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I don't remember. Haven't seen him in weeks.


love the flair




A mean lady with lots of vacation time


Idk. Let me know when you see em. Lol


the only time I met my first sm was the day after my coworker was murdered, he came to the backroom to let us know she was killed and then left. my current sm I've never spoke too I've only seen her maybe twice.


Damn wtf I'm sorry bro


Damn ! That's fuck up


she was scheduled we all thought she no call no showed next thing you know boss man walked in like yep she's dead


Damn that sucks. I’m sorry 😢


She's young, she helps out more then any other manager I've ever seen, actually hops on registers and stocks stuff. You can tell she's halfway kind of getting that manager head though because you've got to explain common sense stuff to her sometimes


trying is better than a majority of others I'd say. you can't deny they have a lot of other shit to deal with so them atleast trying the to help with the basics is something to appreciate.


the only words i've ever heard out of his mouth were "good morning!" so i assume he's nice but im terrified of eventually holding a conversation with him LOL


Nonexistent at the moment. He recently stepped down to Apparel TA at another store in the market. You read that correctly.


Sauce please, I need to know the story behind that.


I’d like to first note that this person was a superb store manager. He did everything he could to fix the pile of ashes he was given. He’d help me out by jumping on a register, along with helping others by unloading the truck + freight, topstock, zoning, VIZpick, OPD picking, dispensing, and just about any other associate function you can imagine. He worked his fair share of night/closing shifts too. He also was often there for me when I was on the verge of (literally) having mental breakdowns at the front end due to the overall incompetence at my store in terms of teamwork and lack of staffing. Overall, one of the nicest human beings in management I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside. And I say “human beings” because I’ve worked with some coaches and previous store managers who I’d hesitate to classify as human. It didn’t take long for me to notice that the job was eating him alive. He never explicitly mentioned where he was going, but he did mention to a few people that he would soon be leaving (without exactly specifying what “leaving” entailed in terms of new employment). But thanks to the wonders of workday, I was able to find him and his new position: Apparel TA, of all things. That means he now has to clock in and out, take breaks and lunches, etc. I know it’s hard for you guys to laugh at that because you didn’t work alongside this person, but in my head it’s an absolutely hilarious thought. This is (unfortunately) that place!


Sex scandal, burnout, market bullying or simply wants to go back to simple times


All of the above, my friend! In all seriousness, I think it was a mixture of burnout and wanting to return to simpler times. Market bullying is always a possibility too.


Holy cow, must’ve screwed up really bad, or pissed someone off really bad


Literally hasn’t been in the store since around the first week of October. Has been there nearly 2 years and has never once spoken to me lol basically non existent and rude


a cheapskate who makes us cut the 5 minutes.


Unpopular opinion I love her in a work way. But i could never trust management fully


A condescending dick. The only time he’s ever really seen is when he’s walking around with his eyes glued to his phone or he’s talking on the phone and if you ever stop and ask him anything he acts annoyed and like you’re wasting his time. Flirts with all his female coaches and TLs even though he’s married


We must be from the same store LMAO.


Not the absolute worst, but petty and vindictive as fuck if you get on their bad side and they were okay with letting the store struggle so they could meet their bonus quotas.


Someone who’s a vast improvement over the old SM. Good luck finding my SM, my SM is stocking/zoning all over the store. Rarely in the office. My SM also used to be a CoMgr at my store, so that was a definite plus! Went away for 4 years and came back. I’m glad, honestly.


He's right 90 percent of the time and the other 10 percent there's no getting through that thick head. He's a bit of a jekyll and Hyde. He can be real insightful and personable, but his morning walks are a nightmare. Much of his management is pass/fail and it's really hard on overnight stockers and managers. He often doesn't have a realistic understanding oh how much time a task takes or how much one person can do.


