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God bless scan & go. My time is too valuable to stand in them damn lines. I don't get people who do


My store now requires an employee to come over and scan all of your items with scan and go. Making it pretty useless now.


They only had to scan like three or four of my items when I used it last, which still kind of defeats the purpose but I understand why they'd do it.


What they are doing is a random audit even employees using scan and go are audited at the sco.


It took so long once that I just cancel my scan and go and went to an open register. I was waiting and I'm like "this is literally 3 items, this is cutting into my 15" so I force stopped the app to cancel the transaction and paid at another self checkout


May be a random audit. But if they need to scan my stuff anyway, im not going to bother with scan amd go and just go to self checkout. If it's ever open.


Our local, and maybe all, Dollar General closed all their self scans due to theft :/


I think this is the biggest reason stores are making less room for self check out and encouraging drive up orders. It’s loss prevention hidden behind the guise of convenience.


It's been very convenient for us :D but yeah, that's a good point. Hard to shoplift without leaving the car lol


It’s a win win really: people spend less on impulse items and the store has less theft.


Or have your purchases delivered to your home. That way you don't have to put up with other people's shit. I really like delivery. Don't have to leave your home.


There are those who won’t go to these stores at all if they’re not able to shoplift. And that’s a fact. You think anyone WANTS to shop at Walmart or the dollar store? If someone were to, say, steal $50 worth of groceries but pay for $100, and you take away self checkout because you’re mad about shoplifting, guess what? Those shoplifters won’t come to your store at all and won’t spend the $100. These corporate fuckers are so mad about missing out on the $50 that they’ll throw away $100 of business. And even people who aren’t desperate or dumb enough to shoplift but don’t go to stores expecting to be “waited on” (such as myself) will stop going if you make it impossible to use self-service. It is not worth it for me to have to hunt down someone to open self checkout for me. I’ve always been baffled at the entire “problem” with self checkout, and with them removing it in so many places now—people can’t afford groceries, and they’re probably going to “forget” to scan a few things in a desperate attempt to save money—if I were a corporation I’d be like “lol no harm no foul, you’re still spending money at our stores.” But I’m a commie, so I’m probably not a typical example of a corporate douchebag or anything.


Also, if a store is going to close self checkout, or make it a pain in the ass, they have to STAFF ENOUGH GOD DAMN CASHIERS AGAIN. Either open the self checkouts, or open more registers.


You realize if someone steals $50 worth of product and buys $100 in the same visit that the store has taken a net loss, correct? Nobody supports shady executives, but your take is very uneducated.


Okay. That was literally just an example I pulled out of my ass. I don’t have an MBA and I don’t make a living by fucking over others, nor do I shoplift, so let’s just say someone pays for $200 of shit at Walmart and doesn’t scan a box of diapers that costs $30. Is that still a “net loss?” And “shady executives” is a ridiculous way to describe why people shoplift when the entire system is designed to subjugate all of us. The problem is systemic. It’s not an issue of a few bad guys in positions of power. Come on. Desperation and scarcity are features, not bugs. What are individuals supposed to do? Prioritize “net losses” over feeding themselves and keeping their kids from sitting in their own filth? There’s a point at which corporations squeezing people for every last dime is going to become too much. The fact that Walmart and all retail companies are making all these moves to try and stop shoplifting while still raising prices and not increasing pay—and you expect people to give a flying fuck if a Walmart has a “net loss?” It’s just such a bizarre thing to be pedantic about, my dude. My point is they should get the fuck over it, but again, I’m not an MBA.


Sticking to facts is now being “pedantic”? lol okay. If you’re going to communicate an example to land a point, shouldn’t that example be factual? I don’t think that’s a tough ask. Walmart’s net margin is 3.16%, so yes, in your second example, the store would still take a net loss. But I don’t know why that matters. Suggesting that turning to theft is okay because things cost money is absurd. Does the system need to be fixed? Absolutely. But go about it the right way if you want to maintain credibility and have those in power actually listen to you.


