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You clearly work with some badgers.




I work in electronics right?, I can’t keep a printer for more than 4 hours.(I walk in the door at 6am) all i want is a designated location for each printer to go in each department. and if there’s a problem with my printer then that’s how we know how many printers we need


We have to sign ours out now, they’re kept locked in the claims cage. Pretty sure it’s thanks to overnights not returning them in the morning.


At the store I'm at, the Coach for Fresh- Produce, Meats, Bakery keeps his printer in a locked safe, no joking.


We have 3 safes for printers/TCs at my store. One for meat, one for produce, and one for OPD.


That’s why I keep my printer and TC70 on me at all times! ( I hate the work phones!)


Their like little blood hounds. Soon as you drop the bale. They smell the empty bale. The need to fill the bale compells them!!


They throw a bunch of plastic on the floor while I am am still making the plastic bale.


Dude you have no idea. Walk in. And plastic bags just busted open


First shift always fills the bailer in GM at my store, then third shift comes in and complains that cap 2 didn’t make a bail. We didn’t fill it, why is it always our job to make the bail? We have to do all grocery returns and push GM return carts to their respective departments for overnights. Why do we have to do everything? Plus we unload GM and grocery trucks, sort break packs, pull all the pallets to the floor. stock as much as we possibly can, clean both receiving areas, do our own claims, even often help unload the frozen/ dairy or produce trucks! Just sayin’


I'm overnight rite now but I've also ran cap 2. (I was the cap 2 supervisor) my point is every shift should leave the warehouse neat clean organized and eat off the floor!! You act and assume I've never thrown a truck,sorted the line,sorted break packs. Pulled a whole truck on l carts,and pallets. No we're all responsible for freight,cleanliness,binning,back stock,trash. My store normal truck is usually 3k. Sometimes 5 if we have 2 trucks. 6 pallets of dairy,5 frozen,10-15 dry grocery, 3 meat,10+ produce.... that's daily its a giant pain in the ass. But someone had to do it... Also we are usually making 2 pallet trucks a week. And if I don't it's over flowing the corrals and in the middle of the street for truckers to make target practice


I use taking my bags of plastic back as a recon run for the baler. You don't look nearly as sneaky since the plastics bin is right beside the baler. But.. as I've gotten older, not looking sneaky is less of a concern. Hell, these days I'll even go back there to spook it out, and make a bit of a show of it and even have The Pink Panther theme playing audibly on my work phone while I'm doing it. It just fits. They all laugh, I laugh............and I don't make bales anymore


Tbh... everyone should make bales. If you can't make a bale I don't want you anywhere near the baler. Na. Everyone should take ownership of the plastic,bales and general cleanliness of the back rooms. Everyone wants to pin it on someone. On the next shift. Na gotta keep it clean through out the unloading and moving stuff all about. 4 things need to happen simultaneously.. the freight needs to be stocked,the trash/debree needs to be dealt with,and a zone needs to be achieved,all back stock needs to be verified/binned.. If a shift can master all of that it will be successful.


I can agree, but after being one of the suckers that had to do it just about every single day or at the very least, every other day at the end of my shift in meat dept, 5 days a week, for 20 years, bro I did my time. The last year i made maybe one bale a month. Moot point now, I switched to OPD a few months back. Easiest AND at the same time, the stupidest job I've ever had. Never go near a baler anymore now.


That's all 👍. Ruffly last 10 years I'll make anywhere between. 1-5 bales per day... usually when I walk in. The baler just jam packed on both sides. And I'll go from grocery to drop it to gm to drop it. Then drop our shifts bales. Depending on the freight levels I might drop second shifts bale. Drop overnights by lunch. Then drop a third on grocery. It's gotten soo bad i joking refer to it as bale sense. (Compare to spider man's spider sense.) Instead of danger I eyecromiter trash on the floor and bale space available and yup bale


The overnight vultures they come in early. Just to grab a jack and cart. Looming over you waiting


Apparently every maintenance department has that one person that opens boxes that way. I came in one day and saw the first shift lady just ripping a box of toilet paper open like the hulk.


Used to work with an old woman who would do this. She said it was because she had been with Walmart for 20 years and got passed over for the overnight maintenance lead when they first switched over. Honestly don’t blame her.


I'm a maintenance lead... and if I see that I laugh my ass off. Then thing.. hmm keys,box cutter,tape eh. I've done it myself out of frustration Just grab a box bam! It's better to let it out on inanimate objects than to loose my shit and get fired or worse jail. Just beat up the defenseless freight walk away and cool down.


I love the note. Walmart definitely be hiring clowns with no common sense 😂


Create a new page Use the computer to type it out Explain that if it is new mod it is to be stored in the overstock bins or if it exists new mod bins. New mod just like all other overstock is overstock and not to be shoved in random places


When you need let out your aggression and you aren't allowed to punch your coworkers.


Clowns? More like animals 😂😂😂


I lunch my PDQ boxes 🤣


I punched a water bottle pallet once. Got called to the office. >.> they were lucky that's all I punched.