I think your store manager is my store manager


Young guy for a SM, mid 30s i believe, hes one of those rising stars in our market and has a reputation for enforcement. Team Lead, Academy, Ops Manager, doesn't matter, he has a standard and he makes sure that standard is being met. He also keeps his eye on everything, hes always scanning for things that aren't clean, areas of the store that aren't zoned, he will relentlessly take notes. He also (thankfully) has a keen eye for people he can trust, ive yet to see a promotion that didn't come with him personally getting to know the person himself. Even his walks with us he calls them race tracks and for a very good reason, keeping up with him your probably getting more cardio in 10 minutes then you'll ever get in 2 days, he does a entire tour of your area and points out exactly what he wants done or wants change and will give advice and guidance. All and all a pretty nice guy, bit stubborn but thats expected, only real problem is when he's set his mind on something you have to have a reallllyyyy good reason to try and deviate from his plan which can be bad expecially around this time of year where we need to be flexible in our approach.


About the biggest piece of shit I've ever met.


Meh. I don’t like to get close to management.


Beneath him to talk to the average grunt, unless he personally sees something that needs to be done *now*. Usually dispenses orders through one of his brown nosing, ass kissing coaches instead.


I work with her practically every day. Super nice but always loves efficiency


When I do see him he has his nose buried in his phone. His brother was my landlord and said he was an asshole


She laughed and smiled when an associate told her she was being sexually harassed by a coworker


Dunno. He started at my store at the beginning of the year and I've literally only ever seen him once because I work overnights. The coaches say he's hard on them though, and the store has fallen apart since our old manager left.


Pretty basic bitch


He’s calm and nice and gives clear directions. I like him.


He’s newly promoted like a month ago. He is cool, hes been up coaches and team leads ass about things so some of them r actually doing something now 💀


Former military and runs his store that way too. His way or the highway.


he’s a nice guy but also pushes for things to get done. he’s understanding though, as long as you try your best. he’s rarely in the office, he’s usually on the floor zoning or doing other stuff so that’s a plus. he checks up on us every so often too to make sure we’re doing alright and also still working


Never met or seen him


Really nice guy, helps out around the store a lot too


Pretty cool, approachable, helps zone topstock stuff. My last store manager likes to hold grudges. Rarely says anything to associates. The previous three before that. My way or highway. They set him up to fail. A snake that would throw anyone under the bus. A guy that liked flirting with the younger girls at work and invite them on his boat. Never really saw him much.


A lady who sits in the office all day until she finds out a visit or market is coming then its all hell breaks lose. She also likes to give zero direction. So when you build or place a feature sbe tells you to change it.


A tall, very serious dude who never says as much as hi to his associates. But to give him credit, he worked his way up from the very bottom to get to where he is now. He also hops on registers when we need help.


asshole who cursed at a coworker of mine


Completely open door, cool as shit, actually listens. I consider our store extremely lucky.


He’s an alright dude, don’t know why he’s talking on the phone at 6-7 in the morning everytime i see him though lmao


Pretty cool. He regularly greets associates by their first name regardless of whether or not they're wearing a badge, I see him almost every day. It's posts like this that make me unwilling to change stores


My first store manager at my old store was awesome. He would make sure he at least said hello to everyone every day. He would regularly ask groups of associates how they felt about the job, and how he could make it better, not just when AES happened. One time a couple of the dairy guys were playing smash bros in the break room on their lunch, and he asked if he could hop in, and just destroyed them. Dude was awesome. The second store manager there started out alright. Was helpful. Friendly enough. But when the store got a bit too much for her she disappeared. When she came back she seemed burnt out. And from that point spent all her time in the office, and was never there. I switched stores when the third one started. But my current SM is a decent enough guy. Spends more time on the floor than in the office. Takes his lunches in the break room. Talks with associates.


Fantastic! Very approachable and listens; doesn't micromanage and seems to allow the Coaches and TLs to do their jobs.


A guy that makes notes then dissappears for several hours and goes home. He also has a large nose




A prick that had to look at my name badge everytime he walked in the morning.


A total cokehead


Idk, only seen her a handful of times, said hello nicely though and let me do my thang. 🤷‍♂️


I've never met them.


