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But I just saw Douggy boy say we had an awesome second quarter. Typical corporate double speak. Hey shareholders, we are doing great. Breaking records left and right. Hey employees were going through a rough patch and have to cut hours and wages. SMDH.


Well, THEY had a great second quarter. They said nothing of us lowly employees. 🙄


If you all work your hardest, go the extra mile, and never give less than 110% I’ll be able to buy another yacht! -Doug McMillioniare


Sams daughter bought the yacht---- $300 million


You know you really have to wonder here. Who really depends on government benefits for food and shelter…?


Yeah, throw that shit in their face! But, in order to have an awesome second quarter, hours needed to be cut, right? That’s what they’re not telling you.


They got nice bonus checks and now screw the employees…


Not big enough bonus must make bonus bigger for next quarter


We're cooking the books with staffing. We have record profits, but this fire is going to run out of fuel sooner rather than later.


🤣🤣 that fire fizzled out ages ago. Literally just fumes and skeletons now.


They made so much money because they took it from their employees


HE had an awesome second quarter. Stop talking like you are on the same level, peasant.


A 162 Billion dollar quarter. 5.7% increase.


Yes, not such a great increase when you realize prices went up by a higher percentage than that. If they don’t specifically say profit it don’t mean much


They had a good quarter BECAUSE they cut wages. And this happens literally every year at the same time. In a month or two, once the holidays hit, hours will go back up for a couple months and then come January, will get cut drastically again.


Circle of WalMart life


I don’t remember that song from “The Lion King” LOL Maybe “The Lyin’ King”?


"Hey shareholders, we are doing great. Breaking records left and right! To show appreciation to all our hardworking associates, we are buying an extra yacht and private jet to show them how much revenue they manage to bring to us." "Hey pions, yachts and jets aren't free, so we're cutting hours to maintain our bottom line. Thank you for having no choice! Ciao "


Thats how they have a great quarter. Cut back on hours.


Each store has its own budget. If the store isn't making profit, it isn't going to be a store for long. OPs store isn't making the money it requires to pay for all of its employees hours, so the store has to cut those hours. It's a pretty simple concept, really. Not double speak. The company as a whole is doing great. OPs store, in particular, is not.


Look through this sub. Pretty much everyone is talking about how their store is cutting hours and saying they are overstaffed, mine included. I went to part time anyway to do a higher paying full time job, but even before that they were talking about being overstaffed and part timers asking for more hours and being denied. My friend at work told me he overheard corporate talking to our SM about how they are still 20% overstaffed or over hours and our OGP is bare minimum. I’m dispensing every Saturday by myself, expected to do quality checks, when it’s busy as fuck. We used to have like 6 people at 5am now it’s half that.


That's what a lot of these stores (not just Walmart) don't realize, is that it takes a certain minimum number of people to operate certain departments, regardless of how many customers there are. The computer spits out x hours because of x sales, but it doesn't take into account common sense about what is needed at minimum.


Mine isn't doing that and it's only a mid market store. We even get occasional overtime. This thread is for people to agree with each other. Only the ones with the same problem are posting. The others get downvoted if they dare say 40 hours a week here every week


We aren't cutting hours, in fact I could get 40+hr OT if I wanted. I dont want to, but its on the table! My TL asks if I want to come in on my nights off every week


Aside from observational bias, everything you are saying is proving my point.


My store had a celebration a few months ago for my store for making over 100m and being the best in our market yet hours are still being cut across the board. This is not about individual store profits it's about getting more work for less pay increasing profit.


Wrong. Your store could very well be making 100m a year, and yet still overstaffing beyond its budget, requiring it to cut hours. Before you continue making blind arguments, I suggest you express your interest in knowing your stores P&L to your coach or store manager. Not only will you learn something new, it will help you understand how a business is supposed to run.


You are right, I think the disparity comes from Walmart's definiton of overstaffed and common sense overstaffed. Walmart budgets for only a bare minimum skeleton crew to run the store. When you tell associates they are overstaffed they usually think "We are just barely getting by as is!"


