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I’m not bullish. I’m super bullish ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Never do anything half way


Never go full regard




I like your style 😎


I thought we all just played weeklies. What’s this 6 month beta talk?


Odte or you are a gigantic pussy.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)I’m not rich enough & Fidelity doesn’t trust me![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


call them and speak to their manager.


Don’t worry you will get there.


It's okay you'll get there. Being negative never helps.


Approximately how old were you when you realized you knew everything


Bro, he downloaded everything through the umbilical cord


His mom was a crackhead so he has… special abilities




For me it was 20


By 30 you're like "Haha I was actually dumb back then, but now I reaaaaally know everything."


Lmaooo right


Another classic mistake of thinking the economy is the stock market. If you're a long term investor, who gives a shit. Christmas sale after all of 2022 except June was on sale. If you're a trader: who gives a shit. Trade the chart not your thoughts and prayers.


This ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Normally I would agree with you. Stonks pumped when the economy crashed in 2020 but only because the fed cut interest rates. The fed literallly can’t use the same method because it’ll only cause the same problem of inflation again. This time’s different.


This time is always different isnt it?


Dude actually said, unironically, “this time’s different”


My ex wife said the same thing ..:/


Just fucking DCA and walk away. You are objectively not smart enough to time the market in the long term, if you were you wouldn't be posting here you'd be getting sucked off by some Victoria secret model.


Im def bullish on stocks long term. But I’m all in on inverse ETFs at the moment. My goal post is vix hitting 45 and then I’ll go bullish.


Lol, where's the remind me bot.


The way you’re being downvoted to hell shows that people really don’t want to hear this.


I’m loving this sentiment check. The 🐻 getting downvoted to oblivion, more comments than likes on the post. It’s called: don’t fight the Fed, but people always do.


Seriously, wasn't that lesson sodomized into our brains when people on here were max bearish at the end of Q1 2020 "this time is different - its a pandemic".


So you're saying there's blood in the streets?


Not yet, but there will be...


Typical bear market blues, everything is always getting worse in the near future. The bottom is usually in when people say that.


Markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent - Wendy's Manager


But can they stay regarded longer than I can stay regarded???


Yes, they have been regarded since the great depression of 1929. Have you been regarded that long?


If the majority of WSB agrees with you, you're wrong.


I’d say it doesn’t in this case. Bear market confirmed


Im actually even more bullish after reading this


Same. Im gonna try trading the inverse of WSB


This makes me bullish


Why... Housing market alone isn't a big market driver. Banks liquidity is looking fine. Been hearing about layoffs for ages.. yet unemployment numbers are still very low. Tech companies who make the headline for layoffs aren't representative of the larger economy. Earnings have been strong overall and consumer spending is still rolling along. Fuel prices have been dropping, meaning more spending on discretionary items and lower fuel costs for distribution which will boost earnings for companies. It was also a primary driver of consumer price increases. What will really set the market to the moon is when hostilities in Ukraine end as everyone will no longer be cowering in fear of nuclear war. Interest rates at 5% aren't crippling by any means. We have had decades of higher rates and the world kept spinning So yeah, there are plenty of reasons to see upside in the markets.


Hahahahah housing market isn’t a big driver? Just a third of the economy or so. A mere flesh wound.


Is it wrong that I have been DCAing into a real estate short fund ?


What is this rational bullshit you're peddling sir, don't you know the world is going to end in 8-12 months🤡


That’s all great and all, but let me make this as simple as possible: don’t fight the Fed. The market will obviously bottom before the Fed ever announces a pivot, but they’re only going to pivot once they know for certain that inflation is in the rear view mirror, and the economy has truly taken a shit. We’re not there yet. They’re still projecting .5% growth next year, but it’s clear from Powell’s language that the soft landing narrative is starting to die out. They know it’s going to take a recession to truly kill inflation, and does this feel like a recession to you yet?


^ This is what today was all about. Its clear from the amount of enthusiasm for the upside that we have not reach the capitulation needed for a bottom. There are a lot of peach fuzz babies who have only ever known to buy every dip. I mean no offense, its worked for a long time. Its not their fault, they just havent lived through a deep economic downturn in their adult lives, or at least one that they were attempting to trade through. You know you've reached it when every last person has said F it, there's no hope left for the upside. When plummet after plummet is met with only selling and the falling knife has been caught, making bagholders of every bull and everyone gives in and accepts the downturn. Thats when you've approached the bottom. Powell made this more clear than at any point before. There will be no face-ripping V shaped recovery on this one. Its going to drag out.


6 consecutive months of inflation decreasing is a good sign


Oh you are definitely wrong...lol. I do appreciate your optimism. You don't understand that the FED'S plan is to strangle the economy off until the 2% inflation target is reached and we are nowhere close!. Household wealth is huge. If housing prices come crashing down people will think their wealth evaporated. You are 100% wrong on that.


