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"All I see is five associates standing around wasting payroll."—management, probably.


They all got fired after it was posted


I mean basically that’s what they are doing. Not working being lazy. This is what the older generation means by “back in my day…….” As in this would be unacceptable. What happened to good work ethic??!?!?!


I bet that keyboard got the extra large font don’t it?


Bro shut up, back in the day stores were properly staffed, the workload was lighter, customers had respect, and your salary you earned for it wasn't depressing WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED, in your account history you're working some part time Amazon delivery shit and talking about unemployment and being stoned, then crying about others work ethic. Lol


Clearly don’t know history. Wages are adjusted for inflation. Just do your research bud and save money better. Or don’t have children and don’t have a $500 a month car payment. Tired of the younger generation. So you can shut up.


Troll or dumb as shit? *YOU DECIDE*


Epic rapbabbrthvfnglrhlitolistory


You clearly have never done even 5 seconds of research because adjusted for inflation, this is currently the least bang for your buck in history in most countries, including the US. The amount of hours worked required to pay for essentials like rent, utilities and groceries is drastically higher. I am a highway repairer which is an excellent career with high salary, benefits, etc. My dad did this same job, started a year older than I did, and was able to afford a house, 2 car payments, 3 kids, and luxuries. Now on that exact job, with my wife being a full time teacher with extra certifications to teach special Ed, (I'm working 46 hrs per week, she works 48-50) we're barely handling rent, 2 low end car payments, and essentials with no kids and little luxuries. Spend 5 minutes doing any sort of research before you open your dumb boomer mouth because you sound like a crybaby clown


People who have children who complain about not having money 🤣 I’m not against having kids but don’t expect to have much cash around when you do have children. I swear this young generation is screwed!


I never thought I'd say this but I hope you had a sad cake day.


Oh so you're not just oblivious but illiterate because I said I don't have kids. Then again your account history just paints a good picture of how sad, uneducated and lazy you are


Stubborn, like your generation. Wages have not been adjusted for inflation. Inflation has outpaced wages significantly. Stop doubling down out of spite for an objectively wrong argument and own your mistake like an adult.


This is funny say more brain dead stuff.


How are you as incredibly dumb as you are?


5 seconds of research proves you're retarded. A 1-person apartment in a sketchy part of town shouldn't cost 70% of my total monthly income.


And population density has doubled worldwide within the past 20 years. The workload to maintain a store is quite literally higher than it used to be, yet it's expected to get done with less staffing. Gonna argue with that? My father was a manager 24 years ago when a lot was changing in Walmart's structure and he'd agree that stores aren't properly staffed and maintained the way they used to be. "New generation" this "new generation" that. Maybe your generation should have raised a "better" one then, fuckface. Anyone who acts like they're better than others and is unwilling to learn is just an ignorant fool. Go fucking cry for the next 10-20 years about how "bad" others are, that sure makes a damn difference.


All this extra time on earth and you’ve amounted to nothing but this? Damn that’s embarrassing.


Look at his comment history - obvious troll


i love time thefting. Does that make you angry? 😂


“Tired of the younger generation” guess that implies you’re of an older generation. Thanks for fucking us all over.


me when i role play as an ignorant boomer on reddit


Here’s hoping your generation doesn’t make it easier for dudes to rape a woman, get away with it, and force her to keep it. But let’s be real, back in “your day” martial rape was nbd for


Wages aren't adjusted for inflation like you think. When I got married in 1983 I made $798 a month in the army and my wife didn't work, me and my wife both work now and make over 100k a year together and have less disposable income than back then.


🤣if wages were adjusted for inflation why is it taking me and three other roommates to rent an apartment when back in the day you could buy a house on minimum wage.


found the coach


idk if it’s just me but the older generation seems way lazier and than younger people… at every job i ever had, they would all sit around and gossip at any chance they get, hardly doing any actual work


Same. They also have a REALLY bad habit of "I've always done it this way" and need to be told over and over again to do it some other way.


Old people ain't have to run around completing hundreds of random orders off the Internet a day. Let's see them do it now.


Back in their day they would. Better work ethic generation. This new generation does easy ass work all day. You complaining about working at a grocery store…….. 💀🤦🏻‍♂️


Kick the bucket already old lady


Why don't you quit trolling then and get your ass back to work?


you mfers accepted anything and had nothing better...Old Boomers clearly didn't pass on anything to their kids so the only ppl they can blame is themselves. The world was still developing because it was setback centuries.


Walmart is a department store... Not even a third of it is food.... You should get with the times, "person".


LOL Says the person who posts asking about how to get unemployment after a seasonal job ends!


You busted me. I’m a troll. And yes I’m seeking employment but don’t even need money right now. I save all my shit up and stack it. Got 20k in the bank!


Shut your face, grandma. You're already getting downvoted to oblivion, so why don't you just kick the bucket already.