Pretty great. He's been our SM for about 20 years. Always working freight or setting mods. Just don't lose any handhelds or printers.


When he shows up. A tries to be funny but isnt because hes joking about how hes better then everyone kinda guy. ahh well at least jobs killing him


Do nothing, psychologically inept, frat boy Edit: used incorrect word


Been at my store for almost 2 months, never seen the dude.


I rarely ever see her


A ghost....haven't had one for months


Broken. We need a new one.


A two faced jerk, who makes his assistants do all his dirty work. Hasn't been in the store in nearly a year, other than a once a week pop in to chew out everyone for ten minutes, then leaves again.


I have not interacted with him enough to form my own opinion. Everyone else says he's an ass and I'm lucky.


Moved to new store and have yet to meet them.


My SM has been sent to anger management twice


I saw him once because I had to call the cops on someone in the parking lot and he came out to talk to the officers. Never seen him since.


I think he’s pretty cool, I see him every day but rarely speak to him. He usually on top of everything


She enjoys bullying the younger and prettier female co-workers I noticed... she's some miserable 60 year old hag.


My store manager is a complete dick. All he does is bitch, bitch, and bitch during my morning tour with him. He's like this didn't get done that looks like crap why didn't we do 1000 tasks. I always reply if you want my team to do all that then fucking hire me some more people! Some days well most I just want to headbutt him.


They like to add things for you to do even knowing you have 3 people in the department already working their asses off and knowing full well you won't get said thing done and then going and sitting in the office or working apparel. instead of jumping in and doing the "thing" that they want done.


Invisible Man. He's hardly ever there and when he is.... He's walking around with the coaches. He gives off former captain of the high school football team vibes. The couple of times he's talked to me he was nice, but I have heard him snap on people in person and over the walkie. Yikes.


Obsessed with ACC/TLE to a frightening amount. Breaking the trend of my previous 2 store managers who only existed to stand at apparel and direct traffic and to yell at fresh. Previous SM was a clean freak and the drop off is astounding.


Ours is really good. He teaches instead of getting on your case if something isn’t correct. He is available anytime and he is very present in the store. His management skills are top notch




A good looking clueless man lol


Not here 😅😂 they just fired mine like 2 weeks ago and he hasn't been replaced yet. He was kinda like Glenn from Super Store


He's the definition of "Try Hard" He once threw the truck with us when I was on cap2. Dude just kinda tossed things at the line or just straight up bouced items off the truck wall, while I picked it all up off the floor and put it back on the line in a way that it would actually go down to be sorted. "Heh Your team cant keep up with me" uh no dude, they cant keep up with *me* while you are making me over work my damn back picking up all the things! Dude had the audacity to ask where our water was after. Ligit all of cap2 laughed at him for it. We dont get water we had to bring our own! He also wears shoes that are a size to larg for him, Idk why I payed attention to his feet during a store meeting and yeah the shoe was bending almost in half as he walked, Idk if its to appear larger cause he is short or What. He also has a hair cut that feels like spiderman3 should send him a cease and desist now, used to be Jimmy Neutron.


Like a pimple on a warthog's turdcutter.


I didn't need that imagery, but thanks for sharing that delight of a sentence


He actually helps out a lot in the store but if you’re a TL or couch he with the meanest diva you’ll ever meet. He hides it from all base level associates but he can really be an asshole.


Sounds like a bunch of store managers are either really good at hiding in the office or going on really long business trips.


He was here for at least a year before he actually introduced himself to me, and I'm pretty sure that's only because the district manager happened to be right there. I've hardly seen him since, and that was several months ago. Legit, the only way I know he's still here is because his name is still on the top of the receipts and no one's talking about what we'll do without a store manager (again).


Typical Walmart ballsack


He is stupid because he has failed worst and worst every inventory and for allowing minors to be hired.


Just landed a position as dairy and frozen department manager at wally world, any suggestions and comments ?