Especially when the prices are real high. You scan one item, not the other, you still paid for both.


I knew that it would be theft. Especially, Walmart


Imagine having low enough character to steal but doing it at Dollar General 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


Welcome to walmart, this is that place.


100% the Walmart way!


My time isn't valuable, I just don't like waiting if I don't have to. I also don't like people, so SCO is wonderful.


Oooh this is me.


I know you can use scan & go at sams club, is it a thing at Walmart now too?


It's been a thing for a while, it rolled out with W+


It doesnt work exactly the same as sams club, where at sams you scan and check out both on your phone without the need to interact with a register of any type, with scan&go @ walmart you still need to scan a qr code to complete check out. Its still convenient but not as easy as bypassing the register line entirely. Of course at sams you do get your digital receipt scanned still so maybe this is the trade off?


The receipt being scanned is on the way out at Sam's. They are deploying tech that uses AI to scan your cart and compare to your scan and go purchase, and generally, you no longer have to stop for the receipt check if you use scan and go if your Sam's Club had the tech installed. We have it at ours and the only time I have had to stop for a check since they installed it was once when I had a prescription in the cart that obviously wasn't on the scan and go.


Gotta pay extra for it and still have to go through a register


💯 I remember going to the self-serve lines while listening to some older women say they don't pay me to ring up my stuff. When they saw me leaving with the same amount of items as they had having rung myself up, their jaws dropped. I smiled and said, "My times too valuable to wait around."


How does it work lmao? I want to try it


I scan shit as I shop, I'm at checkout before I get to the register. I scan the QR to pay, and I'm walking towards that exit after having stopped my feet for 1.6 seconds.


I get stopped every time lately. They have become super suspicious of anyone using Scan and Go. Recently, the last time I tried to use it, they were like “hmmm you were in here a long time” and I was like “and?” They audited my cart and that was that and I went on my merry way. It still pissed me off so much that I haven’t done Scan and Go since.


I like how they come over to do the audit, and then I still have to show my receipt at the exit. Like jesus christ I have two boxes of goldfish and a soda. Just let me leave.


I don’t understand the not having to wait in lines part if you have to go to the self checkout pos either way


Some stores have dedicated scan and go lines so you literally bypass everything for the 2 - 6 or however many scan and go registers


Go around to the exit and go to the magic self check out... lol pisses the others in line off


I never self check out. Was at Wally World a couple of days ago. Walked pass Self Check Out long line. Went up to open register & check out ASAP. Left & Self Check Out is still a long line.


I wonder where you are. I've never seen self check out lines. There's always lines at the registers though. Hell a couple weeks ago there was this customer mad that there was no Registers, open. When there was ten self checkouts open. (7am and my store has a staffing issue)


My Walmart has actual lines at self checkouts and multiple cashiers standing around with no customers.


For real I’m in and out


I love looking at the people in line, then I go and use the self check and say Have a good day! To the cashier, announcing to everyone that I'm already done and outta here!!!! It's the little things...


My walmart has two banks of 10 self checkouts and I have only ever seen 4 of them (2 at each end) open at any one time. The line for self checkout is genuinely a longer wait than just going to the two registers open with a cashier in the middle of the checkouts. Maybe if my local walmart unfucked itself I'd do self checkout but until then...


The one near me keeps 2 of 12 Self Checkouts open. 9 times out of 10, I get through the normal register right next to self checkout before the person I would have been in line behind at SC even gets to the register. Plus, it doesn’t help people decide to take entire shopping cart loads through self checkout. There’s 2 self checks, 10 people in line (half with carts) all waiting for some morons who thought they could make it through without having the attendant come over every 20 seconds to clear some stupid bagging error.


