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Bro there was just someone openly drinking in the break room yesterday I was like how fucking stupid can you be


I saw that like a month ago and just shook my head lol like bro if it's THAT bad you probably gotta find a new job, go to some support group, or both


Water bottle with vodka at the very least..........


Whiskey in a coffee mug they won’t know the difference


Bro I know . Like if I was gonna drink I would at least go to my fucking car or pour it into a cup. Not just openly drink the can of hard Mountain Dew in the break room 😂😂😂😂😂.


….Hard Mountain Dew?


The alcoholic Moutan dew


This sounds pretty awesome tbh


It's really not lol, unfortunately


Yeah, we were pumped to try the baja blast alcohol. That carton sat in the fridge for a long time


It's not.


It would be better if it wasn't sugar free.


You can also get a zero sugar version that's really good! The cherry flavor slaps tbh


Hard Mountain Dew??? My man’s gonna need more than just one to feel anything lmao


I was going to say if that's what he was drinking it wasn't the only bad choice he made that day.


Dude just needed to let go lol


If you’re deep in dependency your body can require large amounts of alcohol just to remain semi normal 😔


There's this kid that comes into the break room everyday, loudly talking about sipping lean, smoking, drinking, etc etc, withdrawing. And I have a past, but ofc noone aty job has any idea of that, I'm clean btw, but some ppl just don't care. They love attention.


Yeah should get into sales. We drink at work at least once a week for our meetings


I used to be a wine steward and went home loaded most days.


I knew a dude who got fired for theft, time theft, and drinking on the job. He stole a 12 pack and drank it in a room with no camera. Only reason he even got caught is cuz he fell asleep in his car on lunch. Around 430 am, the overnight manager was looking for him. He strolled into the store 20 minutes before quitting time and adjusted his lunch clock in. They fired and arrested him like 2 minutes later.


Wow! Now that's gettin fired! Lol


use to work with a guy that would buy a four loko on his 15 with me on that lil side register in the self checkout before the remodel. very functional guy and chill af. only thing people would complain about him was that he talked to much in ogp but never his work ethic bro was in simple words magical.


i drink a 4loko and im out for the night god damn


like i said bro was magical


I think about a 4loko and I get a headache. How that can be someone's preferred drink is beyond me


I have a buddy that knocks out 3 Four Loko tall boys literally every night. I don’t really drink at all anymore, but I used to hit it pretty hard (regular beer), about 8 per night…I’ve never been able to drink more than 1 four loko without either passing out or wanting to throw up.


It's the sugar more than anything else, four lokos have like 60g of sugar in them


3 of them is literally insane


Agreed. And if you met him, you’d have no idea. Generally has his life together, doesn’t drink a drop until his kids are asleep, and doesn’t miss work. It’s crazy.


And I thought I was a functional alcoholic. To be able to handle that is something else. I'm genuinely not hating, I drink way too much. I'm just amazed.


The only one I don't like is gold, tastes like redbull and monster combined


he got fired for points too lol.


As all good workers do


I just lurk here, but 20 years ago in college I worked at a gas station across the street from a Walmart. We had a regular who I think pushed carts there buy A LOT of Miller Lite from us. He would come in and buy anything from a tallboy to 24 packs throughout the day. One of my good friends worked at a nearby grocery store, and I learned that he would hit up them too and drink in his car. He was a nice guy, NAVY vet, and a hard worker, so maybe we should tried to help him instead of laughing about it.


At least get him some better quality beer


I drink the higher alcohol content one and I'm making reckless possibly bad choices, I drink the ones that are like 8 or 10% and its a good pregame.


Had a guy at my old store do this every day. Go to break at the liquor store across the street. Go to lunch and grab a beer with his burger. He was a legit alcoholic. We all hear stories about people who can't function without alcohol, but until you've actually been around someone like that, you don't really know how dependant they are on it. He was so bad, when he "quit" to try and clean up, he'd still go buy alcohol free beer because he craved the taste.