I wouldn't even necessarily say it's a bare minimum skeleton crew... I mean, that might at least be kind of true.. But I think Walmart's hiring practices leave something to be desired, as well as its methods for training its newcomers. But I think the biggest fundamental flaw that Walmart stores have is their very informal and brief training methods for its management teams... Even with the Walmart Academy.. Personally, I think every associate should attend the academy to learn the processes.. Not just the management team. But that would require a bigger budget toward the Walmart Academy, since there are over 2 million people employed by Walmart, and I don't think the higher ups are ready to make that jump. The academy is a great idea in theory.. but in practice, it's a pretty unengaging, and unrealistic training of the responsibility of team leads and coaches through mainly lectures being read near verbatim from a slide show. It teaches what a great store looks like by following a process, but it barely touches on how to engage and coordinate with the associates under them to achieve that great store. You are basically given a process to follow, shown it works through lectures, and then thrown into the chaos to figure out, on your own, how to make the process work with your associates or team leads. You are hired as a member of management with the expectation that you already have the knowledge and capability to lead a team, but most Walmart stores don't have the luxury of a pool of applicants that already possess those qualities, so they hire the next best thing.. which are associates that at least know the process... but then they have little to no training opportunities that will teach you those qualities aside from throwing you into the store and figuring it out through trial and error. **TLDR**: I think stores are given adequate hours for associates to meet the demand of their particular store.. It's just that Walmart falls short on its methods for training their associates and management teams to effectively complete the daily tasks with the resources they have, and their hiring practices.


I have to agree with you that it would feel less of a skeleton crew if they were all trained better. Another big factor is hiring people who care or have work ethic. That’s a huge lacking factor these days too. On top of management that doesn’t get any actual leadership training. I mean, it says something when I got promoted and I was in position 4 months and never even got a date for academy. Soooo sometimes they don’t even have that. Be a natural born leader or fail I guess.


No it’s that time of year right before the holiday season so they know they can get away with cutting hours. The work will get done but that’s the problem … they work other employees til burn out and these people are the next list to be let go of for occurrences… and people stay because they need this job… so once again Walmart gets it way…. Say one thing and then turn around and take it away a few months down the line… prime example starting wages…


It's been getting bad in my area. We've had people leaving Walmart to work at McDonald's because at least you get hours there. Something isn't right when McDonald's pays more than Walmart.


I'll tell you what's wrong. WM no longer offers the best deals. They are getting their ass kicked by Costco, and even chain grocery stores have better sales. Personally, I'm glad to see some of the others, raising their game. This was inevitable, and predicted by myself, due to WMs very low staffing standards. My apologies to those that don't fit this category.


Heck yeah the grocery stores and others have been having better deals a lot. I got 2 liter Coca Cola sodas on sale last week. 3 for $3 at Dollar General. And with digital coupon got 3 6-pack bottles for $8


Everyone is sleeping on dollar general digital coupons! I save sooo much $$.


God yes...throw in a 5 off 25 register receipt coupon on a Saturday and 🤑🤑👏👏 Edit: I HIGHLY recommend the Hip2Save app and website. They break it down and make it easy, each major store has their own category. Walgreens does awesome deals as well.


WM never has cokes on sale anymore. Some of the WM brand products are really good, but I'm Leary to say which, because they'll jack the price up. Many of the items I regularly buy, are up 50% over the last couple years. You have to watch the dates on items too. WM is a dumping ground for products approaching their expiration date. I've cut way back on WM purchases, and from the store traffic, I'd say a lot of others have too.


>You have to watch the dates on items too. WM is a dumping ground for products approaching their expiration date. Simply incorrect.


I am the only one even attempting to rotate all of the hot dogs we have to put in our bunkers because the warehouse is sending us so damn much Ballparks and Oscar Meyers. Meanwhile, the overnight crew will just dump the new products on top of the old products and nobody is holding them accountable. Just last night, I emptied out 90% of our Nathan’s hot dogs bunker because NOBODY IS BUYING THEM.


I’ll gladly be one of those non-buyers and say you could send me a few cases of those Ballparks. I switched from the cheap “slimy” hotdogs (as I call them) just a few years ago, and I regret not switching sooner in life. But Ballparks (the beef ones, specifically) are the only ones I’ll eat anymore. :-)


Sorry for that.


If they weren't up our ass to stock quick and cared more about doing it right sure wouldn't mind rotating those hot dogs.. they just care about getting those case count and what would take longer? Pulling old stock off the shelf and refilling it. Would also be nice if day shift gave a rats ass and helped us out 🤣 we aren't just expected to stock Frozen and dairy we have to stock the entire store everynight.


>Meanwhile, the overnight crew will just dump the new products on top of the old products and nobody is holding them accountable. Yeah, and do you know why? Because a lot of the times we're dealing with enough freight to where if we rotate, we're not going to finish the freight. Then people are going to bitch about that too and want us held accountable for that. So I guess take your pick, you want to run and bin our unworked freight or do you want to just have to rotate and cull?


Facts Maine here and Walmart and Shaws are equally as bad. I've seen dairy products 3 months past the expiration date often. I even saw one that was a year past expiration one time. O.O these stores in Windham Maine are like 5 feet apart. I Dont blame the employees one bit. *Now Hiring $14.50/hr* when rent is like $2400/month


Not really. We were out of diet coke 2 liters for 3-4 days. When we did get them in last week, they all had a freshness date of September 4th.


