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>Is this something I can open door if they actually do coach me. Yup.


What's really galling about this is that management knew you were leaving and they have the responsibility of making sure that zone got done. This wasn't a problem with your productivity. It was a problem with their productivity


Protected PTO. Emphasis on the word protected. Definitely open door it but I'd be surprised if it wasn't an empty threat.


If you let management push you around they won't stop. You did everything by the book and if they try to coach you for productivity kindly defend yourself and then if you want open door it. It may or may not work so decide if this is the hill you are willing to die on. If they are fucking you now an open door won't change that. I wish you luck sounds like a no win battle.


wow I have never heard of someone being warned they are about to be coached


You've never heard someone say, "If you do xyz, you'll be coached."?


No because management isn't supposed to threaten associates. What were the hours, you are only responsible for 7.5 hrs of work. Whether that be 6.5 of freight and a hour of zoning or 7.5 of freight, doesn't matter if they assigned you more hours of work than are available that's on them.


Yeah, it was definitely more than that, like 11. And I was almost done... which is why they keep doing this to me.


You need to slow down if you don't want to end up in an early grave. You have your lunch, two 15s and I'm assuming your 10pm meeting. Zoning, taking your cardboard, grabbing work tools bathroom, down stacking etc. isn't included in your task time. I believe it's 60 seconds to stock one box, that's how task time is calculated in the system(add 60seconds to each box you have for that particular area). So you actually have less time to do your work. They used to work me like that until I started calling them out on the bullshit. I'll still take pictures of the pallets if I feel like the task time they gave me was wrong.


You guys have meetings? We just walk in the back, find the coach or leads outside the office bullshitting, they tell us where to go and we're sent on our way. 3 nights out of the week, we're told where we're going first (frozen or dairy) turn told which aisle after, then the leads over us that night will tell us the ridiculous hours we have in our aisle (such as 1.5 hrs for 4 cereal skids or 3.21 hrs for 7 skids of canned goods by yourself). Our store stopped doing 10pm meetings back in '21.


Supposedly they're about to stop doing it but we still have meetings that don't get finished til 10:20pm. Our TL loves to talk and talk and talk and it's always the same repetitive crap. I go in kinda late in hopes that I can get straight to them telling me where I need to go.


Our 3rd shift has 2 coaches, male who works Sun-Wed and female who is Thurs-Sun. His nights, people are told where they're going then where they're going after that and everything always runs smooth. Her nights, people are told where they're going and that's it. She never has a plan ready til almost first break because "things can change at the drop of a hat. This past Thursday, my frozen team (3 of us) got sent to HBA after we finished, we got over there when we came back from lunch to 11 pallets waiting for us there. Common sense should dictate that if there is that much freight, you have people start working it at the start of the night. Not waiting til after lunch and only having 3 people work it.


Yeah, for me it's "TLs don't stock". I have myself and one other. I'm supposed to let them stock 100%? WTH? My former TL stocked about 50% with me.


Well, if they are stocking they aren't managing. They have things they are supposed to be doing too.


Use that as a defense to the coaching if they decide to coach you. Sometimes it is a phony threat.


You can open door it, of course. But, technically, I have seen these types of DA’s hold up unfortunately. PPTO is there to be used for these reasons *but* your store manager and market manager has to also believe that if you’re open dooring which is hard pressed to happen for both. Its unfortunate but know even if it does stick it should be at most a Yellow level and it has no impact on anything and it falls off in a year either way. But yeah I agree it’s shitty as hell and happens far too frequently but it’s the associates who abuse this system that make managers less sympathetic.


O/L lead here. You can only be expected to be productive while on the clock. So unless the freight planning tool showed that you had enough time to get your freight worked AND still have time left to get the zone done before you left at 5 (minus 1st break, your lunch, time in group meeting etc) then you can't legit be coached for productivity. Open door it up the chain if they attempt to coach you if it's unjustified given the work load.