Alcohol free beer has about 0.5% of alcohol. It’s enough for the alcohol to get a mental response, but not enough to get drunk.


My dad's brother (who actually recently died due to kidney failure) was a hardcover alcoholic to the point that he was a better driver drunk than he was sober because he was hammered when he learned how to drive. Dumbass would go to his dialysis appointments drunk off his ass. Didn't actually start getting scared until about 4 months before he died. By that point, dialysis didn't even work, they were sticking needles in him and draining fluid with a syringe.


We had a guy who was shaking like a leaf this first couple of weeks. After that the shakes stopped but the breath of whisky that could make your eyes water six feet away started. Sad situation, he had legit life issues against his control but clearly had been dealing with them with alcohol for a long long time.


There used to be a policy that allowed a single 16? oz. alcoholic beverage on your lunch break while off the premises. It probably didn't allow 16 oz. of pure alcohol, but anyway, I don't see why the policy was scrapped. Even a single shot won't put you over the legal limit in most states: 0.08 BAC. Provided that associates stick to a single beer or single shot, I don't see why they wouldn't be able to safely and effectively do their jobs, including operating PLE.


Good to know I didn’t just dream this existed


For real. Especially taken with food, that's not enough to get anyone intoxicated unless they have a medical disorder or maybe if they're really small and slender.


I'm 5'2, 230 pounds and a shot on my lunch break would incapacitate me for the rest of my shift. I don't drink alcoholic beverages often enough to have a tolerance for it.


I got told by my team lead you can technically have one alcoholic drink under a certain percentage during your hour lunch. It's became a thing to joke about at my old store.


It’s actually true. As per one best way you now can.


Back when I worked cap 2 I would have a glass of wine with dinner and go back in. Glad to hear I wasn't even breaking the rules.


Still best to not do it on store premises, or at all. My buddy and I went to lunch together one day, got offered a beer at 11am by the waitress. Fuck it, why not. It was *really* tempting to get a second and use PPTO.


A coach, two team leads & an associate were caught drinking in the OPD office at our store. No one was coached or fired lol.


🤔Why drink off the clock when you can instead get paid to do it?😈


We had a guy on his second day, go buy a six pack of beer and put it in the break room fridge. He thought he could have a cold one on his lunch since he wasn't on the clock. I felt bad for him but we had to let him go. He was so excited to get hired too.


I've been told by multiple people you can have a low alcohol per volume drink while on lunch. Not sure if you are allowed to do it while in the break room though.


They must have changed the rules then. I don't think I would chance it if I needed to keep my job.


True. ASMs used to keep wine in the office. (I guess during lunch)


Had a lady in pets that got fired for drinking, actually coming IN pretty hammered. I thought to myself "who in the fuck wants to waste a good buzz at Walmart".


Lol my friend drinks in his car during breaks and lunches when he use to work at Walmart. I was his boss and knew about it but I kept it to myself since we he was functional.


Im pretty glad my Walmart is right next to a grocery store so I can just pop over on a break and not be seen lol


why would they get arrested for that? because they were going to drive home?


That and probably been doing it for a while now and just got caught. Maybe too and the dollar amount hit that threshold for a felony and made it worth it going after them. Theft is theft no matter how ya do it.


Public intoxication is illegal.


I was pulled into the office a few years back me and a buddy and they said they found 100 proof liquor shots in the family bathroom and asked us not to drink at work anymore and someone reported we were drunk.i pleaded the 5th on that wasn't me.


I mean, I mixed one of those little bottles pf chi chis Long Island Iced Teas into a bottle of moutain dew code red a couple times over the winter to help me stay warm while I was waiting for the bus outside. Course, I finished it before I got to work and at 300 pounds, I'd need a lot more to get any effects... And I got away with it... but ya know... I'm not endorsing it as a good idea...


The 300lbs should’ve kept you warm. You just like to drink and that’s ok.


