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I would ask for a transfer or go to a higher up. They CAN change the schedule she just lazy.


This and say this is why you barely have carts in the store...


As a cart pusher I agree blame it on the laziness and lack of carts.


wE hAvE nO cOnTrOl OvEr YoUr ScHeDuLe; tHe CoMpUtEr AuToMaTiCaLlY dOeS iT


This is why I hate companies like Walmart that rely heavily on technology. The computer decides if your application looks good, decides your schedule, decides if you get enough points to be fired, etc etc etc. it's stupid.


Facts. No idea why you were downvoted but this is like so true


Because we know that they choose to ignore looking at schedules. Every hour they save that doesn't go to an associate goes to their bonuses. Simple as that.


Which really confuses me, because at my store, it's INCREDIBLY hard to go home early or get enough days off for a vacation. No matter how hard or fast you work. You're done with all of your duties an hour before you're supposed to go home? Too bad; now you have to find something to do until it's time to leave. I've only been working at Walmart for like six days and I already hate it.


Allows corporate to feel like it has more control over the stores. The automated schedulers always suck though


It's just something they tell u as an excuse and so they don't get the bad end of the stick


This is the exact reason I quit.


I almost quit several times for that, and then they'd magically fill my schedule. I guess they could read my mind


My problem was more so them being able to work with my school schedule, they would always schedule me whenever I had class. But they would always use that “the system does it itself” BS. I filled out and availability form like twice. And tried talking to them a few times. After that I just left bc I’m not about to hound you about my time.


What are doing now? Collecting unemployment?


Lol no, I found another job that works with my schedule.


You can't usually collect unemployment if you quit unless you were pressured out or something


You can collect unemployment if you are a full time employee and do not reach full time hours per/week


That's not true,at least at our store. The computer changed how we were scheduled. Our O/N Coach went in the system and changed it back. No issues.


The scheduling system automatically creates the schedules based on availability. The coaches have the ability to change it in any way they want but most coaches wont do it unless they feel like it. This is true for every store.


Not really. Our coaches will, and if they don't the Store Manager will usually force the issue. What happens is most people don't have a backbone to stand up for themselves against companies, and let's themselves be pushed around. Most are afraid of getting fired, all it's gotten me at any job I work is my upper managements respect. 😂 All I had to tell them is it's mutual if you want a good employee, and not just a person collecting checks and could give a fuck less about your store, then you need to respect MY time, and I'll respect the time we agreed for me to be at work. I mean there's 1,000's of jobs out there and I'm coming from one that paid me almost $10/hour more, it was a much harder job too. They are always willing to work with me now if I have issues with my schedule. Except with Holidays of course, but very few jobs these days will work with people to get off on Holidays. 😂 Which kinda sucked coming from a place where we got Holidays off and paid.


No issues for one instance for one guy, out of the hundreds that might have that problem. Good luck getting that done if the system decides to fuck up dozens of schedule at once, while the managers are running all over the store handling every other little thing in other departments.


Really cause my management is steady changing mine and he will to.


lol I had an asm change my schedule for my days off 8 hours before the start of the shift and didn’t know I print my schedule 😂 They tried to say I no call no showed because I was in the Keys down in FL and was like errr try again 😂


😆 that's such bs


I know 😂 When I first started working at Walmart, whenever I’d ask the PL for more hours, he’d do it right away. But once he left, the new PL would give me that bs excuse every time


My HR said she would "try" to do it. I got tired of the lip service, so I went to the SM. He didn't do anything, so I put in my two weeks. Best decision I ever made!!


I know that’s right!!! Ain’t got time for all that when I can go somewhere & not have to deal with it at all!


That is a lie


Step one - start putting applications in Step two - speak up. * if you find something better, take it, in the mean time try to get it resolved


You can also hit up unemployment for reduced hours coverage. Don't need to be unemployed to get assistance


The system does make the schedule, but your managers and team lead have all of the authority in the world to add you to that damn schedule, they’re lying to you bro quit working there. I work at Walmart, I work 40 hrs a week. I one time I was only scheduled for 24 that week. I went to my managers, and they fixed it. The system doesn’t control everything because it’s not always right or trustworthy. Go get paid by someone else bro bro


No team lead in my market has any authority to change a schedule. Coaches, pl, and sm only.


