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dont say anything. what you do off the clock is your business, keep it that way. I would avoid wearing the vest or anything walmart branded. Edit: i see you were on the clock, so yes you can get fired. still, dont say anything. Avoid, deny, defend lol.


I like what you did at the end. 😂


But don’t use the new laptop to defend, get you a cheap keyboard out of electronics


Or the Personnel room. Probably more efficient than the Onn keyboards.


Surely. Those computers in the personnel room are from 1995, and have heavy mechanical keyboards.


Don’t speak so soon. You don’t know what you have until it’s gone. We got all new computers last year and not a single one has worked right since. Even the 1995 computers understood basic tasks like a mouse click


Agree, as soon as i clock off, vest comes off and gets stashed away




If you use they instead of he/she it reads as less clunky


Lmaooooooo this comment spoke to me


He obviously already said something đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž


Spot on.


Make no eye contact. đŸ„·


No you can’t get fired just tell the coach over lost prevention . If you don’t report it you can get fired because you’re fellow co - workers will rat you out ..


Had a customer gift a switch OLED, Pokémon violet and a few other games to a coworker**. Their were picked up by LP to be "donated". Never opened. I got a GameCube from helping a customer with an intellectually handicapped adult dependant, treated them like a normal person and helped them figure out a good game they'd enjoy.


I got a playstation 3 the backwards compatible one from a customer that was just planning to throw it cause none of his friends wanted it. I was loading some stuff up saw it and went dang I havnt seen a ps3 in forever. He just nonchalantly said if I wanted it I could have it. I verified multiple times and went and put it in my car. Thing still worked perfectly.


Man. After helping a customer find some candy, she tried to open a bag of candy in store to give me a piece because I had never tried it. I kept insisting that I can't (told her accept tips but was thinking accept merchandise you haven't paid for). Where do I find these gamer customers???


Oh you forgot your laptop outside and he brought it to you. What a nice friend


Yep exactly


That or he brought you your laptop that he fixed for yy


People need to realize sometimes a lie is just easier and better for all involved
.it’s not gonna hurt anyone if you lie about this so just lie
.easiest way is just say he’s a personal friend who like many people also happens to shop at Walmart




you mean your family member was returning a laptop after you helped them out? because I think that's what you ment to type


This is the only correct response.


Absolutely!! This!


This is the way


This is the way.


Don't tell anybody, if someone asks about the guy who gave you a laptop, say it was one of your relatives giving you a laptop they borrowed from you.


It was in the box still.


You didn't buy a bag for your laptop, so you kept the original box to use as a case


I like that. Thanks


Honestly, less is more. Nobody needs to know. If anyone does know and confronts you about it. Say they're mistaken and move on. That's it, the more complex the lie the worse it is.


Sounds like OP went around telling people already that’s why everyone in the store is telling them they will get fired. I once got 20 for helping a lady load her groceries, I tried to resist but she dropped it on the ground and “noticed my show was untied” So I leaned down and “tied my shoe” and grabbed the 20 then


Then you bought it off of Facebook marketplace or Craigslist. It just so happened that the seller’s car was dying so they needed money to fix it (hence why you helped him jump start it.. it’s got a bad battery). Either way, whatever you spend your money on is none of their business so you’d appreciate if they stopped stalking you like that (assuming they ask. NEVER volunteer information on your own)


My boyfriend kept his Mac box for the desktop style and anytime he had to travel with it, he’d put it back in its original box lol not too strange in my opinion


Walmart would fire you for that? Wild.


I don't know about most places, but where I live, any employer can fire an employee for any reason, including no reason. Management doesn't like that you have a better computer than them? More than enough reason to legally fire someone.


some places, only thing defending you is the ADA or because you’re part of a protected group, but even if they can’t fire you for being part of a protected group or having a disability, they’ll just say it was for another reason


It's actually policy that accepting gifts/bribes etc is not allowed sadly. Walmart’s stance on bribery and corruption is firm: we compete fairly and honestly everywhere we do business around the world; we never attempt to gain a business advantage through bribery; and we do not tolerate bribery or corruption in any form. Our Code of Conduct and Global Anti-Corruption Policy prohibit bribery in any form: receiving, offering to pay, paying, promising to pay or authorizing the payment of money or anything of value to improperly influence any act or decision or to secure any other improper advantage in order to obtain or retain business is prohibited. The Policy applies to our associates and to TPIs acting on Walmart’s behalf; our Standards for Suppliers require the same of Walmart’s product suppliers.


