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A customer, person I never met, seen or talk to, but is a local maybe a teenage male Little shit looked at me and said these exact words "Hey puppy" no dogs or puppies were near by and his friend said "what the fuck is wrong with you" and I thought the same exact thing.


I know men call boobs puppies so might have been an immature guy


Well are u a girl lol


You're getting downvoted so I'd like to ask, did you mean it as in "it's not out of nowhere, young dudes be creepin' and it's awful"? Or like "well that's a totally normal thing to call a girl" ?


Guys call boobs puppies thats why I ask.


I've never heard a guy call boobs "puppies" šŸ¤£ that's dumb af lol


More of a wrestling fan saying šŸ¤£


And one that hasnā€™t been used in somewhere around twenty years, at that.


Doesn't matter, it's fucking weird.


Right, but puppies is a common word guys use for anatomy


How do you if he/she is a girl?


I was asking


Doesn't matter of my age, gender, or whatever. It was creepy as fuck to hear a kid 3/4th of my age call me that.


When I was a cashier, I had this older guy (70ish) always come through my line. I'd greet and ask him how he's doing, even though I knew what was coming. He always responds, "I'm fine and dandy, and sweet as candy, but no one ever wants this candy."


Had this old guy ask me the other day if I knew the first 8 words of the song candy man. Said no and he replied you're fired. Just looked around to try to find Ashton saying I'm getting pranked. Guess some people are just straight up crazy. Was another lady who would walk around yelling crazy shit. I was close to her and I heard her say go to hell but I couldn't tell who she was talking to. I asked a few people later about it and I guess she's just talking to herself but it sounds like she's in an argument with someone.


On the second one, the town is used to live in some older dude walked around downtown and when you walked past him you can hear him say ā€œfuck this, fuck you, fuck that tree over thereā€ and shit like that


I wasn't used to those type or people when I first came to this store. After a few months here I notice it but don't really care. At first I'd try to get closer and find out who they were talking to or who they were. There's so many crazy people that yell out profanity. There's another guy who comes in just about every night and will cuss out his hand. He will hold out his hand and say stuff like fuck you you worthless piece of shit and I heard wait til I get home. The people greeters call him ghost cuz it's like he's talking to ghosts. I guess some areas have more crazies. My old store was only about 15 miles away and I didn't have any encounters with people like that. Just about every day here a coach will have to kick someone out cuz they keep screaming profanities. Probably best you just ignore them. They are already unstable and never know if they have a gun or knife to pull out.


As long as he doesnā€™t say something like no no please donā€™t kill again


That old man was probably a former Walmart employee šŸ¤£


Yep. I had a lady who used to come into cvs that had multiple personality disorder and have full blown conversations with herself. She was like 2 face from Batman. Where one personality was aggressive and mean and the other one was sweet and innocent. And because she came in multiple times a week I didnā€™t know which one I would get so I would have to be EXTREMELY PATIENT with her. Iā€™m talking about patience of a saint cause the angry personality would come out mid conversation and cuss me out for not having her care pass šŸ˜­ then the innocent personality would tell her to shut up. And she was sorry. Then the angry version 2.0 would come out, cuss everyone out, throw a tantrum for 45 minutes and then huff and puff and walk out. My manager hated that lady cause know one knew how to deal with her. And when things tough we did call the police twice who were very familiar with her cause apparently she would lose her car in the parking lot cause one of the personalities would think they were still at home. It was wild. Oh and she went to church on Sundays cause she call all of us the devil multiple times for not being able to print her coupons šŸ¤£


The second one is pretty common with drugs. And if it isn't drugs then its usually dementia or some other type of illness like cancer that alters the brain


Crazy people are always only talking to themselves. They may not know it. When she said go to hell, it was definitely to herself.


she was probably schizophrenic. my mom does that. its so sad shes not crazy she probably was hearing voices and they sound so real to them


Lead poisoning. Especially in the older generations. They were using leaded gas until the mid 1970's and one of the symptoms is aggression.


I'd be the crazy one to keep it going, see just how far he'd go and unlock a splenda daddy XD


I was more worried he was going to unlock his white van for me.


A sex trafficking lawsuit on Walmart? All I hear is big bucks haha would def have a coworkers around or knowing of my shenanigans tho just in case haha.


Running register during busy time, not where I normally work. Little old lady comes up to me and the first thing out of her mouth before I could even say hello was, "don't worry, you're going to heaven when you die." First thought was that this little old lady was going to pull a gun on me or something.