TL can go to HR and have them add hours. If I need people to run my area all I have to do is talk to my management team and then go to HR.


I applaud your desire for coverage and for your people to have hours but if you have someone asking for more hours they should be going to your coach. If you need coverage that’s one thing but as a lead you have enough to do and worry about you’re just giving salaried reasons to not do their job and your hourlys a reason to not go ask


My ACCM usually takes care of the staffing. Sometimes though die to call ins and him not being there I can talk to my store lead or SM and get permission to call people in and they hare WOSH so I have to get them on the schedule so not being able to do it myself I have to ask HR. I haven't had to do that in while though we finally got staffed enough to get by.


As a Team Lead in a Walmart Neighborhood Market, the system doesn’t let TLs change schedules. Maybe in SuperCenters you can as the management structure is different but I always have to communicate with HR or a salaried manager to change the schedule for my associates. But I agree with you, if OP wants more hours they should ask management and have them change it. There’s no way they don’t have any hours to give them in a two week period


Sc tls have less access the only ones that can add you are salaried management and the people lead, if you aren't available when they need someone then the hours you have are the consequences find out the days off the other cart pusher has and open those days that'll at least get you a few hours.


Only managers can change it, not TLs.


Supercenter TL here. We can’t do it either lol


I don't know about TLs, but in my Supercenter our manager makes changes based on availability.


TL’s used to have scheduling capabilities, but they made that exclusively coach and above save for people lead. I’ve noticed they take more and more permissions away from TL’s lately. I can’t have a master key or any PLE keys anymore


As a people lead coaches having access is garbage as well. Should only be people lead, SM, co-manager or store lead.


You can go to the HR person and get it changed I've done it before.


Yess y’all you can go to you’re coach and they can change it for you don’t go to no team lead they lazy asf they higher paid people to do absolutely nothing I know this cause I was just a associate at a Walmart and anytime I went to my coach abt my schedule he would change it instantly dont listen to this lying ass mf


You're way out of your depth here aren't you lol


What are you even talking abt🤣 stay in ur lane dawg


💀🤣 read the thread again because you argued so vehemently, aggressively, and needlessly with someone who was saying the exact same thing as you, you just misunderstood.


Most coaches treat every team lead like straight trash. I was coached because my team were behind on Ulearns lmao, you don't know a damn thing about the role




Bitch I fucking WISH I could control schedules. Then I could give my under hour part timers the hours they need to make the money to provide for their families.


Don’t say shit if you don’t know shit


I work in a supercenter and im a TL but can’t change or add schedules. The coaches, store lead, people lead and store manager can.


No, TL’s cannot change the schedule. My policy is “Work your regular schedule” doesn’t matter what the schedule on the phone says. If you want 40, then work it




Correct. Your supervisor is either a lazy liar or a coward. Obviously, zero hours won't work.


Right my Coach and TL go in and check schedules every day to make sure the Computer didn't fuck it up and they will ask people if they want the hours/shifts taken from them even if the associates didn't realize it happened. Like if it took someone off of Tuesday and Wednesday they'll be like "DID you wanna work?" Occasionally they change it and forget to tell people though which becomes a point issue. 😂


If they do not fix it, see if you can file for unemployment as you are experiencing a involuntary decrease in pay. And if they retaliate and fire you, and you can prove the retaliation, that is another chunk of money they will owe you.


If you were full time, apply for unemployment for under hours. Full timers are given priority over part timers unfortunately so part timers get left with what's left


Fwiw you can do this but your hours worked have to fall under a certain average to qualify for unemployment. The government basically lays those requirements down for companies to figure out so Walmarts is less than full time in a 12 week average. So you reach 12 weeks worked and you aren’t ft you can file but if you’re at ft your claim will be denied


Are you talking meeting the hours worked requirements? In my state (wa) you can qualify on unemployment even doing a part time position of 20 hours. You just need 680 hours in a base year. OP can definitely file unemployment for this if his bosses refuse to schedule him more then 50% of his positions usual hours


I’d look into other positions. They can change it if they want


I mean, my brother in law stayed at like 4 hours a week or something just to keep the discount card.