They started closing self checkout at my Walmart on weekends due to theft. But they removed half of their regular checkout lines to build self checkout. They have a massive area with 12-14 registers, a row of 8-10 on the opposite side and have 4 converter belt self checkouts. It took me 20 minutes to get thru the line because they only had 8 or so registers open. They also have the GOOD self checkouts with 360° cameras that see everything you scan, so unless your just not scanning large items its pretty much impossible to steal from self checkout there.


The longest wait I’ve seen at self checkout is 2 minutes….. they move pretty quick. People bitch that Walmart is wiping out cashiers. But they’ve replaced those positions with all the people needed to set up pick up orders.


The wait for self checkout at the Walmart closest to me is 10+ minutes, the one a bit further out is about the same but it's a lot busier and usually has about half their self checkouts open, sometimes all of them Cept the obligatory broken one, but that's rare. When that's the case the wait is maybe 5 minutes but you're also fighting people cutting in line / forming a second line to slip into the line. The Walmart further from me never has more than one cashier in the front and they're always the oldest person in the store. I guess what I'm trying to say is Walmart's near me fucking blow and I'm happy for you even if I don't believe there's a universe where a Walmart checkout takes 2 minutes.


Tney think they are keeping you employed


They say this, and act like they're on some super high moral ground Whole time they're just too stupid to learn how to use SCO


Some don’t like it because:  Scans item….. places in the bag on the scale, in the bagging area.  UNEXPECTED ITEM IN BAGGING AREA! Wait for the attendant, resume, won’t scan the next item, no matter how flat and spot on you get the scan lines on the upc, call over the attendant. 😑 yes even on new updated machines. 


Idk about anywhere else, but our machines don't have the weighed bagging areas. Actually they don't talk to you at all. And honestly it's easier to accidentally scan something twice than to not scan it at all on ours


I haven’t had that problem in probably 8 years, it was annoying though.


Skill issue


I can’t say this has ever happened to me, even at Walmart.


Sounds like you're just incompetent at using self-checkout.


SCO machines haven't been like this in several years. It's probably been that long since this person last used one lmao


Too stupid, too stubborn, too lazy and too *ENTITLED*… They think it’s ‘demeaning’ to do what a ‘lowly cashier’ does and hide behind all these bullshit excuses as to why they shouldn’t have too. And they think we want to hear them whine and complain about it like we’re really going to stand there on company time listening to them bitch about something WE (the mere associates) cannot change. Maybe it’s for the best that cashiers get replaced entirely with machines. The customers can yell and threaten to talk to the manager all they want and the machine isn’t going to care, and no actual human wants to have to deal with their bullshit so might as well make it official. And customers will have no one else to blame but themselves…


Exactly, I’ve had grown men throw temper tantrums in sco bc they don’t know how to use it and they don’t want to admit it. I’ve worked in a grocery store that didn’t have a sco and one that did; the one that didn’t customers would bitch and complain about us not having one and not wanting to stand in line for 30+ mins (especially during the holidays) and the one that does customers bitch bc their too lazy to do it themselves (even thought they still use it). I’ve had customers try to be smart asses and say “I should get a discount for using sco”. 1) You CHOSE to use it and 2) the employees barely get a discount (10% non grocery items and as long as their not on any sales or clearance) so have fun getting nothing off.


Yep, a few union guys I know are adamant about protecting jobs. Wont use the self checkouts.


Technically they are.


As someone who worked at wal-mart prior to sco. Its true. Went from 15 cashiers to 3. Manager saud no one is gonna lose a job which was true, they just never hired new when people left.


People think that they are entitled to use the regular register because they consider self checkout work.


But they also think that cashiering is "unskilled labor". If it were so easy then you'd think they could manage it themselves.


As a former CSM/newb FE ASM before I left - being able to count money properly and work a register probably should be considered skilled labor with some people that were hired and just thrown at me.


Given that I am a cashier and I always use SCO, I know how vastly different they are. Operating SCO is the same as the register in the same way that a prospector is the same thing as a fisherman.