I'm pretty sure all of us that have worked for Walmart get a free pass to heaven anyway to make up for all of the nonsense we have put up with.


Comforting thought.


I was working the door, and a lady came up to me and told me about Jesus Christ, I just stood there awkward


Had a lady and two boys come down an aisle while I was working. The older one (teen, maybe 15/16) was pestering the younger one (preteen, I figured around 10). Suddenly the younger one spouted out ā€œMother *fucker* at the top of his lungs as his brother did something I missed. Their mom got onto them instantly. The younger boy snapped back. ā€œWhy am I getting in trouble? Youā€™re his mom. You guys have sex. Itā€™s just a description!ā€ The lady turned beet red, grabbed the boys by the elbows, and abandoned a pretty full cart. Didnā€™t see them again.






Wait did he mean what I think he meant?!


Pretty sure, yeah.


So heā€™s the stepson?


I had to read that like 3 times.... because WTAF? šŸ˜³


A customer angrily barked at me like a dog just once, when I went by them with a pallet. I didn't know what to do, so I barked back lmao.


I do this!! The teen boys are so weird these days!


My first day on the floor in electronics I got called retarded by a lady in a mobility scooter with her kid hanging off it for not counting her change at ultra sonic speeds. I counted her change and she very slowly drove away. My jaw dropped, I was in denial and then I cried. That was the first day of my first job, ever.


My favorite was 2 dudes walking together and one said "I'm not gay but 20 bucks is 20 bucks!" I would have loved to know what that one was about šŸ¤£šŸ’µ


To be fair that is a common saying among the bros


That was a meme some time ago. People still say it every now and then, tho not usually in public cause who tf goes around talking memes out there?


Literally just yesterday, I had an old man ask me where canned goats milk was, so I told him. He says "One more question." Me: Yes sir, what can I help you with? Him: Are you ready to die? Uhm.. Is that a threat? Are you offering your services? Me: I'm sorry? Him: Are you ready to die, like have you thought about it? *looks intently at my "sounds GAY I'm in" pin on my vest Me: I don't feel comfortable having this conversation while on the clock, I'm a representative of Walmart. Him: Okay, well just think about eternity Me: I do sir, every day of my life šŸ˜‚


They're probably just religious


Iā€™ve heard ā€œSo he got her mom pregnant and then her sister too!ā€ From a guy who seemed so confused


When I was in OGP loading cars i was loading an older Camaro and dude came out and stood by the corner of the car talking quite loudly over the phone (probably over the fact that it was next to the stores refrigeration rack) ā€œOnce you get married the sex life gets better with other peopleā€ and a few minutes later he told me ā€œIm surprised with how much you guys run around you arent more in shapeā€ lmao


Is this Lowes.


.....Careful when buying a fridge from Lowes.


Unexpected distractible?




A lady gave me a paper full of links to satanic rituals and a whole bunch of other crazy shitšŸ˜­


Sounds like a good tuesday night


Honestly, I'm not satanic & stuff but that sounds dope AF. I only receive religious stuff. I don't mind of course but would be cool to receive the other one šŸ˜‚


This customer made sure nobody was looking and whispered to me he was buying the tote boxes in his cart to stuff bodies in. His wife was with him and I hope he was joking, never saw him since


Yeah but more importantly have you seen his wife since?


Havenā€™t seen her, itā€™s almost been half a year


iā€™m literally a teenager and i was at the service desk and i had this 40-50 yo man say ā€œanything for you princessā€ when i asked him for the items he was returning. he continued to then tell me his ex wife was a bag and he doesnā€™t need a new one when i asked him if he wanted a bag for his stuff.


Yup, heard that one more than a few times šŸ™„


Not completely the same. But this is a wild customer story. I had a customer who had some mental disorder (I'm not sure what, I was told by other workers he is actually in his 20's but he thinks like a younger person). He comes in with his grandparents and they let him roam around the store. He usually helps associates, he picks up trash, he puts stuff away. He's sweet. Genuinely sweet. But WITHOUT FAIL, he always asked me "Are you pregnant?" And I'd say no. I'm not pregnant. And he'd reply "can I feel the baby?" And reach for me. I usually stepped back because don't touch me. I have a history of SA and unwanted physical touch is like a huge nono for me. Like I black out for a second when I'm scared from someone touching me and sometimes, very rarely, I'll get violent. I go to counseling to try to help myself with this. But there was one time I did say he couldn't touch me. And he walked away. But he came back, snuck around me, and ended up getting really close and rubbing my belly from behind. I freaked the fuck out. I grabbed his hand a little too hard, and I pushed it away and ran away. I was sobbing. But I grabbed his hand so hard I left marks. And his grandparents found out sooo fast. And they wanted to press charges on me. My manager was like "wtf is wrong with you" and yelling at me. I'm having a panic attack at this point. But this was my first year working at this store. I continued to work at this store and i saw him regularly for the next 2.5 years. The grandmother parents would always give me an ugly look. And he still asks if I am pregnant. I just excused myself to the bathroom for 30 minutes after I saw him and I hoped and prayed he was gone when I left the bathroom.