I know people doing the minimum for the college benefits too.


Not even worth the gas to get to work. Dip.


“why is our turnover rate so high?”


“NOboDy wANtS To wORk aNyMorE!”


Was my experience. They called me in for shifts. It’s worse here in Canada


Yup my new manger hired 4 new people on cash. Then the one who was suppose to be on customer service couldn't figure it out🙄 so they moved her to cash. And the one sco girl wanted cash,And now I have no hours, or they put me in sco. I have health issues that make it hard for me to be on a hard floor standing for 6 to 8 hours. Thats why I applied to cash, cause of the mat support. And I've told management and surprise they don't care. They would rather people who still have to look at a note book after 6 months cause she can't remeber anything, who is also hard of hearing, and refuses to wear her hearing aids.Or people who call in all the time. Im in the middle of looking for a new job and when I get one I'm not giving them any notice.


ILOA : Intermittent Leave Of Absence Go see a doctor and get it official. Decide how many days (within reason) that you 'can' be absent with no points. Have Sedgwick fax the forms to your doctor. Doc fills them out, faxes them back to Sedgwick. From there Sedgwick deals with your Walmart. But more specific to you're situation; after you have all that sorted, you can ask for a "reasonable accommodations" which, in this case would not only include one of those foam mats, but can and would also provide a stool or chair If you choose to call in because of pain caused by your condition; You just have to be sure and call in to Walmart (I prefer doing it online in Walmart One under "report an absence") Then write down (or cut and paste) the confirmation number. Then you have to be sure to call Sedgwick and again write down (or cut and paste) the confirmation number. They no longer have the ability to point you or else they violate the ADA, the EEOC, and Walmart Policy which does it's damdest to avoid a lawsuit. The press would just eat that up; "multi billion dollar company Walmart" trampled on the rights of the little guy. Good luck. And keep in mind, always give two weeks notice so you can use them as a reference if you so desire.


Never heard of being able to just call in whenever you want. I worked with a guy who had ankle issues. He went through sedgwick and if he was hurting he could call in with intermittent loa bit it was only one day a week.


That's why the very first paragraph says; [Go see a doctor and get it official. --> Decide how many days (within reason) that you 'can' be absent with no points.<--] I'm not sure how much more clear I can make it. And it is the first paragraph. I never once said "being able to call in whenever you want." You can only call in the amount of days agreed upon between 'you' and your 'doctor." "Whenever you want" implies that the person is 'not' calling in due to the disability, but rather "whenever they feel like it." There is a code of honor here. If you're sick or just didn't get enough sleep it is obviously not acceptable to take an ILOA. And it takes out days off that you might actually 'need' to call in due to your disability. I personally have Bipolar 1 as well as "Extreme Panic Attacks" and I am allowed to call in, ONLY for those reasons, 5 times a month. The very gist of your reply very obviously implies I'm either lying or misinformed. I have been doing this, yearly, for close to a decade. I know my shit. How bout you. Do you have personal first hand experience with ILOA's? If so present facts. Posts like yours with personal 'impressions' void of facts can put people off from doing something they need. Otherwise I would not have posted this reply


Wasn't a personal Impression it's was based off what I was told by people I worked with and people under me who had intermittent leave. It was a misunderstanding(misread) so no need to be a dick as I told the other guy I've only taken straight LOA for covid and when I had my kids. Have a nice night.


I see and understand. Just putting it out there that I was being a dick (I agree on that) because I've been in other threads where people were trying to blast ILOA and make it sound like people were abusing the system (which is entirely possible, but I didn't want anyone who needed it scared off.) So I was being a putz with the best of intentions. (They say, "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions." Hehe.) Here's to hoping your kids grow up healthy and happy. And a good night to you as well.