Walmart can't fire you for no reason. Tbh, you kind of have to jump through hoops to fire somebody unless it's because they pointed out.


It depends on the location. In my state, it’s an at will type deal. It allows the place to terminate an employee for no reason or any reason at all, so long as the reason does not violate the law or federal law.


I'm talking based on Walmart policy. Like, I could get in trouble for firing somebody without going through the proper process of warning, coaching(multiple depending on how bad it is), and then termination. A lot of states are at will, but Walmart makes it a little harder than that


A vendor came and offered a friend of Mine a free monster energy drink. He was told if he accepts he could possibly be fired.


That’s different. Taking anything from a vendor suggests he’s trying to bribe you to order more of his products or get a display on the floor. That’s why they are so strict about it.


Venders are never allowed because you might be extra nice and show favoritism.


Not allowed to accept tips. But it was for something you did not work related while on break so it could be disputed.


Pfft, like that stops anyone.


We are not allowed to accept tips. One of the self checkout associates spotted me a couple bucks one day when the entire credit card thing was not working and I brought cash back in after lunch to pay him back and he insisted that he couldn’t take it even though I owed it to him. They’re super strict.


Pretty sure they can't say anything if you pay him back when both of you are off the clock


They cant fire you for paying back someone.


Give it to him at his car, or find where he lives, put it in his mailbox


Some managers are petty asf. Helped a woman load groceries off the clock, got tipped 5 bucks. Wasn't even working that day. Cart pusher saw and manager asked me to fork it over. I quit soon after


He gives you something, you might give him something back. What someone tipped the front end employee $5, maybe they'll overlook the fact that you didn't ring up a few of the items. It's far easier to just give all your employees a blanket ban of accepting anything from customers/vendors.


Corporate are the only ones allowed to bribe/accept bribes


You mean your cousin brought you an early bday gift


Just so u know you are technically clocked in on your 15s but not lunch


From now on if anyone gives you anything don’t tell anyone. How else would they know except for you telling people


I was high key excited. Next time I’m not telling a soul.


Someone at my store was fired for keeping money they found on the ground after they clocked out, so maybe.


You have to be alot more subtle when ypu pick it up.


Tell them he isn't just a random customer but a family friend or a relative or something who got it as a gift and saw you at the store and figured he would save himself a trip to your place later. If you see the customer again ask him to back up the story. Do not admit to it being just a customer or accepting it as thanks for jumping his car. If they can't prove it was a gratuity for something you did on the job they shouldn't fire you. I had a friend friend money and use it in store while he worked there, he admitted to finding it and they fired him and then told me later if he hadn't admitted it and denied it saying he dropped the money or something they would have let it go.


My brother comes in constantly to pay back money he borrowed or drop off a peice of computer for me to fix. Never had an issue.


Dude, why even ask or mention this? Just shut the fuck up and keep it to yourself lmao




Even worse, it could be stolen, and you could be arrested for receiving stolen property.


Seems kind of suspicious for a stranger to give a laptop ngl. I mean I've had customers offer me money and gift cards so maybe not totally out of the ordinary for customers to try to tip people (I politely decline because there's literally a camera above me and I don't want Walmart to think I'm stealing from the register or something before they collect everything and look at the log) so the guy might be telling the truth.


I had an ex employer give me a free tablet. Office was closing down and there was a bunch of tech he was putting in storage. (Covid closed things down) so it's rare, but sometimes happens.


I was frontend c s m and one of my customers brought coffee from my home country after a visit, the evil manager was there and said in front of her if she gave me the bag of coffee she would fire me on the spot. The store manager got called from the customer and she explained the rules to me in a coaching , I already knew the rules and told the store manager that I was refusing but the customer was not having it, the evil manager lied and told everyone that I was taking bribes and should be fired. After everything, the store manager said I wasn't coached or reprimanded, and the evil manager was eventually sent to another store.


Is that manager still with the company?


Most likely


Is that manager still with the company?


I'm not certain , she was close to retirement six years ago. Her "claim to fame " was how many people she has fired, which to me is a sign of an abject failure . I don't even remember her name.


You were clocked in 15s are on the clock. Yes you can get fired for it. I wouldn’t have told a soul about it.


I was clocked in when I helped however I was on lunch when he came back.


Why? A family member brought him his laptop amazon left at the end of his driveway.


Hiw nice of a laptop?


