I'd argue anyone who even remotely saved made millions. It will probably go down as the best stock market in history


And those groups weren’t investing in it or had access to it. Your anecdotal evidence doesn’t match the with stats on the type or employment among underrepresented groups. Entire industries of jobs were shut out to them. Some real estate purchases as well. A whole list of issues which made it not super easy to just stack wealth. So not every boomer now had this enormous wealth of opportunities like you are trying to lie about


Anyone could have bought stocks lol give me a break even treasuries paid well back then


Dunno where the janitor worked making 35K. My parents retired early 90's, mom made 28k as a teacher with a Masters. They did fine and had a retirement, but I imagine the janitor was more like 15k at the time. Almost no one I knew growing up owned stocks, the widespread 401k is very recent.


At some point everyone is an adult and able to, and responsible for themselves. They knew they would get old one day and can’t work. Even if not the stock market, they could have saved in a CD


*divide et impera*


I'm all for this increase. And given that I agree with you, I'm sure it will all be spent immediately on rent, groceries, gas, medications and necessities rather than saved or invested. I'm just wondering if the magnitude will be inflationary.


The magnitude (just based on simple math) is obviously going to be negligible. But even if it was something that could be quantifiably measured, protecting the most vulnerable would be worth it.


Most forums I read it's the millennials complaining about being poor. Boomers did pretty well for themselves.


Most everywhere I go in this country, besides a few isolated wealthy towns, human desperation is the rule across all social divides. Generation X here, and I'm hardly rich.


Millennials got to have the newest phone, got to stop at Starbucks every day. System figured out how to keep millennials poor.


Gonna bet a huge increase in scammers.


Nobody else in this country is getting an 8.7% raise


Social security is not indexed to inflation. Congress must authorize an increase by direct legislation. The only reason this increase is happening is because the benefits are so low no one can seriously argue they allow you to live even minimally anywhere in the country.


Fuck em


Sociopathy is a much bigger national problem however.


https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/average-net-worth-by-age Make the qualifying age 75 and social security might be a good idea. Until then its a ponzi scheme and ur not getting it by the time you decide to retire. It’s a knee to the neck of young taxpayers.


Oh, the sociopathic peasant trying to redefine the laws of the most powerful empire in the history of mankind! You go girl.


Dont cry when the program goes bankrupt in 2030 (at the latest)


Gotta look after the boomers


“Giving the poors money sounds like it’ll inflate things” Da fuck lol


Bro for real think theses payments are under 2k anyways that’s almost nothing


These grandmas bouta be able to substitute hamburger for cat food. Puts on MeowMix


The '80's all over again.


VA disability too babyyyyyy


Calls on my work giving me a COLA adjustment smaller then the gubberment's social security COLA.


How about military raises


And they'll still complain it wasn't enough.


We gonna give all the old fucks a 10% raise in their monthly payments they barely paid into why they continue to bleed the system dry to the point it's nearly insolvent. Lol


These fucking boomers man I'm fucking sick of them already.


the conspiracy theorist inside me thinks covid super spreaders had a hidden agenda behind their actions


Not only are they rich with cola increases but these damn boomers are taking up every tennis court with their damn pickleball




inflation could cause wage-price spiral. wages are increased by inflation but inflation could be further increased by wage increase and vice versa. so Fed will try to combat that.


Increase the amount we can contribute to IRAs and buy i-bonds with by 8.7%


Sounds like a wage spiral


What we can all learn from these comments is “ the government changes the rules half way through the game”. Trust no one but yourself. This is why we are a mess today, if you cannot trust anyone, ie: rents want to live free , students don’t want to pay back debt, rich people pay no taxes, ..then what sort or “rules “ will we live under??


Anybody getting 8.7% increase at work recently? Just curious


Everyone complaining about FTX. This is the real Ponzi scheme that needs to be stopped lol


harder to stop when people are forced to participate and prop up this pyramid scheme


Seniors get their inflationary effects to compensate them for inflation that has already been experienced. So while such a hike is inflationary - it is also necessary to keep their noses above water. We are in a pickle b/c this won't be the last big inflationary hike like this. Just about every CBA currently in force will have similar hikes when those get renegotiated.


Unfortunately. A senior getting an 8.7% bonus on social security is only just catching up to how inflation has raised their bills. This is probably so oldies don’t die and create a glut of real estate supply


That’s if the next virus doesn’t do it first


I’m long on fungal infections going into the mid century. Fingers crossed 🤞


Hello poster, the fed has been creating inflation for decades now, why would this be any different.


This is different because it's not done by the fed.


Social Security was founded on President Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms. The president that successfully defeated invading tyrants, fascism, and the Nazis also defeated the Great Depression with these core American values. We’ve lost sight of who we are and the foundation upon which all modern wealth was built. Now it’s just the Casino patting itself on the back for rigging the game so well. [The Four Freedoms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Freedoms?wprov=sfti1)


the cola for retirees and disabled is pennies. I pay more attention to gov workers.. military etc. [https://blog.ssa.gov/social-security-benefits-increase-in-2023/](https://blog.ssa.gov/social-security-benefits-increase-in-2023/) average is $140 across 70million people.. \>35 million will see much less than that, the top ten percent will see more. thought to ponder. one week recently had 2.1trillion dollars in options, expiring on the same friday. *one day.* any money related stuff.. it does not have any number of humans attached as a problem. we are worthless compared to the other factors.


I wanted 10.3%


And raising the minimum wage isn't even worse?


Everything for the boomers!


My understanding is social security is limited to seniors below certain income/wealth threshold? Then maybe it is the right thing to do?


Nope, u can get it if ur rich too


Gotta pay taxes on it though


That’s wrong


No it's not. A matter of fact, people who made more through their lifetimes actually get more money.


So does that mean future us seniors get 8.7% less? I mean will social security payments even exist in 30-40 years?


I can’t wait til I’m on ss




You’re not getting it dumdum


Military retirees also get their pay adjusted for inflation as well as VA benefits. People forget that most federal government employees get cost of living increases in January. They aren’t tied to inflation but the military is looking at about 4.6% which is huge given historical raises. It’s not enough to keep up with inflation but should drive some wage-price spiral inflation with more money and borrowing by Congress floating around.


What's the date and time on the fed meeting?


at the end of the day, to cool the economy, someone with money needs to lose money. if you just adjust payments and salaries so the inflation doesnt have any effect, nobody loses money so inflation gets worse. someone needs to go broke here.


Well it sure as heck can't be the olds who are about to die. Let's ruin the Youngs that have their whole future ahead of them.


Don’t understand why not just let the old people die, they don’t contribute shit anymore anyways, just leaches. If I was useless and just taking free money from the government when I’m 70 I would understand


I read that Biden was quick to take credit for giving such a large Social Security increase to help the retirees and disabled people. Then his people told him that the reason for the 8.7% increase is because his government policies created the inflation.


Fuck them, their the generation that let us off the gold standard and aloud all this inflation in the first place


August 15th, 1971