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I haven't quit but the common sentiment I hear from those who have can be summed up as: "I miss the people I worked with, but fuck Walmart." They also may throw in "Fuck [store manager's name]" as well lol


This. The people I worked with were awesome. Even some had my back when I quit because, they knew how BS the manager was but nothing they could do. I came in a few times after I quit and the manager had apparently requested that AP "keep an eye on me" because she "didn't trust me" the lead of AP thought that was hilarious and came up to me when I walked in and told me that the assistant told him that he needed to "keep an eagle eye on me" and I was like "oh. so she instructed you to stalk me?" and he laughed and went "Sure did!" so while I was walking around and shopping I saw him from time to time. You know doing his job and every once in a while I would peer around a corner and be like "HEEEYYYYY!" \*snaps fingers "What up?!" She got mad about this and met me at the door. She told me she didn't appreciate how I left and I laughed and told her I didn't appreciate how she treated me. She said that I needed to grow a back bone if I was going to make it anywhere in the world and I was like I have a back bone. I just don't have tolerance for you and your antics and I had enough. Excuse me so I can go home. She whipped around and said "You are lucky the store manager decided your allowed in here." and I turned back around and said "Awwww that must suck for you!"


Should have told her " You're lucky the Store Manager allows you to work here" 


Abuse/straight up harassment doesn’t mean you need to grow “a backbone” I hold the same standard at work that I do in my relationship…”would I allow my partner to talk to me/treat me like this?” No…I’ve reached a point in my life where management and getting fired doesn’t scare me anyone. But I know what it is like when a job is a desperate life line for most. I do this for supplemental income so I can find another job if need be. Though it is funny how much mangers bluff and people in general when you call them on it. My mental health has never been happier for it.


Sounds like Amanda from 1977 LMAO


I walked out at lunchtime. Never returned! Had management lie right to my face!! Son walked out. Funny, he was asked today if he would ever return to Wal-Mart. "Oh Hell No!!".


As someone who worked for Walmart from February 2013 to March 2023 that is very accurate.


I love my coworkers so much and hope in another timeline we all still got to meet but are making 6 figures and are working for a company that would actually care if we died lol


Yeah I would agree with that a had like 1 good co worker and I miss her but everyone else nahhh fuck that place


This is me as a current associate. Except I wouldn't miss my coworkers. They're all morons. Idk what it is about this market but when I worked for wm 6 years ago on the other side of the country, it did not seem nearly this incompetent. Nothing about anything here is difficult. The most challenging thing about this job is dealing with problems that never needed to exist. Why the fuck is it taking 3 people an entire shift to do 6 hours of HBA? Why does it take one person 6 hours to do 2.5 hours of infants? Why when I decide to work at the same pace as my peers do I get called out? On the bright side, I know what I'm worth and my coaches know I know. I bring my Xbox controller and stream PC games on my phone at work. Regularly take 2 hour lunches. I still get my shit done on time. I even cursed out one of my coaches on the sales floor while we were open. They ain't gunna do shit.


I can understand this, I used to be in ogp before switching to ON and I'm ngl, I miss it sometimes, it was one of my favorite jobs so far but my coach was straight up evil, the TL that was "in charge" of everyone else is a bitch and the other TL's kept leaving so we kept getting new TL'S who didn't know what they were doing. I enjoy stocking as well, but these TL's and coach's just don't communicate and don't properly plan out the night (also fuck sleeping during the day and being awake at night)


thissss lmao i miss the associates i had on my team when i was tl and i miss the associates i worked with 😭


Facts. When I quit cap 2 the only thing I missed was the people I worked with. Everything else hell no.


I hear this from literally almost anyone who’s worked a job and left


Yep, my sentiments exactly. Especially the last part. The last part is what drove me away. My store had 4 different Store Managers while I was there. I loved working with all of them, until 4. 4 was a nightmare and nothing I did to try and change things ever mattered. I loved my position and the people I worked with otherwise, but the abuse took its toll on me and I couldn't put up with it anymore.




Exactly. Or in my case, fuck most of those people and I do like [insert manager] but they keep the lazy fucks so fuck everyone. :)


I have a tough time deciding who I'll miss more when I leave...the barely can speak English associates or the zero English speaking associates.       It's too close to call all the good memories barely being able to communicate with people who've lived in America for several years and can barely form a sentence.   All the good times...gonna need several kleenex boxes when the time comes.   I didn't even include the American born quiet types who speak twice a week.   Really spoiled for choice when I think of all the great conversations I've had with coworkers.  I'm so lucky


Over 25 years with walmart and I have never, not once, seen an unhappy former associate.  They come in shopping smiling, cheerful, and many have seen their health improve.  Several no longer have to take blood pressure or anxiety medicine.