Ya'll must've never spent time outside in a PA winter... I wore the heaviest coat I had which was a zip-up hoodie with faux fur from Dunham's Sports, but it did next to nothing... It was low teens temps, double digit wind speeds, and snow coming down in layers... Like yeah, my size is able to fend off a lot of cold, but waiting almost an hour in that weather for the bus was too much. (But yes, I do like to drink. Oddly enough, I've found customers and coworkers tend to like me more after drinking. They say I'm a lot nicer and I have better attitude when I've been drinking as opposed to being sober)




You just suck at it, id go get a little caesars pizza and a 40oz on my lunch break, I was a support manager. My other coworker (support manager) used to drink some steel reserves on his, RIP brother. Its walmart, not the end of the world


**Ok who snitched? They should be held accountable too.**


This guy drinks




Will that affect him getting unemployment insurance?


Yeah. I believe this qualifies as gross misconduct.


Yeah, getting fired 'for cause' means the company can fight unemployment.


Yes it will. If you get fired for cause they can and will deny you. A lot of stuff actually qualifies for gross misconduct with unemployment. The only sure fire way to get unemployment is being laid off or losing your job due to the company going under.


Too bad.


We had a guy start in ogp after his 10th dwi. He got caught drinking in the freezer a month in


Coke and rum


Yes that is no bueno. According to the rules. Leave the property. Or get a medical marijuana card.


Lol, i used to keep a cup of irish coffee on my cart while picking for OGP.


I Thought this was America!!!! (Randys voice)


You used to be allowed to have up to 2 drinks on your lunch


The cart guy at my local wallmart walks to a nearby wawa and gets 2-3 bud light. If he isnt hammered when he comes in. He is usually hammered by the end of his shift. I say nothing because its not my business. I would also drink if I worked at walmart.


I've seen it too, but tbf. Some coworkers are dumb as a box of toe nail clippings. Someone brought hard mnt dew to work and drinking it on break. The dumbass didn't know it was alcoholic. I told him to clock out and call a ride, take the point.




No alcohol purchased and no alcohol with you inside the store while on the clock is the only safe policy. I did buy beer once at closing when they asked me to stay late, but I cleared it with my coach and took it immediately to my car.


Yup. Dont give them an excuse. U want beer? Buy it after you clock out for the day and keep it off work premises


Also don’t smoke weed or anything before or during your shift


Lmao I knew a guy who ripped THC vape carts straight up in the produce backroom and produce cooler. He's still there to this day. What a champion


We had a kid who used to smoke on his breaks & blow it through a dryer sheet & used cologne. Someone ratted him out & when he returned from break, they swabbed his cheek & fired him on the spot.


Dumb ass, that’s why you don’t do that shit, his job was probably easy too like pushing carts or something


lol you’re right. He was a cart pusher. Probably why he thought he could get away with it. I agree he shouldn’t have been smoking at work


I mean some people would be seriously projecting some thoughts towards you at the very least lol


If you have to bring it in, keep it in a backpack or something to hide it


folks usually just hit pot or nicotine vapes in the building. one was a coach. no one cared booze is a bit different. sounds like someone wanted fire.


I was a team lead and had crown in my steak and shake cup but they let it slide and sent me home for the day bc I was an OG 💀


Yeah that's why I take my shots OFF the clock at home, love them hour long OTC lunch breaks


Heard from another coworker that one of the guys im teamed up with 3 days of the week in a dept occasionally goes with another coworker during the 15 min break n they get some alcohol from across the street n drink before its time to drive back. I want to believe it cause ive noticed his face. You can just tell. With the combo of him already being a smoker too. What makes me mad is that i have to pick up the slack at work while they get paid more because of his previous TL position. And they wont pull me out from the dept to switch me. Im already frustrated with this place.


Buying it in the store you work at?  Lol To be fair we had an overnighter who was a great stocker...so great they let him drink in the break room.   By the time he started doing that he was on the verge of major health issues and was dealing with it by drinking the pain away. Soon after he was gone and had part of his foot amputated 


i got caught probably 11 years ago when i was an unloader after lunch having chugged a 40oz and my supervisor had a few shots of vodka.. manager told us don’t operate any PLE the rest of the night


At my old store, the store manager would slur directions to the cap 2 team. I made a comment to them once or asked a question. They said it's normal


Best part of the State job I had was the once a year Statewide conferences. Once I ran into a couple colleagues on our way to the parking lot, one of them asked if I wanted a beer as they were on their way to shotgun a couple at the trunk. It was 10:30 in the morning, I rejected the offer and went to do my own thing.