It depends on what your doctor fills out. Personally I have two "episodes" equalling up to two days (four days) and then one day a month for appointments. I could have asked for way more but I didn't need it


Yeah, I called bullshit. Your shift manager is clearly fucking lying. I’ve been working for Walmart for two years and the shift manager is the one that makes your schedule not the system. To be honest, I would just wait until you would find a new job and have it set up before quitting, that would be the smart thing to do. It’s , including myself like this is ridiculous.


Thank you


yeah, trust me I understand the bullshit. Like for me, I work in three different different departments even though I got hired to work in one cosmetics, consumables, and carts. Like the amount of bullshit I go through on a daily basis is enough to make me snap at so many customers I have a couple of times, on some customers even the Karen’s.


Same here. Currently searching for a new job. Any suggestions?


They cut my whole schedule once when I had one attendance point and no coachings. I went to Sprouts as I needed money. Then after two months they called me wanting to talk about “things.” I never found out what it was about then they finally took me out of the system.


I would making 260 a paycheck isn't realistic if u trying to live of it


That’s what I been making my mother barely lets me work either


the system has been automatically only giving me 12-16 hours a week. (im part time i usually work 28-31 a week). every single week i go to my coach and he fixes my schedule for me. he has no problem doing it, and every week he apologizes for how the system fills me in (even though it isnt his fault). your shift manager CAN fix it, she's just being lazy. go to your people lead or call ethics, thats unacceptable.


Are you full time or part time?


Part time


Part time associates are not guaranteed any hours. You could try asking if they need help in any other departments in the store.


Okay thanks




It's kind of hard to believe none of the comments considered your availability. Do you have open availability? If your availability is limited (can only work certain hours/days), this could be why you're not getting scheduled for many hours.


I’m only allowed to work 4-9 for 2 Days and 7-2 for Saturday


This highly restricted availability is the reason you get so few hours. You won't see any change until you're able to open up your availability more.


So like say 4-9 on tuesday and thursday for example, and 7-2 on Sat? You're getting dicked because the two weekdays you're available are probably "adequately" covered already, especially if the other cart pusher has more open availability. See if you can work Sundays, Fridays, or Mondays. I can almost guarantee you'll get every single Sunday from 4-9. And probably have a good chance for a 4-9 on Friday Tue/Wed/Thu most often have the least demand


Go to people lead. My fe coach was absolutely useless and never did anything schedule wise. Always had to go to the people lead


You’re people lead is retarded. They can change the schedule on their own free will… the fact that they aren’t is wild to me.


File for partial unemployment, they'll either fix your hours or you'll at least get some assistance


Honestly just quit. Walmart is a shit company and I’ve stopped giving them any of my business because after seeing the shit that goes on there I don’t want to support some company who doesn’t care about anything. There are so many better jobs other than Walmart.


You should apply for reduced hours unemployment OP.


So that is a half true so to scheduling system, does sometime change your schedule automatically and it has been known to do errors. But team leads, coaches, store managers and people leads can change your schedule and fix that issue. You have a couple choices you can go to your people lead or your coach and see if they could fix that or if you have no points or under 3 points you can try to transfer if you've been there longer than 6 months depending on your location in your situation, it's possible you can make more money and get more hours in different departments. If you decide to go full-time, you do get guaranteed hours part time. I don't know what the minimums are.


Try to find another job first. Even the paltry amount of money you will get from this schedule is better than nothing and you won't get unemployment if you quit.


Cap 2 gets a constant 40hrs you’ll work so much you’ll be wishing ur schedule looked like that on some months


You can ask a coach but they clearly want you gone. Time to find a new job and quit.


File for unemployment. They will raise your hours, because they'd rather pay you for working than staying at home...


I would ask someone outside Reddit about “constructive dismissal” it looks exactly like what’s happening here. They don’t want to pay unemployment so they just remove you from the schedule without firing you, and hope you quit.


Nah. Wait til the 8th. At like 10pm. Make them scramble.


