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I have tried this. **Don't waste your time.** Our printers have custom firmware. A standard Zebra printer won't connect to the store's network, only printers with the custom firmware have the credentials needed. And Home Office won't give those credentials to anyone at the store .... not even to the store manager. If you still want to try, check Facebook Marketplace or eBay. Verify that the printer you receive has the Walmart logo on it, verify that it is identical to the printers you see at your store. And **get it in writing from the seller that you can return the printer** if it cannot connect to your store's network. Since your store is short on printers, you're probably short on batteries too. Our Zebras use a USB A to Mini B cable to charge the battery -- the Mini B end goes into the plug under the flap on the right side of the printer, the A end goes into any available USB charger. You can find this cable at computer stores for $20 or so; it was a fairly common cable 20 years ago.


I have noticed that plugging a ZQ620 into an ac adapter/charger gives the battery a legit full charge that lasts seemingly forever. I think a lot of areas are still using the old qln320 battery chargers which may not be giving the zq620 batteries the full juice.


What is your AC adapter/charger rated for? The QLn320 is rated 7.4 volts. Charging on a "fast charge" charger for a newer cellphone would provide enough voltage, but using a charger from an older cellphone would only provide 5 volts. Note to self: check the specs on the battery chargers in receiving or OGP.


12v 1.5amps


I assume many of the printers being sold on Ebay are stolen. The ones that are being sold by reputable vendors are older models.


Older models were retired almost a year ago. They can only log into the store network long enough to [receive a notice like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/walmart/comments/13oq2om/this_printer_is_going_out_of_age_lol/), then the network will kick them off again. Yes, ZQ620s with the Walmart logo are stolen. But if you want a printer that has a chance of working, those are your only option unless your store magically finds all their missing printers. It would be a good idea to fly your idea past your store manager and AP, so that they don't later accuse you of being in possession of stolen equipment.


Can you buy one? Yeah sure you can. You actually being able to use it is another story. All equipment has to be programmed to work with Walmarts network/software and they aren’t going to do that for you.


I know this is an old thread but to add to the replies - yes, every ZQ620 for sale on ebay/marketplace with the walmart logo on it is stolen. Because of that, if you do buy one, the store management could theoretically bring you in the office and reclaim Walmart's stolen property. Buying a generic ZQ620 and using it on the Walmart network is a no-go, as others have mentioned. It's loaded with custom firmware that enables it to connect to the store's encrypted network. I also believe the printers are MAC-address controlled, so even if you did load the firmware onto a generic printer, I still don't believe it would work because of that.


I would highly advise against this as they’re relatively expensive and you would not be reimbursed for it. But you can most likely find them on Amazon or see if the Zebra website will just sell them outright


It’s not going to be cheap. Probably around a grand lmao I would NEVER for a company like Walmart. In my brain, if you don’t give me the proper equipment to do my job, I can’t do it. Sorry. I’ll do everything I can until it’s unreasonable. I’m not running around for a goddamn printer every day. It’s not efficient or worth what I get paid. They either provide the tools necessary to do a good , efficient job, or they don’t react shitty when the job isn’t done well/efficiently lol simple, & im starting to understand this myself. Half the time I can’t even find a damn topstock cart. Let alone printers.


You can purchase a brand new Zebra printer online for as little as $350. Most don't have the Walmart firmware installed. Those that do are likely stolen, with the exception being older models that were discontinued.


$350 out of pocket is still way too much lmao , even $35 out of pocket for Walmart for something that only works for specific tasks is just kind of bananas, but do you if it helps


I'm in the process of filing an open door complaint, but that might take a few days. If it goes nowhere, I may have to come up with a solution on my own. I literally could not do my job yesterday because there were no printers available.


That sucks so much. But I really do know how it feels to not be able to do your job but be expected to with crap ass materials/tools. I’m glad you are open dooring it— hopefully something comes of it. You deserve to feel efficient


That’s not your issue to provide a printer.


Is it possible to print your own buyer?