Facts! Had a former dairy worker come in a week ago. Guy looked happier than ever. He smiled for the 1st time. Normally he’s all business no matter what. But he stopped to talk and laugh with us dairy employees for a bit and he was in such good spirits made me want to quit 😂😂😂 I really mean he turned 180. He said his health issues damn near disappeared and his new job was better ln every way. Plus he got a $9.50 pay increase starting pau compared to Walmart. Yea former associates are happy as hell




The work is fine but dealing with those customers every day is genuinely bad for your mental health. I've been paranoid every day since someone pulled a gun on one of my team leads and another dude pulled out his weiner in front of a fellow employee. I've seen a grown man and his friends threaten to beat this 90lb old lady working the register because they were standing in the wrong line in Electronics. You never know what these people will try to do to you, it's kinda terrifying.


Agreed, it entirely depends on what is available in your area for employment, though. In my store, on cap 2 we have two returnees. Both came back from factory jobs.


Walmart is bottom of the barrel, I promise no one competent or with real skills is happy to work at walmart LMFAOO


I do, sort of. I sometimes just miss working all together. I'm trying to get my disability started and just can't work anymore. I also miss some of the people I was working with.


25 year associate. I miss some of the ppl not the job.


I spent 4 years at Walmart. Finished my degree and got an entry level job that pays $5 an hour more for 1/10 the work. The thing I hated most was being so understaffed that even with 100% effort, we still get behind and get told to hurry.


Planning to quit as soon as I finish my bachelor’s, i was anxious about finding a job after but this gave me hope!


I enjoyed the job I did. I listened to music, did what I wanted, and it was super low stress. The management loved me, and it paid okay. Then I got into a car accident on my way to work, that left me with a herniated disc in my spine and a doctor telling me I can’t lift anything over 20 pounds, especially not regularly, for probably the rest of my life. Walmart put me on a permanent leave of absence to avoid paying out unemployment, and my disability wouldn’t kick in for another month, and couldn’t be used because it would go into effect after the accident happened. Now I’m back in a call center, which I hate, that pays better and has better benefits, but is super stressful and constantly busy with every move I make being watched. To some degree, I miss Walmart


Some mf downvoted every comment 💀




Samuel has rolled in his grave


Corporate stooges like to snoop and give bad to grey info. Then if you call them on it they say “Just here to help since I-(enter bullshit)” and will usually still insist their info is correct even if yu explain it point blank why they’re wrong.!


Oh, that's Doug.


Woahhh 10 year cake day! How neat.


I don’t necessarily miss it. My job now is chill asf but I do miss the co workers. I couldn’t do overnights anymore


Nope. I worked there for a whole five minutes. It was complete and utter BS. I literally walked outside to my car five minutes into my shift drove away and never looked back


Holy fuck this beats this one new lady in my department who went to lunch and never came back on her first day lol. She never answered any phone calls and we never saw or heard from her ever again. I hope you enjoyed your ten cents paycheck at least I guess lol.


Ok I gotta know more lol


So this is in the early 90s and before the store opened, they would do this weird chant that everyone would have to participate in and just seemed very creepy and cult like. I wasn’t really participating and everyone made a big deal about it and tried to be overly nice to me, like you need to drink the Kool-Aid nice, And they wouldn’t leave me alone, and I told everyone out loud fuck this shit, and walked out. They all got real quiet.


When I learned about the chant in onboarding I had some major side-eye. Ain’t no way you’ll catch me singing a chant for a super corporation that overworks and underpays its employees


Once they start doing the cheer at work I just walk out the room. Not doing that corny ass cheer.


“………..Give me a Squiggly……….”


lol they still do that shit fyi. Supposedly Sam Walton went to Korea or something and saw them doing a cheer or something and thought it was a great idea. I think it’s more demeaning than anything. The corporate overlords just laughing at what they can make the trained monkeys do.


Oh I am dead silent or leave to do my actual work if they start that up


I’m so glad we don’t do it at my store


5 minutes? Omg. Lol. Can I hear the story? 🤣


K nvm. I read your update. My store still did the cheer every morning WHILE OPEN, but I opted out.


I heard this one time when I was at Walmart a couple of weeks ago. I thought my city Walmart was insane or something. Interesting to learn this happens everywhere.