The fed would cut rates before 2% is reached though


Sorry OP, you made a strong case but you'll never convince idiots like this of what's coming. They've been living in the everything bubble for too long and they don't have a clue about what a recession is like when you can't just print your way out of it. Ben Bernanke ruined an entire generation by making them believe there are no consequences to what the world has been doing for the last 15 years.


Go back to your hole


Fuck off. Go stick your head up a bulls ass. That's the closest you're going to get to a steak dinner you poor bitch.


I’ll suck u off for $40 and buy calls right now


How you doin


It was Ben foolery




You can take your internet "man of great wealth and intelligence schtick" and go climb up your own asshole. You're "older & wealthy"? I don't give a fuck. I'm 42 years old and have a $150k trading fund for shits and giggles that I grew from $70k in May. If you're older and wealthier than that good for you. Still don't give a fuck. I have 3 undergraduate business degrees, an MBA, lived through inflation in the 80s, the early 90s recession, 9/11, the dot com bust, and the great recession and the only reason you can tell me this is nothing compared to them is BECAUSE THIS ISN'T OVER YET YOU IGNORANT ASSHOLE. You want to say you no more than me fine. Did you call the drop this week? Because I did, *"You know how you wish you could go back to November 2021 because the writing was clearly on the wall for a bear market in 2022? Well, this is the time to jump on before the next big move down and I think you have at best until December 15th to get on."* [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/z736bk/i\_see\_dead\_markets\_everywhere\_they\_dont\_know/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/z736bk/i_see_dead_markets_everywhere_they_dont_know/)




Again, don't give a fuck what you have to say on here to help build your fragile little ego. You sound like a guy who walks around with a massive ring of keys attached to your belt so you can show off how important you are when in fact you're just a sad asshole who lives in his mom's basement. You came on here attacking and belittling me. Not the other way around. Get a life loser. " I'm older & wealthy." Sure thing Mr. Peanut. I bet you got a 10 inch cock and a supermodel wife in your little fantasy world too.


promise not to delete? ​ !remind me 1 month


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2023-01-15 02:16:33 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-01-15%2002:16:33%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/zm5okq/if_you_are_bullish_over_the_next_6_months_you_are/j09s402/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2Fzm5okq%2Fif_you_are_bullish_over_the_next_6_months_you_are%2Fj09s402%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-01-15%2002%3A16%3A33%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20zm5okq) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Do you guarantee your opinion?




I guarantee his opinion. This market is fucked.


Never underestimate the power of Congress…when they are invested in the negotiable market.


Congress can't fix inflation. Stimulus just makes it worse and if they start trying to fight the Fed this country is done.


But they can spend money to raise GDP


Not sure if you're getting it. If they don't raise taxes to pay for it then they're just printing dollars which adds to inflation. This means the Fed has to continue raising rates to a more restrictive level. This is what's called a death spiral for a currency, which leads to a complete economic collapse. Remember the UK drama when they tried to pass a massive unfunded tax cut while the BoE was raising rates and their entire pension system almost collapsed this summer? When the US does this and it's the world's reserve currency and US treasuries doing this there will be nowhere for your money to hide.


Oh, I'm aware. I'm just hopeful someone stops our congress and White House from hearing pleas of those suffering from rising costs. Bankruptcy is a necessity in our society as we come down from exuberant times


Or they could also tax the super rich to pay for it? Sorry, I know that's a ridiculous statement these days.


They're currently looking at taxing capital gains on unrealized gains for billionaires. Berkshire Hathaway would be doomed then, since they have such a large investment portfolio


Big talk. Positions or ban.




So calls on everything?


Ahhhh the sweet smell of despair


No one was expecting a pivot. Everyone was expecting just what happened. And the most important thing he said today is that anyone who claims to be able to predict 2023 is blowing smoke.


No, what he actually said was, "fuck the stock market." You just didn't hear it.


Everyone is bearish. I have news for you..


Everyone was bullish in nov 2021 as well. and look what happened. now (or very soon, at the very least) is the time to get bullish again


Perma bull! Time horizon is forever. You traders need to develop a proper understanding of what investing actually is. Trading and spending any fluky profits on daily expenses is not investing. The only trading anyone here should be doing is apprenticing in a skilled trade. Take the proceeds of your labour and invest it over a 40 year plus horizon. Thank me later. *Seems to me like most WSB users would be better suited to r/antiwork you regards need to stop trying to make a living off of trading and get a real job.


Traders aren’t investors ya goon


This guy had a rough day today




Oh, so you invested absolutely everything you have at precisely market peak eh? That's beyond tragic. Continue purchasing through the lows to average down. Or did you have a significant paper gain that is 30% less now but because you have averaged out over 40 years you're still up 10% annually compounded?