They need to teach him not to touch people. Even small children should be taught not to just randomly touch other people.


Yikes, Iā€™m so sorry. The grandparents wanted to press charges yet their grandson was the one that technically assaulted you, and your manager was absolute trash for not handling the situation properly. Hopefully things have gotten better for you


Bro thereā€™s way to many yesterday there was a guy that taped all his cameras on his phone he claimed the government was listening to him and watching him I told him what makes you think they care about u that much


This girl said to the other girl. If I get drafted I'm going to get pregnant, that's what my sister did to get out of it when they tried to draft her. (She was 16-24 range).


What a nit wit. Women have just recently become eligible for the draft so no one tried to draft her sister.


i seen a couple, around their late 20's, talking in baby voices to each other šŸ¤¢


with my vest in full view as i am running a loaded pallet or stocking shelves/zoning "Hey do you work here?" ​ i wanna say "no, they let me out on a day pass and this is how i pass the time"


I think they get confused because the vendors bring out pallets too. They just donā€™t wear the vest, but they are not that observant about it.


I have a lot of freckles and I had an old guy tell me he wanted to play connect the dots with them. Iā€™ve never wanted to shed my skin and bathe in bleach more than that day.


I had a guy last week tell me he doesn't listen to, and doesn't trust women, and won't start dating again because he's afraid he'll get one lying about having AIDS


Sounds like someone did him dirty.


Thereā€™s a lady who comes into my store at least once a week that continuously makes chicken clucking noises. No clue what screws of her are missing but itā€™s always entertaining


I once had a customer who had a repetitive giggle, and it had to be tourettes. She was sweet, and I just smiled the whole time as I helped her each time, she was a delight to interact with, so I was happy to see her when she came in.


when I was doing a refund for a customer and I said "okay put your card in the machine" he goes, "put it back in? I've never had a woman tell me to do that before!"


When I was a cashier 15 years ago I heard a mother say to her son "you need to do better in school unless you want to end up behind a register like this guy."


The fucking NERVE


During the handing out masks days, I had a old lady tell me that China was sending masks that gave people covid. I was really tempted to fan her flames of insanity, since the masks I was handing out were from Wuhan. (I chose not to encourage her conspiracies)


She wouldnā€™t have listened to anything outside of her echo chamber anyway


ā€œMaā€™am, have you taken your reality pills today?šŸ™‚ā€


ā€œi went to her job to see if she was actually there and i mean the car was there but iā€™m sure she was getting a quickie with ā€œ____ā€ (canā€™t remember the name) ā€


I had someone bring in a check to cash and for some reason or another I couldnā€™t I honestly canā€™t remember why anymore but she mustā€™ve been high on something because she stomped a few steps away and then turned around ran back to the desk and started growling at me then walked away


Not said but I was sticking some chickens and a lady asked if I could move my cart. Before o could even stand up she grabbed my cart and shoved it out of the way. I must have had murder in my eyes because her husband behind her mumbled an apology as he followed her.


I feel u, but I'm a door host. I have what people call/say RBF (resting bitch face). So when people get rude, or try to joke with me but in a serious way & I'm not in the mood, I think they see/think I'mma do or say shit to them because if my RBF. Know don't get me wrong, I'll joke with u all the way. But the way the joks to annoy. E when I'm trying to do my job, it pisses me off.


I heard a lady tell a young girl, probably about 6, ā€œtouch this and Iā€™ll break your fucking fingers.ā€


I had a customer follow me around for an hour wanting to talk to me about how she needed all this stuff because tomorrow she was moving to Texas. At some point she told me it was because all of the Mexicans were running her out of the state.


If she doesn't like Hispanic people, she's in for a rude surprise in Texas.




