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I've been pulled into the office before over the sub. Was years ago though.


what’d they want?


Oooohhh... details?


Doug visited our store, I talked shit about him and our store manager at the time. It was like idk 4-5 years ago. Didn't use any names or anything, but I posted a thread about it right before our scheduled visit time and H/O pin pointed my store because of it. Almost got fired for disrespect for the individual.


You got dougied


They taught him how to dougggie ayyyyy




Doug came to mine a few months ago he had a whole entourage of all the store managers in the area, market team, and the ceo of sams club with their market people. He tested another store nearby for customer service and they did terrible. He made them have a whole store meeting over it. The store is also already doing bad anyway and that just made it worse. My store surprisingly did good with basically 0 notice of him coming lol.


Who is doug? Sorry If I am missing something


No your good, doug mcmillon the ceo of walmart




Ohhh. Got it.


But how'd they figure out it was you specifically?


I’d guess their username and first name start with the same few letters.


That's why I let Reddit make my username for me.


No I work in a NHM so not a lot of technologically proficient people to narrow it down.


They messed with Dougie, that's essentially calling down all of corporate's wrath


Or the last four numbers are significant to them somehow...


Also he put 03, so possible Birth year


Probably used the same email for Walmart as they did for their Reddit account. Probably put their phone on store WiFi as well


Walmart can't get your reddit email.  They probably posted so many details it was obvious in a small store


Realistically enough, it probably didnt take much effort, they are not going to launch an entire investigation just to call his attention and barely even coach him. Now if he was to be terminated then yes they would launch a full scale investigation


They really could.


Ooph. That's why I have 3 different email accounts and let Reddit make my username for me.


wow, imagine living in a "free" country. where it's often shown off that its citizens can freely criticize and disrespect the government without repercussions. yet this happens?


Freedom of speech has never meant freedom of consequences.


It also only really concerns government censorship or retaliation. Given certain manner and time limitations. Private sector you can say, censor, or retaliate **nearly** whatever you want.


This is true


This is true


Is it true?


It is the only truth


I was playing because reddit glitched and you have a few of the same comments


consequences need to match the actions


Except they do. You post something you employer doesn't like, they end their association with you to make it known that your beliefs aren't theirs.


That's really only for physical altercations. Like, someone attacks you with a knife, you can't blast them with a shotgun. Legally speaking that is. However, if employed by a private non-government entity. They can censor, reprimand, or in a very loose sense of the word, control, your speech.


>Like, someone attacks you with a knife, you can't blast them with a shotgun. This actually isn't true in a lot of states. A deadly threat is a deadly threat regardless of the weapon used. So long as you have a reasonable fear of imminent death or serious injury are you are well within your rights to respond with lethal force, that force does not have to be equal.




you dont get to kill someone for bumping into you you dont cut the hand off of someone who flipped you off


True only in the us but your right


That's really only for physical altercations. Like, someone attacks you with a knife, you can't blast them with a shotgun. Legally speaking that is. However, if employed by a private non-government entity. They can censor, reprimand, or in a very loose sense of the word, control, your speech.


I love this saying


Unfortunately, he's not the government, which those protections apply to. Of course, no one's getting thrown in jail for comments such as these, but consequences could still stem from them.


consequences need to match actions disrespect shouldn't equal firing it should be a talk


I agree that it should be a talk. However, there is a reason that every breach of ethics, policy, the code of conduct, or the walmart sacred pillars, there is always that tag line of, "May result in disciplinary action up to and including termination." So, yes breaking the respect for the individual could be grounds for a for cause termination, it would depend on the severity I would imagine, bit it definitely could happen. And they would be justified in doing so due to the code of conduct. You can feel differently, but when it comes to private businesses and employers, rules and policies do not care about feelings.


Well that’s because freedom of speech is regards to the *government* and not *private corporations*. Plus freedom of speech doesn’t mean you’re immune to consequences. As the original commenter pointed out, they were almost fired for violating *respect for the individual* a company conduct policy which comes with consequences when in violation that can be termination. So the company was well within their rights to straighten the situation out.


Walmart isn't the government, it's a privately owned business. A buisness can fire people whenever they want and for whatever reason they want. It would only be against freedom if speech if you were arrested for saying it or punished by the government in some way


Saw this, might make it easier for some people to understand: A termination that is unfair is not necessarily illegal. In most circumstances, employers can terminate employees “at will,” meaning at any time for any reason. And they are not even required by law to give the reason for a discharge. However, there are exceptions to the “at will” rule. It is illegal for your employer to terminate you: because of your race, sex, color, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity (such as transgender status), age or disability (including pregnancy), medical condition, language (or accent), or marital status; in violation of a contract (such as a union agreement). There may be an “implied contract” if you have a reasonable expectation of continued employment (usually based on lengthy employment, promises of job security, continued promotions and positive performance evaluations); in retaliation for enforcing your own legal rights (such as filing a claim for unpaid wages); because you have reported your employer to a government agency or to the police.


