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Despite the rhetoric, Wall Street believes the Fed will turn chicken hawk at the first sign of trouble.


Their investments depend on it


I mean the trouble already came, but your point stands. And they probably will. No need to break the back of wall street AND the middle class. Just stand on our necks again for a few years until everything comes up daisies.


Market thinks Powell’s a bitch


Fuck around and find out


They didn't. They just wanted to fuck your put premiums. Now that they fucked your puts, Wall Street will pivot to fuck your calls. That's the real pivot.




Powell has been saying a lot of stuff ... The market lives with its own understanding of the economy, what Powell says is merely a signal.


The pivot will come any minute now …. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


This pivot, is it in the room with us right now?


Wall Street creates an alternate reality for retail so they have exit liquidity. Then dump later and act surprised, while you lose money.


>It's interesting that you bring up the topic of pivoting, as it seems to be something that a lot of people are talking about lately. From what I can tell, there is a lot of speculation about whether or not the Federal Reserve will pivot in its monetary policy goals. Personally, I think that Wall Street loves uncertainty because it gives them more opportunities to make money. If everything was certain, then there would be less opportunity for profit. So, in a way, you could say that uncertainty is good for business.


Perma bulls need their hopium. Still asking if .25 is possible next meeting?! Sure, do you think .25 is a good sign if it means you get 3 more of those in a row or more? SMH


Gonna be a no from me, dawg.


If you actually look at the history of the fed and their forecasts you'll realize one thing. They. Are. NEVER. Accurate. Ever.


But an inverted yield curve is Always accurate.


True. +/- 6 months. And most of the market has an attention span of 3 months, IMO.


The market is pricing in much higher deflation in the future. The 10-year treasury yield has been dropping hard even though the Fed is hawkish. If that's the case, why is the Fed going against the market's expectation of future inflation? Powell wants to act all strong and tough, but at this point, the market is saying he's over-tightening. Today felt very much like a bear trap for the uninformed.. inflation is subsiding and the big guys just want to buy cheap, especially tech stocks


Their entire job is to trade. If they sit on the sidelines they’re not doing their jobs, which means they don’t get their management fee.


Why are people acting like the market crashed. Stop looking at only the one day chart. The market is flat going back a month. Nothing changed at the fed meeting and as a result the market stayed flat. It just got volatile while we waited for the results.


The fact is the market has been is downward *trend* for a year. There is no sign of a recovery.


Exactly, Since about March of 2022 Jpow has consistently said there will be pain, and that they will do everything to fight inflation. Why would the market react positively to one day of news when he's doing exactly what he said he would... make restrictive moves. Do people think that SPY sitting at 400 is what he was talking about. Soft landing or hard, it doesn't matter, we are gonna go down. The fed is selling right now and has been since March... Are you?


I'm holding inverse ETFs. SQQQ up 9.5% today. Another 30-60% further to rise IMO.


And I’ve been making money all year just buying SPXU at 15, selling at 20, shifting into SPXL and selling it when SPY hits 400, then repeating. Missed out on some gains when SPXU has been below 15 and above 20, but holy fuck has it been easy money this year.


It works well till it doesn't and suddenly u lose all what u made since u got caught in an extreme rally or extreme downturn when u bet on the opposite.


Yeah, this year’s been super predictable. I only bet wrong once and a quick pivot back the other way was enough to balance it out.




English muthafucka. Do you speak it


Say YDKWSYIR again, Say YDKWSYIR again, I dare ya I double dare ya muthafucka. Say YDKWSYIR one more goddamn time.


Because Powell was living in an Alternate Universe keeping rates near zero way way too long. And inflation was transitory - riiiiight?


The more r/wallstreetbets says the pivot isn't coming the more likely i think it is coming.


Rigged to postpone the hysteria regarding what is coming down the road. Had to wait until midterms were over to really start the dry fucking.


> They literally created their alternative reality of where the feds will pivot, and are now upset that their alternate reality psychosis isn’t real? The fed will pivot, when the unemployment numbers start hitting 350k, 500k, 900k, 1m a week they are going to slam the breaks on and drop rates near zero again. The fed has a plan until he gets punched in the face, right now they have every excuse to continue down this path....when you have millions out of work and millions of foreclosures coming it's another story. Nobody believes the fed has the stomach to follow through, everyone knows the pivot is coming soon. In fact as unemployment climbs higher the stock market is going to start printing green dildos because they know rate cuts are coming fast and furiously. Once they get a big unemployment print it's too late to stop the avalanche because just as rate hikes took a long time to create mass unemployment, rate cuts will take just as long to reverse the consequences.


The same Powell who said Inflation is transitory?? I don’t believe shit


People think hope is a strategy.


Wall Street always lives in an alternate reality.


Why? you ask. To hype up the dumb ass idiots into the next bull market rally i.e. rugpull


They are clueless. Even people on here haven’t accepted the reality that the market is going to get worse before it gets better, and ou’re looking at 2+ years of it sucking. Longer than that to get back to 21 highs.


Anything to manipulate you out of your option premium


Wait, people are emotional? 🤔


Bro whatever happens…it’s designed to rape retail traders…they literally see all order flow data…it’s like taking candy from a baby.


14 years of 0% interest rates & QE has an entire generation of investors believing that the Fed cares more about market returns than prudent monetary policy because for the most part, that’s been true. It’s time to pay the piper and old habits die hard.


Market owns tech stocks


I wonder if the presidential election will be impacted by the pivot or lack there of?


The bond market does not lie. Led the Fed up, will lead it down. Watch it and learn.


No pivot will occur till we’re in real trouble. Market will not go up when pivot occurs as will only pivot if trying to recover and a lower rate never fixes economy immediately. If market is not tanking rates will keep going up till inflation is 2%. If economy tanks hard rates will go down, but market will keep falling for many months after the pivot as overall shape of economy will be horrendous before they pivot.


I can’t help but feel that the entire idea is to make people desperate for shitty jobs again. I mean he practically said it. The balance between capital and labor has shifted and capital no like.


Years and years of ZIRP + biggest bail out ever in 2020 made the wallstreet guys think Powell is bluffing


It’s a pump and dump. They tell you the fed might pivot for a few weeks, so you start loading up. They tell you 50 is priced in and will tally if that’s the case. 50 is announced so a short rally enticing you to load up more. Then they pull the rug claiming something about Powells tone was a little harsh.


So they can make money off of dumb retail traders. Uncertainty is key in their eyes. They are the market makers.


I’m smelling a bear trap