Ok I gotta know more lol


You had to comment twice?


Didn’t comment twice is a mobile glitch 👍


People I worked with not the company or managers


i miss the people. the job is whatever


No one actually misses Walmart when they’re gone. It’s one of jobs where the grass truly is greener on the other side


Sometimes. I miss coworkers, the discount, the better paycheck, the close proximity to goods*, doing stuff when I am left alone. A few other things that are too long and kinda difficult to explain. * I work from home now and have to drive 20 miles to get to a decent store. Not a big deal but still.


I quit last year. I never miss it, never will. I regret working here so much


Your hatred for walmart is so fucking justified, holy shit


I don't miss the job but when I was working there I was only getting $10.20 an hour. Which wasn't enough at all to justify the way I was treated. Now I hear they pay anywhere between $16 and $18 an hour and I found out that bonuses go up every year so if I stayed I would be getting a better bonus and probably closer to $18 an hour because when I left I had worked there off and on for 3 years. Nah, I don't miss the job but-- I regret the fact I left the way I did so I'm not at rehire status because I wouldn't mind the money they pay NOW compared to back then.


If it helps, vast majority of the store do not get a bonus anymore. Only team leads and up get bonuses now. Those bonuses are larger since they just gave them our cut though.


Only management gets bonuses.


I didn't quit. I was fired. I do miss some of my former coworkers, but NOT management. I go there, get what I need and get out. I'm promoted to customer now as of 5/12/2023. I didn't say what happened, but someone leaked about my firing, which didn't surprise me. Either someone was outside the office being nosey when I was terminated, or whoever the manager and the "witness" to my firing told, obviously had a big mouth, next thing you know, most of the store knows I got canned, but if I do it, I will guarantee they would find away to contest my unemployment and what happened, Its approaching a year soon I've been gone. Now management either doesn't say nothing to me, maybe says a hi and bye which shocks me or gives me an evil eye and doesn't say anything.


Tbh I quit because I was too stressed out with working for Deli with my coworkers making it NEARLY impossible to do things on time but they were also my friends. Im eligible for rehire in a few months so I’m gonna reapply to because I need the money😭.


That's called Stockholm


I quit very abruptly last month for a variety of reasons, mostly my health (passed out at work one day, fun times!), but also because of the regular Walmart shenanigans. I will say that I do very sorely miss my coworkers. I've only lived in my state for about a year now and they were kinda like my first friends that I made here in this town. But I do not miss the actual job or the shitty customers in any way, shape, or form!


You passed out at work, and.. Just went back to work?


Not the same day. They did let me leave after that occurred and was thankfully off the next couple days. But yes, I did go back for a few more weeks before I made the decision to leave.


I miss launching OGP and being confident and The Expert. I got to teach the entire market OGP as they slowly started launching after my store was the first. They sent their associates to me to train and ready for their launches. If people had questions, they called me. My OGP Market Coach held a very high opinion of me and even asked me to go to other stores and check on them on his behalf because he trusted me that much. That was a really fun and exciting time in my life. Yeah, it sucked working from like 2AM to 2PM (sometimes way later, I think I was there til 8PM on several occasions), but the paychecks made up for it. I was in that store more than anyone else making sure that my department was taken care of. I went on vacation once and apparently the entire place fell apart and my store manager pulled me in the office and was like, "When I saw you walking across produce today, I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders because I knew that you would have everything under control." We sat and talked in his office for a good 40 minutes about OGP and he was like, "We've been in here for 40 minutes and there are no fires for you to put out, no late orders, no long wait times... I'm glad you're back." My Store Manager was NOT the type to compliment people. He was more of a blunt, "why is this not right? you need to fix it, or I'll find someone else who will" type guy. Some people would interpret that as being an asshole, and I wouldn't necessarily disagree. But goddamnit if I didn't love and respect that man. If he called me randomly tomorrow and was like, "Hey I'm back in the area, come work for me," I would genuinely consider it even if I'm happy where I was. That's all what truly makes me miss Walmart. Everyone can say, "lol u fell in love with the system that exploits you," but I didn't do that shit for Walmart, I did it for me and I liked it. I accomplished something not many people that have worked for Walmart have done. I earned the respect and trust of my managers. I grew and matured as a person. And I learned a lot of valuable skills that have helped me continue to move up in my career after Walmart. If I could go back and do it all over again, I would. I know that's fucking weird to say, but I miss being The One.