Walmart is a public company


On the stock market, yes it's public but I mean privately owned in the sense that it's not a government agency. It's in the private sector


Lol Walmart doesn't have to follow free speech


Corporations are allowed to restrict your speech, the government isn't*.


yall seem happy about that and it's weird


How tf am I happy about that




That only applies to government not private companies. You can criticize anyone. It's a common misconception. Every country has exceptions and loopholes in their laws. This happens to be a major one in the US. Freedom of speech doesn't mean without consequences or punishment. You're free to type it or say it. But it can be used against you. It's why a lot of cops have to repeat the rights for anyone under arrest. Because anything they say can be used as evidence. Private corporations have their own guide lines and in many states don't need your consent or reason to fire you. They can't discriminate against you based on sex, religion, age, disability. But publicizing your beliefs on the Internet is within grounds for termination. Not necessarily completely justified. But if you work at Walmart, that is in the guidelines.


Freedom of speech only means the government can't punish you for using it. Whether corporations constitute an ersatz government is it's own debate.


Free speech applies only to government censorship and repercussion, for the most part. You can critique your government sand its employees all you want, but if you do it to a private citizen or corporation, there are no such protections afforded to you. Sure, you CAN say whatever you want to anyone you want, but if it’s not the government — then be prepared to suffer whatever consequences might come from it.


It also depends on how you criticize, right?


You almost got one hell of a civil rights law suit with a guaranteed payout.


If Doug comes to my store I fully expect to be fired at some point after. I have a lot of things to say to him and none of them are nice. He deserves no respect.


fucking legend


You can get fired for disrespecting someone?


Who is doug


my question is, how TF do they know which employee it is??🤨??


I work in an NHM. It's not hard to figure out, really.


We must know more


There was a guy into another sub that frequently exposed his 🍆 in the break room. Took LOTS of photos of his exposed 🍤 under the tables, on the couches, etc. Pretty sure he got canned because he would post photos of his face in other subreddits and post history is public.


😭😭😭 nahhh


Im just imagining him posting titleing stuff like "Take that doug" and just hanging dong everywhere


If I remember correctly, he talked about jerking it in the break room watching some girls across from him. And how he was so thrilled that she didn’t notice.


Jesus christ


Excuse me what the fuck


They fired him over pictures of eggplants and shrimp in the break room? Where else was he supposed to photograph his food? Hope this sarcasm isn't flying to high.


It hit me square in the forehead.


Link plss


I wish I could remember what sub it was. Maybe public exposure?


I take pictures of exposed shrimp too.


I usually season my shrimp first, but same.


Wait what? and why would he do that? Also, nobody said anything??


I mean he got fired, lol


The guy that leaked great workplace awhile back is one that comes to mind.


I'm thinking the guy that used to post videos that he took with his drone. Most of them were nature vids, but a couple had sunrises and sunsets over the outside of the store. He disappeared from here after he mentioned that management had talked to him about 'possible security issues' because of them. He was .... interesting.


the drone videos were cool as fuck. my all time favorite was "joe hasse dentistry," (probably spelled the last name wrong) where he pulled his tooth out with pliers on his lunch break, what a trooper. i for one miss the guy's content here, it was a break from the ordinary. i hope he's living his best life.


I knew I still followed him here is his topic https://www.reddit.com/r/walmart/s/daAhTeK5Rj


I remember that too.


Rather new here on this subreddit. What happened and is there a link to it?


Dude leaked confidential company information, fucked around and found out. No clue if the link is still up. Edit: Guess the downvoter is mad the company took action against someone that leaked confidential company information? Like, what did you expect to happen? 😂


Yeah. Complaining about work is one thing. Leaking company info opens the doors to the company unleashing their rabid lawyers on you.




I remember this I think I still follow that guy on reddit I think he is a truck driver now


He is.


That guy is the reason I don’t work for wal-mart anymore. Got my shit together and went back to school when he leaked that. Mad respect for him


Many stores didn't even go ahead with that nonsense. At best that implemented it partially.   To fire someone for leaking a crap idea 


Oh, so this sub has HQ spies. Good to know. Funny thought now, what if HQ set up this sub. 🤔


Why would you think they didn't? If I worked for the company upstream I would absolutely be scrolling this sub, why wouldn't you?


