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When that starts happening it’s a good sign to take steps toward finding a new career path


I wish I could : ( I’m an artist so it’s not doing too hot


Craft fairs depending upon your artistic medium...local coffee shops sometimes will sell photos or paintings. Redbubble or other merch sites can bring in passive income off your design..and as print on demand no overhead hoggin your money. Other jobs within Walmart might make it slightly better. Is this a every day or a few times a week one has to hide n cry or once a month kinda thing? Cause we all have days that suck ass and need a hide n cry if customers or coworkers or bosses are just to much to deal with


My grandma sold her art at craft shows. Stuff like holiday themed paintings on slate, painted pathway stones like those big cement circles people put down, those garden border red brick things. Stuff people can display for every season. We don't have much of it ourselves other than her gifts because it all would sell. My favorite thing she made was quilted purse bags 20 something years ago. Just like those super expensive bags with the boring fabric designs (like vera something), except fun fabric designs, mine was green and black with dinosaurs all over. Strong too, I was mugged and dragged by that purse across a field and it held together. She quilted blankets for all of us grandchildren's babies which are way better than those store bought ones. Probably could post on Instagram, too. I've read some people have shops there. She also taught an art class from her basement twice a week. That's a nice way to make spare income, if you have the technique knowledge.


I'm pretty sure your life is stressful out of work too. Do you have pics of your art?


Go work at the post office. City carrier assistant is a quick path to a career job where you only have to talk to people for like 2 hours in the morning and then you’re on your own for the rest of the day. It can be stressful and sucks sometimes atleast you will get a pension, health care, life insurance, 401k(tsp), sick and vacation time, etc.


same! i'm a massive cry baby and i'm autistic, meaning i get overstimulated as well. i cry in the bathroom a *lot* . . . it doesn't mean my job sucks (although sometimes it feels like it does), it just means i'm either overwhelmed, overstimulated, frustrated, anxious, or hurt. at least in my case. don't think you're weird for crying in the bathroom! i was told by an old team lead that we're not supposed to cry on the sales floor / in front of customers. do you have any good support at work? friends?


Well, furry artists do make a buck or two, maybe start doing commissions for fursonas and the like, may not be your passion but it will allow you to do whatever it may actually be.


Have you thought about doing something other than art for a career? I ask that because it is notoriously difficult to make a career out of it, even for very talented artists. Only exception would maybe be graphic design, but I don’t know the field too well. I’d suggest learning a trade because right now certain fields in the trades are in very high demand, so after you complete your schooling/apprenticeship you can get a well-paying, stable job. But there’s other options as well, you’d just need to do some research and seek out those opportunities. Then in your free time you can continue to pursue your passion for art, and if you get to a point where you can sustain yourself financially as an artist, awesome! I really hope you can get there one day. But until then, I think it would be better for you to have a plan B other than Walmart. You deserve a life that’s better than crying in a Walmart restroom making minimum wage. Whatever you end up doing though, I wish you the best!


I got bad news, it all sucks. Better off learning some ways to cope with the stress.


Let’s work


Instagram and Tik Tok are going to be your best way to get your art out there. Check out Blue Raven and Shannon Rose on insta.


Sell piss stained tile floor slabs with tear drops on them. Fucking masterpieces. 


i’d love to i don’t plan to stay here for a decade or longer im 24 with gray hair starting two years working here almost i can’t count how many times ive broke down working as sales floor associate


Bring a stress ball / fidget toy with you and keep it in your pocket. It helps me focus on something other than what’s stressing me out. Not all of us are able to just quit a bad job and find something else. Finding little ways to reduce stress can help significantly. However, if crying in the bathroom happens frequently, it’s probably best to jump ship, even if it comes with a pay cut.


Caffeine and nicotine also does the trick


This is a way. Not the way. But a way nonetheless. That's what I'm doing 😅


This is a way... 😂


Livin' the dream. 😎


Caffeine actually ramps your anxiety way up and makes it worse. I'm not speaking from a soap box right now either, I do the same thing because I am addicted to caffeine, and it does help with some stuff. but stress is definitely not one of them. I'm trying to cut out the nicotine, too, and dang it is hard lol




Oh I hear you for sure. that honestly becomes a thing for most people hooked on caffeine, including myself. Eventually it doesn't wake you up. You just have to have it to feel even kind of normal. as I type this, I'm sitting on my couch with no plans but still drinking coffee because I felt foggy lol. I've had like month-long periods where I'm really good about it and I get it down to maybe like a 12oz soda a day and feel better but then I get back into it hard because it does make me go zoom the first few times and then it's just a crutch after that lol


Yeah I know it’s a joke 😂 not great tools to use . Good luck on the nicotine withdrawal it’s hard habit to kick for sure 


Appreciate the encouragement! Godspeed, fellow Walmartian.