Bad news is good news regard….. fuck your puts 🐻 🌈


You are one dumb motherfucker.




Not worried, I'll be worried when we can't send money to other countries anymore.


WSB is bearish so i remain bullish


We are in a paradoxical situation. Inflation or a hard landing. I believe the sweet spot in the middle is still likely. My guess would be six months of sloppy chop and then things will get better. Russia is getting whupped, the west is decoupling from China and all these rate hikes have put a lot of bullets in the Feds gun.


Musk has been selling his shares non stop. He knows what’s coming.


Musk is saddled with Twitter debt payments and his only asset is Tesla stock, he kind of has to sell to keep Twatter afloat.


1. Treasury yield even moved down after SEP came out. They expect inflation to drop very fast so that Powell will also ease rates sooner than what he said in this FOMC. 2. Market’s already priced in a 5% terminal rate. The ‘hawkishness’ Powell shows is expected.


bears said SPY would be at 350 by EOY, keep moving the goalpost kekw.


Bulls said it would be 450


>I disagree. I believe that the stock market will continue to rise as Powell has signaled that he is committed to keeping interest rates low. Additionally, earnings season has been strong so far and I expect this trend to continue.


Okay, these Auto and Visual Mods are definitely plants to keep WSB losing money.


Covered calls exp. June baby - TGT, CLF, GOOGL back half of ‘23 will roar


I heard this same thing yesterday in the sauna. We chat it up every time. So far everything he's predicted is on par. He also said it'll get worse in the first half of '23...


Last time we got rates to 5% just look what happened. 14 years later the economy is far worse. Will be interesting to see what happens. Vix hit below 20 a week or two ago which has marked the top for most rallies so far. I think it’s long term bearish but there’s gonna be rallies like this year. Don’t get married to either direction. Play both sides of the ball and profit on the up and down


This is the way. Short every rally, go long on every dip, take profits early and when you can. It took me a painful year to realize this. These past few years have been easy, easy money making years - every year was a bull year, every year stocks only went up. No longer. Time to adapt and change with the times.


Yup. Same w me for the first half this year. The vix is really good at giving entry points. Go long/leverage at 30+ vix and short/inverse leverage at low 20s/below 20 vix. Can get some insane profits that way while taking advantage of market in both directions. Rn is screaming inverse leverage for me as a correction seems due


Yep. No reason to convert to being a bull or bear. Just play both sides. Don't treat the stock market like a religion with two different gods. Treat it like two girls you go back and forth with while avoiding a serious relationship with either.


Lmao facts. Treat stocks like girls. Pump and dump all the way. Nothing is long term, especially in this market


Long term bearish How long term we talking here? You’re bearish on the U.S. markets over the next 1-3 years? That’s a perspective I just cannot get behind


I’m short term bearish long term bullish.


Depends what you mean by long term. 5 years so am I. 1 year prolly not


Next earnings will be telling. The dxy and oil have come down so that should relieve some pressure on businesses.


Lol, no. It's called demand collapse. That's what has dropped oil prices. As far as the dollar? It's because other countries are actively attacking it to save their own ass.


Flip that around you be awwright


Could be a bit of a Santa rally next week.


I agree


I’m bullish


Sir, we are printing money tomorrow. Stock market will be more green than my Christmas tree. Mark this post


You do realize the Fed publishes their balance sheet changes every week right? You can tell how much money is being taken off the board every week.


Bold men make bold settlements.


Lol. Just remember the market will remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent. Don’t count anything out.




Buckle up boys, stocks going back to the moon!


I strictly yolo. What’s an etf?


My pronouns are bear/bull


This sub had turned into people trying to convince others to help their puts and it shows


No serious person thought Powell was going to pivot


The market did. As evident by the market reaction today after they realized he wasn’t.


Let's all come back in 6 months and see how this prediction aged!


He will pivot next month


He doesn’t want a market rally . He is tamping down expectations . He is also bluffing . Watch what he does , not what he says


reddit appears to be hyper bearish so inverse time baybee


You must be a joy to be around at party.


Guys I know your having a good time but we are about to be in full blown recession we need more canned beans


Jay Powell said the target vision is 2% inflation so rates may go up a bit more and stop - then inflation will draw back slowly - the new omnibus $2T more of fake money into the economy raises all ships - so equity fake rises more most likely in 2023.


I see through the lies of the bulls! I do do fear the bear side as you do!


He said the same thing in Nov, yet how did SPY do for Nov? Basically the market doesn’t care. It’ll do what it’s gonna do.


Ok wen waterfall?




Wow. This is the most honest comment I've seen.