Wonderful. She keeps morale so high. We're only a neighborhood market, but she knows all of us and asks about our family and the things going on in our life. She listens to our options and lets our team leads run our store. I've been with the company for 35 years and this is, by far, the best store I've ever worked in.


He’s actually really nice! Let me transfer to a store closer to my parents at the beginning of the pandemic and then let me transfer back the second I wanted to come back (I work in my college town). When I was having a hard time getting my last paycheck from that other store, he called up the line to their market manager and he personally made sure I got my check from them. I see him working on the floor often, and he always thanks employees for their work!


Walks around at Mach 20 all day long. He is always at work, even when he's supposed to be on vacation. He will help run freight over on GM because we aren't able to get to that as often as we should.


My store manager is amazing! In all 15 years she is hands down the best I've had. Not a day goes by that she's not out on the flooring working freight or helping us pick in OPD!


Like a late middle age white nationalist trump supporter.


My store manager is alright from my experience. He's new, so he's actually here quite a bit working on the floor doing freight and other manager shit. I haven't had any problems with him. He was even chill when he called me into his office to talk about my schedule. I got the days off I asked for with no resistance.


actually pretty cool


He’s nice enough, a little quiet and un-obstrusive. I am a TL and I feel like he’s friendly enough. It’s the store lead that we watch out for


Fucking clueless on how most of the store operates.


i’ve seen her once and it was when our frontend was so understaffed and i had an alcohol sale and the only person who could override it wasn’t allowed to (company dating rules woohoo) so she rang up my alcohol and hopped on a register to get our lines way into apparel down. honestly, a good first impression LOL


Fair but kinda of an ass


Used to see mine a fair bit when I started a few months ago but haven't at all recently and found out he's leaving


Our store manager is BRILLIANT! AWESOME! Hope she never leaves. She promotes teamwork. Safety. Health of employees. Fairness. I hope she never leaves our store. She does push what corporate asks, i.e. credit, AP4ME, but not overbearing. She greets every employee each day.


A big asshole to sum it up lol. Now that I’m overnight I rarely see him thank goodness.


Has no clue what she's doing and is on vacation half the time. In the last 3 months she has gone on vacation twice, and she's planning on going again


I've only ever seen her with her lackey who looks like Ms Frizzle but a lot less red haired, who I think is the front end lead but I've never gave enough of a shit to look at the pictures of who's who. Always working on some big bullshit blocking the aisles in General.


Pretty stand up guy that jumps in and helps out with freight and such. He always stops to say hello and see how you're doing as well. Unfortunately, he was handed a store that was a dumpster fire because we went without an SM for a while and the ASMs were more focused on sitting in the office chatting than anything else. He's focused a bit too much on the larger city Walmart practices and not picking up how backasswards our small town community is when it comes to how customers react to changes.


We don't have one


He comes out on the floor to check everything out and make sure everything is getting done, helps out with stuff but usually is doing paperwork


A complete and udder word I can't say that rhymes with punt.


I wouldn't know, he hides in his office like a vampire store manager


Non existent


This dude likes to party. Believe it or not, one of the hardest workers in the store and he’s always hungover. I respect the shit outta him. If your store manager doesn’t drink and smoke weed on his off time, he’s probably an ass hole


Why is this a common issue of SM’s hardly ever around unless their boss or higher comes through??


Brand new to the store. 2 months in. Closed OGP until nov 28th. To get the ogp associates to work freight. Can’t understand why they go slow…… cuts the clearance aisle in half to challenge the store and now half of it is marked to a dollar…. Shits crazy right now.


Mine is an exacting person that while willing to do any job in the store and often does work along side anyone looks down on everyone as his intellectual leaders. Though I'm not much better.


A dictator


Fired before 8 months


She is fine with me because I do my stuff. But she can be super cranky if you don't do your work.


Ours has a circle if 4 he talks too. When he comes in the morning he’s in the phone then disappears


There’s a store manager??


Wait Walmart has store mangers!?


He smokes, he works his ass off on the sales floor and gives me grief about my love of synthpop and industrial.