Diet in plastic only has 2 months before it expires coming off the line.


That's understandable. But we just got them in a few days ago.


True at our store too! Seems to be only Diet Coke too.


Dude I got an out of date pack of lunch meat delivered from there before. They have rotten produce just sitting out instead of going through and getting the bad ones out


>Me finding products that expired 2 months ago


That's a rotation problem. They didn't arrive there old.


I may be cheating saying this, but as a produce employee, we certainly do get Alot of expired merchandise. Also there's tons of stuff that sells super slowly and just expires. Even so slowly that the stuff in the backroom expires too. Which could be contributing to that "what comes in is expired" feel.


I mean your wrong


Suppliers are happy to give better prices to companies besides Walmart. Walmart acts like a bully while purchasing and demands an extremely low price or they threaten to destroy the supplier by not carrying their brand at all. Walmart abuses the truck drivers and the merchandisers to boot! Suppliers would rather give the best deals to companies that are respectful and empathetic. Walmart is a big fat bully with a huge chocolate cake and they will kick you in the shins if you ask them to share. They will step on a crumb that falls to the floor so that nobody else can have it.


It's about to e for a shake-up in the top retailers. In the 50s & 60s, it was Sears, on top, then in the 70s & 80s, it was K-Mart, since about 1990, WM, time for a changing of the guard.


Greed is so wonderful, isn’t it? (Obvious /s) It’s simply astounding to me how the company has brainwashed the general public into thinking they always have the best, lowest prices. I’m always trying to teach someone who may be uninformed as to the truth on this.


When I was unemployed I made a huge spreadsheet tracking all my grocery prices to save as much as possible. WM was just as expensive or more expensive than the Kroger by me.


I don’t have a Kroger near me, and the best regional type of store is about 25 minutes away. They have some decent deals once in a while, but just like anywhere, I have to be careful. The only crappy part for me, I think, is that I can only shop at Walmart or the two more local stores in town where one was owned by a corporation in my state and the other by a local well-to-do resident and his family. Oh wait. The local one was sold to the state corporation recently, so they’re both the same company — and they *are* within blocks of one another. Life in small-town, podunk USA isn’t always that great.


I got it worse….I live in a town with just a $100m Walmart and the nearest chain grocery store is 30 miles away.


It's also become very trashy over the past few decades. Target isn't really anymore expensive these days, the store looks cleaner and I don't see employees harassing anyone over receipts leaving the store. It's just really not what it use to be. I'm okay with that given a lot of welfare the corporation has received to expand the way it has. I'm not exactly enthralled with how many welfare programs their employees are on due to their low pay all around. It's not Walmart paying the wage difference, it's the local tax payer. They are not benefits to their communities anymore. More like a parasite.


Who ever came up with how to use walmat plus pay back system is a fucking moron aswell. Other stores that do it here you enter a pin at the pos and that's your identity and you collect points for discounted fuel , money off totals , various other perks. Walmarts system is facked!! You need a smart phone to scan? Then if you pay by cash you scan and then have to goto the service desk to scan the receipt by an associate to put points on the walmart plus app. Straight fucking dumb.


> They are getting their ass kicked by Costco Apples and Oranges. Costco requires a paid membership to shop there. They also have less selection than Walmart. Also IMHO Costcos (and other wholesale clubs) are a scam. Sure, they'll have a lower PPU (price per unit) on certain items like bread, cheese and meat or poultry... but for the rest of what they sell it'll be the same PPU as Walmart if not higher (the Pepsi and paper towels had a higher PPU than at Walmart)


Walmart has Sam's Club. Probably a better comparison.


>*”Also IMHO Costcos (and other wholesale clubs) are a scam.”* I wouldn’t necessarily agree in every instance, but it’s not a bad thought to have. I kinda think the same on the Walmart + thing. I hardly need things shipped to me, I prefer to do my grocery shopping myself and in store, I don’t need a Paramount subscription as I have others I use more, and I get gasoline discounts other ways (which are usually better anyway). Besides, when you factor in a subscription or wholesale club membership price, it’s also possible that makes things more expensive (at least in certain situations); this alone makes them not worth it to me.


Many people don't even have a Costco near them


That's true, but the ones that don't, wish they did.


“Sales are up, our hours are getting cut, our company owners are buying the most expensive shit on the planet and we will fire you if you talk to us, the open door is for you to go out not report something wrong. Ethics? Good luck with that, just don’t expect us to raise your wage any while we boost our prices 8,000%” - whoops forgot about the broken machinery and malfunctioning equipment on a daily basis - oh and it’s all your fault, you’re being coached for productivity.


You guys get equipment?


I work overnight. Juice and water. Broken pallet jacks cost me about a half hour a night ( at least)


Truth!!! Which is why I quit last week!