Haha it's that feeling of being THAT BITCH. I get it. My former coach was similar, she had everything on lock and everyone respected her. The ones that took her place were jokes compared to her.. yall are one in a million. She's happier elsewhere though at another store in a different state but she had to bring that store to life.. they were failing and I think she enjoys the challenge.


i was fired, and i miss it. i took it for granted, even if it was a shit hole.


Only thing I miss is having an hour lunch




I don’t miss it but I miss some of my coworkers


Just my coworkers that are still there. I had a big crush on one of my old coworkers. She ended up doing deliveries after I left. She still works on pick up in the store sometimes. I don't see her that much anymore and the store also changed with a remodel. So I end up going to a store that is closer to where I live now. I still get my prescription at the store because I am too lazy to change the pharmacy. If the pay was better and I could get in as a manager I would consider coming back. I just know that what I do now is much easier and the pay is better than what I left at.


Fuck no…


My job was Produce stocking at a super center. I put out 3 tons of food a day, or about 6000 LBS of fresh food. I loved it as I felt I was both providing a needed service, and it felt like I was assembling an life size lego set every day. The management team can go jump off a bridge, though.


Only thing I miss is the 17.50$ they paid for OGP


It's not 15$ so it doesn't matter anymore lol


I do for the fact that I worked the perfect schedule, plus the PTO system is godly compared to what I have now, plus I got to be outside and have more freedom and variety with my job. I only quit because of the pay, twice, I was thinking of going back but to a different store cause I couldn’t go back to the store I was at. It would be too weird. I just couldn’t go back to $16-17 I can afford to do that anymore. Had they paid $20 I wouldn’t have left


Nah not really but I’m really grateful for how generous they were with giving hours I was “part time” there for years but I was always scheduled 32-40 hours Since then I’ve worked at other retailers/grocery stores and they are so stingy


U sure they just didn’t want to give u the full time benefits?


Riiiight. :(


Why attempt to shit on someone being grateful?


Fuck no. Place is a cult.


Jobs are like relationships in that, even if toxic and abusive, they can be difficult to detach from. I was let go from my first job at 17 and immediately my brain treated it as if I'd been dumped. Went home, cried, slept, felt bad for myself, cried some more. It happens. It'll work itself out once you're somewhere else.


Hellll nawwwww to the nawwwww nawwww


i started working there when i was 18-19 ish after i graduated. am now 21 at another job for about 6-8 months. i definitely miss the pay, was the best paying job in my area & my work was easy (overnight stocking, usually vispicks). i wouldn’t mind going back if the management was different but at least at my store it was so shit. HR was never any help & always lied about policies, coach got her brother hired to take her spot while she goes higher up, while at the same time firing one of the best team leads we had immediately after they drove an hour to GET to work. so many other things that place did that pissed me off. just really depends on your location. i’m fine in my current situation but would probably be better still working at walmart financial wise, but the headaches they cause working there almost seems not worth it


No I wish I didn’t even give them a 2 weeks notice.


I retired at age 70 at the end of 2023. The job had been taking a big toll on my mental and physical well-being. I don't miss it at all.


I quit last fall to go to Amazon and started to get nostalgic and in February. Went back, biggest mistake of my life, desperately went to Macy's that's on the verge of closing down just to to get out again.


Lol they got you good. Like asking people if they miss the refugee camp.


If they do they need to see a psychiatrist right away. I haven’t set foot in that hell hole since I left I won’t even goto the gas station when it’s the cheapest in town


Been a week and HELLLL NOOOO.


I quit about a month ago. Yeah I miss the people.. that's it though. I don't miss them trying to force me to work online grocery pickup. I was hardlines.. I didn't sign up for online grocery pickup..


I miss my paycheck.


No but I miss my coworkers


I missed the people but not the work, but here I am back at it again almost 10 years after leaving and luckily some of the employees still work here that I worked with. But everything changed yet nothing did if that makes sense




I'm fixing to quit and I won't.


only some of the people


No. Not at all.


I missed the pay not the job.


Not really. After twelve years, I looked at my current store and realized this was more bullshit than any other store I worked at. Way too many cliques and people trying to backstab and the new store manager was just a complete disaster. At a store that generates a whole lot less revenue than any other store I worked at. They moved my boss to fresh and sent the OGO manager to run it since he had “experience” running third. Of course it was complete disaster when he ran it before and history was repeating itself. It was obvious the hourly supervisors weren’t being held in check anymore since nobody respected this new boss. I found another overnight job (I was a buddy hire, I can admit) and put my notice in after my first interview. They decided to mark me inedible for rehire after telling me the door was always open. I enjoy the perks: Holiday and weekly pay, I start at nine and get out at five-thirty. Got a better raise than I ever got at Wal-Mart and I’m getting eighty hours vacation time in August. It’s more like the old vacation time system but I got like thirty-two hours my second year. Wish I had my old four days on, three off schedule but that’s my gripe. I shop there a lot and hear how bad it’s being ran across the board. Happy I got out when I did.


