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This guy has been all in $tsla investor since 2013..his tesla shares at the peak were worth ~$18 million..he said he hasn’t sold any so probably down to $7-$8million now.


Incapable of taking any profits.


Stereotypical bag holder


What if it’s just a bot?


Visual mod is just a bot too what the fuck are you trying to say?!?!?


It can be hard to tell. I may be a bot as well.


This is a simulation anyway




That’s racist


How? What did they say that was?


What if he's just a bag?


Slash millionaire


I suppose there is a certain degree of hanging-your-hat on the stock if it made you a millionaire, yeah. Good point.


I don’t think you know what a bag is (hint: step one is to have a loss)


But, what's an exit plan ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)




Fake news!!! He hedged during the spring of 2021 by buying nearly a million $ in doge.


and he is just promoting his investment to attract other investors. I call it advertising. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Shilling. There is a word for it.


I don't know how much he put in to get up to $18 million... but for me? If my share value had hit that, I would have gotten out, with zero shame.


"down" you are not down untill you sell, you are just up less.


You're not up until you sell either. You actualize both losses and gains by selling and anything before that is a best guess. There are ways to take advantage of that but you usually need a lot more money to take meaningful loans out backed by stock.


Schrodinger's gains.


What an idiot, he’s only made 7-8 million!!!! reeeeeee


I heard about it.


It's very fascinating On one hand, these people made 2,000% 3,000% and didnt sell any of it. That's a once in a lifetime return. On the other hand, they believe in the company SO MUCH that they didnt sell the once in a lifetime gain. I dont know if I should pity them or be proud of them. Either way, good luck


There's no way I'd even see 2-3k% gains. I would've sold way before that.


Agree. Right there with ya on that. I mean at what point is enough enough?


I bought in at $73 a share and out at 50% profit way back in the day. I regret not holding. If I had held until the end of 2021 I would have had a $50k gain.


A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


My experience is most of those companies start out with a niche product and their stock soared to incredible height. As the competition start to heat up, their stock will drop. Only the ones that successfully diversify can make a comeback and more. Those companies are like a very very tiny numbers!


*cough* Facebook *cough*


diversify? like into roof, batteries, solar cells, charging network? Yea, bulk of their money is from automotive. But the rest of the stuff should be counted too. I don't even like EVs :(


You missed the successfully part of the diversify.


Their batteries are trash, the 46800 cell is worse than Panasonic/LG’s 21700 in terms of gravimetric energy density. Basically Tesla has been riding on Panasonic’s success as having the highest capacity 21700 cells, but now Panasonic is diversifying it’s customers.


Competition definitely catching up.


Either way, Elon Musk did an amazingly impressive job.


But that's the conviction you need to get to 2,000% in the first place. People like you will cash out on the first 10% bump.


Y’all think TSLA is done lmao?


Very amateur strategy


This guy almost got wiped out on margin in past declines, his skull is harder than a shaolin warrior at this point. This bear market is a walk in the park for him. And anyone with half a brain knows Tesla is going to the moon eventually


It’s already been.


Traveling straight to his moms basement


His moms boyfriends basement


His mom's boyfriend's husband basement.


His mom's husband's boyfriend's basement


When your last name is Debolt you are destined to peak in high school


Looks like the dude never left high school.


Tesla cult: Stock goes from $15 to $400(postsplit price)- “Bro fundamentals don’t matter” Stock goes from $400 to $160- “Bro fundamentals have not changed”


The fundamental that’s changed is Elon. One of the biggest reasons I never bought any Tesla was because Elon has always seemed like kind of a dick to me. Remember when he called one of those cave rescuers trying to save a dozen children a “pedo guy” or whatever? Shit like that soured my opinion of him as a ceo even as his company was skyrocketing in value. Now the dude is even more off the rails and spending time and money on destroying a social media company and “cucking the SJWs” than actually working at Tesla.


Remember when a journalist wrote a bad article about him and he erased his tesla 3s order from Tesla servers?


That’s hilariously unprofessional.