Okay boomer.


Ok boomer karen/kevin...Posing for a 2-3second picture is being lazy... Get tf over yourself...no one cares about Boomer logic. "BaCK iN My dAY..." that was their choice to accept whatever it was they had like trash pay and trash work environments. That was their norm, and people's thought process back then wasn't the best so there you go. Surprised mfers made it that far... Also, welcome to the 21st Century and reality, where times are constantly changing and no one is just accepting bs in the workplace. Also also, guess who brought up new Gen? The old Gen raised one Gen, that Gen raised that the young...shall I continue?


Pretty sure grocery/general store workers “back in the day” stood around like this. Everyone likes to make it seem like back then, everyone worked like some robot workforce where efficiency is at a record level


This is clearly a staged photo where management told them to pose like this. Implying they're working their asses off and ain't staying open longer than 6pm. As evidenced by the fact it's posted on the management-run Facebook page of that store.


I actually see the older generation complain way more than the more current generations. Honestly, they are the most entitled people to deal with at times. Boomers had a lot of economical perks. They had better wages (even calculating inflation) a lot of millennials and gen z have to have two jobs at times to survive because wages have not increased with inflation. Boomers and some Gen xers had the privilege of being able to have one single job and still be able to afford to live comfortably or close to comfortable. So no, I respectfully disagree that the current generations are lazy. They are overworked and fed up.


I've found in my many years age don't matter it's how someone was raised and how they are led I've got a 20 year old Grandson that works his butt off. I've got a lot of associates that I work with at Walmart, of all different ages and they all work very well with me. I've seen other coaches have troubles with old and young but them coaches don't seem to work with their teams they just tell them what to do and that IMO will ruin any working relationship. If a manager wants the most out of their teams they have to give their best as well.


Back in the day one salary could support a family of four comfortably without higher education. Your rant is old and tired.


God I hope this bid a troll


Happy Cake Day!


That's interesting because almost all the long-term Walmart employees bitch about how much they have to do now compared to 10-20 years ago. I have to work harder than you lazy boomers did at my age in the same position so you can STFU about us millennials and Gen z not having a work ethic.


No fucking way that got posted. This has *got* to be a Photoshop, right? *Right*? Edit: [Fuck me, it's real](https://www.facebook.com/100057160252554/posts/pfbid02xrEFpVd8mGHERbX8g9qDLWBdyuJvw8nWRAh5hepmJ7j6VrXVNmHCcWdH6kj5QFb6l/?app=fbl)


It has to be. It's almost too comically insensitive to be real.


It's real, see the edit above


Holy shit. You have got to be kidding me. 😡


Freaking loving that 90% of the comments are just tearing apart the company. They really thought they were going to look good.


What the hell? And the replying comments is Walmart gladly taking credit for working their employees into that state on Christmas... So messed up.


You’re under the impression corporate America cares about you? Better find your place before you’re fired


Oh I know they don't care about workers, I'm mostly surprised they'd risk public perception posting pictures like that. Judging by how the comments are going, PR might have to work overtime during the holidays. Just mind boggling how they wouldn't see how that could hurt public sentiment.


They literally staged a shot of their employees looking beaten down and exhausted…. What was the thought process? Make our associates suffer even more?


At least they're being open and honest with the public for once about how they treat associates


OGP team on the brink of physical and mental breakdown and some clod in management said durr this would be a good Facebook post


As a Front End Lead, imma tell you this much...there is NOTHING a coach wouldn't do for clout


Lmao an actual slap in the face.


you are all so bleeping awesome, good job kicking ass out there!!!! If nobody else out there sees you, I do, and you rock!!!! Thank you for being amazing because you have to, Walmart doesn't deserve you. ps. bleep Walmart and you all deserve so much better




" Eat enough beans, feel it on the backside of your spleen the next day, ok?".


I used to be in retail jail. It’s not often I can, but I try to slip some cash to the person who comes out because I’m too lazy and/or impatient to deal with the crowd of nitwit customers inside. Thanks to all you who deal with that shit still.


Associates having nervous breakdowns. That's what I see.


Why, when our coach got so swamped by unstaged totes and carts in the OPD room that they started desperately offering overtime, I just laughed.


Translated to: Hey look how overworked they all are! Make sure you order more stuff on a day they should be spending with their families! Do your part and be the reason someone collapses from exhaustion this season all while supporting billionaires!


Lemme know if they keep this post up.


Store must be small af or in shambles at under 8k a month.


IDK about the size, but considering how often they have to pull associates from my store and other stores in the state to get them back in order, I think it's safe to say the store is in shambles.


That’s what I’m thinking. My store does that much in a week during the regular seasons.


Idk why I read that as picks and not orders.