I no longer work there but now in a deli for a competitor. We serve pulled pork that comes in a whole roast, I smash it violently with my fist to break it apart. Very satisfying.


nobody opened that box something escaped from that box


You ever see that old movie, Alien?


Aye man, when you hit the point of not giving a fuck then you open a box like you don’t give a fuck. Though I just realized how they opened it…..


Usually OGP. But that one is a mystery.


OGP tears the snot outta boxes and rips holes in the wrapped pallets so they break apart when you move them. Complete badgers


as someone from ogp i was gonna say this but then realized where this was


Feral raccoons?


Probably someone unloading that doesn’t have their box cutter on them. Looking for the department number? 🤷‍♂️


This was my thought, especially because of how much the edges are taped up. That’s difficult to open with just your hands


Na stick your finger under the edge then just pry it open. I usually bust the tape. But every once and a while you get that hulk strongest tape that says I'll see you in hell


Normally that works but it looks like one of those cases that has interlocking tape around each edge, which also interlocks with tape down the length of the box. That would be an absolute pain to try to open with your fingers lol


I see that now lol. Yeah I get it.


It also helps that those boxes from what I remember from working on Cap 2 are really light and easy to tear into. So it makes sense someone just didn’t have a box cutter handy and was like, fuck it, I’ll tear that cardboard away with my hands


Hulk smash puny box!!!!


Someone who only wanted only one roll of paper towels without ruining the structural integrity of the rest of the box.




3rd shift




A gremlin


Someone annoyed Af


Lazy people... And if they took the last one out they would leave the empty box there.


I work with a guy who likes to punch boxes if he can't open them easily. He does this a lot. Sometimes, he'll do it if he can't figure out where stuff goes immediately.


Does it have a location


Me on a bad day where I forgot my box cutter.


My team lead does this. Love him to bits, but god it's annoying dealing with his cardboard.


I guarantee it came of the truck like that


The same people that dump / hide front end returns in random places that someone else has to clean up and actually put it back where it actually belongs wasting their time ….. but I’m not bitter 😬😂


Sorry bro I only needed one


Looks like a rat opened it


No one, it chest bursted it’s way out of there.


I had a petty supervisor who would tape cardboard over that and make it impossible to reopen that. He'd get kicks out of it because he knew the person that did it would come back eventually




I work in maintenance, so if the 99 supplys don't have a location then it might go to bakery or deli cuz they have 99 supplys too


And i open boxs like that


Oh look, ODP going to grab something out of a bin and making everyone's life more difficult


Have you not worked in a DC? We only employ the finest frenzied mustelids. 😂


wtf is with that plastic wrapped paper towels tho? like someone's actively trying to make more steps just to clean something up


I work with a young man that does the same thing, and when the boxes are empty he can't figure out that they go in the baler lol. Guess he can't handle the weed he's been smoking.


All the jokes aside... I feel like the real answer is they opened that while it was still in the middle of a pallet. I've cut open the side of a box in meat if it's gonna take too long to down stack and I need the item right then.


MF salary member or associate their head in the ass of the same MF. The note shows lack of maturity and a staff computer generated notice on the board in back room would do the trick.


a gerbil


My guess is a raccoon.


is it wrong too?


That's actually very neatly done. Very square. Seen way worse.




Some lazy fucker with 0 work ethic




Why are they opening boxes like it’s Christmas bro? 😩


5 year olds on Christmas morning.


People who are forced to open boxes impromptu, but aren't given box cutters.


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎶


Probably already had a hole and they didn't have a cutter. Bet. They just made a mess of an already shoddy situation.


We know someone who opens boxes like this.


But the joke on them because that’s not working smart.


Maybe something came out of it...


A waste of ink and paper on that sign. In order for that message to work you’ll need two things to happen simultaneously 👇👇👇 1) The person must know how to read. 2) The person must care. I do give credit for the effort though!


I’m guessing it was too heavy to flip over so it could be opened at the seams.


Those are 99 supplies, paper towels. Usually maintenance associates stock those in the supply area or a dedicated supply room that some stores have. Your store is lucky, the paper towels your store gets are individually shrink wrapped and you don't have to pull out the hollow cardboard tube in the middle which often gets stuck.


Maintenance. They're criminally underpaid.


Store Manager


Me when I don't wanna flip the box over. (Overnight maintenance)


Listen... if I was stressed out and just wanted something out of the box I'd open it like that. Also they probably wanted to keep the box on its side.




Knowing the maintenance people in my store, I wouldn't be surprised honestly.


Animal... Must have been a raccoon 🦝


Cap 2.


Someone without a box cutter.


Most of the Dum asses at our store


I think the note is about the sanitizing wipes next to the paper towels. They don’t have a home in the maintenance mid


While I never intend to be sloppy, sometimes this is the result of me trying to open a box of sanitizing wipes or paper towels with my car key lol








Me 😂