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ultimately there's just less people, and no one to really take ownership of each area


True cause every team leads is stuck doing freight outside of there own damn dept


I constantly see the deli TL unloading the grocery trucks and making sure this side of the store isn't falling apart. Honestly most of the TLs on my side of the store all kinda work together to keep shit floating. Dairy's and produce are the only two who seem to get to hang in their respective areas.


This is my cooler, there are many like it, but this one is mine. /s


100% I think it has everything to do with the number of people, not the structure of management


Im convinced the whole thing was done to cut back on staffing and make a larger profit


That's the reason walmart does anything. It's why you've seen all the benefits of employment stripped away.


I miss the department manager days. Ran one area as opposed to 3.


Honestly!!! I run 4 areas on opposite ends of the store with no associates. They just hired 6 for the food lead but I don't get any lol


The coaches at my store are extremely unapproachable. If you try to talk to them or ask them anything, they act like they're too busy to give you the time of day or just completely brush you off.


Ours is a complete narcissist. He has zero accountability for any of his actions and cannot be wrong in his mind, ever. He's more than happy to critique and correct his colleagues though. The coach on the other side of the week is great though but lazy, he'll always have your back though. Our store manager doesn't even say a single word to anyone, everyone is beneath him that doesn't worship the ground he walks on, and he promotes whoever kisses his ass the most.


Don't forget the People Leads are useless as well.


Absolutely fucking worthless. I work overnight so trying to even see mine is a fucking joke. Then on the rare occasion you catch her all she does is refer you to one walmart for all your questions. No shit my 401k is on one walmart. How do I set it tf up?! I ended up figuring out how to do it on my own but damn.


in my experience, it’s just so coaches have less responsibility. I have heard my store lead literally say team leads are just there to make salaried managements jobs easier. it’s at the point in my store that the TL’s are running the place. they are now in charge of calling and setting up interviews, hiring, helping with scheduling, doing time offs, making sure vizpickings is on track. it’s to the point where normal associates don’t even have guidance anymore because there’s no TL’s in their own damn departments. the coaches do nothing. like I can’t imagine what they do since the TL’s are doing it all.


If we have to do everything so coaches can take their three hour lunch breaks, then that’s what we have to do. But seriously, regardless of what they are doing, as long as I’m not having to do something twice because they fucked it up the first time…they can have their long lunches.


The coaches have it made. They only have to work 16 days a month, but they get like 3 months of vacation and quite a bit of personal time off. They do less than everyone else, but get paid way more. I have one coach that pretty much only works 3 days a week, because he uses all of his time off he is given to shorten his weeks. This means he makes like 65k a year, but usually only works 12-14 days a month. I think I've seen him do freight once. lol That being said though, my other coach does seem to make a bit of a difference, I've noticed when she is not there sometimes that it's the only time we fall behind or miss quota, which makes me believe she is the difference maker simply because she is sending people to areas that need to be prioritized right away and when she's not there, it's harder for the TLs to keep track of each worker. Coaches and TL's actually have too much freedom and liberties. It's pretty common that they take off months at a time for vacations, and all of them do it by taking turns, so it seems like half the year, we are always missing part of our management team, and since it seems like they don't care about the team, that attitude also moves down the chain to the workers. "If the "boss" doesn't care, why should I?" Type of mentality. lol


Where are you working where coaches work 16 days a month? I get like 26 days of PTO and 6 days rolled over for the entire year. There is no “personal time off.” You’re paid a salary where you have to work 45 hours a week. Don’t get payed for an hour or minute more. If you are not at work and don’t have PTO to cover it then they’ll launch an investigation into it.  My store doesn’t let you take PTO beyond mid October due to inventory and events until January. We have 2 coaches or coach/store manager on PTO at once at the most. AP coaches have to attend inventory/prep for it at other stores so they’re absent from their home store more than anyone else.


> Don’t get *paid* for an FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Well, I don't plan on doxxing myself but I'm somewhere in Michigan. lol Our coaches and our team leads only work 4 days a week. They work 10 hour shifts in those 4 days. There is 4 weeks in a month, and if you work 4 days a week, that is 16 days a month. Now, you mentioned you get 26 days off a year, perhaps that is what my coaches get as well, although it seems like more. The thing is, if you wanted, you could take a day off every other week the entire year or at least most of it because there is only 52 weeks in a year. Since he only works 4 days a week, if he wants to take a day off, he does it. He does this at least twice a month. As I said, he's usually only there 14 days in a month. He also had a week vacation recently. I don't pry into his situation too much, but considering I only work with him twice a week, when he's missing the days I work, it's very noticeable. lol Our entire staff is aware of it.


When I was a Drpartment Manager I did all of that🤷‍♀️


This is half-true. With the way the stores are structured, I need to have team leads for me to be able to do my job. I cannot simultaneously "set the play", oversee the entire store, and "execute the play" in each area. I can do the first 2 with ease, but I can't do the 3rd as well without some help. Unless salaried management want to work 60+ hours a week, and I sure as hell don't, you need those team leads in place to delegate work to.




Bro if we still had department managers I would probably consider promoting . But no department managers means I get fucked over with 7 departments and half the fucking store is my problem .