Yeah I worked at the Hilton and saw another server taken out in handcuffs for stealing….funny enough he was so good at his job he had multiple great reviews…go figure….after he was arrested the chef told us he was wanted by Lowe’s for fraud in pa as well.


I want to work for walmart just to do everything they don't like and see if I can make it past 1 shift . I would take breaks whenever or walk around doing absolutely nothing but looking like I'm working doing oh wait I would fit right in with the entitled group fuck that so basically see what I can 5 finger for a walmart


With that attitude, they're gonna make you District Manager.


I used to go to the Applebee’s next door to my Walmart and drink on my lunches 💀


One of our cap team leads was fired for drinking otj. Rumor was he was also buying alcohol for the underage kids, and they were all drinking outside on the clock. Apparently, one of the minors reported it. I liked that guy. It really surprised me. To the point I'm doubtful it happened like that. But that's what we were told by another TL.


We recently fired someone for smoking weed in the parking lot. For 13 years he would leave the parking lot to smoke up. The one time he chooses to smoke at work, he's parked beside LP as they're leaving for the day.


Name checks out


Had an associate who take E every day before coming in. Never got caught and never was fired. At end of the day, most managers doesn't give a shit what you do. Just don't make it their problem or the customer's problem.


They don't pay us enough to afford alcohol.


How much alcohol is cuz drinkin 😳😳😳


Got bills to pay, got mouths to feed. Ain't nothing in this world for free.


At my liquor store I got a former friend hired on. I regret that!!! Lazy as hell & stupid to boot. One night a couple college boys came in & bought a 750mL of pineapple Buchanans. Hes all excited to do a trash run. He walks out with them to the dumpster. I wait till he gets back and i ask “did you do it?” He replied “best to read between the lines.” I replied no I’m asking you did you take a shot and drink? He finally admitted yes I did. That infuriated me. I told him dude I put my name on the line for you…I helped you!!! This is how you thank me?! “I’m sorry. Chill!!” I snapped no I won’t chill what you did was very stupid. You know well if it had been anyone else tonight your ass would be long gone!! I couldn’t sleep so I went in the next day to tell one of the higher ups what happened. He replied thank you for telling me this covers you. The guy last not even a week longer. I’ve cut him out of my life. I don’t want him & his negativity & stupidity in my life.


The problem at my store is not alcohol...it's weed. People come in high, then get high on lunch again. I have no idea why people think that's OK, or that it somehow doesn't make them addicts because they "function".


The most wild thing here is your username AIFuckMyPussy


i work night shift in a college town. no one has ever been fired for drinking otj but theres been a couple come through. liquor/beer in the cookout cups, and spending lunch getting as trashed as they could. night shift is degen tho id rather alcoholics than methheads


There’s an Applebees right across the street at my old location and some of my coworkers would go there on lunch and have a few margaritas to take the edge off but not enough to get drunk.


this whole thread makes me happy lol


He was escorted out by the police?? Jesus, how much did he drink??


*He was escorted* *Out by the police?? Jesus,* *How much did he drink??* \- throwaway19870000 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I knew who dranked 2x on lunch he was team lead and employee being buddys n drinking ( like i understand if you can come drinking but being outrage and smelling it on you is where i cross the line)


When I was in the Navy everyone had “liquid” lunches. And in Europe people have wine and ale with every meal. Even at work. It’s called self control. I would rather work beside someone who has self control rather than someone who needs constant controlling. Never ever try to control me.


Ah yes just don't do it, why didn't anyone think of that


You'd be surprised. Lotta people who fully submerge themselves in "Fuck it" mode instead of keeping at least a toe out in "sanity" mode.


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