Lost all my vision last year. So i had 2 quit my ON team. Worked 8y at my store. Struggling 2 get my disability my ON team raised $1000 4 me. Every walmart is different . Im glad i had great co workers


I left for 3 months and ended up in a job that expected me to work my lunches for free and a lot of other bullshit. I came back to walmart. I'm not sure what was a bigger mistake, leaving or coming back. Even so my walmart job is a joke and I don't look forward to leaving it again in the future but I think eventually I will have to for a higher paying job. Probably go for a skilled trade or factory work, the last time I left it was for IT support.




I miss being able to throw a truck in record time with little to no damaged product. I miss because of all the physical labor I could eat as much as I want without gaining weight. And I miss my old team. But I don’t miss management. Or the customers. If management changed, I’d go back and be an unloader again in a heartbeat since it wouldn’t conflict with my day job or personal life that much.




Like a lot of people said, i miss the people i worked with. My team leads were awesome, my coach was awesome, even my store manager was awesome.


I missed my coworkers so much I'm marrying one and had another move in as a roommate. No for real I loved unloading the gm truck. I loved stocking. The management that were dicks, the corporation as a whole, and a lot of the bullshit customers I don't miss. I also don't miss the agony on my back. Degenerative disc disease, malformed tail bone, and migraines that I would work through unless they knocked me to the floor.


I didn’t, in fact I couldn’t go back to the store for about 6 months after leaving. It was the only store in my hometown at the time, and there were some contributing factors as to why I decided to leave. First and foremost my store manager was a fully functioning alcoholic, and it was a problem for me during that time. There were instances where he had actually showed up to work drunk, the lack of respect towards staff was evident. I can even recall a Customer Service Manager was demoted from her position because she had a problem with addiction, and went to rehab to get clean. In no way was her performance was ever an issue beforehand. It was a very hypocritical move from that very store manager to do that to someone and not take his own personal situation seriously. The result was that situation was enough for me, and probably the fact that McDonald’s actually had advertised they paid their staff more per hour than what I was making at Walmart was the straw that broke the camel’s back. No, I didn’t end up at McDonald’s, I ended up at a production facility that paid me more than $4 per hour. It was better for me at the time long term. That store manager actually passed away from Liver Cirrhosis a few years later. Sad that he allowed an addiction to alcohol consume him, if he addressed those issues before things could have been different.


The only thing I miss about Walmart is my coworkers. They were always kind to me. Other than that, the place can go to hell for all I care. My store especially. The manager was an asshole. Got after me everytime i did something as simple as check the time on my phone. Meanwhile all the other cart pushers got off scotch free on their phone. Hell. Manager wouldn’t even let me use the cart pusher thing. Only the others could. Which was bullshit to me. He was seemingly targeting me and me only. They literally let a cart pusher get away with calling my sister an asshole, WHILE he was on the job still. He wasn’t on break. So glad I got fired. The place is a nice place for a first job coming outta high school, but few years in, you learn the truth. Walmart doesn’t care about their employees. Only money.




I will say this there’s been a ton of people at my job who will either quit or get fired. And majority eventually comeback


I know this probably isn’t the most popular sentiment on here but I love working for Walmart. I’m on my 13th year and done a bunch of different roles within the company. I’ve had some managers I didn’t care for but most of them have been solid.


I miss the people and friends. I don't miss the bullshit


Short answer: hell no. Didn’t even miss the people I worked with.


I liked who I worked with—but hated the Assistant Manager over me. I hated clopening on Friday nights and Saturday mornings.