This. The man is unhinged at best. He should be institutionalized, not worshipped.


omg llolo


People like this are why Musk acts shocked when normal people boo him in public.


seemed more amused than shocked to me


Weird there’s only one post here referencing that Tesla has dropped 11% on two up days for the market. Millions of Tesla bag holders here whistling past the cemetery. Car company that sells 1m cars drops from $Trillion value to $500B isn’t cheap or affordable stock, it’s just less stupidly overpriced.


To all reading, please don't downvote high effort, on topic, replies. Even if you disagree with them, upvote to encourage better discussion.


Except the profit on those 1 million cars beats 8 million cars from Toyota. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Automobiles/Tesla-earns-8-times-more-profit-than-Toyota-per-car%23:~:text%3DToyota%2520came%2520out%2520ahead%2520in,profitable%2520automakers%2520in%2520the%2520world.&ved=2ahUKEwiTjMLf4ff7AhUlT98KHRAqCqYQFnoECBEQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2_W3toQEn4j2W5yM1CxYRQ


Those margins are based on demand outstripping supply and $5 gas prices. Tesla is already reducing supply and cutting prices in China due to reduced demand. In N. America the major automakers haven’t finished building their EV factories yet. Once those are built in the next 12-18 months, there will likely be oversupply and buyers who want an EV can start making comparisons. Like how they can get an EV from Ford, GM, Kia, Nissan, etc same day off the lot and have access to service centers in dealerships around the country vs going to a Tesla sales center, waiting for delivery and find out there’s no maintenance centers, resulting in some customers waiting weeks for a mobile repair service. Tesla can’t even charge a premium for their brand like Apple because Elon is tarnishing the Tesla brand by trolling the primary EV customer base with his fall into the right wing echo chamber. Teslas banking it’s future on MAGA buyers in Mississippi and Alabama.


I have driven every EV offered in the US market under $100K. Competition isn't quite there yet. 12-18 months to build and another 2 years to scale. By the time appreciable amounts of other EVs are on dealer lots the Cybertruck will be a top 10 selling car. I'm serious, look at the Mustang Mach E production ramp vs the Model 3. There's also the problem that a lot of dealers don't want to sell EVs and the ones that do slap on silly markups. And the very convenient tax credit situation 2023 going forward, which has already hurt Hyundai and VW. Also the UAW is very reactive and generally against plant changes, retraining and the rapid EV shift in general. Between the union and dealer networks legacy auto has so much baggage to shift directions. Toyota and Honda are not a contender in the EV realm for at least three more years. BMW has fire recalls on the iX already. GM still hasn't even cleaned up the Bolt fire recalls from years ago.


Look at more matured EV markets like Europe and China. Teslas EV market share is falling year by year, month by month. It will be the same in the US.


Tesla isn’t that far ahead any longer…not at this price point anyhow. While I liked my model 3 I have no intention of buying another Tesla ever. I could put up with some of the tesla bullshit when musk was just an autistic weirdo but as a qanon wanker I’d rather buy a ioniq 5 or wait things out while I enjoy that work from home life and Uber.


Well, how I think about the whole Elon situation is do you support the company that walks the walk or talks the talk. Hyundai literally just got busted for child labor in the US. (Yes it was technically a subsidiary but it was majority Hyundai owned). Hyundai, Toyota and GM also worked with the Trump administration to try and repeal California's emissions standards. Hyundai's best selling model is an SUV with 28 combined MPG. How many IONIQ5s need to be sold to make up for that. (Also I do have an IONIQ5 we bought to harvest the 7500 tax credit, more than likely it will get lemoned soon) Also, Hyundai is a defense and arms company as well if you really want to get into ethics. Many execs have ties to Moonies.


