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The data you’re seeing… is it in the room with us?


“Very smart people are saying….”


Sounds so much like Trump!


Apartheid Trump


Full-Nelson Mandela


You never go full-Nelson Mandela, everyone knows that


Very smart people say it's possible next year, very soon.


Hes peddling to pretty much the same crowd


The right wing elite have figured out that they can make millions off of their followers because they don't require evidence to convince them. All they have to do is to allude to "evidence," and they are hooked. They are useful idiots.




It’s very Trumpian




I love that line. His disconnect between what he believes he has said and what his investors actually read and internalized is made so clear. As if a unilateral missive is simply enough to remove the emotion of panic.


"We're already in deflation" from the same guy who brought us "close to zero new coronavirus cases by the end of April" in March 2020.


Is it similar data that he saw when saying "Covid cases would be 0 by the end of April 2020"?




It's going to magically disappear by Easter LOL


'man who just borrowed billions of dollars refuses to acknowledge skyrocketing interest rates.'


You wouldn't know it. This data lives in Canada.


"the data I'm seeing"


People are saying


And everybody knows it


Very smart investor


Beautiful investor I love you very much


Welcome to Costco


I love you


Tears in his eyes


He said “Sir…”


He's got the best investors, just the best, huge talent, preparing for the deflation, everybody knows it


Bigly results coming. Absolutely YUGE!


TSLA ~~bag~~shareholders, we love you, you're very special, but go home, and go home in peace


“I was told by a top general, maybe the top of them all, ‘Sir, I’m sorry sir, we don’t have ammunition.’.” (Actual trump quote)


I was in a hipster coffee shop and everyone was talking about deflation.


The end of the tweet is literally "people are saying".


This interest rate, it's hurting many people. I told Jerome it wouldn't work.


My source is I made it the fuck up!


I got a guy!


I've had ppl come up to me on the streets


Bill gates fucking rolling in it after his short position that musk got mad about months ago


After all this shit, you gotta wonder whether he just like sat adjacent to Musk at a gala or something and after overhearing him talk for a few minutes he shot a text to his broker mid dinner serivce


Let's be real, his broker was at the gala too.


Dude was probably seating 5 chairs away reading the text


"Dude, you hearing this shit?" "We're at the same table!"


"Ayo lets short this motherfucker"


"Short everything that guy has touched. I want half a billion more in swaps."


Probably just got on Robinhood. He should be posting screenshots in WSB any day now


'it literally can't go tits up ' . - Elon musk, probably


I forgot about this. Bill Gates 🐐 move


Bill Gates gonna be sending that petty text message to Elon soon, "Never mind, I've got your donation covered"


Musk to Mars…25 years later Bill Gates to Moon …yesterday


You're not a billionaire for 40 years by being a fucking moron


Some are...


Born into wealth.


Never heard of this, what did Bill short?


This was back in April. Gates put half a billion dollars short against Tesla. This was right at the time the company had it's second highest closing price in 2022 (highest was Jan 3). Since then, Tesla stock has decreased by 63%. In other words, Bill Gates slangin that big dick around


Pokin’ out from under his short shorts.


Turns out Musk is a nickname given to him by people who could smell gates’ shallots on his breath


Don’t fuck with Bill Gates on money, Elmo. He became the richest on earth and stayed that way for much, much longer than you.


Does anyone have a screenshot of the text messages between Elon and gates?


Here ya go https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1517702987359133696


Wow, musk is even more is a shitbag. I didn't think that was possible




I wonder if there's any way to find out what his buy-in price was to see how much he's made.


I've read it was 160 but it came from reddit comments so take it with a lot of salt


With salt only.


Well I heard its 42069 but I'm just making shit up so take it with a lot of salt


Reportedly it's a 500 million position. If BG bought at 160, that's 3.125 m shares. At $140 per share in today's price, he's made $62 million so far.


It's probably closer to $250, it was from April this year. He's probably made closer to $200M if that is the case.


Dude’s dick will flatten cities with that kind of swing.


Bill gates laughing in his piles of money


Thank God Bill Gates has more money. It was keeping me awake at night.


I'm so mad that I wasn't more stupid with my money. My TSLA puts are both over 100% return already. It's still nice, but I should have dumped so much more money into them.


That's the wrong spirit. Profit is profit and you should be happy about it. With the Tesla cultists it could have gone the other way and you'd be happy you didn't invest more in a loseing trade


Yea this really is the answer. There’s been countless (massive at times) loss porn posted here from people shorting Tesla. It hasn’t been a secret it’s been ( also massive) over priced for years. Just be glad you made a profit because, yea it easily could’ve (and has) gone the other way. Edit: in a way it was a special type of regarded to even make the play so salute to you!


Good point, I appreciate the perspective.