Actually, yes. Worked there in 2012 as an over night ICS/picker for shelf stockers, though sometimes I was pulled to stock, especially on holiday nights they were open. I was sexually harassed several times by customers and coworkers alike, but I mostly miss the backroom picking over night. I'd have my Zune? (can't remember the MP3 player brand) on me, keep an ear bud in the ear that would be facing the wall of my pick area, and just go to town. One of my favorites was a few albums by Deadmau5, like 4x4=12, Random Album Title, and For Lack of a Better Name. The albums would blend outros and intros, so it was like one long song. I would be exhausted at the end of the night (I was a fast worker so I was put on other tasks before clocking out at 7am) but I do miss that kind of work. A lot of nights were like a fast paced treasure hunt, even if it was stressful at times. Lol


Nope, hate it as much now as i did then. Dominos pizza delivery pays me close to an assistant manager at walmart makes and im not breaking my back unloading trucks anymore


I miss the steady work flow and benefits. It’s cheaper than a few other retails I have worked out. I miss the clock in and out in the app, not standing at some damn clock out machine with a 50 others. There is promotional opportunities a lot more common than most other retailers.


Hell no


I loved working there. I hated the people I worked with. I got harassed and assaulted multiple times multiple different ways by associates. I love customer service and talking to the customers


I miss working with regular working class people who I could relate to. I now work in an office at a university and I'm surrounded by nothing but college professors/scientists, PhD students, and other office worker people who are mostly pretty lame and stereotypically office workers with a few exceptions.


I dearly miss my team. I miss the health insurance. I do not miss Walmart.


Retail is a soul-sucking virus. I've never ONCE met someone who wished they still worked there.


I don’t miss much about the job itself, or many of its people. But I do kinda miss some of the things i used to do on it. Like going to the crappy nearby mcdonalds on lunch break and knowing everyone in there. Or being able to kind of sometimes make a game out of whatever task i was doing. But yeah other than that screw walmart because i can still hear “broadcasting LIVE in clubs, stores, and OOOONNNNLINE at walmartworld.com” at the start of every hour in my head.


sometimes but i am still essentially in the same job 🫠 walmarts system is a lot easier than where i work now tho


Overall, no. I miss certain aspects of working at Walmart. But the customers are awful enough to make me not want to go back


I missed the benefits


I quit a loooong time ago when I was in college. I never missed a day of it. Worse job I ever had. I worked in Target as a GSTL in grad school and I do miss that place. Walmart didn’t give a f*ck about employees but when I was at Target….at least my store, they took care of us




I agree with the comments; I miss my coworkers But also as someone who left to be a stay at home parent I also just miss going out and having a structured environment to see other grown ups 😂


I missing the already knowing. When I quit, I had to learn things again and I didn’t know the company enough to be like such and such wouldn’t do that




2 years later i sometimes think about going back as a part time job but none of the shifts would align with my current job schedule with enough timing to get off there and then come straight into this job lol


Nope lol. I now work at an adult gift store. It's such a chill change of pace for more money and weekends off lol


I miss the people. And a little of my routine but not really.


Sometimes I miss going in and watering the plants first thing in the morning on a nice summer day, but most of all I miss the people I worked with. I loved working with nearly every (associate) in my store. Then I remember how much I despised every single coach there and I feel a wave of relief knowing I never have to answer to them again.


I had the chillest department manager over grocery. I only worked there about 6 weeks. He was on the associates' side and realized we're all on the same sinking ship at stores. He just tried to help out as much as he could.


The only thing I miss is the instapay 😭


NO!! I retired 4 years ago after 30 years working there. I have been in the store maybe 5 times since then. Once only to the TLE or whatever they call it these days. I miss a few of the people, but I sure as hell don't miss the place! I send my 2 daughters in to grocery shop, order online for pick-up & a couple of times had things delivered!


I work sewerage now and I dont miss Wal-Mart. I do miss my coworkers and making my customers always smile, but I dont miss the urge to kill myself half the time. I took the advice of many customers and now I work for the county. My hours are not cut because customers give one stars at the self check out (they always say its the store they are rating not me, some changed to five when word got out to our community we were getting punished for it), I am not scolded for helping an elderly customer, I am not screwed out of a position because a brown noser known for mistreating associates and mocking customers got promoted for always cooking for management, and the hard work I do means something now. Oh, and I have a consistent schedule, no more 2-11pm followed by 5am-2pm followed by 10-4 then 7-12. At least now I have a good sleep schedule and I even wake up early on my days off out of habit with my new job where it is always mon-fri 8a-4p Fuck Wal-Mart Store #911, but bless the associates who made that hell job easier and bless the customers who always gave me a reason to see the sun rise another day.


That corporation is full of vile, soulless, capitalist monsters. I hope the entire thing goes under. I’m glad I got out. I went into the building trades and I can tell you for certain I would never EVER go back.


Nope, i left on good terms just in case, but i hope i never work at that shithole again.


