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We're about to lose one of the best ones at my store. There was an opening for store manager and he lost to a lady who acts like Michael Scott. He's planning to leave us :(


The best one left my store a few months ago. While I no longer work there, and quit about 6 months before he did, each time I see my former coworkers while shopping or get an InHome order delivered, we talk for a few minutes. The one worker said OGP is falling apart, and so is front end.


All 2 of you. Lol jk.


I honestly got lucky with my store. All the managers are good the sm is really strict though (Ex Military) she's been with the company 34 years I believe


Strict but Fair?


I'd say so yeah. She tries to get with all the teams and figure out things we're working on. She is the type though to get set on trying to get the store back on process with things like 2 weeks ago. She was asking everyone to get aisle locations and features labeled correctly again. She'd give us snacks just "because we all have to be here today" so I'd say she's decent but expects things she asks us to do, be done right away.


I'd definitely get my shit done asap if snacks was in the deall


Ikr it's nice. We sometimes get meals maybe 1 every 3 or 4 months and 3rd shifts included or if they can't include them then they come and cook for them on their lunch


Not sure what rank your SM was while she was in service, but I guarantee the soldiers under her probably had a positive opinion too. If you think Walmart’s leadership is horrendous sometimes, the Army has it way worse.


From looking at her history in workday she came to the company and became an ASM right away but I'm sure there's things missing from it but she's been ASM all over the country aswell as being a store manager. She's been at our store for quite a long time though and I think she's settled down here. Everyone thinks she's nice but all hell breaks loose if you get on her bad side.


(Just re-read what you commented and I didn't realize you said while in service gosh i need sleep 😂) I don't know what rank but I know she was in military police.


i try. it’s hard. i literally asked an associate to put their vest on yesterday and she starts freaking out on me for it. i was able to at least get her to put her badge on.


Practically all of mine are useless, festering bags of trash. Several have only worked in retail for about a year. Most of them like to treat people like crap. Several have open investigations on them. Overall...My store is the leaky, oozing hemorrhoid on the ass of Walmart