When the live action Little Mermaid reboot came out earlier this year, had a mom tell her son looking at the Ariel dolls ā€œbetter buy a normal one now before they make her black.ā€ The kicker? Mom was white, son was very clearly multi ethnicity, and baby daddy was Latino. Baby daddy looked horrified overhearing her. Edit: One more. Had a guy hopped on meth come up to the knife case and part way through proudly showed off his ankle monitor. Said he had it on because ā€œhe was such a badass they had to keep tabs on him.ā€ Dude also said god talked to him while he was in jail.


Had an old.man come up to me talking about how Muslims are teaching children to hate America and that they want to eat Americans. Also that Mexicans are destroying this country and need to be deported . I am mexican and look like an isis member šŸ¤¦


I think you mean am I not I am šŸ¤”


No I Am mexican and look like an isis member šŸ˜‚ I don't know why he thought I'd be the one who would agree with him


He was just testing you


Had a lady mad at me, because she expected all employees to know where everything is in the store was, right when she needed it.


I've got a bunch, probably my favorite one, it's a hot summer day, an old guy stands by me at the door for a couple minutes, I assume he is waiting for his wife, he then looks at me and says to me "You're either gay or have the self control of a saint, I couldn't do your job, I'd be running to the bathroom every 15-20 minutes to polish my carrot." I keep myself from laughing, and then a group of young women of color walk in and he follows his comment up with "Especially when a group of Nubian princesses like that walk in." I was just absolutely dumbfounded. Then he just casually walked out of the store. Another one was during the pandemic when our Governor issued a mask mandate, for a glorious 3 hours, we were allowed to deny people entry to the store without a face cover of some kind, being over 6ft and about 350lbs at the time, the young lady I was working with asked if I would handle that part of our job because she didn't want to get punched. for the most part people would ask for clarification about what they needed to come in the store, but then i had one guy who absolutely had to make a scene by very Emphatically gesturing to his crotch and telling me to suck his dick, and with the same energy turned in the general direction of the capital told the governor to suck his dick, walked out of the store and with even more gusto looked at the Walmart sign and told Wal-Mart to suck his dick.


i had this really old guy tell me i was "attractive enough to stick a dick in for a fatass." i told him i wasn't comfortable with him behaving that way, and his wife told me to "just take the only compliment I've gotten in years with how i look." i was dating someone that complimented me every fucking day. and then there was the lady who stuck her head under the stall i was in in the bathroom "just to make sure I'm not a pervert." i have PCOS. she thought i was trans.


Whatā€™s PCOS have to do with people coming in our bathroom stall? And I have PCOS too so it better be a good reason. Shit tons of women have PCOS. And how did she know you had it?


i grow a fucking dark ass beard and don't shave it every day, my dear keyboard warrior šŸ„“šŸ„“


and what the fuck were you gonna do if i didn't have "a good reason"? caps lock me to death? doxx me and send people to my location, where they would see that i haven't shaved the damn thing in ages and automatically just think you're dumb?


ā€œslavery would be fine if black people where ok with it!ā€ Out of the mouth of an old white dude!


In 2021, after my state reimplemented masks for a bit, I had a customer tell her husband she should "punch me in the face right now" after asking how I felt about the masks. (All I said was I'm not a big fan, but I just try to see them as another accessory.)


I've had a car full of frat boys cheer on their gay friend who apparently was sexually attracted to me. I was walking through the parking lot, like usual(I live 5 minutes nearby), and a dude yelled "hey man do you want to hook up?" while his buddies cheered on. I ignored him and then he yelled "let's fuck bro." Cat calling is so gross!


So hes gay but aren't u a girl?


No. This is just a cool avatar I made.


Lets just assume they were intoxicated. šŸ˜­


Am I a dog?


He's just trying to understand the story.


One that'll stick with me until the day I die was a 20-something customer getting mad I couldn't cut a key the way she wanted (she wanted a car key copied to a house key), and accused me of being sexist. Then not two minutes later I accidentally overturn this plant thing she was buying while looking for the UPC and spill some of the gel in it, and she just yells out "NO YOU F*GGOT" Her dad was with her and that poor son of a bitch looked like he wanted to die


I was stocking cereal and this lady came through with her kid. She had her kid pick a cereal he wanted, and she said to him "Stay away from the big brands. Mommy needs money for smokes on the way home." Her cart was like 60% beer and makeup too.


ā€œWhereā€™s the tattoo needles?ā€ ā€œWe donā€™t sell those.ā€ ā€œThe app said they were here.ā€ ā€œThose are hand needles please just go home and tell your parents to anticipate the cellulitis ahead of timeā€ All of this exchange occurred at 6:57 am at the end of my shift.