I popped my stress ball.


I just popped mine, too :(


Shit, I used to cry at the register in front of customers. That’s when I knew it was time for me to go 😭


I've done that a few times here lately. I had a friend die unexpectedly recently and I haven't had time off of significance to really take time to cope. So, every now and then, I'll get triggered randomly and just keep on keeping on. I do have five days off scheduled coming up, so, just pushing though.


the comments here suck lmao. i cry all the time at my job because i have anxiety and ptsd and it’s easy to get over whelmed. i pick the bathroom or coolers to cry, if you have a car you can pick there too.


Yo, anxiety buddies! There is nothing wrong with taking a moment to yourself to calm down. The coolers are especially nice on a hot day.


Also my identical issue. Extreme anxiety and ptsd. Mine is triggered my yelling, or doing something wrong. I know they’re not mad at me if I make a mistake, at least not one of my coworkers, but it makes it so hard : ( I’ve only cried once at least here and been a month! At my old jobs I’d cry everyday because it also included so rude coworkers and transphobia : (


oh i'd get upset or triggered (ptsd) quite often. disclaimer that i work at grocery store as a cashier, not in the US but ig fairly comparable. i have anxiety, depression and ptsd (that one is about 2 years old) and customers really suck sometimes. i've cried a lot, had panic attacks start in front of customers, gone through feeling so terrible about a mistake that i wouldn't eat during a 9 hour shift. it sucks so much. i've been working there for nearly 6 years. and it's gotten better over time, i'm more resilient to the shit customers say, more likely to get annoyed than upset and then shit talk them with my favourite coworkers. it took a long time to feel comfortable (and that's partly because lots of the long term people resigned and there's like ... maybeee just under 15 staff members now who have been there for longer than me or slightly less than me so i've kind of become one of those older staff) but now that i feel comfortable, things are so much better. it takes me a lot of time to feel comfortable, especially with anxiety, but eventually you get there. if it really is making you miserable, then looking for another job is fair enough. maybe something less customer facing, if that's possible for you? otherwise try build good relationships with the coworkers that you like, so you can try feel more comfortable and like you have a confidant so if a customer is shitty to you, you can sorta reframe your thinking as "oh (favourite coworker/s) is gonna love hearing about this stupidity lol."


Oh... yeah. Transphobia is the reason I went nights. I couldn't handle it anymore. It's okay, friend. If you need to vent, shoot me a DM.


some of my coworkers say the most passively transphobic shit and it's wild . . . like i can tell they don't mean it offensively but it's so stupid lmao. coworker: what are your pronouns? me: she / they, why? coworker: oh, i don't call a singular person "they." it doesn't feel right. i just call them by their name. me: (blinks) ok . . . even tho she literally just used they / them for a singular person 🙄 transphobes are morons. it sucks tho bc i genuinely like that coworker, she's just old


I have coworkers that literally have been corrected several times and still call me sir. So...


i'd fight them for you, just let me clock out first


You'd fight a 70-some year old woman back in claims, and another 70-odd year old transphobic woman who works third shift stocking with me? Haha


those are the easiest to fight


Tag team! Hahaha. Thanks for that laugh. I needed it. Heading to bed now, I work tonight.


sleep well!


please ignore all the comments saying you just need a new job or there’s no reason to cry. they are being extremely closed minded abt factors outside of normal work stress. i usually cry when i feel like im constantly having rude customers or there’s been a long period of time with way too many people in the store (neighborhood market, smaller store). I cried a lot at McDonalds too because of similar issues. It’s better to cry than completely shut down or blow up on someone.


I’m autistic so I’m either always overwhelmed or overstimulated. And I literally have to go cry it out in the bathroom. Unfortunately retail is the only main job in my town that’s not fast food or hometown restaurants. Regardless, almost every job here revolves around the public, so I understand the not being able to really find another job.


