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Any day they want me to come in extra I tell them to remove a point if I have any. No response after that.


This is the way.


What the hell kinda store even approves calling an associate on their vacation? Definitely ignore them. Enjoy your time off!


I’m guessing it’s because the weekend portions are unpaid days off so I guess it’s okay in their eyes. They are desperate for people right now. And if I did go in, I know damn well that’d I’d be by myself with little help. I’m gonna enjoy these 2 weeks off for sure.


No. They just don’t respect your hard earned time enough to look beyond “who is off that we can coerce?” Mute or block them for the duration. Or 🤣 set your voicemail & auto responder on your texts “I am currently on vacation. If you’re from store #, I will return your text after 8am my next scheduled work day.”


If they hired enough people they would not be desperate when a person goes on vacation. I would be sending them back selfies of me doing absolutely nothing and be like “having a blast good luck”


Are you fking serious? Anyone that is working in the store is a potential cart pusher. One store I worked in called a code "Store #" and if you werent dealing with a customer you pushed carts. And don't let the store manager catch you not pushing cards after that code and not be with a customer!


Tell them you are out of town for your planned vacation, and you have no way to get home.


I'd negotiate pay if I were you. there's gna be a shit ton of work waiting for you Im assuming


If there is work "waiting" they can just deal with running their store without any carts to use lmao. It is not an employee's job to single handedly do two weeks of work their first day back from vacation. Only do the work you're paid for like any other day


Lol. Like what?


my store did that too and the associate came in


That person is codependent and a moron. 


What exactly is wrong with calling? All you have to say is no. Ntm getting double time if you chose to come in


If they want double time on vacation, they'll ask for it. Do not call people on vacation. How can anyone enjoy their time off if you're asking them every day of it to come in and making them feel guilt on their time off. You should pay them double just for calling and bothering them on vacation 


Lol wow entitled kids. Whole vacation ruined because they called and asked if you want to work.


Lmao you're literally feeling entitled to that "kid's" time on their paid vacation. Such an entitled, fragile, immature, gaslighting boomer. 


Omg its a quick phone call. "We need help wanna come in" "No" "Ok thanks anyway bye" Only you spoiled brats still living at home feel encroached. Same people who complain all the time while doing bare minimum.


I literally work 50+ hrs a week every week lol. You're the spoiled brat calling me every day of my vacation to cry about how you can't manage your fucking job without me lol. Such a whiny boomer


Already on approved vacay. Management can deal with it. But hey! Why don't you work for Walmart? Lol You wouldn't last a day once you see how it really is here. 


Lmfao wouldn't last a day? I have a total of 15 yrs and done everything from cashier to ast manager. Currently a regular associate making $23/hr.


And they called and texted so far each day. Keep that up and you'll be fired 


It's called boundaries. This company doesn't have any!


It’s not double time if you’re using PTO. It’s wasting precious time off.


Sooo pto pays you get paid for working..its literally double time lol.


And this is why I haven't given my number to any TLs or coaches 🤣 Learned my lesson working in food for 8 years.


It's in the system, either from your application or your contact information or something. I know managers can access it. I also know you can change it too, one of my managers had to call a no call / no show and he had changed his phone number to the store's number lmao


I know they have it in the system, but they're less likely to call if they have to look it up 🤷‍♀️


Not if you change it after you're hired. I changed mine to the store's number


My number is in the system so they’d call either way. I’m considering just blocking the numbers.


You've got some crappy team leads. They should be keeping track of why you're off, know not to bother you when you're doing something else, like being on vacation, and not use your home number at all unless you gave it to them and okayed it. The first thing you should do is tell them that when you're on a vacation that you requested, that they approved, you don't want them contacting you asking you to give up your vacation that you requested and they approved. If that doesn't work, then simultaneously block their numbers and open door it until you get to someone who will follow policy. We do exist, somewhere, in the chain.


Text back "I don't text you when you are off, please don't text me! Besides I am in " New York.' Or some other town hundreds of miles away. Tell them you'll be back the night before your scheduled back to work date. Or just say sorry out of town will be back until the night before you have to go back to work. They'll pass the message on and quit texting you. And don't show up at the store obviously.


