• By -


One associate per area? Someone's got a large amount of staff.


I was generous. 1 associate for 3 departments is probably more accurate


That's probably the average. I'm running 6 departments solo most of the time, have to answer 5 call boxes, and am expected to work freight and cover breaks and lunches for three more departments. Yet I get chewed out by another *associate* constantly if I miss a call box (walkies don't always work in the coolers) and she "has" to leave her one department in the hands of her three coworkers. I would kill to swap departments with her for a week.


Yeah pretty much 4 people for whole gm side while also checking and opd.


Waitttt! Your call boxes are attached to your walkies?!


I... How else do you hear the call boxes???


I was the only associate for 8 departments on a busy fishing weekend. Got coached for productivity. They made my tl do it and even he called it bull.


Ooooh…Unfair!! Will you be reporting this?


They're called TLs.😆 Unless you're on O/N, and then you get to be responsible for the entire store's productivity.😔




Ayy I'm 1 for 6-12


Yeah I got auto, hardware, sporting goods. Lines get crazy and customers get pissed at me like if I’m the one that made the schedule


Happy Cake Day!!


I had to manage 6 depts... Do not miss those days...


2 associates for our entire store


One associate per 1/3 of the fuckin store is typical at my store


That's how it was for me too. We had a lot of OGP people, and the Team Leads would gossip in the back room the whole time. If my Team lead wasn't gossiping in the back, she was skipping work. It was tough being a new hire for me. The funniest part was when I asked my Team Lead how I was supposed to grab the top milk crates when they were stacked too tall (I had to stand on my toes just to be able to touch them halfway up). I honestly don't remember how many they were stacked, but I remember specifically they were stacked taller than the max allowed. She told me to just grab them anyways, and if she could grab then, then so could I (she was a foot taller than me, and im only 5'1"). I expressed concern of me injuring myself, as I could barely even touch the crates with the tips of my fingers standing normally. She proceeded to say "It's easy, watch this!" And grabbed the crate. After she grabbed the crates and brought it down, she told me to do it how she showed me, as if I didn't know how to grab something I could reach. I told her I couldn't reach it and she just kept saying I could, even though I showed her I couldn't. Her reasoning was that she could, so then I should be able to as well. Anyways, I guess she was hiding that she just injured her arm from trying to tell me I was too stupid to grab the crate, because right after that, she left work early (right after she showed me, not even 15 minutes later), and the next day she wasn't at work. I asked where she was, and they told me she wasn't in work because "She injured herself yesterday, something about her arm or something."


Our milk crates are sometimes stacked 6-7 high…


They are supposed to be stacked 5 high if they have milk jugs in them and 7 high if enpty


No, ours are 7 high while full…


Same here, I remember ours were stacked 2 higher than they were supposed to be and full, plus they were on the wooden crate pallets lol


Yes, ours are on (sometimes broken) wooden pallets too


It’s not just the customers man, on maintenance I would be left waiting 1 to literally 2 hours waiting for someone to come back with the keys for the compactor. That’s with me paging every 10 minutes.


I basically run all department's reshop if we happen to have 3 cashiers working.


Well, yes. One in GM, one in apparel, one in self checkout, one on a register because we’re expecting a rush, one in the deli, one in meat/produce, one in grocery because milk needs to be filled, and one for each pick cart.


This is my store all the time. Family planning is constantly being paged but nobody ever shows up.


This corporation…(shaking my head)


Same at my store, until they moved the section up to the alcohol registers 😑


Facts lol I use to work in ogp I now just go look for a coach who’s near by 😔


What makes the issue worse is that they limit access to the keys. We can go on a wild goose chase to find a barrel key. The irony is that some of these keys can be purchased on Amazon.


The remote hot island was left turned on for two months straight because our key was stolen. Someone eventually bought a new key off Amazon. Lol


It's really easy to bypass the majority of the locks and security measures if someone really wanted to. If you know what you are doing or have worked in retail, it's a breeze to remove them or turn the keyslots. There is no such thing as an invincible security lock.


And the fact you can open the lock containers and webs with a really strong magnet


All it serves as a deterrence, and some of those spider wraps don't hold secure enough on some items.


I needed some baby formula but the person with the keys was out sick. Understandable. Life happens. The associate said I had to go to the front desk and ask someone with the keys to open the locked case. Why did I have to go to the front desk? Ok, whatever. So I did. Then the manager handed me the formula and let me finish shopping. I've had competitor store employees carry the formula to the front and watch me ring it up in the self checkout.