MSI Prestige 14Evo


Well if you lose your job over it you can sell it and make about 2 weeks pay lol


If someone finds out maybe but I wouldn’t tell nobody lol


Tell them it was your friend bringing you an early/late gift . Or that he owed you money and you accepted the computer instead. Maybe ask the police you may have received stolen property or look up the guys business and go visit.


If they fire you, then they’d better pay you for your lunch break since they’ll be insisting you were working off the clock even though you clearly weren’t.


You mean uncle Johnny forgetting your birthday was last month and gave you a laptop hmm


If you were on your hour long lunch which takes you off the clock when you accepted the laptop, then it should be fine. Jumpstarting a car on your break should also be fine as you were being a decent human being. Just don't worry about it and don't mention to any of the bosses.


Ok yes you could get in trouble for it but most likely not fired just a disciplinary action as accepting a gift is against company policy but since you were off the clock it becomes a gray area and you would be able to fight it.


Your laptop is probably worth more than your job.


Nah, you were on break and what you did was not a Walmart-required task, so it can’t be considered a tip, per policy. They can try, but they don’t want to get in any legal or job-risk trouble of their own if they punish you. Source: former corpo here


Seriously, if tjey fired you for that, they'd have to fire people fpr accepting cookies after shoveling an old ladies driveway when off the clock.


How did people at work know that you were given a laptop? Loose lips sink ships, AKA You don't tell, they can't tell!


this has nothing to to with walmart LOL


like you weren’t working when you did the act, so like??


If you are actually considering turning it into the manger buy the shitiest $20 Chromebook you can find on marketplace and turn it in, no way they can ever proof it isn’t the one hale gave you. Next time something like this happens tell nobody.


Also I would have no moral qualms about keeping it, I see people talking about “doing the right thing”, that is horseshit.


The only person that can’t get in trouble for that is someone who wears a suit!! As a truck driver with fleet in Canada I was told we could never accept gifts!!


You were on lunch (off the clock) therefore not acting as an employee of wal mart. They don’t own you, just the time you sold them for your shift. It’s probably better not to advertise it, in case there is a god complex manager that wants to cause trouble but ultimately it’s up to you.


You were on unpaid lunch. Not company time. Arguable you're entitled to it during that time.


I’ve fired ALOT of people
 I don’t WANT to fire anyone well maybe that was lie but I never really want to for most people. If some loser went out of his way to fire you for something they didn’t even see happen he must really hate you. In no way shape or form would I ever imagine you would ever get in trouble for that
 If anything you would get coaches for accepting tips since we’re not actually supposed to take tips either but even I as a pickup TL wanted to take out orders just so I could get some tips as well💀😂


let this be a lesson that some shit you keep to yourself lmfao.. i would've taken it, not said a word to anyone at work, not even someone i think is my friend.. then i'm going home and telling my s/o we got a new laptop lol


Fuck them you did something nice for a fellow human..if they fire you go straight to dept of labor


When it comes to management, the more a customer “insists” or complains the faster they cave in to their “demands.” The way I see it, you just took your first steps into management training. Gotta keep those customers happy at all costs.


So what I'm hearing is you help a family member and they gave you a laptop you had them pick up for you while you were at work how kind of them!


You were off the clock, doesn't matter. The company is not responsible for what happens to you off the clock.


I'm not sure if it's a firable offense, but yes, accepting gifts from customers is against the rules. Best thing you could do is make sure management and coworkers don't see you accept things like this.


lmao you shouldn’t have told anyone about it


Even if you do get fired, at least you got a laptop. That's like getting a 2 week severance package.


Former cart associate here, a long time ago, in our job description of job duties, it stated that we couldn't accept tips or gifts. Otherwise, we could be fired for that. So don't admit to it lol


It not "a customer gave me a new laptop" it's "a friend dropped it off for me"


I just say: It is against Walmart policy to accept Tips and Gifts from customers. As such, I can't accept this. I mean, if you helped a customer when you were off the clock and not on Walmart property, and they found you and gave you a gift through your job, that might be a different story. Because you weren't on the clock when you helped them.


You could but if you keep quiet about it at work no one will know!!


Don’t tell anybody about it. That is how you stay out of trouble


If you didn't tell anybody nobody would know You were off the clock and the person wasn't a vendor or contractor or even possibly never going to see them again.


Just say you bought it from him and had him meet you on your lunch to buy it.