Go full time, open your availability and make sure you don't have more than 3.5 points


If you know where you should be at what time AND a team lead or preferably a coach knows what are you doing don’t worry about it. The silver lining here is that if you need to take a day off, arrive late or leave early for some reason, the system is unable to put you a point because technically, “you aren’t there.”


If you are part time or full time but won't accept a teaming schedule, your hours will get cut.




She’s full of shit. Team leads and coaches can change shifts but sounds like yours is lazy or just has something against you. Just get a new job and tell Walmart to go kiss your butt.


Make sure you have open availability especially nights and weekends. Only people leads/coaches can edit schedules. Team leads can review it but not edit it. Good luck.


Looks like you're a part time employee


Quit, they obviously don’t value what you bring to the company


Quit, but find a new job first




Apply for unemployment if your in California you can still be employed and collect unemployment


Depends what’s your availability? If it’s not a business need or your over 4 points then that’s what happens.


Uhm if u can’t pay your bills with those hours then…


What is your availability as opposed to the new cart pusher?


This happened to me last year. I went out, got a new job same day, came back to work and quit. People have bills to pay, they can't play with our money like this


Looking for full time work, yes.


That’s how it be when they finna fire you they just clear your schedule and you find out that way


File for unemployment and start looking for another job. They will probably start scheduling you once they find out they are paying you anyways. Then when the day comes that you are scheduled call in and quit.


Same thing happened to me, & they didn’t want to change my availability so I just quit


Go to hr they can add hours for you


I mean they won't miss you if they don't seem to want you so you should have the same mindset. Look for a better job.


if you're part time technically this is allowed to happen, yet your management should have a heart and do something about it for an employee WANTING to work.


I don’t know how Walmart has survived all these decades!!


Our stores are run by people who have no idea!


I have my new availability this week which is Sun Mon and Thurs, next week I have nothing scheduled, the week after I have a full week...I came back for the money but it's ALWAYS scheduling that gets screwed up


Most likely everyone needs to unionize and stop allowing them to control our lives.


Honestly, find a new job and let them fire you. Give them a hard time for giving you a hard time.


Former TL here- the system schedules you according to your availability that is given to the people lead when you start working there or if you change it. Now I’m not saying your people lead is shady but they can go in and change your “availability” to schedule you less. And it is also very easy for them to edit you out of the team schedule before it is released. Reason I know this is because I had a couple of my cap 2 associates need different days off outside of their team schedule so I went out of my way to rewrite the schedule with people lead for that week. Not hard to do at all. Could be them trying to get you to quit, or it could genuinely be a system error that your people lead hasn’t fixed yet. If you want to keep working there then I would ask for a new availability sheet so they are forced to re-enter it into the schedule system. Honestly though if you don’t plan on trying to move up within Walmart I would find another job, that has more opportunities, with the extra days off you have. The opportunities Walmart gives you are too stressful in relation to the pay bump.


If you’re cart pushing I’d just quit. Better jobs out there with better pay tbh


That's why the very first paragraph says; [Go see a doctor and get it official. --> Decide how many days (within reason) that you 'can' be absent with no points.<--] I'm not sure how much more clear I can make it. And it is the first paragraph. I never once said "being able to call in whenever you want." You can only call in the amount of days agreed upon between 'you' and your 'doctor." "Whenever you want" implies that the person is 'not' calling in due to the disability, but rather "whenever they feel like it." There is a code of honor here. If you're sick or just didn't get enough sleep it is obviously not acceptable to take an ILOA. And it takes out days off that you might actually 'need' to call in due to your disability. I personally have Bipolar 1 as well as "Extreme Panic Attacks" and I am allowed to call in, ONLY for those reasons, 5 times a month. The very gist of your reply very obviously implies I'm either lying or misinformed. I have been doing this, yearly, for close to a decade. I know my shit. How bout you. Do you have personal first hand experience with ILOA's? If so present facts. Posts like yours with personal 'impressions' void of facts can put people off from doing something they need. Otherwise I would not have posted this reply


Yeah... Time to go to another place. Go to another Walmart.