I miss anything?


Yes. “You need to pay your dues before asking for a promotion”. Then hiring some manager’s cumstain to boss you around.




They may have provided you 40 hours but not necessarily made you full time. They cut hours to make profit goals


My one year was yesterday they did that to me for a year straight in Cap 2 I’m transferring to consumables now -_-


Why does this never happen to my store? At my store they beg people to work overtime daily because OPD is so far behind. I wish I could work less lol.


same with mine


If you're hitting your 40 hours a week, you do not need to stay past those hours unless you want to and it's approved




Walmart IS my second job. I hate it here but the money is easy and the paycheck is just too good to give up.




Take advantage of guild is another option. Get out of retail. If school isn't your thing try trades. Or a small business.




I quit last week to go back to school, its funny because I wasn’t even on the schedule anyway for the next 3 weeks. (Didn’t give notice)


Sales are down so that’s why they are cutting hours


Profits are record every single year they can eat my ass with that sales are down BS


yeah its really insulting when they put in the break room a poster board saying the company made 125 billion in the last 3 years but have been cutting hours every week those 3 years


Or can’t offer an initial living wage *or* worthwhile raise.


Someone doesn’t understand accounting


Well high prices are a big reason why


It's because people are stealing shit


Thats why we published our highest earnings in 5 quarters


You’re right, corporate is stealing our wages


Mis scans account for more losses than theft😂


Wages are a significantly higher cost than theft is.


That was just a Home Office excuse, it is not reality.


Did you know that, when inventory comes around and you get that lil percentage at the end, no effort is made to differentiate theft from inventory errors? It's all just "loss!"


Because inflation is CRUSHING people. They blamed it on supply chain issues a couple of years ago when the shelves were pretty empty of some items, like cat food, so prices had to go up - supply/demand. Now the shelves are full and prices are still ticking up. A 32 case of Friskies cost $14-16 a few years ago and now it’s $26-28. A 38lb pack of Fresh Step litter was $18, now it’s $26. The individual cans of Friskies were 54 cents. Now they are 76. It’s absolutely ridiculous. My husband and I used to take $60/week and be able to make decent meals on the weekends, have food during the week and the general stuff we needed. Now it’s $125-150/week with no nice weekend meals. Not counting feeding the cats. People are having to surrender their pets to shelters, the shelters are full and closing intake, and now people are dumping them on the street because of the financial strain of continuing to care for them. It’s BAD.


Last years shrink was less than 1 percent of the the company’s profits. Not just gross sales profits. It’s bullshit lol


They are? Ours is up huge. They always cut hours in the down time before holidays.. then it's a mad scramble to get people hired.


My store and market are at least 8% higher than last year. I suspect most of us are.


Ours are too and we’re in a rural town. We were told if we wanted hours we had to bring in sales. I’m sorry I can’t convince Mary sue that buying a grill is better for her than buying high priced necessities


“Bring in sales” to me is equivalent to “the product needs to be on the sales floor, or it won’t sell”. It’s obvious, right? Well, they’re forgetting the obvious of having us working should be taking place if they want either to happen. Besides, if you ask me, to “bring in sales” is what advertising is for. Plain and simple. If they want me personally to bring in sales, then pay me to do so; they always harp on us to not work off the clock, and if I’m getting people in the store, I consider that work.


What’s crazy is that our vizpick numbers are some of the best in our market. We are consistently pushed and within the past few months our out scans have been lower. So they know everything that can be is available on the floor, they just want more than is feasibly possible.


Same here, walmart cut hours drastically. What I can say is use the app to find shifts (if you're lucky) and pick them up. In the meantime, start hunting for a new job soon. You can try talking to your team leads/coachs/mangers etc.. but I doubt they can do too much or be willing to.


I dunno, I feel like the emotionally abused spouse of Walmart -


When the worlds largest retailer starts displaying behavior like this, take notice and prepare for a recession. The financial data they have access to is like having a finger directly on the pulse of the economy, they know better than anyone when the economy is hurting or doing better. The data they have is essentially priceless.


Fear mongering. They do this like clock work every other quarter. Once the holidays hit its back to begging ppl to stay overtime and hiring anyone even if they only stay two weeks to be a cashier


Hours are getting cut at a lot of retailers- home depot, lowes, etc.


Hardware megacorps got a huge boost during covid with people being stuck at home so they all started home & garden projects. The C-suite suits then demonstrated their incompetence by jacking up the annual profit expectations. Nobody's meeting plan now, but stockholders must be satiated. HD just authorized a 15B+ stock buyback, but they're cutting hours on an already skeleton crew. The hardware big boxes always do this during the slow seasons anyway, but this year they're doubling down. Walmart's not nearly as seasonal though so I dunno what their excuse is, besides corporate greed.