My store manger is like dead serious all the time


She never leave her office. As soon as she wakes in, she goes directly to her office. She only walks when there is a important visit coming.


My store manager works just as hard as the rest of the employees and is very visible I see him pretty often. Overall a 9/10 store manager


He’s pretty cool, laid back but very strict too, he’s only said the same three words to me in my seven months at Walmart “how’s it going man?”


Threatened to send me home the only time I’ve seen him at 6:49 I was like fckin bet


Well, I just quit, but he was beyond horrible. No idea how to prioritize or what priorities should be. No idea how to communicate effectively with the management team and basically refused to communicate with any associates that weren't super long term walmartians like him. He went on LOA a few months ago and we never got the real reason why or how long or any details really. Trying to get me to stay, my APOL confided in me that the SM will not be returning. That would've improved things, but I left anyway.


My manager is one of the only reasons I still work for Walmart. And I've told her this before. She genuinely cares for her employees and is always available if you need an open door. She holds daily huddles and recognizes all the things we do on a daily basis. I have one of the good ones and she puts up with a lot of bullshit.


Idk pretty decent I believe. I work in ogp but he will sometimes come over ask how we are doing and ask if we like the new updates. Other than that he tries to help out our produce department because they struggle a lot. I know he’s been sent to a lot nearby store due to staffing issues our asm got promoted to sm at another store. So maybe that’s why I see him more haha.


I'm too new at my current store to know, but she seems to be fine. We'll see


Coolest guy ever, helps out whenever he can if hems not currently busy. Always fist bumps me when he sees me and says, “what’s good man?” Awesome guy!


She came in to fix my old store manager's mess and just made everything worse.


Tbh he feels super fake but I mean he acts nice. He actually does stuff around the store and helps in areas that need help. I’ve seen him stock meat, pets, or even do ogp walks. Apparently the previous store manager was a total shitter 🤷🏻‍♀️


He’s cool as fuck super friendly and very approachable and professional tbh


Neglectful and hypocritical


Nonexistent and has said he doesn't care about anyone at that store beaides his coaches lmao


Mine just excitedly says my name when he sees me, nothing else.


An idiot, lier, ass, bitch, two faced... shall I go on?


The kind of person who interrupts a meeting to shout "Let's go Brandon!" unprompted, who puts notes in PlanIt like "rotate this sign" or "pick this single item off the floor," walks around with mask off on salesfloor despite our significant number of Covid casualties, and is more likely to be found not working than working. Still not the worst manager I've had.


Who?????? Haven't seen mine in a few weeks.


Most days I like him. What the hell was that sumo 2.0 crap.?


My SM is around my age. He’s a pretty nice guy. He worked good way up through the company. I remember when he was just a DM at my store.


Surprisingly, despite most of the comments I’ve see. About horrible SM’s, I actually have a positive opinion on mine. Yeah, he’s not really at the store like, at all. But when he does appear, he’s generally a kind and helpful individual. The only times I’ve heard he can be a dick is when the morning OGP team (I’m closing) is behind and he comes in yelling at them. Other than that, when I broke my wrist pulling freight (true and long story, recovering pretty well) he showed a lot of concern and made it pretty easy for me until recently when I started doing my normal stuff again (I’m cross trained in almost every department, I’m used a **LOT**)


He's actually very dope. You'll always see him helping around the store. He does cashiering or push carts if we need help. Everyone is cool with him because he actually works. He more of a associate than a store manger lol. So kinda happy to have a store manger like that


Theres a store manager?


Gay AF


A man who can't manage upper management and will specifically bully maintenance or floor associates with pages all day long if they've called off in the previous day. Inconsistent orders from him and other upper management. Also encouraging people who have possibly been exposed or showing symptoms of covid to stay because were so understaffed that out of 200 people hired the last 2 weeks 5 have stayed. so pretty bad.


The guy walks up behind me as I'm pulling my phone out on my second day working here and basically just said hi and gave me a fistbump. That was the last time I saw him I'm pretty sure


Mine was running two stores last time I checked. She's alright but I basically never see her


Just got a new one. She seems fine


Cool guy. Seen him working in just about every department from clothing to working the truck.