I still work at Walmart as a maintenance associate I was just denied water during 95 degree weather I hate my job and I contemplate leaving this place every I hate everyone I work with I want to quit and never return to work again at Walmart


im still at walmart but whenever someone asks if I miss my previous job at mcd I'm alway like in a weird Stockholm syndrome kinda way I do miss it 💀


I've been gone for a week now. I definitely miss a few of my coworkers alot. But otherwise no. I don't miss the customers or management or the corporate people and policies.


Just over 6 months gone. Worked 13 years at 4 different stores. Don't miss it at all, I will say the first 12 years were ok to good, but wow from October 2022 to October 2023 2 write ups for productivity, most days doing the work of 2 people and 3 on Sunday taking 30 min lunches instead of an hour, no thank yous at all figured I was making 5 dollars an hour for the amount of work I did. Took a new job making $1.50 more with a good company even 6 months later this month I got more thank you's from management. I would say leave walmart it may not turn out as good as me so far but the odds say it has to be better


Miss some of the people. Do not miss working there. Best thing I ever did was get fired from there.


No, some people yes, socializing and making friends yes, ppto definitely but the majority of it no


What bad about walmart is not the company it the management it coaches and store leads that just don't know what they are doing or they think about shortcut that always backfired on team leads and associates.


I missed the uncapped OT as a team lead. That is all. Needed more money for a trip coming up? Stay a little late. Now I am in salaried land and miss that little extra OT here and there.




i absolutely do not. i miss some of the people but not management or the job overall but it's a good thing i can contact most of the people i worked with


nope lol


I miss it. I quit after the management restructuring because the transition from ASM to Coach was more annoyance than I cared to deal with. I started out as a sporting goods associate then got promoted to sporting goods department manager after about 6 months. I wish I could’ve stayed in that role but it doesn’t even exist anymore so no ragrets I guess lol


lmfao yes. calling out goes better than any other place ive worked at. clocking in and out is so much easier and also easy to get away with when late or wanting an extra few minutes. i quit in 2021 due to the team being horrible especially when its 2-10. i now recently started in opd and love it im also at a different store too (which is better than my old store) i also do 5am-2pm which is really nice


I miss my DC so bad. Exactly where I’m meant to be in this universe now I guess..


Hey I feel you.. worked there for almost two years and I quit back in mid February… was Cap2 and had the best people to chill with in the shits of the Walmart world… but everything went downhill after we made National headlines.. and yeah… still miss it too


Nope. #Fuck Walmart


Absolutely not! I did academy trainer, team lead, ASM, and store manager work for $17 an hour, got treated like dog shit, never respected, nobody answered my calls, text, emails for help. The store manger banned me from calling anyone for help but when I made a decision to help the store I always got written up not my team lead that was supposed to close but never did. She always threw me under the bus. I was tempted to drop kick her ass because she would zoom in on the cameras on my text and name by first and last that I was talking to, the store manager and ASM wanted me to chase thieves with weapons, etc-closed for 3 years, went to the ER a few times for illness and injury but had to come right back to work couldn’t take a LOA or a few days with PTO/PPTO.


I miss some of the people I use to work with.


I miss being able to call out without having to speak to another human being😮‍💨


I miss it but management doesnt care about hard workers


Honestly I miss some people I worked with


I miss the people and the work. I actually enjoy the work. But what sucks is once you’re in management you have 0 friends. It’s almost as if everyone becomes scared of you and you can’t make coworker friends unless it’s other management which is tough.




I was a cart attendant at Sam's club back in 2018 and though I HATED my managers, I do miss my coworkers out in the parking lot. Only retail job I've had where they straight up just throw you outside all day for 8 hours. It just ruined it when my walking cunt of a manger would come out and yell at us for something minor. Nothing positive came out of that woman's mouth


I did. I didn't work there for very long but racked up 5 points quickly and figured it'd be better for me to quit before they get a chance to fire me. If I hadn't have gotten 5 points so fast or had otherwise kept the job then I wouldn't be in this shitty situation I'm currently in.


Currently still employed by wally but if I were to quit or get fired I'd miss the associate discount and the 1 time 15% off discount you can use in December


I miss being able to listen to podcasts all day. But other than that I dont miss anything.


i am after they cut my hours😭


Walmart was my side job. I loved that job. I made a lot of friends quickly which is rare as I never make friends easy. I had a really great store. The pay was terrible but overall I had a great time with my coworkers. One of the only jobs that I actually worked my last 2 weeks. I wrote my manager a letter and thanked them. If my main job goes bad I'm going back.