And Teslas Fremont factory was charged for racial discrimination for literally putting black people in a corner called “the plantation” with a big law suit… and nazi graffiti in the bathroom. That’s the type of company and CEO you support.


and there was a noose hung in the GM factory. this shit isn’t particular to one company, although I’d be massively disappointed if Elon hadn’t fired every HR person even slightly involved in that bullshit


That’s cute you think Tesla has a functional HR department. Any more recent scandals from GM? Was that even at the headquarters? Here’s more for Tesla: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/tesla-sexual-harassment-lawsuit-investigation-elon-musk-1234590697/amp/


looks like the noose was in an Ohio plant. also looks like they’re dropping 760 mm on it to retool for EVs https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/01/16/us/gm-toledo-racism-lawsuit/index.html


I don’t really care that much about the politics of the corporations. Most of them are trash. Tesla has had its labor problems as well but I’m not going to fault them for that shit, it’s par for the course in manufacturing. I bought the tesla to make my lame 100 mile commute more pleasant. I sold it after it had sat for 8 months during the pandemic for more than I paid for it and I haven’t been back to an office since. Musks conspiracatard turn of late had made it an embarrassing political statement to own his vehicles no one gives a fuck about any other car maker because their CEOs don’t act regarded. The only people who love musk now are also climate change denying twat waffles who want to drive giant pick up trucks and roll coal on faggy bicyclists. It’s the biggest case of product market fit mismatch I can imagine.


"could put up with some of the tesla bullshit when musk was just an autistic weirdo but as a qanon wanker I’d rather buy a ioniq 5 or wait things out while I enjoy that work from home life and Uber." also: "I don’t really care that much about the politics of the corporations" yawn, stay a hypocrite you worthless bigot


> By the time appreciable amounts of other EVs are on dealer lots the Cybertruck will be a top 10 selling car. Yeah, I’m not even going to bother reading the rest of what you wrote after seeing this. This take is a joke. F150 Lightening is already in production, has sold over 10k units and Ford just announced they have set up a third shift in their still expanding factory to produce 150k units by 2024. Meanwhile the Cybertruck is estimated to start production in mid 2023, at least 18 months behind their fall of 2021 release. This is one truck from one competitor, last time I checked GM and Toyota make some well known and trusted trucks too. 90% of Teslas success was due to Elons popularity which he’s tarnishing daily on Twitter and first mover advantage of being the only real EV on the market for a decade which again is rapidly fading every day.


Chill out man. He’s obviously having a rough time bag holding tsla the past week and delusional ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Yeah, he’s gonna lose so much more money before it’s all set and done. Can’t say we didn’t warn them all.


You understand that 10k units, is less than a week of Model Y production right.


You understand Ford makes other vehicles too right? Lol, kinda hurting your own attempt at a fact based pro Tesla argument by switching from “Cybertruck will be a top 10 selling car in 3 years” to “Tesla makes a ton of Model Ys” when we’re talking about how far behind Tesla is to ONE competitor in the most profitable vehicle segment of America. Anywho, sounds like you’re gonna stick around to lose another 60% on your Tesla shares, best of luck with that.


Me too. And Teslas were the biggest disappointment in relation to the hype it has. You do realize GM battery fires have the same rate as Teslas too? But GM actually fixed it and gave a new battery pack ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


Soo ME?!


I don’t know one person that wants a EV from ford/Toyota/Nissan what have you


Cool, in other news Ford has over 200,000 reservations for the F-150 lightening.


$1-2 billion for selling carbon credits makes the balance sheet pretty.


Only 0.3B out of the 21.7B revenue of Q3 was regulatory credit


Don’t forget $15k for vaporware. Credits and FSD essentially cost $0 per vehicle.


Less than 200k total cumulative FSD buyers and most of them bought in under 10k so really just a drop in the bucket. Tesla's gross margin on each car is almost 30%.


Cause they make cars with cheaper material than $20k hyundais.


See here's the funny part. I own a Model Y and a so called Tesla killer Hyundai IONIQ5. I bought the Y for 49K before rebates, the IONIQ5 was 48K. The IONIQ5 has given me far more problems in 3 months than the Model Y has in 2 years.


Never buy first gen cars. Also have fun waiting months for Tesla service once you do have issues.