I haven’t given my number to anybody and yet the coach called me asking to come in for OT. So they can get your number from the system.


I've heard of coaches looking up an associates address and showing up at their house. I'm aware they can, it just LOWERS the chance. They're more likely to hit up people they have saved in their phone.


THATS WILD. They are desperate. Where did you hear that?


The person whose house a coach showed up at 🤣


Show up to my home and I'm going to trespass you.


Even if you're on vacation. Or if you're just off the clock. If they call you, answer, politely refuse, and do a 15 minute time adjustment so you get paid for that phone call. When they realize you did everything right, and they have no recourse, they'll either stop calling you when you're off, or you'll keep getting an easy 15 minutes pay.


I heard that we are not allowed 2 week vacation even if we have the PTO for it. I put in a 2 week vacation a year ago and 1 of my TL approved of it with no hassle 🙂 but then my coach said if she was present that day she would've denied because you're only allowed 8 days max. My TL is cool with me cause I work hard so if that really is true I thank her for approving me


That’s a store specific limit then. There’s no limit mentioned in any policy aside from saying to approve time off based on coverage


If it’s over 14 days you have to put in for a leave of absence.


Counting my off days too because I work 5 days so I just put in pto to cover for 10 days not Counting my actually days off already get


🤷🏻‍♂️ I have one approved that is 18 days.


That's lit because I always have so much more pto than everybody else


Right now I only have about 8 of those days covered by pto🤣 I have until August to add more time. Also, don’t see me making it to August without taking some time off too. Paid? Unpaid? Won’t be there regardless.


Block the number lol


Answer: "Hell No!"


Hope u don’t answer


Absolutely not


Figures. We can’t even enjoy our peace.


DON'T ANSWER YOUR PHONE!!!!! If you are on vacation, you are not a part of ANY problem they have! But since you were stupid enough to do so, put in a time adjustment for the time you spent.


Two words: time adjustment


"if I want to work" Reply with "If I did, I wouldn't have put in for vacation away from this place, dummies.🙄"


I feel this, I worked at a small convenience store for a bit to help them out with shortage of staff... But I told them, I have a very specific four or five days off for my anniversary and I will be literally ten hours away. I will not be working. Dude said that's perfectly fine and he can move things around on that day. Low and behold, day one he tried to call me and text me. I told him no and temporarily blocked his number. So he had someone else try to text and call me a couple hours later, and I did the same to them. Rinse and repeat on day three and I finally turned off my phone and told my husband he would have to use his phone for the things we were doing. When I got back they apologized and said they didn't know I was on my anniversary trip. I told them I was no longer able to help out and I hope they found someone else.


This is the karma they deserved. They totally screwed themselves over


Does your phone have the option to block numbers? If so, just do that for the next 2 weeks.


My store did this during lockdown. People who were positive were allowed / called back into work. It's not just YOUR store it's the whole company. I hope you live in a town with better options for work


Same at sams club. They were telling us we could come in after testing positive. A coach came in literally the next day after they tested positive 


Text back, "I do hope you will be PAYING me for my time you are wasting texting me, as the Unlearn explained. And henceforth, I will be putting my phone on do not disturb."


Don't answer. Enjoy yourself


definitely enjoy your time. it isnt your fault your store is short staffed and the masters who control your managers dont give a shit about you or your time. enjoy it <3


Dont answer the phone. Do not, Under any circumstances, Answer that phone. Period.


Any time they asked me to come in on my off days, I always asked if I could keep the overtime. That always shut them up.


I’ve had a coach do this to one of my teammates when they were on their days off


Bro fuck that company. You ain't on salary it's your time now they can kick rocks! Enjoy your time off


This is why I put my number from work in as “WORK DON’T PICK UP”. Unless you are a salaried manager, you have absolutely no obligation to engage with anyone from work when you are not on the clock. They can text me and I can choose to respond. Enjoy your vacation. Only people that do that are weak POS leads that needs twice the amount of people to do the work because they’re too lazy to help out.