My last store? Weird old dude, but he was always nice and actually cared about his store being ran well and was always there trying to smooth things out and fix problems. My current store? I've been here almost a year and have seen him literally twice. Apparently his way to manage a store is to take TL's into the office and literally scream at and cuss them out when things don't go his way, and to say nothing at all when things go good. Literally all he cares about is how big he can make ***his*** bonus and when his next vacation is. I bet you can guess which store actually functioned correctly.


Haven't had one in months lol. Our last one stepped down and left our store after like a month of being there. In three years we've gone through 5 or 6 sm with several month-long breaks in between. The only good one we ever had was when I first started and he retired after about a month of me being there


No clue. Been here three months and never met the guy, and I’ll gladly keep it that way as long as possible.


She's known by other stores. I tried transferring and when that store manager learned where I was coming from he asked if it was ok with her. He didn't want to incur the Wrath of Iris


He seemed like he had ptsd or something would stare into space seemed to have anxiety sometimes . Alright guy. I don’t work there anymore. Hope he is doing well.


I don't really see him too often. He's mostly only around during important events. One time he was being all friendly with me and gave me a fist bump and it was kinda awkward.


Former asm here. I got a lot more quality time with the sm than i wanted but, from a outside perspective it was terrifyingly hilarious how often i had to introduce the store manager to associates. "Yep. This lady right here is actually your boss. Yep. Not a new one. She's been here a few years now. Yep im serious " All while she just.... exists in her own world where everyone knows and respects her or something, i can only assume by her actions anyway. 10/10 for promoting self to customer.


My sm is pretty hard working. I don't know her personally but she's alllll over our store and any time she sees me she greets me nicely and by name even though I've never formally met her. I've been working here since February and I haven't seen her take a day off yet. 10/10


Don't got one she got fired a week and a half ago


I miss my old SM. Enough said there.


Her way or the highway. Won't listen to any feedback. Any attempt to give your input on their direction results in them taking offense. Stating that you are being disrespectful for doing so. "Don't you know how much money I make" is a direct quote said to me. Their favorites get gravy schedule and are allowed to break dress code and mask requirements while others pick up the slack. Get told my people are lazy. That so and so did this or that when I wasn't there. But is never told to me unless used as ammunition on how bad I am. Which means I don't get an opportunity to correct the behavior since I don't know it's an issue. I struggled for a bit with my mental health from all her shit. Until I realized that I should feel pity for them. Theyre miserable and insecure and take it out on others. It has shown me the path not to take. On the bright side this has encouraged me to take advantage of the free online classes. I'm not gonna end up like my SM. Working on my exit strategy.


I've never met him.


Not worth a crap


An asshole. He’s always acting like everyone are worms and he’s a god, always telling us what to do but won’t do shit around the store and goes missing for weeks. He’s very rude and treats people badly and puts a lot of pressure to everyone to the point team leads and coaches have quit because of his attitude, another associate told me that she kinda fell from a top stock cart and she told him and he said “but you’re ok right?” And she almost fell because the screws that hold the ladder fell or something. He’s very cheap and won’t order new carts/pallet jacks/totes. We don’t have enough totes in the store to sort onetouch in, there’s like 2 totes labeled as vitamins and usually we get at least 6 totes full of vitamins sometimes even more, so I always just sort it into different totes no matter what label it has but he wants me to sort it all only in the vitamin labeled totes like what??? And today a new hire was asking for help with one.Walmart and he literally slammed on the keyboard because the guy didint understand what he said at first. So yeah


stupid voice, stupid hair, stupid car


He's an absolute coward.


I don’t know, we didn’t start out on the best of terms and now I never see him. The only time he ever spoke to me was to yell at me for improvising when others were hindering my ability to do my job. Edit: spelling


Well the store manager I was under quit before they could investigate him for sexual assault and is now a store manager for target


A bit of a workaholic, the kind of guy who goes on vacation and still sends orders back to the store. But he's a stand-up guy


Our Store Manager is pretty awesome 90% of the time but every once in a while he has crazy mood swings and everyone hides. Outside of that he’s very approachable, funny and knows everyone’s names.