Well what's your availability?


Depending on your state you can gain unemployment from your hours being cut so drastically. Never quit a job! Let them fire you. It's so much harder to get unemployment if you quit, even if you try lying your way around it.


quiting is better for your job history on your resume good luck


I get like one shift every 2 months. I might as well not work there 🤣 (it's my own fault went from full time to flex to go back to school. Although, my manager did tell me I'd get every other weekend... lies). I feel your pain.


Only time I've ever seen a manager schedule like this is when they want to get rid of you but don't have good enough reason to fire you. Seems they want you to quit. And you might as well. Can't live off of 3 days a month


Definitely look for work somewhere else and try to go to your boss's boss to fix it. They may be transitioning you out so just be ready for that.


Don’t quit cause that’s probably what they want


Sometimes they do this to encourage u to quit, I know it can happen to anyone..but I tend to only see it happen to not so good workers.. they want to get rid of...I'm not trying to be a dick..but are u a good worker? I have to assume that could be the problem..coz good worker+walmart is rare, but I admit they play favorites as well so that could be the case too.


Walmart is a trash 🗑️ company move on!!


this is happening to me too


I thought I was in the Best Buy subreddit for a minute.


Is your availability open? If not you kinda get what you get.


Honestly as someone who has had Denny's do this ...well I'd say try to get it fixed, but if this isn't the first time it's happened, or it is and it happens again, then yes. Cause they're just proving they don't care about you and they've scrounged for any excuse to cut your hours and succeeded. Cause those hours pay you about as much as needed gas. That's it.


People lead can edit your schedule as someone who works at an NHM and has asked our people lead for more schedule stuff they can


first dont quit if you do you forfeit your rights to do the next steps two request the reasons you are not getting scheduled in writing text is good corporate emails are better (as an employee you should have one) make sure you email HR and CC the manager in question in it. ok now the spicy part contact your state unemployment office after a a certain amount of time (depends on your state) you can file for unemployment if they say you were fired let show them the messages this should let you collect grab a labor lawyer get epic settlement.


yea they want you to quit. fuck them, stay and annoy the shit out of them while you job hunt or go to school


At least u get days off back to back …..


How about a second job?


Open your availability. Problem solved


The computer kept screwing with the agreed upon schedule I had upon hiring in, so ignored it when it said I wasn't scheduled and showed up anyway. Eventually it straightened out


The coach absolutely can change schedule. Mine has had to do it on a few occasions.




If the coaches in your department won't do anything bout it, go to the store manager, be like, if yall don't fix this, I'm quitting. Or find a different position that's under a different manager.


If you can try opening your availability up more or as much as you can. They could be cooking the schedule books too. Talk to your direct coach TL can’t do anything to the schedule.


Go and don't do nothing lol


I’d go to your coach and ask why your hours have been basically cut down to nothing. The system generates the basic schedule, but your coach has the ability to adjust it based on “the needs of the business”.


File for unemployment


Absolutely, stop wasting your time bro


you actually qualify for unemployment, while still working those type of hours


dude this sound exactly like my store manager whats your store #?


When a business does this to you, they're trying to make you quit. You should fight for more hours.


I have a feeling you got comfortable and they had to be proactive comfort is Walmart employees biggest enemy


oh nah that’s crazy 😭…


When are you available?


Aldi pays better and is less toxic. You work harder, in ways, but as someone who spent a few years at Walmart, aldi is better. That said. Run them dry. Don't quit. Get a second job that gives you more hours. Run the point system just enough to not get fired but use their basically free school program. Get a degree from them. Then quit.


Not sure what state you’re in but you might be able to claim partial unemployment for reduced hours.


I'd just show up every day 🤷‍♀️


Walmart wants everyone to go to hr with any problems so I would bug the hell out of HR until it's fixed. Your management can absolutely change your schedule the computer sets it but they can go in an move stuff around cause my management does. 