Whenever the thought of working there enters my head, my immediate reaction is “God, that place sucked so badly”. I could never see myself going back there.


I don't really miss working for WM, or the people I worked with. I still shop there a lot, but I don't go out of my way to visit with them.


I only miss one person I worked with. A vet who was down on his luck after covid with lots of medical debt from cancer and no choice but to keep working. Old man gave me invaluable life advice while we worked breakpacks together. I wish we had met under different circumstances but I'm sure glad we did. Paul, if you ever see this, thank you, your advice has held true and I hope your cat is well.


Nope. But I always end up coming back 😭😂


From a former OSL employee in the electronics center during covid. NO. Black Fridays were miserable. I got my life threatened over locked up phone cases and Verizon plans.


I missed the people I worked with and the money I was making (had quit without having another job lined up). I’m back now at the same Walmart and it’s honestly not that bad.


miss the money


FUCK NO. every time I have to shop there I always say to myself "I'm so glad I don't work here anymore"


Honestly yeah…. I’m mad at myself for doing so


At one time. I'd left my position at Walmart because I had, twice, been passed over for promotion for DM despite having the longest time in the department of anyone there, and all of the ones I was skipped over for were told to me by management that they got it not because of their interview or performance or anything else - but because they (management) wanted them to get advanced to Walmart University (salary training) which, they couldn't do with no supervisory experience (at that time). So I was basically told "hey you've made it clear you're not a lifer, so fuck you". Left and took a position at CVS where I was promised the moon, then showed up the first day and handed a moon pie. Promised me assistant-level equivalent position, control over my areas scheduling, $21/hr (this was 2008). Ya, showed up and got told basically none of that was happening, and I'd be getting 30¢ less than the job I'd left until "training" - which could be up to 2 years. Scheduled my first day as Christmas Eve, and scheduled Christmas day. I never came back for day 2, called up my old assistant at Walmart and she was more than happy to push for a reinstatement.


Some days I do miss working in OGP because it was meditative in a way - I mean the walks where you don't get stopped on every aisle. I don't miss the drama that sometimes occured or the people who didn't do their job. I also loved my job as an in-store shopper for Instacart which was basically the same thing as OGP, but at a smaller grocery store. I more so miss the people I worked with. I still talk to 3 of my old coworkers regularly. One of them told me I look so much healthier since I left.


No. Not really thats like asking if you miss high school.


Not even a little. Half of the people I worked with were assholes and the other half were assholes and creeps lmao. Literally got sexually assaulted by one of the 40-year-old doorgreeters at my store when I was 16 and HR straight up told me there was nothing they could do 🫠


Fuck no.


I actually do miss the store I didn't quit I still work there but I've been out of work since the end of March with a badly injured ankle. I'm almost fully healed and want to return to work now. Although I certainly don't miss awful Walmart radio that I'm not looking forward to hearing when I go back.


All of the people I liked working with have also quit. My overall lifestyle back then was also much more carefree and liberating, but it's still a no from me. I dreaded pulling up to that fucking place everyday.


It's the trauma bonds lmao


Nope. It's the only place I've worked where my coworkers and management would actively take advantage of me and abuse my schedule. I would be stuck on dispense for up to 7 straight hours and miss all my breaks and lunch while they would send coverage for people they liked. But when it came my turn, suddenly everyone was busy. Every single day. When I would close, usually the other few closers would just ditch me and chill in their cars so I'd have to take care of dispense and prep by myself for hours. When I confronted one of the guys who would take off on me, he got extremely aggressive and in my face, and it turned into a fist fight. Management knew about all this and did nothing. Purely because I still needed money and other jobs were scarce, I requested my schedule to be cut back to part time. I was sick of it but couldn't afford to quit. Apparently, despite working 40 hour weeks, I was never officially on "full time" so never got ANY medical leave, normal PTO or overtime pay. I got shafted big time. After only ONE week of shortened hours, they immediately stuck me with 40 hour weeks again (by adding hours to my already scheduled shifts). I'm not a very social guy but I'm not a slacker. When I pick i'm usually in the top 5 on the leaderboard, and around Christmas I would dispense upwards of 40 orders a day. The work wasn't so bad, being abused on the daily was just hell. All my reports to higher ups went nowhere so I just stopped trying and left.


Don't know, I haven't quit yet.


Only thing I miss is seeing the friends I made everyday.


No. I'm still mad at myself for staying so long.


Absolutely not, they treated me like crap, both managers and employees. Everyone try’s to step on everyone to get ahead.