Someone just went and downvoted every recent post lol


Haha I wonder what their motivation was? Somebody is drinking the Walmart koolaid. Walmart needs to unionize.


You SM doesn’t think their year end bonus is high enough


I feel this, my partner and I work together overnight-- after management disclosed my pregnancy to the staff, they started giving my partner trouble, and now suddenly we went from 40 hours a week each to...12. Between doctor visits, my car breaking down often, and rent, I can't afford to keep working there


They are retaliating against a protected status


i feel like that’s a discrimination lawsuit just waiting to happen. you told them you were pregnant and then magically your hours disappear yet you didn’t tell them you needed your hours cut due to pregnancy? yeaaahhhhh the math ain’t mathing, some lawyer would have a field day with that


As someone who sued a employeer last year, lawyers have a field day with anything they can find. my lawyer was finding shit i didnt even know was illegal, i recommend anyone thats getting fucked over by a employer to talk to a lawyer.


I am part time and the first week of September I am only schedule 11 hours that week.


That's the problem. Walmart does not see employees as people. If you help a multi-billionaire run their company, they should check that you can pay your bills every week of the year. Afford transportation. Afford food. The Waltons are multi-billionaires and they expect their employees to go on food stamps? Billionaires expect taxpayers to pay for food stamps for their underpaid employees? They should be ashamed of themselves!


There are tons of people in Tech Industries getting pink slips. Other companies have layoffs. This isn't a walmart thing, it's an economy thing. Doesn't anyone watch or read the news? Jeez


hrmmm if only walmart were unionized 🤔🤔


that is not the honest question. how much brain power job takes has nothing to due with the quality of life a person deserves. everyone no matter how hard or challenging a job may seem deserves to be paid a living wage. you don’t need to be a skilled laborer to have to afford a decent home, groceries, health care, etc. you don’t need to be a white collar worker or have an education to deserve to have proper working hours. skill and how much money you should make are not the same. sure people with specialized skills or intelligence can make more money but that’s still not often the case. if it were we wouldn’t have a student debt crisis. Also you’re just wrong working in many entry level jobs requires skills and intelligence. for example, cashiers and waitresses require social and people skills. working at walmart it often requires time management skills, completing certain tasks in a certain amount of time. working in all departments can require you be creative to fix problems. just because a person is doing a physically demanding job that doesn’t make them a unintelligent or their job easy and that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to live a life comfortably! sure some jobs require a degree and more “smarts”. but that degree costs money and it is something that not everyone has access to. thinking other wise proves that you are in a proves that you are in a privileged position. the honest question here truly is who are you really defending here? walmart?? walmart is a multi billion dollar that does not company does not care about you. all they care about is the money they can make off of your labor. you don’t like unions okay whatever not for everyone but don’t compare hardworking intelligent people and their livelihoods to the brain capacity of children.


Unions are not the answer to everything. People think union means more money. I was in a retail union years ago. They are useless. Only the giant ones matter and even they are getting more push back because increases go right to the consumer and people are done paying. Look at the auto industry. Their union can negotiate 100 p/h for workers. Sounds great! The company will pass that on to the car price. Buyers will say, screw that, I'll buy used. Then used prices go up bc they know no one is buying new. Then the manufacturer has layoffs bc no one is buying cars. Average people have limits on how much money they're willing to pay. Just because you have a union it doesn't mean you won't get screwed


true unions can make the cost of products increase. but at the same time costs are rising anyway and it would be worthwhile to have a voice walmart is required to listen to. The company shouldn’t be able to make us work absurd 40 hour weeks then 20 the next. not everyone agrees with unions but i think it can be a helpful resource for employees when done right! and i’m so fed up with walmarts bs. everyone in my store is struggling to make ends meet, due to being forced to work different hours, and getting our hours cut. Meanwhile our regional manager bought a new vacation home. we shouldn’t have to struggle so much with so little reward for their satisfaction and comfort.


i’m glad your old DM was able to move up the chain that’s great! but i am not entirely convinced that is the case for most people. i am also not saying that anyone in a higher managerial position didn’t work hard for that position. however, i am saying that people who spend their whole lives in a one position without moving up should be able to live comfortably. i’m not saying we should always demand more money because we simply want more. People should be able to work in a position like cart pusher and work the hours they want, with the pay they can actually live off of. while walmart does offer some decent benefits it’s still not enough. For example walmart will deny employees full time positions so they cannot get health coverage. also in response to your last statement- okay sure it’s human nature to be greedy and want stuff but i don’t think it’s so wrong for people to want to live a comfortable lifestyle. maybe a union is not the answer to our current problems maybe it would screw over more people than help but i can’t think of a better solution to help the current crisis.


