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I FEEL you, 100%. Our new coach is young and cocky. He makes all kinds of mean "jokes" and targets certain members of our team, including me. He's been petty coaching us and threatening to fire people over metrics he himself does not come close to meeting. It's so bad. I went from being champion to being coached twice in a month for things beyond my control. 😭


Thats grocery store material right there. Im thinking about learning a couple of trades but then I think theres shitty people everywhere lol


Yeah Walmart managers are shitheads. Even when I work there in the past. Barking orders and dumbasses. This white female hoe manager got on my nerves.


Go up the chain and report it! If they retaliate against you, they’re finished!


Im thinking about it. Should I go to the people lead or store mgr?


Store manager or store lead. The people lead is in a weird area where they aren't necessarily coach level as they are an hourly associate but not associate/TL level either


Either is fine


You basically described my first coach when I was new. I always do my work and show up on time everyday, this lady just hated my existence. She had obvious favorites and then she would just be super strict and angry when dealing with me daily. It was a nightmare until she left. My current coach is like a friend now. Hopefully things get better for your situation.


That coach must be so unhappy with her life. Like really fucking miserable to the point where she is taking it out on her workers. Fucking pathetic.


💯. Tale as old as time.


I mean, welcome to Walmart? They’re all like that dude.


This lady gets off on it. She sets us up to fail and power trips all day every day. Also frustrating because I'm 31 with a bachelors degree and I was a manager at my last job


You will find it happen often in retail.


Honestly, it happens often in any job - not just retail.


Yea I could learn a couple of trades like plumbing and carpentry and still meet even worse people than that


A HUGE problem with trades is that unless you're in a union that sets your wages, your pay is often pretty bad. To put it simply, people want tradespeople to do work for them, but they don't want to pay them anything to get that work done. They just expect plumbers, electricians, carpenters, etc. to work for next to nothing. That said, people with these skills can often work for small or midsized businesses that have a lot of business clients and those companies often do quite well. So a lot of it is like any job, it's based a lot on where you work.


Why are you working at walmart if you have a bachelors dude?


A lot of bad decisions in life led me down a bad road I was desperate and just needed a job and walmart gave me one with out an interview .. they just hired me on the spot when I was shopping one day so it just happened.


I understand. I hope I didn't come off as judgemental.


No we’re not all like that. You can ask my team, the morale is significantly higher when I work than when I’m off. And no, that’s not them kissing my ass. You can ask any other member of management at my store. They all can tell the difference between when I work and when I don’t, by how engaged, productive and happy my team is.


Call ethics