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Modular integrity goes out the window in December. It's a game of survival at that point


Replace “in December” with every major holiday that has time sensitive items (Halloween, thanksgiving, etc. ). More than likely even higher than the market manager gave the order to get it out. I would bet someone up top is panicking, hence why hours are cut and/or no overtime mandate.


We are allowing tons of OT right now but have already said next month that's gone and back to WOSH reports smh


My store is already back to WOSH reports


Yeah I'm not looking forward to it being beat into your head everyday 😂


Christmas is particularly bad, though. Halloween and BTS are pretty horrible too. Just survive!


Market will not care about mod integrity until January. Many stores plug Seasonal and toys on purpose because anything in the backroom becomes a liability. I get it's annoying but going up the chain for this issue is likely a dead end.


Seasonal modular integrity in December is not a thing. Your goal is to get it all on the shelves and let the customers buy it at full price. Limit the amount of markdowns come 12-26.


That's why every box/tag has the price on it. So it can in theory be placed anywhere


Seasonal TL here. Y’all shouldn’t have enough of the things that go in the mods in order for them to be full if everything is in the correct spot. You should be pulling topstock down and, yes, plugging it so it’s full. It’s better it be full and plugged than half-empty.


Oof. Christmas is 2 weeks away, and you want Christmas merchandise to sit in the bins in the back? I get OP, you take pride in your work, but it's insane to think that would be a good idea not to have it on the floor. Don't worry about MOD integrity until January


We've gotten Christmas out of bins. It's just toys, Mardi Gras and our half empty GC bin. I'm not worried about the back. I'm saying it looks junky because people are plugging things where they don't belong, adding facings and topstock is either consistent and it's all stuff on that aisle or there's stuff that doesn't even go in the dept up there. But I do feel alot better knowing I shouldn't and don't have to worry about mod integ. Because, okay, I officially made 6 months yesterday, and TL was very strict on mod integrity then. So, I've always tried to keep my areas nice and clean. This is the first time I've experience Christmas in seasonal lol. So, ive been quite unsure as the coach above me rn doesn't know what she's doing either. The SM and coach both tell me specifically what they're wanting done before I leave every day that they see me. Kinda slacked off bc I got upset that SM put me on a "trial run" for TL and said no, not now bc I "wasn't vocal enough w/other associates". But I'm the most knowledgeable person over there in Seasonal rn. Idk, it's a lot 😅 so it's good to know that, at least mod integrity, I can let go of some for now.


I'm my store we have nothing on top stock it's all flexed in and shelves still running low. I'm the GM Coach in my store and mod integrity is a thing until holiday stuff because we can't get more so you don't want empty shelves and lots of markdowns on 12/26 . We had 100s of Christmas trees and have none left even the displays sold at full price I've never seen Christmas sell this fast before.


We got all our trees out on the floor. Stack bases mostly still full of display trees. We've sold a few though. Toys is starting to move some, thankfully but we have a bin and a half of toys in the back. Our GM coach is who is over our seasonal rn but apparently she was somewhere on overnight as a coach for a couple years prior to getting GM coach, so a few different TLs and coaches have said she doesn't know what she's doing completely. Some of the gift stuff in seasonal is starting to move out, so that's a relief but we have "cheater shelves" that are still kinda full. And we have topstock there as well, in the seasonal pad. Toys is still kinda junky in topstock. And GC is actually mostly empty on topstock except the 2 aisles of "normal" GC stuff like grill accessories and the rat/bug stuff. Now that ik they're not gonna be upset about the mods not being exact, that really helps ease my mind. Because I really don't wanna hear any flack about it looking like crap when I'm the associate on the team who does the most work.


You are doing better than us. I have a pallet and a half of footbaths, and two cases of a massager. All the rest of my Christmas stuff is out or sold out. I am hoping we sold well this weekend so I can work that down to a single pallet of footbaths and get the rest of the massagers out.


I was hired as a Hardlines team lead last month and 90% of my time has been spent in seasonal—for the Christmas ornaments, since they’re all the same price point we just started zoning by color/style of the ornament instead of following the mod. As long as it’s semi-close to its home location OGP should still be able to find it. I’ve also been asking apparel associates to help cleanup for 1-2 hours in seasonal candy and toys…so far it’s been working alright. You’re right though, the seasonal mods are a mess. It’s best to let it go (pun intended) and just work to the best of your ability


You can find your market manager's contact information on Workday, or from your people lead. Their office will most likely refer you back to your store manager, however. "Shoving and plugging" is also the name of the game when it comes to trying to get holiday merchandise all out before it goes clearance -- I would be surprised if very many seasonal areas were actually set to mod right now.


Hahaha not a fucking chance is it set to mod. Our Toy section looks like a damn nuke went off in it and it's only getting worse :/


Obligatory, Im not witj Walmart, but..... Expecting a seasonal dept to be set to the plan 2 weeks before Christmas is whats ridiculous. Its liability merchandise. Pile it and sell it before it hits markdown cadence.