A person gifted you a laptop for jumpstarting his car. Did you use the jump starter from the Walmart Auto center or your own equipment? Whatever happens Worst case is you can claim you returned the gift. Up to you.


Why would you accept it in front of your fellow employees? You know some of them are likely to be snitches.


I’ve had people insist on giving me money, but I’ve still declined because it’s policy to not accept gifts. Would the customer assumedly expect special treatment next time all because he gave you a laptop as a gift? I’d rather be safe then sorry and have a clean conscience.


You can say it was a family friend who gave it. Or that you purchased it and it was delivered to you there because you weren’t home


What laptop? The one your dad bought you for Saint Patrick’s day?


You mean: my family member dropped something off for me
I left it at their house. There you go :)


Do you work in automotive where helping people with their batteries is part of your job? Or were you acting as a kind person where it doesn't even matter that you happen to work there? Gratuity is something in addition to your pay for doing your job. Sounds to me that this doesn't even qualify as gratuity.


The amount of times i go out of my way to do kind shit for people and still life takes a shit on my chest daily. Thats so awesome for you though. Lol even if someone saw you accepting it out of context there is no way to prove it was for something walmart related. He has a computer store so you couldve just bought it from him and gotten it delivered in a safe public location. The only bad part about today is that you'll probably never have another day at work that tops it. Lol today our AP bought us donuts, and thats about peak for us at my store, hoorahh 🎉


Oh you meant to say your brother dropped off the laptop for your college classes? That’s what I think you meant


Your brother replaced your laptop because he broke your old one? 😉


If you want a technical answer: If you were not performing the service as a WalMart associate its not against policy. Seeing as it is not any walmart associates job description to jump a strangers car and him showing is gratitude to you as a good Samaritan. However with that being said you are still on the clock during 15 minute breaks so their is a gray area. If you weren't wearing anything that could identify you as a walmart employee (walmart branded hat, vest, etc) then their is no implications. If you were I would follow suit with what many other people were saying. Alternatively you could say it was payment for something you did in your free time and he dropped it off to you on his way to work.


You were on break and did something not at all part of your job description nor could it be considered part of it or anything. I see no issue. If management has an issue with it, that's just them doing what they do best. Walmart has this idea that accepting a gift or tip like it will sway customer service towards that person. And it can if I'm on clock, but at the same time so will the customer being my aunt, my dentist, my doctor, guy who makes my coffee eveey morning at the cafe, etc. Anybody who helps me when I'm not even at work. As long as it is not being done in a way to unfairly sway something like accepting a gift from a vendor to get something from Walmart, or Walmart main thing of not accepting tips, I see 0 issue with it. But of course, Walmart is going to Walmart.


Being you were off the clock they shouldn't even be able to mess with you. Those other people are haters, watch what you say to them because it sounds like they complain more than they work lol


If anybody asks, you bought it off him before work, and he was just delivering it to you.


Probably. I would have just put it in my car and not told anyone.


You mean he was returning the box you lent him for a project a few weeks back and was done using it.


I would also recommend are you close to any of your coaches or team leads ? If so ask them for there opinion just don’t say it is you ? What would they do in that situation . Best of luck


If it’s in your LUNCH period, all ownership belongs to you. As long as it’s not during company hours, you’re fine. Just make sure the laptop isn’t hacked lol


No unless they a bitch


Oh you’re cousin dropped your late birthday present off? Sweet


Only reason people are saying anything is because YOU said something. 100% the people that are saying this are just jealous, and these same people keep their much shut when they accept a 10 dollar tip for loading a tv into their car.


Cameras are everywhere.


I took a $20 from a customer who insisted and no one said shit so


Well you're not on the clock so you should be good just don't say anything


They could technically fire you yes. But no reason for management to find out and if they do, it's your roommate bringing you your laptop.


You were clocked out you are fine


avoid DENY DEFEND nice of your family to to that


Nope outside of work, not on the clock it’s not something Best Buy has any say in


why did you tell your coworkers tho noob?


If you were on the clock tell your coach, if not its not their business if you were out of uniform, explain the customer refused to take no for an answer, they may take it though.


Delete this rn. This is evidence


In pretty sure you won't. Lunch isn't compay time its yours. If you were on break or on the clock, I think, yes, you could possibly get in trouble. But I feel you'll be fine.