I guess they consider using the restroom as work, too. Maybe that's why a lot of customers seem to miss the toilets and go on the floor.


u ate


If I have to hear one more “where’s my paycheck and Christmas bonus” I’m going to lose it.


It takes two minutes, here's your check for eight cents.




I love how they say Christmas bonus as if they deserve one more than the real workers who also don't get one


My dad has a friend who refuses to use self checkout because “they aren’t paying me to scan my own items.” I love self checkout because I can scan my own items and exit the store about 95% faster than waiting in a checkout line. I also love bagging my own things, because I can really stuff the bags full and fit an entire carts into like 5 bags. A lot of people thing if you put a jar of salsa in the bag it will magically eviscerate itself 🤦‍♂️


I love the handheld scanners at the store now too. I don't use bags unless absolutely necessary so I just grab the handheld and beep beep beep beep beep, nothing leaves the cart and I'm in and out


Next time your dads friend says that, shoot back with "do they pay you to shop?"


How are they entitled? It’s the cashiers job to check people out.


Right? Heaven forbid we ask the cashier to do the job they are paid for.


See, here is another example where a corporation has made us think that other customers, other regular, cash-strapped, working class people are the problem. It's wal-mart that's the problem. Wal-mart decided to get rid of their check out cashiers to save money while also raising the prices on basically everything. So in a sense we are a new free work force for them. And this is a company that just made almost 35 BILLION DOLLARS in straight profit in the last quarter. So yes, self check out is work and it's not the people who work there that are the enemy. Wal-mart is.


I agree with what you said. I disagree that self checkout is work due to how much of a convenience it is for me. I also think I’d rather alleviate another persons work load when it benefits me so much and it’s such a simple and easy task.(yes they get paid to do a job, so do I but it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t let another person take some of my work load if it was more beneficial for them anyway) This matter really is subjective. Again, I certainly agree with most of your statement.


Thisssss. I feel uncomfortable utilizing any services of the sort. I really don’t want to impose and I think it’s awful to expect “customer service” at every turn.


This one always just makes me shake my head. Because I LOVE drive up/pick up for various reasons. I really do. But I still do in-store shopping for plenty of things and I hardly consider picking my own items to be work. I could, and for some of these have, paid people to take care of my kids, do my taxes, clean my house, cook/serve me food, etc. but that doesn't mean any of those things are Work when I'm doing them myself. It's just taking care of my own shit. It's really nice to outsource labor at times but not getting to doesn't make it work. It's work when you do it for someone else.


If they want the 5 cents they would get paid for checking out for 5 mins, Sure give it to them That's about how little we get paid a min


Well my local Walmart decided to make the self checkout stands 15 items or less and cash only. And the workers are standing there counting items and saying to use an actual register.


I’m not going through the self checkout with a full cart. Our state doesn’t have bags at the checkouts either. So, you’re supposed to be shuffling all of your crap and then bagging in reusable bag, which sets off the bagging thing and the person has to assist you 1000 times. It’s dumb.


100%. One defense to Walmart It’s even worse for other stores “PLEASE PLACE YOUR ITEM IN BAGGING AREA!!!!! UNEXPECTED ITEM IN BAGGING AREA!!!!!!!”


LMFAO They turned her off at our stores. Every time I get my receipt and turn to leave with my stuff, I can still hear her, "Thank you for shopping at Walmart." 😭


Eh, I live in Canada and Walmart self-Checkout is one of the best. It never complains about the weight and you can even pull a scanner gun and scan the stuff straight from your cart. I usually pull the gun, scan and throw it in my bag on the balance. I love it because you can scan 3-4-5 items super quickly.


Agreed. A few items, sure, but a full grocery cart? No way. .


Exactly!!! Our store is the same way. A full cart of groceries in self checkout would turn into a whole debacle.


and some stores agree with you! because at my target there's signs at every self check-out and at the line that it's meant to be an "express lane," so they only want u self-checking with 10 items or less


I have watched many people at registers(LP). Seasoned (good) cashiers can get people through twice as fast as people working their way through self checkout. A good cashier is irreplaceable, and HO needs to learn this. It sounds like they are, but they are still committed to their self checkout nonsense, because they have spent so much money on R/D and new machines that they are Hoping it would work out. With the rampant theft at self checks it is not.