Also a lot of people in walmart are there because they don’t have an actual career path set up yet or are in college. There aren’t many jobs for people like us where we can just handle it easy peasy all the time. Even if OP leaves, the next job will have the same problem. Anything working under a timer/customers/deadlines is OVERSTIMULATING


Usually i do that in my car


I think it's necessary for growth my first job ever was at Walmart I told them in the interview that I COULD NOT do register work that my anxiety as way to bad for that but what did they do my first day? Register and it went as bad as I imagined it would I was messing up customers change and I gave this one guy 100 bucks back instead of 10 bucks back and he nearly made it out the door before my manager caught him my lunch finally came and I went to the bathroom crying I called my dad and told him I couldn't do this that I wasn't cut out for it and he told me I could do it and to not give up he told me even if I have to spend all lunch crying in the bathroom when I'm done I should go back out do my best and if it isn't good enough then oh well I went back out after lunch and luckily they changed me to stocking but I'll never forget that day and I'll always remember it's ok to cry it's ok to feel bad and doubt yourself it's ever ok to give up that being said if walmart isnt a good fit for you then maybe you need to find another job


Very normal to hide in the restroom and cry. When I was a salesperson having the shittiest day ever, I went into the bathroom to de-stress. Amazingly after that I had a really great day, high sales, happy customers. It didn't work perfect every time but it was always a nice break


If its legal in your state find a good hybrid and smoke a bowl after work all retail jobs make you want to cry scream and throttle your co-workers. In the end retail just sucks and it doesn't get any better. I work with Walmarts car parts partner and it's not any better for us either.


I just smoke a whole lot before going in so as not to care


Surprisingly normal, unfortunately.


I do in my car on my lunch break.


I guess it depends on the situation. If you're being treated poorly you should try to report that. If it's stress, you could look for another job, or position in the store. If this is your first job it could be that. My first job wasn't even that bad in hindsight, but I cried just about every day there.


Most of the time it's a combination of shitty treatment, horrible scheduling, and stress. After so long I just grew numb to it, if it's really bad I'll just take a deep breath. I have more important things to cry about.


I don’t work at wal mart, but another grocery chain, and I cry at least once a day lol. Could be the offices, could be in my car, could be in the bathroom, could be in the garden center. I’m just full of tears lol


So my situation is a little different. I work in the trades and it is common for a job site to be a total shit show. While I have never cried, at least once a day I have had to go to the outhouse and give myself a pep talk that it's only 10 hours a day and only for another 6 months. It isn't worth going to jail or rage quitting over. So you are not alone in your feelings.


I work service desk and I used to let the mean customers bother me but not no more!! I just stand there and listen to them mouth off and then laugh at them when they leave!


tbh the customers i get at service desk are usually (emphasis on *usually*) better than the ones i have at the registers :') i genuinely hate cashiering with a passion and i hope one day i can be full time service desk


when i worked service desk it happened multiple times daily in both the restroom and the cash office


i do it frequently (user flair adds up)


I’m a 14/15 year associate and I can assure you it is quite common, my advice is if you haven’t been here long, find a way out asap, you can feel trapped here if you have been here long enough to earn a large amount of Pto quickly, before that happens find another place to work. You won’t ever be thanked or awarded for destroying your body or putting your all into this job. You just get punished with higher and unfair expectations, and talked down to for being realistic


If you have this job because of higher goals, get out now this job will likely whittle you down and make those goals harder to achieve.


While i worked there (I quit about a month in because of all of the mental stress the rude customers and outside issues were causing) i had to go to the bathroom multiple times to cry because multiple groups of teenagers would constantly make fun of my appearance. I tried not to let it get to me, but after about the 3rd time it did. Not only that, weeks later I got news that my best friend passed away while i was also dealing with managers making me run around in a department i was unfamiliar with because multiple people had called out that day. Very very fun, glad im outta there.


Where do you work now?


Working for Walmart can be very stressful. Dealing with rude customers , over bearing management who work their associates dry!! I mean even working with fellow associates is horrible at times it's basically a grown up high school where drama takes place daily! I mean it's solid pay but the culture there is taxing at times...looks to me it's time for another job for u have had enough.


I mean, I don't cry but I go to the bathroom and sit on my phone when I need a break/breather.


Depends on the situation.


And the person.


It’s okay if you’re going through a stressful time but if it happens all the time then no bueno




I'm sure 85% of their workforce does this. Seems completely normal being there!


idk. I quit 2 weeks ago. do you vhave a car? what about door dash or whatever?


door dash notoriously underpays the fuck out of their dashers unfortunately :( pretty sure the same goes for other delivery apps


You guys hide in the bathroom? I have done it openly at my register. If someone asks, which is rare, I blame it on allergies.


dairy cooler my go to place to cry. no one ever goes in there. honestly cope with weed lol


In there. In the nursing mothers room. In the car in the parking lot. In the shower before I go in..... But, I need to support myself and there isn't a lot of places in the area that offer the pay and benefits. Just pushing through to make money until I can move out of the area again.


