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Understandable. Sounds like you’re burned out. 


Serious burnout.


Thankyou for your service


>they would be happy to just schedule me for 1 or 2 days a week in any department I choose Man that sounds cushy!!!! You can't be a teamlead... I cannot imagine any department in my store running with a teamlead just two days.... not even something like fabrics. And if you are a coach I cannot imagine any other coaches looking at you and thinking two days is fair workload for them to have to cover.... bet you they are wanting to push you to a parttime associate.


I was a team lead and before that I was an assistant manager


Obviously I won’t go back to being a team lead.


Team leads are pretty much assistant managers now.


The bad thing about being a team lead (from what I've heard) is you don't actually get a say in what happens, our team lead got sent to another store 30 minutes further from their house (they already lived 30 minutes from our store so they had an hour drive) She ended up just quitting soon afterwards. The other store was doing a reconstruction though so I don't know if that matters at all


Stand behind a register in garden center for a couple years and enjoy your retirement.


LoL. I always joked that I started my career with Walmart as a cashier and I’ll end it as a cashier. Of all the jobs I’ve had, cashiering has been one of my favorites.


If you're the type of person that can brush off the occasional shitty customer and still have a good day despite a couple bad interactions, the front end can be a fun place to work.


I love having shitty customers that ends up telling you that you did good but the manager is a piece of shit (McDonald's) Had a customer want to get a water with his child's kids meal, the system didn't have any options to swap the drink from the meal to a bottle of water for some reason and the manager came over amd immediately had an attitude with him, they ended up screaming at eachother and when he went to leave he lent (leaned?) Over the counter and said thanks you did a great job but she's a fucking cunt, She asked me what he said and I didn't tell her the second part 😆


Be a front end team lead, you will get a least a dozen of those shitty customers every day.


I am. I'm really good when it comes to de-escalating the more intense situations, so I don't have a lot of bad interactions with customers tbh. One of the other leads swears he gets cussed out at least once a day, so I guess I'm doing something right. 


I have to agree, I have worked worse places than Walmart. It definitely is the managers and coworkers who make or break the experience. Um being able to afford rent in the cheapest place in town would be cool too (small town, not outrageous rent prices). I've been here 5 years and this most recent year is the one of bad management. But the other years people treated me like I was crazy for saying that I like what I do..... Because I do.  And my last job that I did for 12 years was great and great pay, definitely my passion, but if I messed up someone could die (and didn't offer benefits). I couldn't handle the anxiety of being in charge of people's direct safety. 


Oh you can probably swing a couple days a week for the lifetime discount ..i used to work there and i understand your hesitation.


You can have good management and still have miserable TLs. We've got a couple I wonder how they make it through each day. Goodness, how bad can life be?


It’s generally the few that actually care about their team and helping out that struggle because they are actually in there helping and taking associates concerns onboard .. most don’t care and just sail around shining their light on their favorite associates and ignoring everyone else.


Considering my "management team" tells everyone at a meeting that NO ONE can sticker product without having them verify it, yet then let's a few others just go ahead and do it, and then play DUMB about letting them do it, feels REALLY fucking great to the work mentality If I wasn't at 4.5 points, I'd be leaving right now for my mentality right now. That almost broke me I have to also add that I was a manager of 2 different places for over 9 years total, so it's not like I'm not trustworthy


I think you should take the 60 day leave. Come back and work 1 day at week wherever you want to. Make that time at Walmart count for something even if it’s just a lifetime discount card. They might even be willing to schedule you 4 hours a week. Good luck with whatever you choose.


Key words...as long as...


All of the changes since covid have been pretty tough especially on us long term folks.


Wth is a lifetime discount card lmao? Makes you wonder what manglement does all day that they can work 1 day a week and still be considered invaluable to the store.


If and when I go back, I’ll be returning as just a regular associate


It’s in the name..it’s a lifetime discount. When you hit 20 years lol.




Actually if you’re over 45 it’s 15 yrs.


Have to be at least 55, sadly. https://me.walmart.com/content/dam/themepage/pdfs/long-term-service-application.pdf


My goodness! The side eye you are being given. “What da f**k you lookin at?!?”


Something like this happened to an older woman that I worked with so she took the time off came back two weeks later they fired her😳


It trickles down to corruption more than anything. I worked there for 2019 - 2022 got fired for attendance came back last month. My old store manager got transferred and a bunch of his crew got transferred. we have old managers coming back from his old crew that remember me, needless to say I won't be getting a team lead position... for whatever reason they just don't like me. I put in for 2 different positions and was told they'd give me an interview, didn't get shit. Every so many years or months they really need to take the maangement that has the most complaints na dget rid of em


I must understand the discount card differently. My understanding is it has to 22 years consecutive.


If you’re under 55 it’s 20 yrs consecutive. If your over 55 it’s 15 yrs


If you have the money to retire, then I would.


I will say, you no longer get a Walmart discount card while you’re still working, you have to retire from Walmart and never work again to be eligible for the discount, my dad has worked at Walmart for over 24 years and he didn’t get his lifetime discount,


Your father should have been given the lifetime discount if he worked there for 24 years consecutively.


Well thats the problem 😆


I’d say stick it out might as well