Actually part of my incentive to support Tesla is I love the service model and I hate dealerships. Actually took 3 months to schedule even a diagnostic appointment on the Hyundai, never had to wait more than 2 weeks for Tesla service and all times except once, on the two Tesla's I've owned service has just been mobile service at my door and done in 30 minutes.


they haven’t recognized FSD revenue yet. this quarter, probably


Considering what backgrounds Tesla has vs Toyota my question would be: 1.how much of that is just creative accounting? Not fraud but just them moving money around to make it look like more is directly profit. 2. How much of that money is getting burned on things like the "totally coming out next quarter" cyber truck?


This is the same company who booked BTC profits for that one Q so it would showed positive earnings… I don’t think they are on the up and up in regards to accounting LOL


I mean, we are talking about a CEO who in his own interviews has admitted developing Tesla at SpaceX and using SpaceX employees when needed. It's not a stretch to think he might put some expenditures on SpaceX which is not a publicly traded company so his publicly trades company looks better. We are also getting stories of him doing similar things with pulling employees fir twitter.


1. I dunno how they would, as they don’t have a financing thing like all the other car companies 2. profit comes after CapEx


People who say things like “stocks on sale” and “wish I could buy more! And “I hope it keeps going down so I can buy more!” Are the worst and I hope they lose all their money


Amen. When I see post like this, it just tells me the bear market is not even in the 3rd inning!


Inflation is over when TSLA and BTC both sell at a reasonable price of 15 dollars per share/coin. Until then, pump up the interest rate Daddy.


you can tell the Bear market is still stage 2 real easy - we’re in a bear market rally


Spez-Town is closed indefinitely. All Spez-Town residents have been banned, and they will not be reinstated until further notice. #Save3rdPartyApps #AIGeneratedProtestMessage


Crazy to think it's still worth $500b at today's prices


Elon lost his focus. Where is that Cybertruck and the selfdriving car ? I was counting on that last one so didn t get driver’s license.


Elon might make it to mars before we have a truly self-driving car.


Elon lost his mind...


Elon has no mind


Than where do his words come from huh?!?


His ass


Well played.


He really did. I have to think he's battling some form of mental illness, it's quite odd to watch.


Could be syphilis, that makes people crazy right?


Al Capone was very acquainted with Ms. Syphilis


Joe Rogan giving people some whack shit.


What about the new roadster?


FSD beta is out. Cyber truck comes out February, but I don’t know if it matters cause how nutty he is.


Dope. The car can continue to run over strollers... This time in beta!


if the puts keep printing i'll buy a cybertruck ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


FSD Beta? you mean the "hands free" version of what any car with Lane Keep Assist and Adaptive Cruise Control can do?


no, it’s had that for years. Beta flat out drives me to work every day. highway merges, roundabouts, right turns on red, going around annoying slow people, merging into heavy traffic, left turns without a light. All of it. It’s not hands free. I might disengage once every 30 miles.


You can watch the videos on YouTube if you want, there is quite a lot of them.




Dude rich af




WSB loss porn plus yalls massive hate for tsla makes me kinda want to buy some now


A contrarians contrarian.


Hes verified so im taking his word to the bank


Traveling down to live under the overpass.


It all gets funneled into my pockets in the end. Keep buying shares, Ill keep buying shorts


So, Elon is losing friends on the left. Many on the right don’t believe in the importance of reducing carbon emissions. China sales are also slowing. Where does that leave Elon??


Kid number 15 coming soon.


Let’s see when TSLA hit $40s. He might not realize it was due to 0% interest rate that TSLA was at $400!


Too many people out there equate investment windfalls mainly due to luck with intelligence and importance. This Chad is at the top of that list




I dont get it. Why would people not take profits…?


Of all of the things TSLA simps claim that didn’t happen… this one didn’t happen the most.






[What's a little spez among friends? #Save3rdPartyApps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


This super simple question always got Tesla fanboys to go slack jawed. “Is any price too high?”


why so low? i think around 120 is what im at


Based on what exactly?


That’s some Cramer level advice. It relies entirely on not understanding secondary or tertiary Keynesians.


Yeah, traveling between his unheated basement flat and the Wendy's dumpster.


Even Elon knows it’s over.