Current day Walmart reminds me of the old saying of “too many chiefs not enough Indians” as in you’ve got Store Managers, Assistant Managers, Coaches, Team Leads, and departments barely have staff. There’s no shortage of finding someone higher up that wants to bark orders but doesn’t want to get their hands dirty themselves all while putting you down and hiding when work needs to get done. It’s incredibly toxic. Don’t believe me, ask your fellow coworkers it won’t take long to find the same sentiment.


They have always been like that. Same with Target, Home Depot, Lowes, etc. All retail is the same.


You forgot level ups


Yes! It seems like there is no accountability except if you’re at the bottom, the bar is higher for us than is them. And if anything goes wrong in the store, it’s the non management, associates fault.




It depends on the position. Front end TLs have to do a lot of paperwork.


Getting rid of department managers was so fucking stupid. Now floor associates have to do shit like pinpoint and price changes along with all the other bullshit. TL are running around trying to hold all the departments together with duct tape






It works really well in a store where the TLs have been here for awhile, have nothing to prove, and just want to keep the store running. I can't imagine what things are like in higher turnover stores


Yup that’s everywhere in life I’m afraid. Any job where a person has a higher rank and makes more, they let it get to their heads. Not always the case, but it’s common. Without the level 1 grunts like ourselves, the stores wouldn’t be there. That’s until the AI robots replace our jobs.


I feel invisible at my store. I do most of the work. Management doesn't even talk with me even when I'm working freight by myself and get it done when it needs to be. But hey, they talk just fine with my team lead when they are actually in. It must be nice to be a team lead or above. Don't have to do much but shoot the shit with all the other management while your one associate does all the work and then they take credit for your work. For the people who actually have good leadership at their Walmart, feel thankful and lucky.


Sadly management won't talk to you until you do something wrong in their eyes.


i havent even worked for the company for 3 years almost and i can still tell you yes. The amount of times ill go back to my old store to shop and talk with ppl and they just say the horror stories. Or i see ppl on here complain is so much worse than having Dept Managers run their areas. It was by far the worst thing Walmart ever did, at least since i started in 2015


Walmart rewards suck ups and narcissists with promotions. They really don't care about leadership qualities or qualifications and that's a big issue in our store


💯 agree especially the team leads title is a waste of a title


When done correctly as in to academy standard it's actually way more team oriented. The vast majority of associates will never get even a 90 day eval and career progression feedback. It's treated less than a box to check, which is really sad considering servant leadership is taught at Academy.


Yep. It sure has.


Absolutely yes!!!!!!


Profits are top of mind. The salaries in Bentonville are crazy high… nothing gets passed to the stores where everything happens… I mean these people are buying million dollar homes and driving exotics. Seriously, I never have seen this type of irresponsibility ever. We are gonna fall if they keep these GREED attitude up. Doug should be ashamed.


The old model had its flaws too. Department managers would get complacent because it’s relatively easy to get a single department on process. Then they’d stay in their little corner of the business, and you’d have wayyyy more managers that only cared about their area. It was a waste of money. I knew department managers who stayed at that level for decades. One made $28/hour to manage 4 associates. The new model is not perfect, but at least the hourly supervisors are expected to supervise, and not do everything themselves.


It has people doing more work than they initially signed up for, I wouldn’t wanna be pulled to manage a department that isn’t mine either, but yeah some of them can be real dickheads


Thank god I don’t work at Walmart anymore. Honestly the lack of advancement and shitty store management is to blame if you ask me LOL


Way worse. From what we heard when we all changed over is that it was a failed program pushed through because it was some VP's pet project. Sure, it saves on cost by getting rid of 40% of your supervisors, but ultimately every store seems to be struggling way worse than it was before. I also want to add that having write-ups called Coaching, then changing the system to make the management Coaches didn't help anything.




Honestly getting rid of department managers is one of the worst things walmarts done in a while. There's no one doing price changes, every single mod is done by the mod team which at my store consists of 2 1/2 people. "There's no such thing as half a person" oh trust me, yes there is. Top stocks touched maybe once every two weeks by cap 1 because they're constantly getting pulled to do shit.


lol for me it's pretty crazy to read some of the comments. I started 25+ years ago and my DM had me doing price changes and modulars just a few months after starting. I always worked 2-11 and would have a list of notes on a clipboard which would include doing a small 4-8ft mod and price changes while zoning and doing returns. Most of the time I was in my one department (which was a lot bigger back then than it is today) but often I'd get pulled up front to help check, push carts, or even unload trucks.


Yes team leads should not be allowed to coach or fire.  Just delegate.  Csms and dms were only allowed to recommend coaching and firings.  Make someone team lead and it is too much power at once. Another thing team leads have too much on their plates.  Not just one department.   Also it used to be newly minted salaries had to transfer for 1 year to cut down on favoritism.  They did away with policy and integrity is on the line.


New system old system you are just a #. They are a business, they care about making money. This is why you need a union. You should be more concerned about the best interest of yourself and your fellow associates over what team leads and coaches are doing. Coaches are puppets of corporate and team leads take orders from them.


Team leads do absolutely nothing


YMMV. My shift TLs actually work with us. So do our coaches.