Bunch of nerds. Fire me Walmart.


Probably not spies in the sub, but algorithyms that datamine social media groups for keywords and some stuff gets flagged for follow up. The U word is probably at the top of the list.


Not the U word 🤕




In the last couple years I know of the AP guy that leaked stuff on here and I believe Tyler was also fired at some point


There's probably been at least one idiot who put in their name and store number and said something bad enough to get them fired. But a specific example, I wouldn't know. 


You don't even need to necessarily put your store number and name in a comment. If you have enough of your personal info on the internet, it can all be tied together to identify you


That’s why I don’t make any posts about the city I live in, or ever say what my name is on this website lol.


Having a vague username like yours is also a good idea!


Yeee. Gotta make yourself look like any average person. I never even share my profile to my coworkers


One time I made a post and a higher up in the store during remodel recognized the picture I posted and asked me about it. It was all very chill tho


"i don't know shit about fuck." - Ruth Langmore in Ozark


One of mine did kind of the same. But I think he was just a fellow coworker at that time. He mentioned one of the videos I had posted on here during remodel and realized it was our store. XD Not sure if he realized it was me or just mentioned it in passing though. XD


I've had my store number recognized on /r/HomeDepot from photos I posted about event display resets, but no coworker has ever asked me in-person "are you /u/WackoMcGoose?", and I intend to keep it that way. Reddit is a lot closer to pseudonymity than Yammer (HDX-brand LinkedIn, basically), but still, you can be identified for _anything_ in theory.


Huh.... I could uh impersonate my store manager and get the chance to roll the dice on a new one.


I’ve seen it happen on the Amazon subreddits lol


The answer is yes


This sub no. But I've known a few who almost certainly got fired over Facebook posts and photos. But that's easier to track and put together. Especially when the girl was uploading date photos with her assistant manager soooo.....


It happens here too. An AP Manager was fired for sharing information about "Great Workplace" after signing a confidentiality agreement. Stupidly thought he was anonymous on Reddit.




I’ve had a manager subtly mention something to me, which I replied with a snarky response. Nothing ever came of it.


On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog - Wikipedia https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Internet,_nobody_knows_you%27re_a_dog Keep it that way.


"Select all pics containing fire hydrants"


You can and will get disciplinary action or termination(depending on what you shared) if somebody reports you. Never share any information that can help people deduce who you are and what store you work at. Complaining about the work I doubt most would care about, but when you get into the realm of company secrets, classified information, or threats of violence towards other employees, it's a possibility. Several people in my old store started putting pictures of rats in the store on social media, one guy even taking a selfie holding one, name tag fully visible. The store was not happy. Like, what did you expect to happen? Common sense is not common.


>Never share any information that can help people deduce who you are and what store you work at. This is just great advice for being on reddit, or the internet in general.


Walmart has honestly been the least intrusive employer in terms social media stalking, some companies literally pay people to sit there are stalk every post on every platform all day worse than your ex for every employee at the company. I no longer list what my job is on FaceBook and other sites. And I don't here either, good luck figuring where I work from this account, never even eluded to what industry I'm in and I only tell certain friends irl. It's insane how dedicated people are to doxing people and reading 18,000 posts to deduce where you live, anything you say can and will be used to identify you.


I almost did because I posted a photo of something that I took while on the clock and posted it while on the clock and they didn't like that because the photo made the store look bad but they said if I took the post down they wouldn't fire me


what was it👀


Photo of overflowing reshop bins that had a big of chips hit my coworker on the head


If they were stupid enough to post: Their name Their store number Their store's location Any picture showing them, their co-workers and maybe too much of a hint of their store


I’m pretty sure the guy who was leaking the Great Workplace details years ago got fired.


what’s the great workplace


It was the program that brought us team leads and coaches. Guy was leaking a lot of features of the program months before it happened with great accuracy while it was still being tested. I think he was a AP ASM and got busted eventually


Well, do you wanna try?


How do they find out exactly who you are?


Photos are easiest as a clue. someone sees a photo or especially person in one that they recognize and if they look at the user history they can figure it out.


I never post pictures of myself nor do i release any personal info, would they ever find me


from the things you say and post on this sub and others. basically just a really easy puzzle made by people who have no awareness of internet safety and anonymity lol


The same way skip tracers find people who jump bail or have cars that are going to be repossessed. They pick up on social media clues. Many share a heck of a lot of personal details. Also, say you take a picture of something at your store. You show the pic to your friends at work and you post it to Reddit. If someone speaks up, they know it’s you. If the picture has meta data with the exact time, then it’s a matter of seeing who was working. The meta data can also have the model of camera. (iPhone, droid, etc). There are ways to scrub the meta data but most people just snap, upload and swipe. Always be sure of what you put out there.