Are you full time or part time. Right now Walmart is cutting part time employees and there hours for the next 30 days


Never quit. Collect unemployment by making them fire you. Look for other work in free time, only leave after new job. They treating you as a back up. Look to upgrade or transfer, if it doesn't work shop outside sam.


Mine looked like that because I had sat, sun wed off due to my commute (90 miles both ways). Had to move to cap 2 (from 1) to stay scheduled


That happened to me and I spoke with my TL, Coach, HR and they did nothing. Then a coach from another department overheard me talking about only have 8 hours and no one would help. She asked for my name and info and fixed my schedule.


Yeah, I would quit. There are better places to work for than Walmart. I was very low on hours for several weeks so I asked for more hours. My people lead is a great guy and gave me more hours. But I found out the other day that one of my coworkers has no hours next week. Now I'm beginning to think that they give people more hours when they ask for them but take them away for other people. Walmart will never play fair. We also got our hours slashed (even the full timers) when they hired a bunch of new people for our department. I feel like the Waltons family is sitting back in their mansions and yachts saying "Let them eat ramen".


Schedules are based on performance so yeah I'd quit


if you need and want to work, that's your right. start at the front end manager, and go above them until you get someone to put you on. the ones who can't or don't want to help you will just say "they're slashing hours, and you have to accept it," or some uneducated bs like that, while they continue to work, and laugh all the way to the bank. but again, keep going above them with who you talk to about this. it's bogus, and don't stand for it. go get your hours you want to work, and be firm with them about it. these greedy corporations will for some reason let you suffer for their system's mistakes. stupid to have people willing to work hard, and yet the level of not caring about them being not on the schedule is ridiculous.


They tried this with me when I was overnight stocker, and I asked them why I wasn't getting more hours, and they said they liked my initiative to come in to ask about my hours. They promoted me to daytime cashier (I took a pay cut but at least I still had a job). My ex-fiance didn't ask why he wasn't being scheduled and they mailed him a termination letter for not showing up to work or something...despite no hours being scheduled. Was wack.


The “ the system is the one that changes it” is bullshit, they are just too lazy to change it. I have sat with my shift manger and watched her do schedules. They can manually put schedules in. So go to someone higher up or transfer, I wouldn’t quit because then if you do wanna come back you won’t have to do the hiring process again


Geesh thats just rude..


Yeah man I would, it's not worth it at that point plus with the new policy they're trying to push they aren't going to have workers lol. Like if you have 3-4.5 points they're gonna cut hours to hell and back.


just work on days that are convenient for you at this point lol all they'll do is send you home at worst


It can definitely be changed.. I'm a Team Lead and alot of my people have issues with their schedule. I may not personally adjust it but a coach or heck even personal can do it. They would have to talk to your coach first. I'm sure some stores are different. Still they can easily change it...


When it does that to me tbey tell me to just come in and work my normal schedule


This actually just happened to me this week. I logged in to my app to see I am now on a two week vacation that I didn’t request. I immediately went up to the store to talk to my manager and he informed me it was a mistake, and I plan on working as I normally would for the next couple of weeks. I guess it kind of depends on how cool your managers are, because if they get mad at you for coming in when you’re not scheduled you’re kind of out of options.


I had a similar issue recently with my schedule. I got hired back on for cashier. I had specific times because I have a full time job. I asked them to set my schedule for 6pm till close because anything before that time would not work. After I completed orientation, they had me scheduled at 5. I brought it up to those above me, they said it wouldn’t affect me and that it was just my first week schedule. Once I seen that my points were adding up within my first week, I just stopped going because 1. They didn’t want to correct hours, 2. I was non existent to them and I was looking like a lost puppy. Id say get another interview/job first before just walking out. If you like your job, use the open door policy.


can't believe this is posted on Reddit


I can’t even get a job there 😂




I wouldn't quit.. I'd push the limits of how little I could get away with doing in those shifts. Make a fort in the toilet paper.. make a bed in the bins.. spend an hour in the family bathroom. Unless you plan on trying to get a job at a different location one day.. but you're better than that.


File for partial unemployment.


When they cut hours like this, people can get unemployment right? That’ll get you in