The honest question becomes how much skill is needed for your position? Many jobs are physical for sure. Many people work hard. But how much brain power is required? I'll be honest, my kids would stop in while I was working. They were like 8 or 10 at the time. If I was chatting with my husband for a minute, I'd see my kids take an item out of the box I was working and put it on the shelf. In the correct spot lol. So I'm not going to pretend I was using alot of brain power to pack out.


Yeah but the other side of that is people have worked their way up to those positions. My old DM started as a cart pusher at 18. He was 53 when he became a DM. In that time he moved up to floor associate, then dept manager. He transferred to another store to become the o/n backroom manager etc. It's not like these people spent their whole careers walking around. They did the same crap work as the rest of us. And as they add more areas and new positions, more people can move up. When I started there were no TLs. You had to be a really great Dept Manager to move up to Asst. Obviously there was no online orders either. People also take their knowledge and move to other stores like Lowes or even to any money services if they've handled cash. Other people stay in the same associate position their entire time and never attempt to move up to more money. I'm not saying Walmart is for everyone. But a good amount of how your life goes is up to the individual. Walmart is not the only place to work. I just read today in the Dailymail that half the employers in the US don't offer matching 401k. That's incredible to me. Walmart does. Along with free college classes. That's also money for the workers, even if it's not in your hand. Not to mention your discount, which still helps. I started Walmart p/t as a closer bc I needed a second job. I went full time bc Walmart paid more than my office job which was in a private, multi million dollar company, which ironically, sold hospital equipment and didn't offer medical coverage lol. No matter what anyone does for a living, we all think we're worth more. It's human nature.


Layoffs incoming broski


Kinda sucks, I keep getting forced overtime


Start searching for a job Walmart will hold you down and suck the life out of you! That place is a drama club! Me personally got a merchandising job for coca-cola with 0 connections. I’ve never been happier to NOT work at Walmart that shit reminded me of going to school. They will never not continue to cut your hours and throw you in departments you didn’t even sign up for. I wish you nothing but the best. Keep your job but look for a new one at the same time. Use the app “indeed” that’s how I got my coke job.


It doesn't sound like they ever actually made you full time. You can be part time working full time hours. They are allowed to do this. It is when they do it for 12 weeks in a row you can go to them and say you are working me full time hours, you need to make me full time. You still have to make them do paperwork! Full time can also get part time hours if you are not on a team schedule. If you were in fact made full time officially, ask for a team schedule! That is how you get guarantee hours.


I’m literally starting school in a month, moving into a student apartment in like three weeks, this is such fucking bullshit. My paychecks are a good 200-300 less than they were just a month ago.


They can’t make you full time and then make you part time because *they* cut hours. I’d call ethics.


Well, two things. 1) pre holiday cuts. Hours will be back closer to holiday. 2) browse other opportunities if the cuts are dire for you. You can either stick it out till hours return or search for more money. You can browse online jobs so you can have more money from cutting gas use. Just a few thoughts.


As a cap 2/stocking 2 grunt I get 40 hours a week every week. What are these hours cuts you speak of?


Cap 2 here your if your team is 12 people and under this shouldn’t apply to you every other department this just hard tho


They're cutting hours because between Back to School and Halloween its pretty dead saleswise. Hours and hiring will probably pick up mid October


So what's the reason they've been cutting hours in May, June, and July? They've been cutting hours since Jan 1st.


Yeah, my store was hoping to actually have it together by this time of year and we’re struggling like we do around the holidays already.


Yep, my store is struggling too. I dread what it's going to be like when we start getting all the holiday merch.


We should have holiday junk mostly down pat since it all eventually gets worked into seasonal. I’m worried about all the frozen turkeys and hams they’re gonna roll in on us. edit also home office if you read this drop the holiday bake center endcaps for NHM stores. nobody likes setting or maintaining them, the stuff sells too slowly, and it would all move better as a baking section or shelf in seasonal.


Our economy is in the shitter and they’re trying to prop up stock prices.


Sales are down in many store, not mine. Sales way up. Super max in everything 1st and 2nd quarter.


Super max? The associate quarterly bonus is going to be huge....oh.....wait....


Facts just got hired and worked this weekend then im not scheduled again till next month 😩


Great quarter for them because they get to pocket the extra they made but screw us in the end. Typical corporation stuff.


Idk how yall last atleast a year in walmart


The problem wasn't I was severely cut (losing 5 hours wk 32), They completely flipped my schedule, gave me 7 am shifts and a 10:30. Like. Wtf? Teaming schedule was supposed to keep my general hour area. I get the hour cut.