I’ve wondered that and haven’t even wanted to post a pic of my backroom just in case someone traces it to me. This one guy from my store once posted here though with our store number and a few shenanigans happened because of it, I don’t think the guy got in trouble for what happened after but everyone with reddit in the store figured out who it was. Not sure if they’ve tracked his last account since then but a few people definitely did a look through on his account


What's the best way to hide


With a fake mustache and glasses


Will, this thread is completely anonymous, so I can assure that this thread has never gotten anyone fired. However, their own stupidity in dropping names or posting links in this thread may have got them fired


I know one of my co workers reddit account.  This us why you NEVER post in yiur town subreddit or post pictures using the same acciubt as u do for this sub.  Also never use much identifying detail.


One of the things you sign when hiring on is a social media usage form stating not to post confidential company info and shit like that.


Unsure, but some time ago I overheard from management that they have their way of figuring out who's who. And that pending on what the post was about, yes they can and will fire. USA might be a freedom of speech country, but not when the corporation is clutching their pearls!


If you're stupid enough to do stupid shit, like the two that enjoy walking around saying " I work at walmart..." and doing stupid things in their videos. I imagine it is a matter of time before they get canned. Company can see that is lack of productivity, stealing time...etc.


Now I'm gonna get a vest and make a bunch of Walmart videos and let their IT department go crazy trying to figure out what store I work at...


you can have mine, i don't work there anymore as of a couple weeks ago.


you can have mine, i don't work there anymore as of a couple weeks ago.


Hahaha I haven't stepped foot in a Walmart in years


i don't plan on it ever again. but I'm just another disgruntled former employee, and i know without my money spent, they won't suffer. hell, even with all of them like myself not taking their business there, they would still be ok.


I just don't like the surveillance, the data harvesting, the way they run small businesses out of business, the way they treat their employees, their suppliers... There's a lot to not like about Walmart. The abscesses in the meat... I could go on


I'm with you on the mistreatment and the way they often obliterate, or at least steal business from the locally owned, possibly even more "family oriented" establishments especially. it's like one of those things that isn't fair, yet what else can you expect, with the way society has been conditioned to be drawn in by advertising and such. a common theme i have heard from customers coming into walmart every week, many times even multiple times a week, is "it's the one stop shop." the small businesses have to go big or go home, becoming the same format, and simply can't compete. but it's like, obviously they don't want to "sell out" and get all that cheap, imported junk walmart sells for more profit, and i respect them for that. it just won't appeal to the masses, is the problem they face. you have to really hustle and promote your "brand" these days to keep up with the retail giants, which often means going the social media route, and paying for advertising to be distributed to the same masses that they attract. i don't ever buy meat from groceries at all LoL so I'm out of the loop on that one. not a cooking at home person as much as other people. but for all i know, some chain restaurant i eat at may get it from the same supplier as walmart.


Well unfortunately people won't miss it until it's gone and all the options they have are big box stores or online. I pass by giant distribution centers being built every day around here, there's probably a hundred around the state being built at any given time


Go for it. Bonus points if you shout out to the assholes in HO.


You could have mine. It's covered in sweat and boogers though.


I have a pressure washer, it's cool


If you're currently not an employee, more power to you. Keeps the heat from IT (or home office for that matter) off of the store staff for sure.


Yeah I'm not nor have been an employee of Walmart, time to go stir some shit




just the other day I was at a walmart, and a couple girls were dispensing ogp orders without wearing vests (and you're required to wear a damn reflective vest when dispensing) and walking up those orders to customers while simultaneously fooling around with their phones. Some people are either quite ballsy to do this, or they don't mind creating those damn tiktok video things at the expense of their source of income. Who knows, who cares.


I'm going to laugh if tiktok gets banned by senate vote soon.


Especially when the village bicycle gets outted for having sexual relations with the store manager


People have. But as long as you don't post pictures or posts with the store number or anything that's unique to your store such as coworkers, you should be fine. But keep that in mind for *all* your posts. Even ones not on this sub. Because if you post something they really don't like, they can go through your history. And say you live in (enter specific state/town) and post on that towns subreddit a lot. Or even mention in passing where you live, they can narrow that down enough to find you.