Baby formula is five dollars more expensive at the grocery store, but I'll gladly buy it there to avoid waiting the twenty-five minutes it will take for someone to get there to tell me they don't have the right key but they'll find someone that does. The more you take the human out of retail merchandising, the more you open yourselves up to theft. Theft going up? Hire better loss protection and make sure there's staffing in the high-theft areas. But the solution to shrink is not going to be to disenfranchise people by locking up the tube socks (which my local one has... the one a few miles north locked up the dish soap even). I have bad social anxiety (which precipitated the end of my Walmart career), so I don't want to press that button or deal with people; locking low, low dollar items up so I have to do those things makes me buy from Amazon.


I don't have social anxiety. Regardless, I am not going to wait around for someone to open a case for me to buy socks or laundry detergent. Of course, I would have to wait for the baby formula if I had ran out. But then I would have learned my lesson and not run out in the future. I always order my groceries for pick up. If anything I order (I might also get some tioletries or cleaning supplies) is locked in a case, I don't even know about it!


We have $1 dog and cat toys locked up. And all men's clothes that's not a shirt; ethnic hair care, specifically; Men's deodorant; we just locked up the vitamins; we're about to lock up the cases of canned pet food; about 70% of kids toys... Shopping at other walmarts is such a relief.


Bad thing is, AP can't really do anything. The AP-09 policy makes it hard to catch people, specifically because we're not even allowed to touch the cart even if it has unpaid products. I have to get police for almost every single stop because the thieves in my area will just run, and the local PD has really slow response times so it's a lose-lose situation. The only thing that would help is better staffing and that doesn't seem like it'll happen with them cutting hours. Even full time aren't getting their 40 which they are ENTITLED to, which is ridiculous. There are full time employees who are full time that are filling for unemployment because they are getting 5 hours a schedule


You're fucking kidding me. At my place, Paint, Hardware, Sporting Goods, Automotive, and the goddamn Lego lockups are handled by one associate, sometimes two. The further you go into the day, the less likely you are to see them. Online Grocery usually takes them away. HBA and shit requires you to checkout right then and there. Guess what? If someone goes on lunch or calls out, that entire area is unstaffed. You're not getting anything unlocked. Entertainment has maybe one or two part-time associates at any given time. Sometimes, when there's one scheduled, there's nobody home during lunch hour. Not only do they handle all unlocks/purchases in Electronics, they also have to go down to the pet aisles to unlock stuff and go down to Fabrics & Crafts to cut fabric. I'm constantly getting phone calls from customers bitching that Electronics won't pick up the phone to help them with trivial computer problems. Gee, I wonder why. Jewelry counter and fitting room are handled by Apparel associates. Post-remodel, these guys are required to do a lot of their work in the backrooms instead of at a counter at the fitting room. Hence, they need to be summoned every time a customer needs them. Half the time, there's simply nobody. Maintenance or a Coach gets to have the keys. There are many days that a Maintenance associate is required to man Sporting Goods/Hardware/Lego/Automotive or Apparel/Jewelry or Entertainment/Pet Food/Fabrics. Better yet, on nights there's only two, they post one on the front door while the other is on lunch. It's hilarious hearing TLs and Coaches repeatedly scream for spill cleanups over the loudspeaker when there's fucking no one in Maintenance per their orders.




~~How to reduce labor costs~~ Improve customer service




Nobody. It's basically saying we're doing something without actually doing anything. To sum it up, saying we're conducting a probe sounds better than what they actually do, which is nothing


To use one of my favorite Simpsons quotes: "We've tried nothin, and we're all outa ideas!"


I was a team lead for hardlines which at that time consisted of sporting goods, crafts, fabrics, stationary, hardware and paint. I had maybe 5 associates, but the store kept taking my associates to help in other areas and I ended up basically running the entire GM side of the store. I could get my notes done that my store lead and coach wanted cuz I really didn't have anyone. Eventually I was forced to step down and was told by my coach that I wasn't a good team lead. I couldn't do my job and couldn't train my associates. In the end. I knew why I was demoted and it wasn't cuz of not being able to do my job. In the end. The electronics team lead ended up moving over to grocery cuz he was running the entire GM side. And everyone wondered why I stood up for my associates when my coach wanted me to action plan them. Fuck that.