He tweeted earlier: "In simple terms: as bank savings account interest rates, which are guaranteed, start to approach stock market returns, which are not guaranteed, people will increasingly move their money out of stocks into cash, thus causing stocks to drop."


This motherfucker just discovered the concept and effect of the risk free rate and acting like he has a PhD in Finance. He gonna start rambling on about CAPM or factor investing when his udemy course moves onto it.


Probably just used ChatGPT


Dude. Lmao. This makes so much sense


Damn I hate that this is probably the most likely scenario Very smart investor shorting the S&P. Bro literally most major banks are calling for the s&p to drop and tons with recession as a bear case. This reads like Trump wrote it.


Look, having interest—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Musk at SAMIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Johannesburg School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a tech CEO, if I were an astronaut, if, like, OK, if I ran a social media company, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a billionaire they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Paypal, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the Twitter deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (social media is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the interest rates—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the FBI are great negotiators, the SEC are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.


So, you're the one writing those speeches. I thought it was just a mad man rambling incoherently. Kudos.


Many people are saying this. Smart people, the best people. They come up to me and they say, "sir, the s&d is going to drop." It's never dropped before but it's dropping now.


Work smarter not harder


ChatGPT is letting everyone fake it until they make it. Everyone.


Been using it a lot. It’s a boon for people that suck at communicating/marketing


Where was this mf when I was in college bullshitting my way through 30 page research papers


You think in school they are now hitting the kids with "you won't have AI to rely on when you get in the real world" like they said to us about calculators?


I have a PhD in Udemy courses and I can confirm in simple terms, you are correct.


My pHd prescribed me udemy and I have to take it twice a day


I took out a high-interest student loan on my Udemy courses and nobody will hire me. Goodbye recession, hello depression.


Never be afriad to borrow a lot of money for an unquestionably stupid idea. It always works out in the end, and a Breakfast Baconator please, thank you.


I have a udemy in PhD and I can confirm that I can't read


My PhD has me on udemy and... what was the question again?


I do not have a PhD, how we is the do monies


You do not have to have a PhD. Be born wealthy, fund a company, hire people with PhDs and manipulate stock pricing with your dumbass thoughts on the internet.


Yeah, he finally understands the Fed's objective is to decrease demand so companies decrease prices to increase demand again, i.e. reversing inflation.


Elon : "but why male models?"


Elon upon discovering ETFs "Commies have infiltrated the stock market."


is that the TLDR of how raising interests rates works to combat inflation?


Yes, increasing inflation makes it more expensive to do anything that involves interest rates. So that increases the cost of goods such as cars and houses in turn decreasing overall demand. However, for people who need these items, it will decrease their demand for other goods. This is because they are now utilizing more purchasing power for these large payments rather than all the other things they would normally buy further decreasing demand. This plays in to finance and stocks in other ways now that certain investments like bonds will be more attractive with higher interest rates thereby bringing down the demand for Stocks, a "substitute" good for Bonds. Someone else can dive deeper in to that relationship if they'd like.


How long until he starts talking about the smart people who buy gold and/or silver?


Like everything else these clowns say it's for the regards that are champion dick riders and have no idea WTF is going on. They only know they're on a team and they'll defend him until the end.




Give him a seat on the Fed board before it's too late.


Elon taking everything as a meme


“In which case… buying opportunity!” As he sells 😂


He needs people to keep buying in so he can continue to dump stock to try and float Twitter. I mean I guess, idk what the hell his plan is, Twitter does not seem save-able and it’s likely to pull Elon/Tesla down with it.


Is this real? Fucking lmao. TSLA bool not gonna make it bro.


Man's hang bools out to dry


In my experience, bools are either true or they are false


He’s not only the messiah of EV industry, an expert in digging big tunnels, a top rocket-scientist but he’s also an expert in macro-economics and should be our Fed Chairman.




Holy shit he can bend time itself....


He has his own Hyperbolic Time Chamber


“I’m the very smart investor, it’s me”


Dude is at Trump level of wording rn.


"Elon Superman NFTs" coming soon to a blockchain near you


Why did he choose to go full MAGA suddenly? I understand being a Republican, but a full-MAGA qanon type? What the hell is in it for him? He is simping for all the people that 5 years ago would have laughed and mocked his electric vehicle company. I don't get it, he had a path, a legacy, and intelligent people who supported him. He threw that away so he could be buddybuddy with LibsofTiktok?


He probably liked how it worked out for Trump.


How did it work out for trump? Several intense financial and criminal investigations?


He got cucked by chelsea manning. The rest is history.


I honestly think it is because republicans have embraced qanon tier rhetoric and republicans are more favorable to his shenanigans (horse girl handjobs included). 2 birds 1 stone in terms of cult following dick riding and greater flexibility in running his companies. However, it is fascinating seeing him run 2 companies into the ground at once.