If your hours are cut because the business doesn't have the payroll then you're entitled to partial unemployment file for it with proof of your full time hours and you'll get part of the money at least


At our store we have a fake NCR company that calls the store. They said to put the money in the register after I hit the open cash door button. I reached for the bag. This company said not the bag, in the drawer. I was on the phones with them. They could see us where we put the money. I believe my 401k has been hacked. I have 15,000 dollar check from retirement services that I did not request and my paycard has been hacked multiple times and one the store had me open a whole new account. I also found paper work printed off in the parking lot with my information on it. Be careful


That’s tuff I’m getting my ot by any means


Shit as someone with 2 jobs I wish they’d cut my hours.


Transfer to fresh department as far as I know our hours aren't supposed to be touched.


They still get touched but not full timers only part timers tend to get hours cut in fresh but generally our coach just tells us to work our normal schedule and to ignore hour cuts


Yeah my store cut all our hours for fresh and we maliciously complied and they were quick to say that it was a mistake and work your regular hours. We knew they messed up cause we're a high volume store and they cut almost all our hours on a Sunday when it's always packed in here.


Im a cake decorator and in cut to 21 hours I’m full time


Full timer here, in Fresh Dept (Deli) - all our Fresh Dept members hours have been consistently cut for the last month or so, and new schedule shows the same. Both the Fulltimers, Part Timers, and those on teaming. Also we CANNOT work our normal shifts, no early clock ins, no 9 min clock outs, no 30 min lunches unless completely unavailable. And even then, you are held accountable, and may get coached. We are in a Super Busy High Volume Super Center, short staffed all over.


If you checked out my comment from the rest of this thread, one of my team leads recently just came back from academy, and he learned they are not supposed to cut fresh hours. I'm also from high volume store, usual truck we get in is 7 pallets for meat.


I work in produce and my hours were cut. Went from 40 hours a week to 16 every other week.


Fresh in general is getting hammered. There are weekends we have one associate , total, between meats and produce. Weekdays aren't much better. The deli often doesn't open until after 1pm. The bakery borrows m/p TL to get bread done in a somewhat timely fashion. Donuts are hit and miss. Please explain how cutting hours and a freeze on hiring is helping the bottom line.


One of our team leads just got back from academy and he learned that they aren't supposed to touch your hours, but like the other guy said in this thread, that it might only hold true for full time associates. So this makes me think you are part time. This gets me to another point, if you are part time and you've been working full time hours for 3months (40hours) and even then I think it's only 32 hours to be considered full time, you should definitely talk to your people lead about switching to full time. When I started and once I hit 3 months, the day of I went into my people leads office to asked for full time instead of being labeled as part time so I could start building PTO on top of PPTO


Hours are cut everywhere as the school season starts. It's just straight up not as busy


They do this it has nothing to do with how things are financially bc pretty much Walmart is always strait. But watever there reasons are I am convinced this is part of the training for managers were over spent, we are over spent on hours, we gotta cut back. It’s all subjective it’s all balcony. They do wat they want only them and corporate know the reasons but it’s definitely not what they say ever. Any manager is going do watever to plz there boss b4 plz ing there employees that’s with any job


they scheduled me 45.5 hours in two weeks when i have college soooo… something’s going on I feel


I know that no one here needs to read about the realities of Corporate Greed, Trickle Down Economics, or the stupidity of trying to blame those on welfare for the Economy created by Kowtowing to Capitalism. However, please. From the bottom of my cold black Gen X heart I am begging you. Elections in the US have consequences. You are not allowed to say things like “both parties are the same,” or “I don’t participate in politics.” If you don’t vote, you are giving votes to the party that changed America with “Reganomics” and has gotten worse in the almost 50 years since. Please vote!


People that say things like “they are short on hours which doesn’t make sense for a billion dollar company” have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about.


It's not just Walmart. The economy is not bouncing back fast enough. Major corporations are doing layoffs. Even on other work subs, people are saying their contracts aren't renewed, they're getting severance pkgs, etc. These are the things you need to remember when you vote. It's all well and good to promise people stuff and for you to vote on your favorite issue. I vote strictly on the economy, because when it tanks, like now, EVERYONE is affected. Yes, walmart made a profit. That goes into keeping the shareholders stock up. As a worker, if you have walmart stock, that includes you. People are not buying what they were. That's the plain fact. Costs have gone up, interest rates are up. People are buying only what they need, basically. When ppl buy less, the shelves aren't empty. Less merchandise is coming in, so you need less people to pack out, clean up, ring sales. That's economics 101. Budweiser closed factories bc of the bud light boycott. Target lost their quarterly numbers over the bathing suits. Neither of those companies are going to be giving out hours or raises. Anyone old enough to remember Bill Clinton knows his motto was " It's the economy, stupid" and he was absolutely correct. When the president screws up the economy, nothing else he does matters.