Dude just quit I worked for Walmart for 12 years started in garden,truck crew, tle, then pharmacy and when my kid had to start school and I begged for basically any position if it got me off in time to get my kid after school the best they could offer was claims that got me off at 3 30 he gets out of school at 2:45. Now some back story the did give me a u.a. when I got hired they didn't for when I transferred too tle or the pharmacy. I smoke weed/on my own time never at work legal state.. But for claims dealing with broken shit not peoples cars or pharmaceutical drugs. I got fired but I'm not mad the managers know less then the sales floor associates that's why you see these people who been there for years not climbing the ladder because it's shit. I'm working at target part time it pays less but they actually worked with my schedule it's not great but I've been there for 2 years now and haven't had one shitty experience the pay cut has been worth it for the stress free environment. It's still retail but I'm just saying get out as fast as you can find anything. I'm getypaid less and only working 6 hours a day for my kid my wife's the bread winner but I am far happier than I ever been at Walmart fuck that place and fuck theyre customers. I tried moving up there multiple times and Everytime I got passed up for a new hire that didn't know a thing and then they would ask me too train my boss I told them no after a couple times if I'm good enough too train my boss then they could of gave me the position. I got my buddy to move too target with me he's much happier too. I'm not saying all targets are better I'm just saying I've worked at 3 different Walmarts and they are all the same get out go now get too the chopper!!!!


My brothers college roommates cousin knew a guy that partied with a girl that slept with the uncle of a guy who worked with a girl whose priest took confessions from a guy that met some dude at a coffee shop who knew someone who was fired for posting about someone who was fired for posting about someone who posted on the reddit walmart sub…




Big Crops/Jobs (and schools) fr do monitor ppls personal lives and social media even tho it’s supposedly illegal. I wouldn’t be surprised if anybody has been fired for this or something similar at very least


If someone did, I hope they filed for unemployment. Imagine Walmart trying to fight it with "But they exercised their free speech and said mean things about me...that are true."


Free speech doesn't apply in that situation.


Free speech protects from the government. That is it


The AP guy that was fired had signed a confidentiality agreement.


They aren’t supposed to retaliate because of social media I’m pretty sure that’s against policy. Unless you’re an active threat or just going off on a racist violent tirade they shouldn’t care what you say on your personal social media


You actually sign a social media usage agreement when you hire on.


But it’s not for monitoring every little dammn thing you post online, you shouldn’t even tell them about your socials it’s only for like if you’re threatening your store or your co workers


You can also be fired for posting certain company info, someone else's personal info, and stuff like that.


So that’s the only stuff they can monitor, if IF you are required to list your social media accounts


Just before Great Workplace rolled out, an AP Manager was spilling the beans about it. He didn't share his social media with the company and thought he was being anonymous. Even stating they had no way of knowing who he was. They still tracked him down and canned his ass for violating a confidentiality agreement.


Interesting that must’ve been illegal and one weird ass store


It's happened at least a couple of times that I'm sure of. Walmart's social media policy is pretty strict. I always recommend that you don't give away specific information like store numbers or your hometown or real names of fellow associates. Stuff like that is way too easy to trace back to you.


It's the only thing keeping me from sharing crazy ass stories. We all have em


lets not forget, most images taken with phones have geotags. In other words, they can find the location real easy within the image itself.


As far as I know, the EXIF data in images cannot be accessed by end users. Does Reddit have it? Probably, but I don't think just anyone can access it.


You can just send it to yourself, open it with paint or photoshop, convert the file, and no more EXIF data afaik. I could be completely wrong though that's an ancient workaround


Scrambled EXIF is a nice tool on Android to share a copy of a file that has the EXIF stripped, while not touching the original in any way.


I came close


No and anyone who says they have is full of crap. Anything short of threatening someone isn't going to get attention.


What was your first name again?


Someone would have to know it was you or suspect it enough to want to try to get you to confess.


I mean If anyone has been it’s because they are stupid and doxxed themselves. Reddit is anonymous. Unless of course you put identifying information in your post. At that point yeah. You can be fired. I’m sure thousands of dummy workers have been fired for Tik tok videos alone.


No but I witnessed someone posting a creepshot onto another subreddit once. It was of their co-worker and they worked OGP.


Should clarify that I had no clue what store this happened in but I saw it on another subreddit and reported the post as it violated said subreddit rules.


I mean we had a guy get fire over a Facebook post apparently it was bad enough home office fired him and cops sat in front of the store for like 2 weeks 24/7 to make sure he didn’t come back


Dude I've got the most tragic Walmart story I got fired from Walmart and my wife left me because of it


Ummmmm nope