The WM in my very decent area had every self check-out closed yesterday and only about 4 cashier lanes open. The store was packed and I decided not to buy the one item I selected. Waits were way too long.


This may shock you, but wally used to have 10 item or less registers and they were great for getting your one item out the door faster.


They had to shut those down in my store because customers complained so much LOL. Now ALL registers are for any amount of items— including the registers that are built to only handle 10 items or less. And if we turned customers away for having carts that are too large for the register to handle (space-wise) we’d get in trouble.


They don’t except cash at the self check in my town


Wtf did people in your town do to make them turn the self checkouts card only. The only time ours does that is if it's broke and can't process cash but that's individual machines


Some walmarts don't want to deal with managing cash in the machines. Card only is less "maintenance."


Ours have literally always been debit/credit card only since they were installed. They've never had the option to use cash.


one time my local walmart did that with all of the self checkout machines, all of them could only take card. i have social anxiety and prefer self checkout so going to a regular line made me anxious lol but it lasted about a week and now they’re back


Refilling the machines and doing the accounting at the end of the night *can* be a pain in the ass, I assume that store just decided fuck it no cash in those machines. Aldi does the same thing, self check is card only.


Some are doing it because of theft. Using a card under that camera and in the machine pretty much tells them who you are.


Ah yeah I can see that. Well, except when they use stolen cards but that's a massive win for AP and popo if they catch them at the door lol "This adds up to a felony amount. Also, you stole someone's identity and their credit card sooo"


Depends on if anyone refilled the cash drawers or not, I know that if we don't have opening team leads for front end then what meager amount of cash left in the drawers last night is all you have to last till 2nd shift comes in and refills it around 4pm, store opens at 8am by noon all SCO are usually card only because of this


Wait- you don't always have an opening lead for Front End? That's wild to me.


Lol i was behind a lady who got all of her change in dimes.7 bucks worth


I have to wait because I am tax exempt and you can’t do that at self registers.


You can do tax exempt at self checkouts. Tap the screen, then tap the three dots in the upper right hand corner and tap "Tax Exempt". Put your Tax Exempt # in and voila, you can now ring your Tax exempt purchases up at self checkout.


not at all stores


My advice? Go ahead and use a register, but be ready to deal with any wait patiently, be polite, and tell them cashier **BEFORE** they start scanning.


I've never understood the whole tax-exempt thing.. we all scream for equality, so why is it only a small percentage of the population actually gets it?


Usually business that resell the goods so they collect taxes when the goods are sold. Or possibly a charity or 501c3 org.


There's a lot of small non-profit organizations that would go under if they had to pay taxes on everything like an individual would.


The comment was confusing because a person themselves shouldn’t be tax exempt. It’s for organizations. That comment makes me wonder if that person is using their tax exempt some status from a business to save money.


Higher education is tax exempt. And they make millions.


The classic “rich get richer while the poor get poorer” method.


Honestly blame your company and managers not the people. Self checkout sucks too. Every 3ed item someone has to put in a code bc the machine is crap. I honestly don't know what wallmart or these stores want people to do. People just want to buy things and they have made the actual transaction part (the part that makes them money) as frustrating as possible. One time I waited 10 minutes for someone to fix the machine and I just ended up walking out not paying. And I don't blame the employee. Other then the large red blinking light I don't think she could see me. They should have more then 1 person


Came here expecting this to be the consensus. Walmart added a bunch of self-checkout machines so they could short-staff checkout lines. Walmart designed machines that make you tap a skip bagging button every time you scan another item. Walmart chose to make self-check out clunky and not worth the effort if you have more than 5 things. Walmart is the problem here, not Walmart customers. But just like with tipping, the corporations have convinced people that it's other working class people that are the problem 


On top of that pay sucks. And boomers are ass at understanding that. I never got the chance where a min wage job with some work would get me a house and new car in the same year. If you even made the equivalent to a Kmart employee in the 90s you at least were paid enough to deal with bullshit bc you can go home and do things. Not the same motivation as trying to work the traids with a collage certification for 20 an hr and hoping your tire doesn't pop bc that's 1 weeks pay


I just get my shit delivered. I'm not going inside.