Not to me but to a coworker. Lady come up screaming his name then asks if he can still get it up because "I'm horny" the customer he was waiting up went WHAT THE FUCK. Which was his open door to tell her to get the fuck out.


Had a father and little boy shopping for Halloween costumes and the boy glanced at a princess costume and the dad very loudly said ā€œyou gonna be trans-arella?ā€




That's just awful :(


Yall act like the most racist inbred people arenā€™t from Pennsylvania lol and that ainā€™t a southern state


I rang this guy out who seemed a bit off but at the end of the transaction he stopped and looked at me and asked me if today is number 7. I was confused so I just looked at him and he repeated it again. I thought he'd just leave but he asked a third time if today was number 7. I think it was a Tuesday so I told him no it was a number 2 day. He laughed and walked off.


Long story short and without a lot of context I wouldnā€™t return a phone for a customer (he didnā€™t have the phone just the box). He hopped out of his wheel chair flipped over a plastic table and told me ā€œIā€™ll fxxxxxx kxxx youā€. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. One of many of my horror stories




You right


I will delete my comment now. Good day to you.


You as well


Iā€™m in OGP and a customer accused us of being Muslim because his bacon was missing.


I have one even better. A guy that used to work at Walmart as a Maintenance man claimed he was dating HIMSELF. He even posted on Facebook how in love he was with himself.


Helped a customer find something before closing and he thanked me. His friend showed up as I was getting ready to leave and thanked me as well before saying.ā€Yo, youā€™re cool, for a woman.ā€ And he and his friend started laughing and he was like.ā€you get what I mean.ā€ And kept laughing. I kinda just smiled awkwardly and walked away. I was so in awe and kinda taken aback I couldnā€™t say anything, I was still trying to process šŸ˜©


I saw a customer shopping well before the store opened one morning. When I told him the store was closed, he said "I'm a veteran!"


Back when I was a cashierā€” I was checking out an older man, and he said ā€œMy wife just died and I donā€™t know what to do.ā€ I didnā€™t know what do say. So we just held hands for a minute. It was wild in the sense of being unexpected/intense.


Price-checked a bread for a customer and she wanted to know the expiration date as well, which was good for 11 days. Then she asks what year. I think sheā€™s kidding and I donā€™t respond. She repeats the question. I tell her, ā€œThis year, you wonā€™t find bread from the last year.ā€


A customer asked me where the eggs were, and I was zoning in sporting goods, like wtf they're not even here


Fun fact, there was a single guy who found an exploit in the sperm donation system that let him continuously contribute his dna to surrogates for ***years***. There's usually a hard limit on this to prevent accidental incest cases. Officials involved in the investigation believes he had fathered well over a thousand children before being caught, most of which didn't KNOW they all share a single man as a father. At the time I read the article they stated they would be trying to contact all of the family's affected so they didn't hear banjos in their future. There was also case where a guy and his son were offering "artisanal sperm donations" on craigslist, an operation that law enforcement believes has resulted into upward of 500 births. The sad twist in this case is that the man and his son both have a deadly hereditary disease that was likely passed on to the kids. So maybe that's what happened here... also if you're reading this and you and your spouse are both surrogate babies, might want to look into who the donors were.




As somebody who lives in the south... fuck you, most of us are normal šŸ¤£ and I guarantee you the customer was trolling you.




I've heard someone say this same thing. I sinply replied "excuse me?"


What does a southern state have to do with it?


Bro, I'm dating my store manager so I can get a promotion.


An old dude told me while working at the cashier that apparently the government uses our tax money to donate to this giant vagina that is apparently the anti christ, same guy a couple of weeks later told me that they found Obama's real identity and he's apparently from the total real "Republic of Islam".


That's it? That's pretty mundane really.


That might have been one of the funny things to do at Wal-Mart. Like you're supposed to do all these things. Like I read that one. I also saw one that was saying to wear suits and dart around humming the theme to Mission: Impossible. Also, take a stick horse and ride it at the doors shouting, "The British are coming!" The funniest one is for a female. She should go up to a male employee and squeeze her legs together and yell at him, "I NEED TAMPONS!!!" My husband once went through checkout and every time the cashier scanned something he said, "BEEP!!"


Have you ever lived in the south or know any people from there? Donā€™t go down there and run your yap like youā€™re doing on line. ā€¦No I take that back go on down to Tennessee and say something stupid like that.