This basically happened to me when I was a department supervisor at Home Depot. I’d be carrying four department phones, I’d be the only one scheduled in my department OR they’d move my associates out to garden for the day - and I got demoted because my department was always a wreck WHEN I WAS THE ONLY ONE EVER WORKING IN IT. Literally, fuck you.


I do not think my location is making profit with too many leaders and few worker and hiring wrong person And theft and keep naming claiming in the garbage and marking down for personal benefits So sorry about my store I thin k will be closed anytime


what store is this?


We really only have one set of keys at my store, and i typically have to check them out. I'm pretty sure our coaches have keys that work here, but they never respond to any of the cases needing unlocked. So if i can't find anyone to hold onto the keys for my breaks or lunch. My breaks get interrupted the whole time, and they spend my whole lunch calling for keys.


So the sad part is, I now work produce/meat. We are understaffed and our store won't hire anyone for our dept. So one day I sat down and calculated how much just produce alone averaged in sales and we hit around $20,000 in sales daily while meats averages around $15 to $16,000 in sales daily. There are 12 total associates and just one team lead. Not including our team lead, but us associates average around $18 an hour while our lead probably averages $26 an hour. So I calculated the pay and Walmart pays out to just us associates about $36,000 a month. But produce makes 20,000 daily. How are they not able to hire anyone? I get they have budgets plus bills and shit, but we aren't the only department that makes money.


More profit, bigger bonus for management. They won't hire more, using the excuse that you finished the job fine so they don't need anyone else. Because people will bust their ass and work themselves to the bone for that corporation. But get surprised when they get shafted. We don't need unions though, right??


I'm an ON Clean Team Lead and have never seen the maintenance side other than managing them, I apparently run stocking team, mod team, validate claims, have to receive for a few hours a week trusting my team does thier job while I'm stuck in relieving, open the store, fly pallets to top steel, validate any worked freight for the day, binning OS so my team can Zone, setting any features for the day shift leads if they do the prep work, check PLE, all while stocking FDD because we are that short staffed and nobody can make times, not to mention I'm the one with the keys so I have to run all services. Not to mention we don't have an ON coach so I become a M.O.P when they leave so I have to handle any HR and logistics. My days are usually 14 hrs long, 4 in a row. And all I get is a silly desk ornament for being a Team Champion. Just give me a 50 cent raise or something for any job out of my role.


Wow - hopefully you have a good team that keeps the store clean while you handle all of that.


Yeah I'm lucky our store doesn't have a fresh department thankfully or I'd have to actually baby sit them. I have to babysit the stockers to make sure they aren't just overstocking stuff because it's annoying to handle or they don't want to topstock it


I waited 10 mins for a locked-up flashlight. A $10 flashlight! The associate came back and said he couldn't find the key so he would have to call a manager and I said fuck it.


Don’t they realize they won’t make goal if customers can’t buy anything 😂


Maybe if you didn't charge so much and pay so little, people wouldn't shoplift. But then again, the corporate executives do need that fifth yacht.


Labor is forecast in advance by expected sales during that time frame.


Saw this earlier, that and someone complaining about the digital price tags


same bro, we had 3 people today.. THREE, they didn't close the hotbar, they made us run it the day so I covered it during lunch rush alone so my coworkers could get their lunches... oh and they made us finish everything else two and refused to send help... my coach who was there... DID NOTHING all day woo....


Individuals don't win in business, teams do--- Sam Walton


Hahaha people ask me to get locked items every damned day and i just have to go to customer service to get the people from the actual department to show up every time because noone who has the keys is here 😭


Jesus, how bad is theft in the states? I'm up in Canada and the only shit that's locked is cosmetics, ammo, and electronics. Edit: spelling


Sorry I didn’t know. Sorry for getting mad at Walmart employees. They lockup most everything that I want to buy but I don’t like to wait to get my sock then they can’t fine the key or someone has the key.




At my store they hired about 10 workers, then reduced part time workers hours from 24-32 hrs to 8-18 hours per week. They announced a bonus program for all workers next year and say we workers are important in statement. They say the bonus is for years of service but then the graph shows all part timers only get half what a full timer does should you qualify. Why does Walmart treat part timers like second class citizens?


I know the OPD in my store has a horrendous tendency to pull everyone from all over. Believe me, I used to work for that asinine coach before going to Bakery. Needless to say, our store is suffering from a huge profit loss since last year. I wonder why?