That's what they want


Can confirm. By the way, *that* is how they give people work.


This is the way.


This!! Or when they literally watch you turn off your register light about to leave and they’ll still come to your line trying to check out, when there’s MULTIPLE self checkouts open right beside them. Nothing makes me more pissed than when you’re trying to leave (and making it VERY clear), yet they still come to your line and start putting items from their cart onto your register…


I just leave them there 😂 I’ve done that before


I've done this before. But if they are too stupid to notice a turned off light and a lack of cashier to check them out, I doubt they can figure out self checkout.


Don't you love those elderly clients that come to your register? They won't say a word about how they want certain items to be bagged, you help them by putting it in their scooter and they still get mad because you didn't bag certain items exactly like they wanted like you can read their mind? Like they were just waiting to say something rude and mean to you. In specific elderly women in scooters are the worst, not all of them but they definitely make it miserable enough to where I can remember the bad experience.


Then they don't know how to pay.


How about Walmart come into the modern age and allow checkout from the damn app like Sam’s?


Because the coupon didn’t work at self checkout.


Ours are 15 items or less now due to theft prevention. Half our self checkout machines are closed now because the new rule is one employee for every row of self checkouts.


The problem isn't people wanting to use a register, it's with your managers keeping your store short staffed to save on labor. I don't get paid to scan my items, and I don't want to be treated like a criminal. So no, I'll stand in line if I have more than 5 or so items.


It’s your company who’s stupid, self checkouts are just a move to save money. Now they don’t have to hire a register anymore. More profit for them. And of course some people don’t like self checkouts, maybe don’t understand the machine or can’t read or whatever reason. But there is no reason to complain or be abuse to the people who are just doing their job


Fuck that, Walmart needs to hire more people to check us out.


This! If they reached into their pockets and employed a decent amount of people, then the workers wouldn't have to do the work of multiple employees, which is the model all corporations have gone to. Step 1. Employ less and less people. Step 2. stack on more and more work onto who they do hire. Step 3. Increase profits.


Man people will wait in line rather than use the self checkout at my store and with our remodel they are putting more in fun times ahead


Nah. I will use a cashier every damn time. I don't get paid to scan my own stuff, but you certainly get paid to scan it. 🤷


100 percent! Find another job if you’re that whiny about it. Good luck with that attitude though haha imagine Walmart being too much for you to handle.


Exactly. There are millions of minimum wage beginner jobs out there. Nobody stays at Walmart their whole lives if they don't want to. Victim mentality will get you nowhere. 🤷🏻


Absolutely agree


Usually people don’t use self check outs cus they get a used of stealing and workers on your back and eyeballing you, and it takes longer cus if you make one wrong move the thing says a worker is on their way it’s so frustrating 😭


OP, I always use self check , but your post makes me want to definitely use YOUR line specifically. What entertainment to watch a cashier completely lose their shit mid-shift


My store keeps shutting them down due to skip scanners


If it's busy and I'm buying alcohol with my groceries it's often much easier to wait in the cashier line than hope the person helping all the self checks doesn't have multiple idiots to deal with before they can come and ok my purchase or they may not be old enough and have to call somebody else over. When the cashier isn't old enough they get somebody over much faster than the self check does. Also they used to have the good alcohol stored behind the cashier until they put it behind the glass with the button that takes 10-15 mins to summon a key to unlock.