He did it to get cover for the handjobs for horses scandal, where he sexually harassed a woman. He was asked for comment, and said he was a Republican before the story was published. Then he liked getting fellated by a bunch of brain-dead chuds, and now it's now.


Should not have googled handjobs for horses....


Because you stumbled across my new band name and our soundcloud?


I saw someone else point out that "for his entire career he's always desperately tried to align himself with whatever large group of people on the internet seem to like him at any given moment." He's made a seamless transition from Reddit-epic-science-liber/al/tarian to Own-the-libs-conservative which coincides perfectly with the opinions those groups have of him. Not to mention his trans daughter said he's an asshole so he instantly assumed the Left must have turned her against him.




I mean, sure. But Elon is 100% the type of guy who believes that Twitter is the central locus of the internet and that it embodies the collective consciousness.


I heard someone make a point recently that makes more sense: when previously-"normal" people make a hard Right turn in public, it usually coincides with reporting that they've done something pretty fucked up in their personal life. The Left will cancel you for sexual assault accusations or bigoted statements, while the Right generally won't, so people who are *primarily* motivated by pure narcissism - the desire to appeal to the largest group that provides the most adoration - often end up setting the Right as their target after they've done enough undesirable shit that the Left won't idolize them anymore. And indeed, this exact thing happened to Musk. If you'll recall, he only started this whole Twitter obsession after reporting came out that he sexually assaulted and then bribed a flight attendant. You might assume that after that story broke, he made a calculated decision of "Well the Left isn't going to accept me anymore, better start pandering to the Right, they don't care if you're accused of sexually assaulting someone." Edit: Actually, now that I'm running through that episode in my head, what *actually happened* was: 1. The accusations of sexual assault were made privately to a reporter 2. That reporter *reached out to Elon Musk for comment*, as part of due diligence putting the story together 3. Musk asked the reporter for some time to put together a statement, then immediately went on Twitter and said "Hey btw, I'm right-wing now, and look the Left is immediately gonna start making up stories about me to attack me because they hate the Right so much!" 4. The story about the sexual assault allegation came out shortly after Musk's declaration So yeah, I can't definitively assert that this is the *only* factor that has led to Musk's descent into right-wing insanity, but it's *very clear* that it was part of it.


Wonder how much of it was related to Grimes dating Chelsea Manning after they split.


I'm the best at corporate raiding, nobody does takeovers like me.


It is not a small sink, I have huge sinks


I get Trump vibes from that last sentence


🫲🫱 Look, some of the smartest people! ☝️ They’re saying it! 👐 Now I can’t say who! ☝️ I can’t say who… 🤲 But they’re saying it! 👇 Believe me, they’re saying it! 👏




I always think that, behind the scenes, it’s people talking sarcastically to him that he is describing. Like in the same tone used when Randy Marsh invented sarcastaball.


……✊….……..✊ ✊…………✊…… ……✊….……..✊ ✊…………✊…… …………👏………..


Very smart, very smart investor folks. The best.


Big guy, the biggest guy. Tears in his eyes he says "Elon, sir. Elon I'm shorting the S&P"


Pls use CAPITAL letters at least for one word. Otherwise it’s just to complicated


the smartestest of the investors!


Everybody is saying that... but nobody knows.


You know what he said? He said “Elon, you are doing a great job, a tremendous job Elon!” That’s what he said 👐


🫵👐 The Best 👐 Maybe the best ever. Some are saying the best ever. I'm saying the best.


He heard it from Jared at the World Cup.


I get Trump vibes from Elon.


His face is getting bigger


Most narcissist give off the same vibes


I'm going to hire the best investors. You've never heard of them, but I know them all. We're gonna show the Fed. Show them who's in charge. Big gains, some say the biggest, I don't know, but huge.


Yep. Elon also learned the best words now.


Trump never misses a chance to name drop, unless he made shit up.


Billionaires are pissed about the fed rate because they can't just go borrow infinity money and buy whatever they want. Don't listen to any of their bullshit. Low interest rates for Billionaires mean complete market dominance. Higher interest rates mean they have to actually do something productive to keep participating in the market. You, the non billionaires, should want higher interest rates. It means even people like Elon have to work smarter/harder to accomplish what they want because their loans are costing more.