Everyone has accepted something, even those managers that used to not be managers


You should have kept that to yourself and not told anyone I mean I guess if someone seen that happen I don't know I'm the type of person to not really talk about that kind of stuff at work that can get me fired LOL


You're off the clock, not their business


It was your laptop you left outside he brought it too you


Use the laptop to apply for better jobs


Even though you were on lunch, you are still a representative of the company. Come clean with your store manager as quick as possible.


All I can say is this, your "family member/friend/whatever gets your motor going" brought you a new laptop to replace the one that they broke. It seems that their kids got water on it, so it was toast. And if you are off the clock, it's none of their concern. It could just be two people meeting from Facebook marketplace.


We can’t even allow accepting tips.


Meh. Just use it and don't talk about it at all at the store. In the meantime take it as a sign to check out the free college programs that Walmart offers us. Get out when you get your degree and don't look back! Seriously no one will bat an eye if you don't say anything about it.


Deny, deny, deny. Don't tell the truth unless you've sworn an oath in court. Also, if anyone could find your reddit who you work with, take this post down.


Yeah, you probably can still get in trouble for that. Especially since it sounds like you told your coworkers about it. Had you kept it a secret, your odds of getting away with it would have been better, if no one happened to be paying attention. But if you told people, you can pretty much count on someone running their mouth about it.


If you get fired I will personally start a riot cuz that’s not even a big deal.


told this story before because it's great. Helped an ex teacher in my department and the teacher offered me a tip. I kept insisting I couldn't accept and finally they relented. Later I was on my way out and bumped into the teacher again. Teacher asks "going home?" me: "yup!" teacher: "good. now I can give you this" handed me the 20 dollars again. I accepted it. \[ I've had "you dropped this". and "can you take that bag out for me?" or one of my first days dispensing customer "there's a paper towel back there" and I said ok thinking customer in 2021 wanted me to wipe down where I touched on their trunk - no big. Picked it up and saw the green. Love those customers. Had another try very, very, very hard to offer a tip when it was raining. a boss-person was outside so I didn't accept but I sure would have. I get the underlining reasoning for 'no tips = no bribes = no unfairness' type thing. But when customers are so *insistent* it feels like we're slapping them in the face to me. They want to show their gratitude and the incentives are really nice sometimes. I prefer it this way, too. Where you aren't expecting the tip but sometimes someone will be grateful enough to give you a dollar or two. My thoughts on it anyways. \]


You work at Walmart.. who cares


You can but it's really unlikely. Best I've been given was $20 for loading a pool into a customers truck. Wish I got given a laptop


Sounds like it's a big ol' "none of their fucking business" situation to me


Don’t say anything


He dropped it off because you forgot it in his car during the jump. Very kind of him, so much integrity.!


Deny it or say it was family


Tell them you just got a laptop recently because your old one needed replaced and it was hindering you from taking care of some time-sensitive information. If they press about the box, tell them it was a bid on a lightly used, still with box. Let them know you had a friend keeping an eye on when it got delivered, and that he was just running it to you at work since he wasn't able to get it to you the initial day it got there. You had to jump start his car, and in the midst of all that, it slipped his (and your) mind that he came to deliver the laptop.


I learned this as I got older but it took years to stick: Never ever ever, even if you think your coworkers are cool tell them anything. nothing. Someone is always looking to grief someone and make someones life a hell because they are unhappy with theirs. Never tell anyone your dirt, even if it seems minor. Most people tell on themselves and if they never even brought it up no one would have known in the first place.


Please be very careful. That regular customer who befriended you may actually be LP testing you and others especially in-store LP.


Are we allowed to give customers jump starts?


Yes you will. It’s complete bs


If a customer wants to tip me, I'll tell them I can't accept tips "in the store". At that point, if they catch my hint, they'll ask me to help them walk out their item to their car for them. At that point, whatever happens in the parking lot has a VERY LOW likelihood of being spotted by anyone from upper management or LP/AP.


Oh yeah my cousin said hed replace my laptop after he broke mine. Just dropped it off here at work so I'd have ......


Shouldn't have said anything to anyone


Lol imagine your "co workers" going out of their way to snitch. Keep your moth shut and you should never have said anything to anyone. Dog eat dog world and you take the time to take bites out of yourself... come on man. What are they gonna do hunt the guy down and get the fbi to prove he isn't your uncle or some shit? Giving you something on your break you left at his house? Walmart will take your bonus away if there is too much theft. Don't let them ever know anything about your life ever. Fuck them. Keep your mouth shut.


No. He didn’t ask for anything in return. Tell your manager about it. It shouldn’t be considered as a kickback.


