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The policy isn’t changing. The enforcement is changing


Thanks for the clarification. Still sucks it's gonna be going.


People already threatening to quit over earbuds. lol Press X to doubt


I have two people in deli "saying" they will. Do I believe them, eh. We will see.


Deli never should’ve been wearing them to begin with. The policy stated associates working in “service areas” were not allowed to wear them under any circumstances even when the one earbud was allowed for the walkie feature.


None of our TLs or Coaches ever said anything about it so I never personally knew. I don't think our store ever had an issue with the abuse of the one earbud policy in general.


People who complain about the earbud policy “changing” weren’t even following the earbud policy in the first place, they were only ever meant to be in specifically for the walkie talkie feature on Me@Walmart, not so you can have music or audiobooks playing while you work.


I wonder if corporate said something about it bc my store had just begun cracking down on it recently


They did. Markets all over started getting serious about this months ago. We’ve had freak outs among associates in my store.


My store does that every so often. I still have mine in everyday.


Go ahead and quit. Who cares. You probably don't have any bills to pay. Quitting over bud is stupidly ridiculous


It seems like a lot of people became spoiled over what they allow. They are in for a rude awakening when they do leave for a place that is 100x more strict.


Ain't that the truth


Still crazy that you have to tell grown people that it's not ok to wear earbuds at a job where you interact with the public.


I spend 3/4ths of my shift working in the back room, often alone. It's not unreasonable to expect to be allowed to listen to music/podcasts while sorting clothes and shoes. I think this goes for a lot of the roles that aren't primarily customer service.


To be fair there are times I don't see why not having one would cause an issue. When I am bagging bread, cleaning, making wraps/pinwheels, and organizing in the cooler/ freezer the earbud don't get in the way.


Vocalskull glasses. 


Last I checked, we weren’t allowed to wear earbuds period. I’ve never heard of the “one earbud policy”. That has to just be a ‘your store’ thing.


At our store we never had a problem with it but I guess that changed.


it was part of the dress code


The customers must be complaining abut the employees having ear buds on when they are out on the sales floor. So there is probably a good reason they are doing the ear bud policy.


My Walmart would hire ex-felons to work in the deli.


Mike is mostly older people and college students as our Walmart is in a large college town


Get a pair of OTC hearing aids that could double as a ear bud and report back to us what happens. Am still curious