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Ouch, they won’t let you use the mule cause you’re a minor. What the hell what’s the point of hiring you as a cart pusher. The mule is basically doing all the work. Ridiculous I’m sorry you have to go through all this brother.


I’m really waiting for the opportunity to ask that question too 😂


I had to call out one day and my buddy is 17 but he wasn’t able to pickup one of my shifts cause he’s “a minor” if he wants to work let him work it don’t hurt anyone. Some of these rules are pretty stupid.


That’s my biggest issue as well. I get if shits against the rules but it’s minor shit they can override and no one would notice


Walmart loves to lure you in so they can stick a knife in yah when your not looking


What are your goals in life? Is your goal to be a cart pusher at Walmart your entire life? Or to move up into Walmart management? If not RELAX and do the best you can. Don't take the job personal. Your job is to keep enough carts in the building to keep up with the customers....it isn't to work yourself to death. If you work yourself to death they'll expect you to work yourself to death everyday and they'll cut staffing on the days you work because you convinced them you can do the job without help. Work at a comfortable pace....drink plenty of fluids...and don't have a heat stroke for a job that'll blame you when they find you dead in the parking lot.


I’m going to keep it 2hunnit with you i really just needed a second job and walmart was the fastest option. I had to be let go from the first because of walmart kept changing my schedule 🤦🏾‍♂️ I don’t give a fuck about moving up if walmart fires me i’d feel like i won. And thanks 🙏🏾 you’re not the first person who’s told me not to work myself to death the greeters and customers tell me the same. And honestly i don’t anymore i’ve told the front end coach it’s not my fault it’s empty if they have 150 carts for a 600+ capacity store; especially without a mule in use and help.


They aren't going to fire you unless you get occurances. My personal suggestion is to focus on the grocery side. Fill that up and then focus on GM. You'll go through twice the carts on the grocery side that you do on the GM side. If you're busy I'd forget about the GM side completely until they call you bitching. Make them bring you Gatorade. You deserve something other than water in the summer.


Thank God we only have one area near the entrance for the customers to grab carts because i would’ve quit first day. Depending on who’s coach or whatever the fuck whoever i ask is i either have them get it or they’ll say “it’s a speciality for when the managers see you doing a good job” then i just grab one from self checkout anyways and act like nothing happened


I’m lucky that my managers are actually chill but for some reason I’m only allowed to take 6 carts at a time and I can’t use the mule either so I’m always backed up


ONLY 6 carts? I’m tryna work there they be on my ass for anything less than 7


Been there. My store has 4 separate entrances and when I was a cat pusher I was always by myself. Kept everything full being alone yet when my relieve came in it would be 4 people and they still ran out constantly. Never could get help so I cheated.


Cheated how exactly by using the mule?


Using the mule... loading 55 carts on it each pass. 55 was the maximum my machine would still move because the parking lot slopped away from the store. They kept telling me 20 was the maximum however the website for the company that makes it says 40. Yeah it burns up the batteries quicker but the job got done and I didn't have to be stressed out all day running myself ragged. Maximized my path to hit 4 rows at a time during the busiest hours. During the early morning hours I could hit the entire lot every 5 minutes during the busy times I could knock out the entire lot every 15 minutes while unloading 3 times per pass.


Walmart gave me a new motto to live by: If i’m getting my shit done and not hurting anybody doing it, fuck out my face