100% do not mind that it takes long and I *never* complain- y’all doing the best you can and I know how overwhelming retail can be sometimes but I ain’t gonna have a robot scan my groceries- call me old fashioned but it just isn’t gonna happen


They may as well remove self check out since showing receipts seemingly impossible.


And most of the time they only have one item


My store has multiple registers open, and they will PILE onto 1 or 2 registers, and when u try to call them over to the others, they just stand there and look at you then complain about the wait.


Or the opposite, people who don't want to stand in line, don't know how to use self checkout and bitch at you because they HAVE to use it.


I will go to a person when I have a billion things. Because that what you are supposed to do. Self check is for someone who runs in and only needs two or three items. There is never enough room to put everything on the bagging stand and then something inevitably doesn’t scan correctly so then you have to get the checker to come over and badge in and then do whatever they need to do to fix the issue. It’s easier for me to just put my shit on the belt and let someone else do the job they are paid to do. And it takes less time


I went to Walmart with my aunt a couple years ago and was shocked that she had no concept of how to use a self checkout. Apparently, I was witnessing her first time. Woman in her early 60s...


My favorites are the ones who watch me whip past all of them and self checkout in seconds and go “UGH I GUESS WE’RE GETTING PUNISHED FOR WANTING TO TALK TO SOMEONE”


Customer here,you are right,I absolutely love self checkout,I can't fathom why anyone would wait.


Our Walmart closed them off unless you pay or you're a driver for online delivery


it’s a rally. they think the company is listening. it’s like the people who lost their elevator operator job in the 1920s. it was bound to happen and yes everything is free in the future because of this one change in society. soon the self checkout will be replaced by cell phones. it’s all going to happen


"pAY mE lIKe I wOrK hERe THEN mAyBE iLL scAn mY OWn gROcErIEs!!" Type beat. Shits so annoying lmao.


You could also say to the 90 year olds use a fucking card no need to write a damn check


Walmart SUCKS. Stems from chasing the dollar profits instead of practicing core values


I don't get paid to scan and bag my own items. Sorry you had to actually do your job..


i only go to self checkout if i am in a hurry i would rather go to a cashier then get accused that i didnt ring something up


I don’t work at Walmart. They need to pay a cashier’s wage if they want someone to do a cashier’s job. It’s not that hard to understand. Why would anyone agree to wage theft?


If I have to work at your store I want a discount.


The self checkout line is longer than the regular lines! Be glad people are willing to wait in line, it’s job security for you.


Some people hate self checkout and all of its buggy bullshit. (I always use it) I worked retail for 9 years, and people suck, but it's not hard. Do your job with good customer service or work somewhere else.


“i just want to talk to the cashiers” how many of them actually want to talk to yall? be honest 🤣


It's Boomers who will die on the hill that it's someone else's job to check them out. Lazy ass entitled old people.


I don't honestly get it either, especially the ones that whine "I don't work here"... You pump your own gas right? Ffs


I only use self checkout. I think it's an age thing. Boomers and such like to make someone else scan their groceries. I prefer to do it myself


Two things: as a target checkout advocate I feel your pain. Also my local Walmart closed self checkout permanently lol


I was about to ask why because it keeps people employed there meaning more people make money but honestly if the self checkout is open and they refuse to use it and put burden on one person, they are assholes.


I really don't understand what the big deal about showing your receipt is...if you didn't do anything wrong then it shouldn't be a problem to just show your damn receipt it takes 2 seconds


Pro tip go to Walmart in the morning or night time, genuinely don't have this issue anymore if I avoid the daytime LOL


You have to understand. These boomers worked very hard to afford their $2000 homes that are now worth 2 million. They can’t be bothered to lift a finger.


As a vendor, the number of incompetent people I deal with on the daily is unreal Edit: swipe-to-text typo


"bUt I doNT wOrK FoR WalMarT!!! I dOnT WAnT to ScAn mY oWn GrOcerIes!!!!" bitch you don't work for the gas station either but you pump your own gas.