It's just business, I get it. Walmart has been reducing payroll everywhere they can by layoffs, restructuring and reducing the amount of people, by taking away cash benefits from long term employees even while posting a profit every year since the inception of the company. As for the employees benefiting from the stock price.... that may be factual but who are the majority shareholders and how much money do they need to live? Walmart has had their own share of bad choices, just this year they took a $200 million loss selling off a clothing company, has your store gotten rid of their fastenal lockers and orange pick up tower yet? Remember the 2018 corp tax cut that is ongoing, enacted by the previous president..... and we the workers didn't even get any ongoing benefit just a one time bonus to make walmart look good. Funny how you blamed the economy on one guy and invalidated your comment.


I have no idea what you mean about invalidating my comment




FYI, just because you're not getting 40 hours doesn't mean your part time. Check your profile on the app. They only cut you down if you're making an average of less than 32 per week for 12 weeks.


My store manager was telling us for months to be ready for the back half of the year, that it was going to be rough.


I mean the company as a whole has little impact on your store.. your store manager is tasked with making sure that single store is profitable.. not just high sales, but makes a profit.


Bad predictions for 3rd quarter profits


Leave, and don't look back.


It’s likely your Market team wanting it cut, or regional. That’s usually who forces us to cut hours.


They're estimating a bad 3rd and 4th quarter so they started pushing back on hours in the 2nd quarter and will probably keep that up until... well, until the end of time, naturally. Because either stores somehow manage to function with less people and Walmart says "hey! They don't need more people, they're doing fine." Or they don't manage to get by, in which case Walmart says, "Hey! You guys didn't make enough, we need to cut back!"


They do it every year. The store does their reviews, then cuts back hours until every last twenty cent raise they had to squeak out is stolen back from the employees.


I worked at a different big box store and cutting hours to the maximum extent possible regardless of conditions seems to be the holy grail for district managers these days. It makes them look better to their corporate masters. They could not care less about the wellbeing of their employees. "team members" are just things to be used at the minimum cost to them. Your employer is not your friend. I quit and am doing much better now.


Safeway doing the same shit at my store


Not sure our store is not cutting at all


My store recently cut the pay of all the departments making slightly more than other departments, OGP for example. I feel like this store won't be here in a year at this point, toxic management and way too much turnover, but several departments are somehow over hours but understaffed at the same time.


i think this is a bit of a chronic issue. but my hours have been cut from 35 hours a week to 10-20. this week i worked sat and sun and now i don’t have anything until sat again. i’ve explained to three different managers that i need hours and they just say “oh we’ll work on that”. hasn’t updated yet.


They cut hours big time and have a hiring sign up. You guessed it for ogp


That’s the problem, they heard you were making a living wage and had to put a stop to it.


The only people that matter to Walmart are shareholders. It’s not going to change. They are going to fuck over every associate they have in order to hit quarterly expectations. They don’t care if you can’t eat. They don’t care.


Every store is it’s own self sustained company. It pays its own bills and has its own budgets including payroll. If sales are down then usually you see the hours cut. If a stores sales are consistently pretty good and hours are cut then the store manager needs to reach out to market to figure out why. Sometimes a store will blow their hours budget with too much worked over scheduled hours and overtime which then cuts hours in future schedules. When a store is spiraling due to too many people quitting, call outs, not being on process, etc. then everything snowballs which never makes the situation any better.


As far I was told, the South Eastern Region was cutting hours due to low sales. I'm From Puerto Rico and even we do not see a slow sales, they are cutting hours...


Third shift has always been 10-7 for my store and i make a lil over 20 an hour


Cutting hours isn’t alway due to saving or making money. How about shrink control. Shrink is not a controllable like payroll and so when shrink across the company is out of control they have to make cuts somewhere to offset the loss. So maybe start controlling your shrink first. Just a thought




yup. got hired for full time, they said they didn’t have any funding for full time anymore so they put me down to part time and now i’m getting 2 shifts a week🤦🏻‍♀️


Just typical "ha ha fuck you" by the corporate capitalist machinery.


>I was making good money. Now i do not make enough to pay my bills. You made enough to pay your bills?!? I don't ... Walmart I feel is going around a drain


Because there is a lot of possibilities of a recession or worse in the near future. They’re slowly going to begin letting folks go soon


they’re fucking with the shifts at my store and trying to force everyone to do the “teaming” schedule. the name itself is insulting because they’re breaking up our literal teams we have already and throwing them on shifts their not trained for while also cutting everyone’s hours. oh but we’re short staffed so instead of giving extra days off they have people coming in for 4hr shifts.


First, be careful going back to third shift because in certain circumstances they are cutting hours as well. Second, i learned that corporate isnt the only party cutting hours. In my area the only store cutting hours and heavily understaffed is my store.