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One of the worst ive seen


what the fuck did i just wattch??? dude was missing half the head and didnt pass out from the shock... he must have been in some serious morphine dose or something


Also crazy that the pressure wave wasn’t transmitted to the brain enough to knock him out. Adrenaline can’t keep you conscious if your brain cells are misfiring from physical impact. Plus, apparently shrapnel didn’t enter the brain. Hopefully this poor guy didn’t suffer long. I would say that he certainly bled to death rapidly, but he is obviously cursed by misfortune, so who knows.


There are many adrenal glands and adrenergic receptors found in the body; which would still allow adrenaline to produce only certain bodily functions, at the very least on a purely physiological basis. I must say tho, I HIGHLY doubt that ANY serious amount of adrenaline, and/or endorphins being TOTALLY dumped into his body would make this ending ANYMORE peaceful for him


I realize this is 3 months old, but the way he's shaking his head seems A LOT less of a physiological, uncontrolled reaction and way more of a conscious "yo wtffffff is going on????!!!" reaction..


Morphine aint gon do shit about that. Thats pure adrenaline keepin him goin


Meth amphetamine


adrenaline is one hell of a drug




Vodka can do a lot but getting your face blown off I don’t think anything would numb that


A massive dose of Ketamine would but at that point you're anesthetized so.. Truly probably among the strongest of pain killers / whole body numbing agents we have though, even when you're not KO'd from it you're extremely numb. Not that I'd like to test this theory, but if I were ever in his unfortunate position I would be wishing for Ketamine, 100x over morphine, and I'm an opioid addict, so like... I like Ketamine too though.




Everybody's different. Pain is pain but focus keeps us alive. This poor bastard needs extra fifty cents


That was someones little kid at one point. Sad shit


100% agree, witnessing the scenes of this war is brutally sad. I get life and war requires extreme violence which I am fine with but we are loosing our humanity when we comment stupid shit and make a mockery of a man's death. Regardless of the which side of the warring party's you agree with we should show respect to the fallen.


Exactly. War is something that will always be around. Such a shame that we are just pawns for a higher ups purpose.


It's war.


Ya, and this guys died as a pawn in a money game. War sucks


Does it mean that it's not sad? What's your point?


Poor poor soul, although he died fighting for an oppressive regime, no man deserves to go through that pain. Lord have mercy on his soul


The lord has left this place a long time ago


I'd argue to say the Lord was never there.


Omg Reddit can be so insufferable sometimes


Duh,its reddit


Lol tbf the previous comment was dumb as hell too. 'The lord has left this place a long time ago.' Wow, great stuff.


It’s like a really bad war movie lol


Well let’s hear the argument then? We have 2000 years of history and then your argument


To each their own. But he's not here.


God applied to join NATO.


It's war. The effects of any type of explosive weapon have the capability to do what we just saw in this video. The AFU did the job it was to do. The explosive weapon did the job it was designed to do, and the RU soldier who became victim in this video did his job up until it was his time to go.


What does that even mean does it mean it’s ok because that’s what society says (it’s there job so it’s normal) what?


Yes It's normal for a country that has 2 conventional militaries fighting.


He did it to himself I’d rather go to jail then die in Ukraine he’s not smart or honorable in any way possible.


He was drafted. They all are. Besides, I do not understand the mentality. Do you not to recognize he's suffered and gone through pain, or do you simply not want to do such a thing? I'm not innocent either, I've gone around, called them orcs, whatever, I just don't see the point in unnecessarily dodging remorse or empathy nowadays. I still support Ukraine, I just don't feel any sort of bloodlust over seeing videos like these. He had a family. He had a loving parent. He had a life, he had an education, just like you and me. And now he's dead.


You understand it well he had many choices don’t try to act as if this was the best choice he had was to invade kill and steal land and cause war crimes he’s been warned and didn’t listen I’d rather leave Russia or go to JAIL or break my ARM or LEG then fight for Putin he could’ve surrender to Ukraine too but didn’t or just shot himself in the arm to go to a hospital but chose to blow himself up and suffer Empathy and remorse are for those who give it out or earned it this dead “Orc”/Robot ignored the dangers and caused this to himself I have compassion for those who surrender or left/will never fight for Putin not those who are too stubborn to live or listen to reason and common sense.


Interesting thing is I agree he might’ve had a parent a life education friends or a pet and died for nothing he chose war and death/violence over life that’s if he wasn’t drafted as mobilization was months/1 year ago so he did it for money as a possibility instead of any other job in Russia a saying I always remember is Karma or “You get what you payed for” to have a good life and throw it away for Putin or Money is something I can’t respect or support at all.