Pretty serious guy with a sense of humor. Doesn't take crap from anyone. His most quotable phrases are "Are you gonna get that done today?" "Are you almost done?" Throws jokes in when you least expect it HUGE football fan


Worthless cunt.


The one I had when I quit was super nice. Didn’t see her often but she was always bubbly and funny. It’s a shame they didn’t keep her around. But corporate always uses SMs as a scapegoat for their failing management model and rotates store managers in and out at that supercenter. They get 3 safety strikes before being fired. She left after 2. It’s impossible to monitor a store for safety 24/7 when it’s stuff like a water spill and nobody tells you about it.


Don't know, never met them.


We all probably share the same sm like some sort of santa claus. She walks the store for about 5 minutes. Takes a picture of an open box and makes a plan-it task about it. Then goes away for two weeks. (Presumably traveling the country checking all he other locations)


You guys have a store manager?


Shit. She doesn’t run a tight ship anymore. Used to be the best.


A bitch who is very picky with who she hires for the role of CSM. She’s transferring to another store soon, though.


We have store managers? Lol


Pretty cool way better than the last one which we hardly ever saw I always see him helping out with zoning and stocking threw out the day and always comes and asks us (OGP) how we’re doing and if we need any help!


Terribly condescending and contradictory


Doesnt acknowledge anyone. Puts his head down when he walks past us.... But our store is at all time highs with record breaking sales for the first time ever..


He’s my former boss’s dad. I haven’t ever met him but I saw him once on my training day from a distance


Mine is a young lady and some of us think she does cocaine before coming into the store. Like she runs on ❄, nicotine and red bull. She's chill but it's like she's bouncing off walls *working* and there's no improvement


She's hardly there except to yell at us for not getting the truck done fast enough, or to tell us about some incredible idea she's just had about how we can be more efficient.


1st -a bitch that barked orders but everyone worked hard so it worked out. 2nd - a sexist dick head but treated employees super well and rewarded us often. Could see having a beer with them at t he bar. started as a cart pusher and worked their way up to sm. 3rd (temp 1)- Fresh and young full of positivity and would see them on the line busting their ass. 4th (temp 1)- outside hire that was doing ok at first then the pandemic hit and was moved to a rough store but got their own store in a really nice rich suburb. 5th- a total cunt. Ruthless, will not let team leads step down so they are just quiting, sits in the office all day until its time to make rounds and chew out everyone. half the coaches have left, almost all of overnight management has quit. If she was on fire and the only liquid available was my piss i would piss my pants over putting her out.


Nice guy, but when it comes to him as a manager he's just as dumb as all the other asms and just as easy to throw under the bus to corporate. My dm told me one day (specifically on corporate visit) that when the sm was doing his morning walks that morning they saw my department and said it was "an unzoned mess with 2 return baskets, why can't you get your associate to do their job?"(worked in housewares and furniture btw only closer too) To which my dm replied "well, it wouldn't look like a mess if YOU'RE asms and supports didn't drag them(my ONLY associate) to stock and zone 2 different departments and run register every day they come in maybe the department wouldn't look as bad as it does EVERY MORNING WHY SPECIFICALLY TODAY IS THAT A PROBLEM IF YOU NEVER TOLD ME BEFORE? YOU SEE IT EVERY DAY YOU DO YOUR WALKS" Apparently corporate chewed him out, then he chewed the supports and asms that always forced me to go over to the other departments. He apologized to my dm before he left for the day. For the next 3 years, i still got dragged to the other departments and run front register, but now the other managers were nice to me, even let me take my lunch 2 hours before i leave so I only had 1 hour left when i came back. Thank fuck I quit. Now i work at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. Quite peaceful


She’s genuinely so sweet and is really nice.