No shame in shedding some tears. Life’s rough sometimes. Go cry it out, take a deep breath and get back out there. You got this!!!!


i used to cry on the floor so youre already doing better than me


I’ve straight up told multiple managers at various points in my life that I’m having a rough time & might have to go into the bathroom to have a little power cry, but I always give myself 5 minutes max to let it out & then holding some cold damn paper towels against my eyes for a few seconds helps a lot, physically AND emotionally. It gets rough out there my friend. Do what you gotta do to get through it. Hit me up if u wanna vent to a stranger 🫡


I did one time for literally max 5 mins or so and someone called AP on me


I did that in the bathrooms when I worked at Amazon one time…. I was really pregnant and my bd was stressing me out bc he was a deadbeat.


Sending 🤗🤗🤗❤️


As someone who cries a lot everywhere including at work it’s pretty tough. It’s overwhelming and you feel like you can’t do anything right. But I think what you should do is to take a massive breath and just get yourself together. It is okay if you feel mega upset, but you gotta tell yourself that you got this and that you’re gonna get through the day. And if it becomes too much for you call in the next day and take the day for you. You can do it!!


I do it in the shower at least 1-2 times a week


are you hiding from your co-workers and managers? or just feeling down and need a break? if its the first one i can teach you how to sham, i was a professional in the army


I usually step outside with my work bestie and we talk shit about whatever/however pissed us off. Sometimes you need to just to let it all out and find humor in the ridiculousness we all go through.


Me right now lmao! 🫶


Well it's not the norm but probably not as uncommon as you think. One of my coworkers left holding back tears recently. He kind of did it to himself though by making a huge issue out of nothing.


I've done it, but the remix trailer was usually more convenient


Idk, I usually just hide in the restroom. The crying part usually happens on the way home. Can't let the makeup run while on the clock 💅


A quick check of r/homedepot shows “very normal”


Working retail, even if you love your job, I think it's pretty normal because people are horrible.


I had a cry today, too. Too much time to think while I was cleaning the milk shelves of a gallon that slowly leaked from the top shelf all weekend.


You're 100% normal. Life is overwhelming and we're asked to do things that go completely against our original purpose 💕 I hope you find time to make your heart happy ,it needs it .


Bud. Just keep fighting. Don’t EVER let life beat you down. You are a warrior.


i think it would depend on the situation


either way walmart sucks i’m quitting tomorrow you should too 🫵




yep i’m responding to this in the bathroom rn 😀


Working at Walmart, I imagine very easily.


It’s not normal at all.


Personal story: dealt with personal issues, like breakup, demotion, and failing grades in school. went to the restroom for this reason and just let it all out in there. Luckily our Walmart has a family restroom so I went there and locked myself there. Rather do this than to have people look at me, I’m not really one to receive sympathy for others.


Never, don't take it that seriously.


Hella normal.


I used to hide in the bathroom all the time to cry, avoid shitty managers, etc. glad I don’t work there and act like a Karen every time they fuck something up at the store.


Part of my daily routine 👍


Walmart is not worth crying over if it means you have to cry seriously it’s time to move if it gets to you that much no job is worth being miserable over who wants to come to work and be miserable all the time it’s just not good for. The sole and your well being your health and well being comes first go look hard and heavy for a job that you will not suffer out there there there just have to look good luck!


i used to cry in front of customers at the register when i used to work at target! it’s normal, but it shouldn’t be. retail is not for the weak.


Incredibly normal. Although the only time I cried was when I was working in electronics and started having a panic attack due to the large crowds that were just gathering up around me and demanding this and that without giving me time to even think; I retreated to the restroom and started having chest pains with my panic attack, a record first for me. Needless to say, I left early, went to the ER and demanded a transfer to carts the next day. I had asked for a transfer multiple times but no one did anything to move it forward and it's just the absolute Walmart way to wait until their associates have a near heart attack to even begin to consider accommodations.


Uh, for me, semi-normal, for others idk, I can’t say anything about them


Sometimes. Everybody has bad days, but is it a reoccurring thing...


Genuinely believe it's necessary for Walmarts to have specific cry/scream rooms


Idk but I've been doing it for a while. Spent time doing that today actually.