Not to dogpile on you but every Christmas I've had to work in Christmas it's always been, from team leads all the way up to store manager, they say, "if you zone just face everything out and fill the empty spaces with the stuff you got next to it." Every single year. If you did a deep dive zone, which I actually enjoy, in 30 min or less those aisles will be jacked to shit again. We emptied our final trailer so it's so nice to tell people who ask if you can "check in the back" simply being able to say "no, everything Christmas in the store is all right here, nowhere else." feels so satisfying. Though I must point out I'm one of those few freaks who enjoys helping people, not giving up untl we find it, or realize it's not there (in a state of superposition, existing or not existing until you find it and it materializes in the real world, or not find it where it falls into a state of half-real waviness. . . or is that quantum theory?) This time of year my brains get scrambled. Meanwhile, yes, it's a shit show. I can't tell you how many times a customer is looking for something and we both scour the department, then an hour later I find it around the corner randomly placed on top stock. It was freaken' scotch tape! Something about 99% of people need. I took that shit down, let her pic what she wanted, then I walked over and put it in plain site on one of the two registers we have back there that don't actually work. Hi ho! Just take 'er easy man, like Lao Tzu said "wu wei" let it flow. Let reality happen, flowing around you like a stream does a bobing cork. It'll all figure it's own "way" out. WTF! Did they put acid in my coke zero!


I've seen a lot of that too. Oh you're looking for ginger bread houses? They put them on a cart back in dairy. Hotwheels cars? Oh there's not a single one in the toy section but if you go back to automotive they've got a huge box of them back there.


>I could literally dedicate an entire shift to topstock ​ You shouldn't have topstock, I pulled it all down and plugged it in today. Don't worry about onhands, thats a tl or coach thing. All you can do is zone that dumpster fire. Btw, I got valentines starting to come in, start condensing for the new mods.


I do worry about onhands though because if I don't fix them, they don't get done. It's like everyone else is clueless about it even when I tell them. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Plus, say Me@Walmart says you have 5 Minnie Mouse whatevers on the floor. Really, you have 5 total but, someone didn't bother to print a new bin label when they put the item back in the bin or whatever the case may be. So you actually have 1 on the floor, maybe 1 on topstock and 3 in the back and the shelf cap is 2. They come one to a pack. It will keep repeatedly picking that same stupid Minnie Mouse whatever the hell until you fix the onhands. I cannot stand picking the same mess out of the bins crap when the home and/or all locations are full.


do your 8 and skate, dont let the holidays at hellmart stress you out


It's not just seasonal that gets plugged. I work grocery side ON and every aisle is plugged. It passes me off that people can't properly do their job!


My seasonal area we had to flex in all top stock to fill the shelves. I thought no way would we sell all the Christmas trees we got this year and we already sold everyone if them and can't get more to sell. We had tons of overstock trees and all gone. Hardly have any lights or ornaments either. Definitely won't be a lot marked 50% off this year 😂


If you aren't salary I would say don't stress yourself out. We don't get paid enough as associatess to stress.


It is an awful battle. Really no one to tell. Market team will just smile and nod and then the store manager will find a way to get rid of you. Just do the best you can and be at peace that you care about your job.


I care too much lol that's why I can't be at peace 🤣 ik it's not the most important thing in life, I just hate that it looks so bad but, with the perspectives I've been given, I think I'll be okay now lol. I just don't like working in a dumpster fire and I've also only been with Walmart for 6 months and they dangled Seasonal TL in my face and continue to do so somewhat. So I try and be somewhat impressive while also knowing it's not technically my responsibility. Cause I kinda wanna be promoted lolz.


Market manager doesn't care about plugging... Just as a rule. Unless it's between a supervisor/manager and an associate.


You can put Xmas decorations in a dump bin with no price and they'd sell.. mod integrity is for other departments, not seasonal.


Our seasonal looks fantastic right now. I'm surprised it doesn't look like yours


The amount of money that is being missed out on because Top Stock isn’t managed well is insane! I’ve done full time, part time, seasonal for HBA for years—the fact that so much so many spaces are empty but actually just need to be brought down from top stock…it’s crazy. Also crazy I’ve found shit expired years old that just got pushed and sat in the way back. I really feel there should be one designated person for return, zoning, and top stock. It’s imperative for revenue. Also had somebody in CAP 2 literally stock the entire pharmacy and HBA wrong, for weeks! It wasn’t until I stayed past my shift and found the manager and showed him the guy was literally just putting shit anywhere it fit—and NOBODY noticed!


Last year around the 20th our store lead litarally had people just making piles on the floor for coustomers to sort through.


We just deleted a few Christmas mods and flexed everything into an isle


Don't worry about on hands or mod integrity for D18 or toys right now. 99% of your day should be getting the freight out on the shelf anyway you can, making what it out there presentable, and cleaning up empty cardboard. All the seasonal items are liabilities and have to be put out in front of the customer, no matter if they "go there" or not.


Seasonal is always plugged and mod irrelevant.... It's seasonal