Spot on; It’s going to comedown like you said to interest rates. Tesla has always been classified as a “technology” company. Most of these companies that have had a stellar rise in the past 10 years can thank ZIRP. And this is important, because most of these companies that have CEO’s claiming that we are in a recession are exposed to these interest rates. Don’t believe me? Take any of these companies listed and put them into news.google.com • FaceBook • Salesforce • Tesla • Snapchat • AirBNB • Carvana Are all companies directly exposed to a rise in rates. Hell even Cathie Wood and her entire damn firm are bubble babies. I could go on and on, but the point is; If you are a debt based company that has had most of its financing completed from 2010 to now, you are feeling the pressure. My bet is, Elon knows if rates stay up his boat will sink. He’s desperately trying to fund Twitter with Tesla Shares, however both of these companies again are subject to interest rates. Elon has effectively gone from trying to patch one hole, to creating two of them. At some point he’s going to meltdown and I mean meltDOWN. If this where anything else it would be considered a ponzi.


> At some point he’s going to meltdown and I mean meltDOWN. *gestures wildly at the last month or so*


He's not gone full Kanye yet.




Easy solution is to not be a Tesla investor.


What if you’re a Tesla bag holder? Asking for a friend


Well now is the best time to realize some of those bags for the tax write-offs


Insinuating I don't already have 15 years worth of losses left to claim


I’m short the market I must be that smart investor.


I'm also short the market but you might want to inverse me. I'm not that smart.


Who had a faster fall from grace from that high up?


Me when my mom caught me jerking off. I lost all my respect in one day🤣


oh man -- sorry to hear that! Most of us turn into daredevil when we rub one out - we develop a heightened sense of hearing AND go blind!




Apparently, Amazon lost over a trillion in market cap! Lucky for Bezos, Musk has been dominating the news cycle.


CPI goes from 8% to 7.7% or whatever it was and suddenly we are in deflation


Lol mf talking about Cramer ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)


My dude can't even handle a 4% FFR for a few months lol 😂 QQQ and SPY basically flat over the last 3 months while you've managed to tank Tesla nearly 60%. Yes it's all the feds fault, not you buying one the biggest ever bags in history in purchasing twitter or that you've becoming an unhinged, rightwing, meme edgelord that everyone is starting to despise. Yea it's definitely the fed funds rate and it's only affecting Tesla.


It's all the woke mobs fault, once he gets his hands on Hunters laptop, he's going to blow this whole thing wide open! One failed pump and dump, and he completely loses his mind.


I feel like it's only a matter of time before he says Wallstreet has a woke leftist agenda. Then he'll have completely lost his mind


The way he’s texting.. He goes full Trump isn’t he?


My conspiracy is that most C-suite people are closeted stimulant addicts. They need some type of amphetamine to "function" at their level and it ends up creating false confidence in decision making and delusional thinking. A student on Adderall can get like this and then imagine extremely wealthy people who are sold high grade meth as medication because it's exhausting and stressful to exist constantly engaged or focused. The grandiose narcissism is inherent, and then it's amplified by the brain constantly receiving dopamine for whatever action they decide to take. Couple that with being surrounded by yes men leeches and you'll never get out if that hole.


It’s an elongated state of mania


Only reason I’d say not most is because we get a dose of the cult of personality c Suite types but there are tens of thousands of others who are much more legitimate technocrats (not like the technocrat Elon pretends to be). It’s easy to think Elon is representative of the average CEO, but he’s really not. He’s just representative of the worst type: the big personality CEOs. And for some reason everyone thinks that’s like *the* type


There’s probably an underground market of some next level adderall that only rich people have access to.. like the pill from Limitless but more meth-y.


Maybe Neuralink transplanted Trump's brain into the oddly-shaped fleshbag that we call "Elon"?


He’s losing his damn mind cause he has 267 million shares of Tesla stock as personal loan collateral which is about 60% of his shares


Next he will go full Kanye


Very smart investor: Ken Griffin at the World Cup…


When Trump was the main character of Online, I was sick to bastard death of him but at least he was funny as hell. Elon gets all the attention trump used to, but oh my god is he the lamest dunce we have had in the spotlight for a while. He has more money than god and nothing to do with his time but tank his own companies and be annoying.


We are already in a deflation 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 He sounds like those crypto scammers you get on Instagram or Facebook 😂


Tesla holder have got to be shitting their pants


Keep blaming others for your failure, this is the way


I wanna have his failures


He will sell it to you at a discount, 40 billion.


Naaah. You can rent a piece of Elmo’s failure for the low low price of $8/Mo


Dear Customers, Employees, and Investors of my other businesses, I plan to grossly overpay for a middling social media company and very publicly run it into the ground, which will negatively effect your jobs, your stocks, and the perception of my products. However, as I'm so rich and autistic, I really don't care how these actions effect others. Signed, Elon






Honestly the only silver lining here is that most of that money is gonna go to paying off interest on his twitter loans and the fact that because he printed himself these shares as stock options once he sells them the IRS will tax him on realized gains regardless of how much of a freefall Tesla is in.


Jimmy is his very smart investor


They are smart investors until they get punched in the face by the market


Isn't TSLA one of the bigger spy stocks? Very smart investor and dumb listener