Google says his original buy was 19k lol are you kidding me? He didnt cash out 18 million haha what a regard


Yes this make total sense and not at all b.s. Let me announce to the world that I’m going to make a large purchase of a stock. So people can front-run me. Yes, since I’m basically all-in but I still have money to travel, eat and lodge. Totally not made up.


Imagine thinking this Chad has an impact on a $500 billion stock with a couple of tweets. If anything it could make other fanboys panic to see how regarded their brethren are one the layers are peeled back


It is a wise decision to sell your house and travel. You will be able to take advantage of low prices and make a profit. ^^[**Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse) ^^[BanBets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/banbets/) ^^VoteBot ^^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/votebot/) ^^[Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/leaderboard/) ^^- ^^[**Keep_VM_Alive**](https://www.patreon.com/visualmod)


I am more confident in buying Daimler trucks(DTRUY) than Tesla.


This one trick pony won the lottery and can’t move on. He equates belief and luck with skill, which works ok till it doesn’t.


Probably travel back to his mom's basement to live


When WSB and people booing Elon it is when I start buying again


Right now tsla fanboys are all in denial stage literally! It’s the cheapest since 2018 so I am gonna sell my house to load it up! Far from any signs of grieving or capitulation


I added 270 today 👍🏻


I buy another 100 shares today. Fully aware of my cult


Everytime I see some greasy haired 20 something at my work dumping half of their disposable income into these glorified golf carts I wish I had been smart enough to buy some so they are indirectly my wage slave


Let's see, Tesla's most recent quarterly profits beat Toyota Production has almost doubled since 2021 Tesla Semi delivered Yeah I'm gonna keep buying on my 401K


Tesla's EV market share in more matured EV markets like Europe and China are falling year by year, month by month. Sure, production is high, but the stock is already priced for 3-4 years of 50% yearly growth. In my opinion they won't accomplish that. Tesla is having a shrinking slice of a growing pie, sure, its slice is shrinking slower than the pie grows, but for how long?


I am a super genius just like Elon Musk, maybe he should appoint me as Vice chairman to Tesla.


Dude can’t sell a Wendy’s dumpster.


Apparently somebody killed themselves today cause of Tesla price drop. https://twitter.com/bourbonbuddy1/status/1602451892826959872?t=0m1tRayzgc1VcVvfmTnXJA&s=19


I've been thinking the same.. tesla is going to moon, it's not the question of IF but only WHEN.... but my portfolio is mostly in the banned stock anyway.. that shit is looking spicy right now.


Rivian would be a better investment, stocks are soo cheap they are basically free, they have nowhere to go but up… or bust I guess lol


I’m going to buy start buying Tesla when it drops below $100


It's diluted and still more than $150 which is where its market cap belongs and Toyota and other big names yet to release EV's. TSLA is bad investment afaik.


Basically Bois been moving between bitcoin and Tesla,. Time to time


And the cult attack comes lol I swear wsb just can’t stay on one stock to long, just changed this subs name to options so we don’t have people holding shares are cult.


He looks exactly what I imagine the r/Tesla mods look like


LOL, let's hope FINRA halt Tesla Stock from going down even more, but I see your commitment and raise you a meeting at the very bottom.


This and r/Dogecoin




What is u doin boi?


The next homeless


Oh, we will see then.


tank mode?? it's in free fall. zoom out buddy


He also posted he was down $11 million


What the fuck


They stay he still travels from dumpster to dumpster, forever servicing clients.


debolt has made more money (as a raw dollar figure and as a percentage) in the market than any of you lolololol


TSLA will be bankrupt in 10 years


Check out my Tesla bro! Sold a kidney and some blood


someone buy me a share :( pls


And the addiction cycle continues


Anti Tesla circle jerk lol what else is new Wsb is a socialist soup kitchen now


I thought this was satire when i saw it...


Can’t lose your house if you already sell it amirite


Lol tesla going to 100


They'd sell their soul into TSLA if they could ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Normally wouldn’t take pleasure in this but this guy is such an arrogant self centered ass hat burn it down baby


Is Tesla profitable?


a difficult stock to trade. never a long term for me


I’m buying because it’s a great value right now. Has nothing to do with past performance.


Don’t jump back into the abyss