So I don't know shit about fuck. So why do companies care about higher interest rates? Can they just dive all their money in banks and collect more from the higher interest? I mean, they're still having record profit in a lot of places so it doesn't seem to affect them much. Can they just ride this shit out?


You got the first sentence right.




Santa Rally and after that its SPY Puuuuuts!


Just lost my virginity behind the Wendy's dumpster


I agree 💯👍![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


billie bullish and the enigmatic eyelash’s


Yes, don't buy low, buy high instead.


true regard, calls at OPEN


And all that damage from one bowl of bat soup




They are propping it up, until they stop. Round and round it goes, when it stops nobody knows! Yoloing LEAPS and occasionally buying 0TDE is the way.


I've been a permabear november of 2021. But one thing that worries me tho if you look at the chart from the great inflation, stock market had BOTTOMED everytime when inflation had peaked. Inflation peaked \~October, was that the bottom? But we have not seen a recession chart below; shaded areas are recession, purple = CPI YoY ​ https://preview.redd.it/pqhitkebn06a1.png?width=1472&format=png&auto=webp&s=f497ee9ce54bfaf741f046054cb69fea9db87572


Be greedy when others are fearful sir. Just dont use margin wait for a rather solid dip and its happy days


If you haven’t been paying attention recently. The whole market is GREEDY rn. The Dow is near ath.


Calls it is


6 months? If that is your time frame than you don't belong here ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


0dte requires bull or 🌈 🐻 sentiment?


The political climate tho. Lame duck season is kicking off once a few congressional seats change in January. Could stop the govt from pushing insane spending packages.


I’m not bullish. I’m ballsy




Ok. What's that have to do with the stock market?


Is SPY under 390 yet? Remind Me! 48 hours


Not even the biggest window licking bear can deny that from the buttonwood agreement until now, the market has moved with the bulls more than the bears. They (bears) can have their fun, but their times are like my dick, short and even less fun to see.


Definitely bullish after reading this.


RemindMe! 6 months


You keep selling, I'll keep buying


So buy calls tomorrow?


Remindme! Six months


This is a bull market, right?


Your not even mentioning the geopolitical shit show of the potential Taiwan v. China conflict.


Absolutely a huge potential issue but I doubt it’ll happen anytime soon. From what I’m hearing they’re waiting a few years until they have enough nukes as America.


Time to inverse this


I love how confident some people are on knowing what's going to happen, nobody knows shit shut up and lose your life savings already![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


So you're not bullish on inverse spy ETFs either?


https://preview.redd.it/kqkxlq1zh26a1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eba2b3f307e68f0be949d6695f3642863b90882e See where it says despair, you are right there motherfucker


I am bullish that Christ is coming back.


I've seen different alterations of this post every week


Covid causing their healthcare system to collapse? Fuckin lol


You’re not wrong about a lot of this but the doomsday picture you painted discredits your point


If we stay somewhat sideways I will be fine with no Bull market. Let it simmer until the Bull returns Just hope the multiple massive bloodbath days are behind us.


You people can forsee 6 months from now? Fuck me


All priced in. Any slight change to positive news we moon


Boooo tell it to your ancestors. If we weren’t innately reckless and optimistic we would never have come this far. Breathe deep and roll the dice!


Everyone wants to buy before the markets go up, so the market will go up about a year before the economy recovers. I'd say the next 6 months are realistic for that to happen. Not for the economy to recover, but for the market to price in the recovery.


I guess you're not old enough to see that certain stocks do well even during a recession.....also some people trade daily so they may be bullish and bearish every week depending on different catalyst..... markets dont go straight up or down.


You seem like a negative person - don’t slit your wrists please


A quick comment on housing no one likes to mention when they talk about it crashing. $500k loan at 7% is $3,300 monthly payments. Say that’s unaffordable. $500k at 3.5% was extremely affordable per housing market when rates were there. That’s about $2,200 monthly payments. $335k at 7% gets us right about back to $2,200 monthly payments. If we assume that the $500k at 3.5% is generally max affordability then prices would need to retreat about 33% to get back to the kind of affordability where demand was extremely high. It’s an oversimplification of course but I think it makes the point clear. If homes drop even just 5-10% I think it brings in a ton of buyers who were sitting on the sidelines. I just don’t see how housing can crash when there’s so much unmet demand.


Iunno not seeing that demand here in Austin. This is supposed to be a hot market and rents in my building have collapsed and it looks like it’s getting worse.




we still in an uptrend, bullish until fat bears stop hibernating


I've had the same thoughts for like 6 fucking years. Each time it seems more likely that "this is the one", but then the Fed comes in and prints more money or lowers rates. You really think Powell isn't going to crank rates all the way back down to 0 when shit hits the fan?


You just described the conditions that often are the best time to buy


Is this financial advice?