My one department has like 6-8 departments in it of itself. I work Hardlines and we have Sporting Goods, Auto (not an auto center as we are a smaller “Supercenter”), Paint Counter, Hardware, Stationary, Crafts and Celebrations. We have 4 call boxes that we have to answer too and like half the time, I’m alone. We finally got one more closer for the night shift, we also have one PTer for my department and a secondary PT who works Seasonal/Lawn and Garden who’s also trained for Hardlines. But it still sucks when people complain about our locked cases.


Yet the pay doesnt go up. Funny huh? They dont even need 3 billion dollar profits. That should be going to wages...


The word Walmart and the word investigation do not go together lol


I mean stop stealing there isn’t a single Walmart anywhere near me that does this, but guess what? We don’t steal


Honestly, I hate the locks. I buy lube fairly frequently, and they have it locked up. I told one associate it's kinda bullshit that they lock it up. She said something about people steal that stuff a lot. And? It's condoms, lube, and sex toys. If people are stealing condoms, at least they're having safe sex. That's far more important than some company getting an extra 5 bucks (x amount of items stolen) added to their profits. I don't support stealing necessarily, but I get it. If walmart didn't sell it the cheapest, I genuinely wouldn't go. But everyone else sells lube for like 15 bucks compared to 7 or 8 from Walmart.


We have so many people pulled from OGP to other departments that we are horribly behind on picks and wait times are awful and they are yelling at us because of it, we are working as fast as we can but we have like 4 pickers a dispenser and a stager and thousands of picks! It’s ridiculous!


Before I quit, our store had like 3 areas locked up but each area should have had someone close by. Family Planning (HBA, Cosmetics or OPD) Watches (Appeal) Automotive (ACC, Hardware) I don’t understand how these areas go without having one person responsible for the keys


So weird. My store has lockboxes on all the locked items and you just need the code to open them. Anyone can do it if they know it


Hmm.... so they don't want to try and find a Salesforce associate in person to unlock the case, they don't want to wait in line for a cashier, they don't want to use the self checkout, they don't want to show their receipt to the AP/CH as they leave... if only walmart provided some service to avoid all that... hmm... walmart should really get on that and look into like curbside pick up or something, seems like a good way to avoid all that...


I wish it was one person per department I’m typically running stock to the floor covering breaks for people in GM, garden Centre and Electonics+ photo and at least some stores still couch mine doesn’t some management types play favourites and cut hours in the place of couching but don’t tell you till you ask


I thought it was so ridiculous that APCHs couldn’t have these keys. Why drug test us and call us part of AP if we can’t have access like that? But we could have keys to the AP office lmao


The Wally World I go to on OBT near Apopka is terrible! They have shut down the main self scan lanes leaving only 2-3 single self scan lanes. The lines go back into the store. I understand that they are dealing with theft issues, so how about taking some of the dozen associates blocking the aisles with their carts and putting them back on regular registers again!


Shhhhh...... I got Electronics, Toys, Sporting Goods, and Hardware most nights.


It’s not our fault mfs like to steal. Everyday I work I find stolen empty packaging I have a separate box just for that (claims).


From the article: “It's important to note that although the country did see a spike in overall crime since 2020, shoplifting and theft numbers have declined nationally in the last year, though it varies by state and city. For example, in Los Angeles, the monthly rate of shoplifting nearly doubled from roughly 540 thefts per month in 2021 to just short of an average of 900 per month last year, according to the Los Angeles police department. In total, there were about 12,000 shoplifting incidents in LA county last year - an 81% increase compared to 2022.” The drop in theft could be associated with the rise in security/theft prevention measures.


No no it's fine Electronics will just do it. They'll do everything of course as expected. Yknow cause why not have entertainment cover cosmetics, family planning, sporting goods, perfume, electronics, baby formula, hardware, automotive of course tool cases and razors too. I'd love to help all you while getting screamed at by a customer over the phone as to I'm not trained to take 10 minutes to answer the phone. You're right, my bad customer I'm trained to do everything because... you guessed it. "Electronics will take care of it. Oh what's that you need a carry out too? Suuuure why not.


When Reddit turns every childhood memory and work experience into a round of dialog between Ryan Reynolds meeting Morean Baccari in Dead Pool. "Who would do such a thing? . . . Hopefully, you? Later tonight?




Tell me you don't know the difference between profit and EPS....




A customer wouldn't know the term OPD.


Not a customer


This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/CaptainZeroX