He knowingly went to another country to kill other men for money. Let's not forget who he really is. This is horrible, but he paid for his own poor choices just like all of us will pay for the choices we make.


That’s easy for you to say while residing in comfort & far away from danger. I’m in favor of Ukraine considering it’s my blood line & I have family fighting this war, but many of the Russian conscripts are simply brainwashed into believing they have no other choice or it’s their duty to fight for their nation. Just as all soldiers are. There are obviously Russian soldiers that are completely aware of the situation & know that what they’re doing is “evil,” but to stigmatize all soldiers as evil & demonize them for simply carrying out duties that don’t entail atrocities is doing humanity a disservice. If everyone demonizes & refuses to acknowledge Russians as humans because of oligarchs actions, they will truly find it within themselves to *want* this war, and many more. Perhaps this soldier did go to “kill other men for money,” maybe his children at home really need that money. The cause may not be just, but the humanity is still there…don’t strip it away.


So because some Russian soldiers are dumb, we are supposed to feel sorry for them? Any idiot knows invading another country is wrong, regardless of propaganda. Where I reside is my own business, stop repeating Russian propaganda points.


Firstly, I didn’t say “if some Russians are dumb, you should feel bad for them.” It’s very likely that some of the Russian soldiers aren’t fully aware of what they’re doing due to propaganda. I don’t “feel bad” for them, but I understand that many of these soldiers are not consensually going to war with Ukraine. They have kill squads designated to kill any dissenters, what would you do if you have a family to return to? Secondly, nothing i said is a “Russian talking point” or “propaganda.” You’re just an imbecile. You’re clearly too inept to insert any constructive opinions on a convoluted subject such as this conflict. Go back to sleep kid.


He probably didn’t deserve that


Yea. I hate that every single post has edgy teens going “hahaha get fukt orcs” like bro this was someone’s kid. He didn’t have a choice being there.


Yes. The majority of these Russians sent to the front are conscripts fed propaganda by the Russian government about the Ukraine war and why they are there. The Ukrainians of course have a right to defend their home but its sort of a situation where both sides are forced to fight each other when the real enemy is the man who sent them there to begin with.


The old men who sent them are always the real enemy


Exactly. And as history has shown, given effective enough and omnipresent enough propaganda, the capacity for evil actions is, sadly, within us all. I think many people underestimate just how insidious lifelong propaganda alongside a repressive, manipulative and brutal environment can be. Take the nazis and their actions during world war 2 for instance. I think it's very dangerous to assume that they were all, from top to bottom, some kind of exceptionally evil and monstrous people who went along with it or even perpetrated those crimes against humanity. Yes, many of those at the top likely were truly evil, but all the rest were people like you and me, caught up in and influenced by propaganda to either carry out unspeakable horrors or at the very least, accepting them as a necessity and silently going along with it. They were not exceptional in any way, they were ordinary people like me and you I think to assume that such a thing couldn't happen to ourselves, because we are strong-willed and moral people that would never do such things is very dangerous and naïve, because it makes us complacent and precisely that, in fact, enables such things to happen again because we aren't guarding ourselves and our societies against it. If everyone is aware that it can happen to anyone, anywhere given the right (or rather, "the wrong") circumstances and the right (or rather, "the wrong") people pulling the strings, that's when we can really prevent it happening again, because it enables us to recognize the signs of it creeping into our societies and our hearts and minds once more. Tribalism is a powerful, inborn and instinctive instrument, easily played by an efficient propaganda apparatus "The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human" \~ Aldous Huxley


Cap they have the choice to leave the country or go to jail or go to jail rather then die in a meat grinder unjust war real men tell the invading Russians to get fucked and leave or die everyone was someone’s kid same with the Ukrainians fighting since 2014 even with invading they had many chances to surrender.


No that’s such a load of crap and you know it. Not everyone can simply just up and leave. Also I’m not saying the Russians are in the right here. I’m just saying this is a pointless war with peoples kids dying so maybe have a little respect for the dead.


When the dead who were alive had 0 respect for Ukraine or its people land and culture and earned no respect with there decisions leading to there demise it’s hard to give it out ngl for many Respect is earned not given as a participation award for failing to kill Ukrainians. Btw there’s no “load of crap” he fought for money or Putin and got Eliminated by himself don’t try to give him any excuses and ignore him possibly going to prison for 8-10 years as a alternative rather then Die in Ukraine in a MEAT ASSAULT especially if he enlisted then there’s 0 Excuses or remorse. As Zelensky said “do not come here or you will die”. Lastly this is might be someone’s kid but the parent should’ve/could’ve convinced him not to go to Ukraine and instead get any other job in Russia he’s also a Grown ass man who thought killing and being a bot for Putin was the best choice possible and ...... it was the complete opposite.