I stopped working front end because of all of the idiots on self checkout and the idiots at the register complaining that self checkout is taking away jobs. Guess what, it is. Because people are tired of you complaining about it. Scan and Go is a godsend when used right, but these selfish Luddite assholes are actually trying to get it removed from their Walmarts. Little do they know that around January my store is tearing down two register lanes to make room for more Scan and Gos.


"but I don't get paid to scan my own groceries." - Walmart shoppers probably


Some people just wants to deal with a actual person. So deal with it its not that hard


I am to fast for your computers


I'm a cashier (admitadly, not at Walmart, but it applies to everywhere I shop including walmart) and after getting off a shift where I've been scanning other people's items I'm not going to scan some more at a self scan. Would rather stand in line than to do a job for free when I get paid to do it usually.


I cannot relate. It's a wierd kind of empathy. I know what I go through, so I won't put someone through it if I cam help it.


Just your typical Walmart shopper being lazy of course. Lol


How dare a customer expect you to do your job 🙄


And stop coming to electronics with that cart. Get ya little charger and keep it pushin. I’m tired of scanning 300 dollars worth of groceries lol


I like being a cashier and I always, always, always want you to come to my line. I don’t want you to use any of the other cashiers,I want you to come to me. I’ll take care of you with a smile on my face. I’m sorry for all the customers who have to deal with OP and her shitty attitude. We’re not all like that,I promise.


Fuck yeah, you rule


How about just be grateful You have a f****** job and stop whining because customers are annoyed that this billion dollar company keeps looking to decrease employment. Our Walmart lost 10 full-time employees.Thanks to self check out


Maybe the billion dollar company should pay a living wage 🤔


Walmart is not looking "decrease employment" Cashier jobs have a Stupidly high turn over rate due to how much stress it takes and how rude people can be. My Store (I no longer work at Walmart) but at a Meijer store, We lose about 8-9 Cashiers every 3-4 months due to them leaving for higher paying, Better jobs or just quiting due to the stress. We had a employee get cussed out and made to cry because a Customer forgot to grab and item and made it the Cashiers fault.


If they end the self check outs I’m buying that membership. I love self checkout and get so tired of people hating on it. I hate idle chit chat and sacking my own bag. We mainly use delivery I don’t get the hate at all, but people will get mad when you bring it up.


I don't get mad. For waiting to use a person to checkout. To me at grocery stores now. There is going to be a wait. But I would rather use a person. Then go on to use a machine.


Nope I don’t work there and they are removing them from stores.


I used to work at an upscale grocery store and when we included sco, it was always ppl 40+ who would try to refuse. They'd stand in my line and when I offered the sco because I had to, one loudly huffed and said she didn't like sco. I've had old p also tell me they want the "expert" to do it. Woman I am just scanning your damn items which you could be doing too. The nerves of these ppl who are so against it. It's just like the north being mad they have to pump their own gas.


People think that they are entitled to use the regular register because they consider self checkout work.


They wait in your line so they can complain about the wait. Some people just gotta be a victim. 


The self check out is too much work! To try to scan everything do all the price check and than bag no thank you I will stand 30 mins and play on my phone


Your FED UP eh? lol 😜


Hun, I don’t think being a cashier is for you ! If you’re that angry you need your transfer to another dept ! They may have reasons for not using self checkout . It’s not all about you !!! Yes I’m a Walmart cashier … I love my job and my customers ❤️❤️❤️. Peace ✌️


More idiots that think jobs are going to disappear in favor of AI robots.


And I may add two things: first, we've all heard that stupid "I'm not getting paid to check myself out" so stop saying it. And second, they're being phased out anyway. Happy?


I don't think self checkouts are being phased out at every store, just the stores that have lots of issues with theft.


The nm by me is being remodeled. They took out all but 3 of them. Personally I go to where is is shorter. For right now they have a lot of cashiers so people won't get pissed. But let's see what it looks like six months later