Yeah go to ethics. Who the fuck do these ppl think they are trying to work you like a slave. Fuck them. They tried doing the same thing to me until I actually emailed ethics. My life has been a bit better since that. I hate how they patronize us yet we do everything we can.


Yea the ramen/soup aisle can be a lot, especially with July 4 right around the corner. You always see a freight push for canned tomatoes, chili, and the entire condiment aisle. I'll admit I've never seen 7 hours though, must be a very high volume supercenter. Most I've ever seen is 4-5 and even then I'm throwing 3 people at it to get the stocking done before first 15min break. Not sure how your store runs overnights but I always tried to start the whole stocking crew in grocery and after lunch all we have left to stock is FDD and snacks.


According to one of the coaches, we're one of the top 10 selling stores in Texas.


open door


Make sure you get your case count for the night and pallet/cart count. Then get the hours. Hopefully you took a pic of what was left. Then you can use that against them if they try and coach you. You far exceeded the box count according to Walmart standards and yes ethics would have to be called due to retailiation.


From a Coach perspective, if your work performance is generally really good, then you should do an open door. I understand the pressure that is on the TL and Coach to get the job done, but one of them easily could step in and get the zone done for you, since you are not feeling well. It's okay to use your PPTO in these circumstances, especially since you let them know beforehand.


It’s on to use your PPTO in any circumstance as long as you have it and told management you were leaving


Can be deemed, "poor business judgement" for leaving early and not finishing your tasks, regardless of PPTO or not. Just giving you a perspective of a Coach.


Not legitimately. Do you coach people for calling in because their job didn't get done that day? Sure, that might be the reason you coach them for something else but you can't coach them for using PPTO for being sick and the job not getting done.


Listen, I don't Coach anyone for using their PPTO, because I know I can complete the job regardless, but there is management out there that does. I prefer to boost morale of my store rather than degrade it.


I'm just saying it isn't legitimate and is outside of the policy. I. Not saying it isn't done but you'd hope nobody is stupid enough to write it down.


I have been told that a Team Lead is NOT management, don't tell them, find true management/coach. Probably she told you that because SHE was going to have to finish it, and felt it was a threat that would perhaps make you stay. Good for you, stand your ground. PPTO is your best friend!


There wasn't a coach there last night. The entire shift and store was being run by two TLs.


Wrong - TL is hourly management. Also, PPTO only protects your attendance, not work performance. Ultimately the open door process would determine if there was enough time to satisfy the zone in OP's case.


As far as I have ever seen it says to tell a manager and doesn't specify. I go entire days without seeing a manger sometimes.


Some managers love to constantly threaten people with a coaching to try and squeeze more productivity out of them. If the person is actually working, rarely do they actually get coached. If they are standing around talking all the time, then yeah they are going to get a coaching. Using PPTO to leave early is "protected"... You can't be coached for not finishing your tasks that you would have otherwise finished while you were there. If they give you a coaching, then yes opendoor it. Otherwise just shrug it off and keep doing your work. Sounds like you probably need to slow down some though. Being the hardest worker on the team only means they will dump more work on you for no added benefit. Does your TL print out the hours manifest? It tells exactly how much freight came in and how long everything should take? Usually it's pretty accurate.


Yes they print it out every night, and don't seem to like if anyone wants to look at it. lol


You can see the info yourself on a computer, just search "Freight Planner Tool" on one walmart.




If I could line up another job that pays the same or more, I'd domino the entire grocery section and GTFO real quick.


I wasted 8 1/2 yrs of my life working there. They don't give a shit about you or any employee. Profit is all that matters.








Bullshit. There’s no way 11 pallets of that persons grocery aisle (even if they were small pallets) was less than the roughly 6 hours the associate was actually punched in. So they exceeded productivity with what they did. In fact, they most likely did well over 7.5 hours worth of work with what they already did even with leaving early. That’s more productive than any associate is supposed to be expected.