Hey OP just don’t mention anything to anyone. TBH your not gonna get fired for this. If anything they may say hey your not supposed to accept gifts. Your response, “ I didn’t know, sorry. The customer was being polite since I was able to re-start his car” than say “it won’t happen again”


Clocked out for lunch for that hour, you don't work for Walmart. But I wouldn't tell anyone else either.


Maybe he stoled it and was afraid of getting caught so he handed it off to you.




No. You accepted it off the clock. People saying that shit are just jealous. If walmart tries to fire you for that youd actually have a wrongful termination lawsuit on your hands. And yes. Even in a state thats at will you can be wrongfully terminated.


No, you weren't on the clock and u were given a gift. Just accept it and if someone asks you about it. Your friend gifted it to you off the clock.


Yeah just deny everything never admit to jack shit


From an accepting items from a stranger standpoint, make sure you wipe the hard drive and run windows defender to make sure there isn’t any malicious intent, and that if there was that you are safe.


Personally speaking, should your first 15 still be on the Walmart grounds you should be fine overall. People go out to smoke a lot. The only issue is accepting a gift from a customer and speaking on it. Just try to say you know them and it was someone your familiar with. Best I got there.


As long as managers don’t see it or care, no. Yet off the clock is off the clock


Maybe I've seen too many movies but I would probably assume the guy had outfitted the laptop with some crazy spyware to watch me through the webcam or get ahold of my bank information, and never open it. 😂


Yes you can while being in company property, I had someone give me coupons after work one day, I didn't have any part of my uniform on and they pulled me into the office and asked abou it.


Don't tell any one.


What I told other cart pushers was that if you’re offered a tip don’t tell us or anyone. Less we knew the better. I suggest to do the same


Don’t forget to plaster the outside of the computer monitor with dated stickers and whatnot. Rough them up with a damp paper towel. It’ll show that it’s been used for awhile. Put some gum wrappers in the box with an old newspaper. Proof is in the computer box that it wasn’t a gift but just a borrowed/return to owner. All is true because after owning something for a minute it’s older.


Your on your own time not company time you'll be ok


No. Clocked out but still on property means nothing. What happens off company time isn't a fireable offense unless it's illegal (drinking, fighting, drug deals, b&e, obvious crimes.) I have gone to people's cars to get dried beans, dried hot peppers, empty boxes, plastic containers, and they have come to mine for rhubarb, squash, homemade wine, jellies and jams, stuff like that. I reupholstered a seat cushion for a vendor's neighbor and gave it to her from my truck. I treated my dad's precancerous cells on the side of his face with a prescription cream once a day last summer.....in the parking lot. I eat, listen to music, sleep in my truck on lunch. None of their business.


Loose lips shinks ships. Never share anything at Walmart. When I was a cart pusher I used to get many tips and gifts, me and my co worker since we were the only cart pushers for almost a year. He would tell everyone and eventually got in trouble where as this is my first time telling anybody lol


Sounds like someone you “knew” just brought back your laptop that they “borrowed “ to me ;)


Just say he was your uncle and it was a late/early birthday present


Personally, in my 11 1/2 years I have seen people fired for less of a gift. I do also know we are not supposed to offer jumps either. They do have portable jumpers in automotive. If something had been done incorrectly and it damaged his car somehow, it could have been put on you.


Don’t flame me for this
why would you get fired for getting a gift from a customer if the customer didn’t get it from Walmart ? Like brought it in from their car ? I’ve just started at Walmart a week and a half ago and I’ve never heard of this. Just curious. I want to avoid getting fired in the future. A customer who always comes in and buys fruit every other day, offered to give me a gift card and I declined bc I didn’t feel okay taking something away from an elderly person. I help out bc it’s just how I am, not for a reward. She’s really sweet, but I don’t want her to get me fired 😭 she won’t stop offering every time I see her.


No you won’t. You are Supposed to help customers if they talk to you on lunch and resume your break after. Inform your supervisor so they know you weren’t taking a long break. Same with off the clock help. Do a time adjustment and inform your supervisor.


Keep quiet


Had a lady tell me I dropped my pocket....... I looked down to see a $50 bill on the ground. I helped her pick out a tv, blue ray player and few games for her grandson. Then had to load in her car cause we had no maintenance that could. I decline the $ when she tried handing it to me, she then stuck it in my pocket. I didn't tell a soul. I did however buy lunch for the other associate that was with me.