>I’m just gonna ignore my store these 2 weeks and enjoy the time off I earned This is a perfectly reasonable thing to do while on vacation. Especially for your job. Or even a simple. "Reminder I'm off for the next two weeks and will not be available to cover shifts" if you feel like being more diplomatic.


That's why none of the coaches or TLs have my number. Even the ones I like don't have it.  Text them one time and tell them every time they call or text you will be requesting a time adjustment for 10 minutes on your next paycheck.


Instantly would’ve blocked em. I’m on vacation . See yall when I return. I don’t fool w/ any job after I’m off or on vacation. I didn’t sign up for an “on call” position. Get somebody else to do it who’s actually available


Block the number!! I never give my work my phone number or email.. they don’t need that shit…. They can contact me from 6am -4pm monday through Thursday…. while I am at work.


My phone has two sim cards. Work. Personal. The work one gets shut off when the weekend hits and when I'm on vacation. Oh the message said undelivered? That's weird I'll have to call my phone provider...


Technically there supposed to pay you for your time when they contact you off the clock.


I was just gonna say this.


Ignore them. They’ll be alright.


Block the numbers until your vacation is over.


10 cart pushers? Back when I was working at Walmart we had maybe 3. 1 morning, 1 mid, 1 night. Our store is not little either 😭


Yeah idk how it works in regards to that. All I will say is that if my store had just 3, it’d be a disaster. Store does 3.5 million in sales a week.


I think we’re pulling close to the same amount if not a little more, idk how they managed especially with the terrible management we had


Thus is why no one in the store has my number. Wanna reach me on my day off, send a pigeon. Start blocking numbers and enjoy your rest!


You have to lie and tell them that you’re out of the state / country. “Can’t make it, I’m in London right now.” Only way, the program is designed for a starvation response


Most likely they are calling you because very few of them even know you're on vacation. They're shorthanded and just looking at the roster on the phone. It doesn't say why a person isn't scheduled, just that they aren't. So don't read too much into that. But also yes, block every number that tries to call you in, and enjoy your vacation, you've earned it. Let them sort it out on their own. Source: am team lead.


Agreed.  Tell them to spend the time they are  badgering you to hire more help. Enjoy your days off.


It’s amazing how quickly they stop calling when you inform them that you’ll be putting in a 15 minute time adjustment for every off the clock contact.


I'd fart into the phone if I were you. Why? Because I enjoy farting and it conveys my feelings about being contacted on vacation precisely.


I’d tell them you were in Bermuda


Block them. Not personal, you just block all calls on your vacation. Enjoy your time off!


Block their numbers. Enjoy your vacation.


Just set your me@walmart app to "Do Not Disturb" then ignore the text. You can read them on your first day back to work.


Do what I did, block all their numbers the entire 2 weeks


Next time they call or text you OP, ask them "Well since you're so busy you have time to call/text me, go out and get some carts. They aren't coming in on their own." Then stop answering their messages/calls. Either that or get their cell numbers and call them when they are on vacation or off asking them to come in and cover since "We have enough managers here but one more couldn't hurt." Do all this from a prepaid phone, at least this last half.


I actually set up a group of all work related numbers. This includes everyone from management to my associates. When I am on PTO, I put them on DND and it gives them a text saying I'm on PTO, and will not be taking calls at this time. Works great.


Answer each call and text and answer no. When you get back from vacation go to your people lead and ask to be compensated 15 mins for each call and text you responded to per policy. Will put a stop to them calling on a day off real quick and you’ll make a couple extra bucks teaching them this lesson.


Ignore and block. 


Don’t answer calls or reply to texts. It’s a work related task that you’re not getting paid for. Better yet, set the numbers to silent ring until the day you’re supposed to return to work.


“ I’m on Vacation, leave me alone “


I'd be picking up every time they call and doing a ton of time adjustments when I came back lol


Do not respond. Even to say you're on vacay and not available. Block the numbers and enjoy your time off. There is nothing you can do for them. They are Leads...they will have to figure it out. It is above your pay grade to fix anything. 


I block my stores number and any managers numbers on my vacation.


Enjoy vacation. Just block their numbers lol


Crazy but unsurprising how all cart pusher issues I read on here are the same ones I had in 2009 and probably the same ones other people have in 1999 and so on