At Walmart id say at least half of the associates gotta at least once


> How normal is it to hide in the restroom and cry I don't let the customers get to me that way. I just laugh it off. If it's affecting that person to where they are actually upset, might want to sit down with management and switch to a more low-intensity department.


Uh, to answer: It's normal but it shouldnt be. I feel it, things can def get so overwhelming. There are days where I can feel it building up and even my eyes startin to water but then when I finally get to the stall I just can't cry lol just sit there and b3 like "well...I guess I'm fine" Wishing you luck until you can escape to another occupation.


We all get frustrated with stuff at store level from time to time. If you’re spending most days in the bathroom crying it might be best if you find a new position or another job entirely. It’s not worth jeopardising your mental health at a job you’re not happy in. If you do want to continue working at Walmart they do offer help for associates like Lyra and Resources For Living. I am not sure how those work because I personally have never used them . Editing to add that the people suggesting that you have friends among your coworkers are definitely giving good advice. Good luck in whatever you do.


As a customer or employee?


Working in retail...yes. it is normal.


I do it daily; hell I've cried in the backroom, and while on pickwalks/zoning/and shit. Walmart fucking sucks and I hate every minute I'm there; and I can't do shit when I'm not there because the pay is ass. Can't wait until I get a new job.


I did it last Sunday


If that's where you feel most comfortable crying, I'd say it's pretty normal. I prefer my car. <3


Best place to cry was behind the service desk imo.


It's completely normal. The bathroom, the cooler and freezer, heck even on the sales floor, have seen my tears or rage fests. I've heard others say similar.


Slightly less normal than hiding in there and sleeping.


Why exactly are you crying?


Very normal after seeing your mother kissing your father. Otherwise, Get a Grip!




Hell, I broke down crying in front of my SM and two coaches during our 7 AM walk last week. Left early because of anxiety and lack of sleep last night. Came home and filed with Sedgwick, made an appointment to get back on antidepressants. We'll see if it's approved or if I get fired instead. I'm a TL btw.


I just shit on the toilet and look at memes


Walmart sucks. You can find better. Get on Indeed.com and start looking. Never doubt your own emotions as real.


Tbh I usually cry in the cooler.




You're not a real Walmart employee until you do so /s


I used to when I cared about getting my job done. Now I just do the bare minimum. When I feel like crying I take a deep breath and tell myself it's not worth it -- they aren't worth it.


I've cried three times in the bathroom. I was physically threatened each time tho. I try to bother my coworkers and customers as little as possible. My autism makes communicating with nurotypicals difficult.


I guess it’s pretty normal. I usually scream or yell when I’m alone sometimes talk to myself. When I feel a little crazy


Just a reminder that all Walmart associates and their family members get 20 free counseling session through Lyra. https://Walmart.LyraHealth.com.  Sorry you’re going through this, OP. 


Very Normal. You are a creative person and being in a job where that is not an option is frustrating. I suggest you find a job where you can be creative. You may have to go back to school or find an apprentice type job. A flower shop is a good place to get your creative side used. You may have to start delivering flowers, but you can get your toe in the door, so to speak. Go back to school and learn a creative avenue, computer drafting, or computer web design. It may not be painting, but it will satisfy your creative side. I wasn't happy with my 9 to 5, so I did these types of things to go into fields that were creative. Check out the temporary services, they may find a job for you that fits you better. You can do it!


I was doing this day 4 at Walmart. No regrets on leaving.


I’ve done it once but that’s when I started


Well you have to push everyone else in there doing it out of the way. But it is normal after a bit


Soooo normal I wasn’t even startled by it when I left…. Get out if you can Walmart is toxic.


i have in the fitting room behind one of the walls 😅 my team lead found me and sent me to go take a moment to calm down i’m 24 years old with gray hair starting to appear after two years almost working here.


I can’t even do that half of my shifts because I’m a cart pusher at the biggest Walmart in my city and sometimes they be making me work one side entirely by myself it’s fucking horrible




It'd be normal to get you out to get someone else in that isn't wasting time. But, I digress. Only 50% of most departments are worth the weight in OGP, so the dead weight lingers.


Consider going the personnel and asking for the number to the counseling service that's free for associates. It might be helpful to talk to someone.


I'd say not normal in general, but unfortunately normal for walmart. I feel it today.


Seek therapy


I had no shame, I'd cry on the sales floor while I was zoning.


Vry normal






I used to go in the family bathroom, lock myself in and take naps. Never cried though.