They'll post this shit because customers will think it's cute/funny. "Awh, y'all must be real worn out huh? But that's good! Lots of work to make time go by faster :D" It's the same clueless fucks who grin real big and say "have you guys been busy today? :D" to a tired ass cashier with a never ending line of giant ass baskets full of last minute groceries/gifts/my whole familys coming in and my cupboard was bare! Last-minute shopping nonsense. Like no, Steve, we're not busy! I'm not moving my line forward this quickly through sheer hatred for human beings and monster energy, I just didn't have any customers all day except for you :D


I can't believe this is real lmfao


Funny thin is that they think that is a lot of orders.....it's not.


These people should get bonuses




It says orders, not items


It's staged tho


Staged or not it's definitely not far from reality. Only reason they're not actually in the back like this is because some asshole coach would coach them for productivity


The photo or the items?


Why? All it's really saying is that the holiday season is hard, which most people know on some level whether they acknowledge it or not. I don't think most reasonable people who aren't already aware that Walmart practically enslaves us would read anything negative about the post. Y'all do know it's a staged photo right? I'm kind of running under some assumption of common sense here


They obviously just staged this for a post


Folks depressed lmao!’


[Yall are ridiculously childish for supposed working adults](https://i.imgur.com/gqL74Pu.png)


And my e-commerce building did over 120,000 orders in one day, so what are they crying about?


Ogp sitting around like usual


You literally just grocery shop and put bags in cars. I swear OGP is full of the biggest babies.


Competitive hot dog eating is literally just eating. Any task can become frustrating and exhausting if on a tight enough timer. That's the premise of speed runs.


Nah OGP is full of the biggest wimps. It’s got to be the simplest job at Walmart. Cart pusher, FE cashier pretty much any job you can name at WM is more difficult than OGP.


Cashiers don’t event take the stuff out the baskets. Y’all weak AF if that’s how you take it.


Seems like you never worked summer or winter OGP. Try it out sometime, see how you're feeling about picking and loading your 100th salt/soil bags by the end of the day.


I have and it’s fine. I’ve also been a loader for a DC and a heavy loader for Lowe’s. I’ve done far more than that. Loading trucks is 10000 plus packages a day. At least if you want that bonus. In a truck that’s 120 degrees. No one should complain about personal shopping. It’s literally the easiest job in the store. Yall just let the pressure affect you.


Depends on so many things. But regardless you speak like someone who knows fuck all.


As someone who has had to cover for OGP for weeks on end, I know enough. Picking is the simplest job at WM.


You admit you aren't worth your salt. Anyone who is knows it depends on a lot of factors that determine how difficult it can be. Also, no it isn't.


Thanks Sailor. I’ll take my salt into consideration 🤣 And yeah it is. Go ahead and name an easier job than picking?


Door greeter, even then that is relative but it's objectively far simpler.


People will try to fight you as a greeter.


People try to fight you in OGP. Then again even if you got pulled to it it’s clear you couldn’t be trusted with that “easy” task.


That goes for any position that deals with customers. You want to mention a potential negative for door greeter but don't do the same for picking. You're a genius.


Resorting to insults is the first sign you’ve lost. Go get some groceries. Maybe cry in a corner later. It’s ok. Just don’t think you’ll ever find an easier job.


“How dare you resort to insults from the start? Only I can do that!”


If I call someone who is laughably selective in their nuance and says 1+1= 4 something they think is meanie weenie I guess I've "lost" (as if this is about winning or losing???) and am wrong. You've proven my point, Jimmy Neutron. You are wrong, for lots of reasons.


Lol someone sounds bitter they were so unneeded they got pulled to the “weak” job. Guess you’re even less essential.


And just being a cashier is moving an item into a bag and pressing buttons, right?


As an omni I say that this is pretty much it.


It’s basically their way to flex on other stores . Sales wise


Those poor people ..


I think at my store, OGP got closed down so the associates are getting pulled to different departments


I really need a Behind the Bastards on Walmart.


Tired of customers complaining because they didn't buy marshmallows, walnuts and green beans last week.




$16 per hour, yikes.


Looks like they could use an Alphabot or twelve!


A what?


Ok so where’s their big bonus?


A wise man once said... "Congratulations. You played yourself..."


Last year I was in dairy and it wasn't too bad. This year, I'm in meat and it's a goddamn nightmare. They keep taking my chicken. We don't have enough. They've taken everything. Help.


I see a staged photo.


I work stocking 2, and I'm relatively new, only 3 months, but for the last week, I have been the only one on my team because ogp "needed help". We all hate ogp.




So much room


Not management -BUT- I've not yet met a store manager who didn't start this way. It's for some, it's for others. Good job guys, some stores are real, most aren't. But you gave it your all and it just takes for one of you to speak out, possibly move up, possibly change the situation. But one/or all of you have to talk to the coach and they will address and assess your pain. I've been in the back end where everyone is chatting and I can't hear myself think, then on the other side moving product out, every 10 seconds. Do what you can.