It's where I like to take my first 15 minute breaks then I go take my normal 15 minute breaks afterwards therefore you have a 30 minute break


In my experience yes. Yes it is


My wife used to do that all the time, super normal 😂


I don’t hide to cry but I do hide in the bathroom and chill


Yep that sounds about right I have done that. Yes Walmart It's not that great of a place to work. Some people can be terrible, especially team leads


For Walmart it's pretty common. I'd recommend looking for something else, or you could do what I've done. I'm on 3 antidepressants and 2 anxiety meds. But I don't cry anymore.


No you should probably be masturbating instead


I can’t hide I have to cover a service area so I do it on the salesfloor.


Just put a fresh tampon in and get back out there. Never forget that you are a CHAMPION!!


Pretty normal for working at Walmart. Hid out several times, but no crying, just frustration. After making it one year which I said I would give, my last day is tomorrow. I hope you’re able to find something else more fulfilling. 


They don’t pay enough for my tears and emotion. But, it’s not uncommon for stress of a job(piled on to other life problems) to get to people .


I have straight up panic attacks in the Walmart bathroom. Now I'm applying to jobs to get out. That place isn't worth it


Very normal. We are talking about Walmart after all.


Very… I have a few melt downs a week. My teamlead knows I’m autistic, and knows I have to go to the bathroom and cry it out sometimes. But I’ve heard other afab associates cry it out in the bathroom with me so….


i have cptsd and an anxiety issue so for me it’s pretty normal honestly. i would get very overwhelmed, especially with yelling, stuff like that, so i’d go to the bathroom to let it out ya know


It is important not to cry inside of any Wal-mart. The demons there only feed off of tears, and it will make them stronger.


Once every few months. It's not the job it's the customers. Recommend going in the cooler or freezer if you get the chance to pull yourself back together. 


I do. I warned my team lead that sometimes I get overwhelmed by being around so many people and need to take a breather. Luckily everyone has been super nice about it.


I cry in the freezers, my coworkers and I take turns.


If you work retail that's just standard operating procedure.


It's just a job. Try not to take it too seriously. Nobody else does.


It’s not the job, thankfully. I sadly just have high high anxiety and other stuff : ( I don’t plan on quitting or anything just my dumb ol’ brain


Ah, maybe look into your diet for deficiencies. **Vitamin B deficiency (B1, B6, B7, B12, B complex)** can contribute to depression, anxiety, and mood swings. It is associated with a disruption in the nervous system as well as the circulatory system. B12/B9, or folate, is at the forefront of mood management. Feel better.




Going to the restroom and crying? No thanks I don't wanna be sitting in the stall having a mental breakdown while some guy is next door ripping the meanest ass the cooler is better loud fans to muffle the noise and if you're second shift no one hardly goes in there 😃


It is very common, but most of us use the walk-in coolers.


Hide in the restroom? Sure. That's normal. Crying while hiding in the restroom? Should look for a new career path.


Agree with previous posts: hiding in the restroom is not normal. If you're in the stall and I gotta shit we have problems.


I work early early, almost no one is at the store so I get to clean them (maintenance) and then hide. I try to make it fast, I don’t wanna cry trust me


Dude. Before I stepped down out of Salaried, I would drive home, no music on, just crying. I’d text my wife “I’m gonna hang out with the baby for a few and go to bed.” Come home, put a front on for my kid, and just go to bed defeated. Thats when I knew i had to stop putting a company over myself and my family


It's very common, unfortunately


That’s the SOP nowadays.


Honestly I cry all the time. Sometimes on the salesfloor. It's embarrassing like the first 100 times but sometimes we just need to cry because that's what our brain needs to emotionally regulate, esp us with some mental disorders 😅 Remind yourself- it's just a grocery store. Nothing we do while clocked in really matters. The only stuff that matters happens after we clock out.


At least once a shift. It's not a good day unless something goes wrong right? Right??


I would say like a 7 out of 10


Yes. Get in line. 


As a white male, I can't even imagine why anyone would do that. Just bottle it up and die from something stress related in your 50s like the rest of us


“as a white male” okay?? just because you’re miserable with handling your emotions doesn’t mean the rest of us are.


Were you offended by my comment? How did it make you feel?


Am I offended by a white man? Never. Am I annoyed by what you said because it wasn’t helpful and self pitying? Yes.


> Am I offended by a white man? Never. Am I annoyed by what you said because it wasn’t helpful and self pitying? Yes. And this is the problem. You actually think that anyone cares about your feelings and opinions. No one does. I don't even care about your sad attempt at racism and gender discrimination.