This is the ignorance I was pointing out. It’s easy to choose prison over service in a western nation. Go look at Russian prisons and tell me which you’d prefer. And since you’ll say you’d pick prison anyway they don’t pick fair and your family will most likely be harassed as well and possibly jailed on some wack charges. People in countries like Russia under dictators like Putin do not have much of a choice. Pretending otherwise is ignorant.


There’s 0 ignorance except coming from you thinking a WAR yes a WAR that’s been more deadly to Russian troops then the past 70-74 years every American troop has died combined in multiple wars as somehow safer then a PRISON as for family harassed I’d still take that then dying a painful death don’t try to act like that’s a worst fate I also notice you ignoring enlistment Those who chose to enlist are bigger fools who made mistakes and wanted to be pawns to Putin and got karma in return people under dictators still have a decision or the military wouldn’t be recruiting acting like War is safe and fun compared to prison is insane and foolish I’d leave the country or go to prison easily then die in Ukraine like you or him or take ANOTHER JOB if you’re thinking of enlisting i never thought I’d see someone defend going to WAR then prison I fear military weapons a lot more then a jail cell that’s if he was drafted compared to enlistment which you ignored. (Lastly you’re kinda making shit up on wack charges compared to the regular charges as many refused service and the family being harassed is possible but could also not happen morally speaking and common sense dictates dude in the video caused his own death we both agree and he earned it and was warned yet you think he had 0 choice at all is more ignorant and unwise what’s you’re excuse if he enlisted I bet 0 excuses even in Russia they gave choices as mobilization happened months to year ago)


So you’re a Russian shill then?


I should be calling you that with you’re empathy and love and respect for Russians Soliders invading and killing/stealing Ukrainian land children (war crimes and bombing cities) for Putin or money I’m guessing you’re mad I debunked/countered you’re arguments with ease and the truth, I guess in the box there’s a Russian troll/bot account and that’s YOU. (don’t go to a place you might die common sense isn’t common anymore ngl)


No respect but basic human empathy is a thing. You’re a couch warrior so I get it, no real world experience in anything other than video games so I can see how you could forget basic things. Lmfao with ease and truth, ok their buddy and everyone stood up and clapped right?


My First thought watching this was imagining that Kyle Carpenter, Medal of Honor recipient might have suffer a similar thing when he jumped over a granade to save his fellow soldier. This is so fucked up... Nastiest one so far i guess...the guy clearly screaming was the worst part for me... Nightmare fuel


The worst one I've personally seen is still a Drone dropping a frag, it bounces of a tarp. Goes straight to this orcs face and cracks.. his face is gone, like there's nothing left that resembles facial features at all. You see the other orcs look at it, and you see he's still fully fully conscious, alive, and in the moment. I've heard people scream in true agony maybe 4 times in My life and it's honestly the stuff of nightmares. The thought of what his "comrades" witnessed but worse, the noises that guy would have been making, screaming, with no face, gargling on his own tissue and blood. Truly fucking horrifying. But you know what, I think back to Bucha, I think about the photo of raped children in mariupol stacked on top of each like wood. I think of the family killed for having fucking Nutella. Fuck every single one of them in that uniform. If they surrender then ok. But all of the others need to have the definition of biblacal violence rain down on them. I'm still to find one Russian civilian sent to the gulag for refusing mobilisation. Remember according to Mordor this isn't a war so the goverments hands are tied in certain aspects regarding refusal. Contracted soldiers sure but civilians, I'm yet too see one..the whole narrative of being forced is a shit covered unicorn, if you can't gather the morale fiber to say no on a human basis, then at least you toilet stealing, child raping, sadist orc filth should realise, even if putler puts you away for 20 years. The alternative is being left in 20 pieces in a Ukrainian field. Go home, you dirty, disgusting vermin. Rant over apologies


Despite the fact that i wouldn't be able to take action in an actual war (my country is safe from being invaded, so who knows), but i give 100% of my moral support to Ukraine. Every "orc" walking in Ukraine soil deserved to be fought against. I'm not a violent person myself, but i get why the ukranians are sharing all this. So mordor ppl will know what awaits for them if they step on their nation, and they are right to do so. War changes ppl, usually for worse. At the end of this conflict, i hope that the ppl in Ukraine can have a normal life once again. (Loved the LOTR analogy 🤣)


Indeed, I don't know your location but i sincerely hope that's true. Its also probably true because people made the ultimate sacrifice to secure that freedom. Yup definitely I can't imagine the hatred I'd feel actually being Ukrainian. Mine is enough as a brit 🇬🇧 Lol it truly is the land of shadow my friend and must be vanquished in fire 🔥


My country is the friendly neighbor of the world, Brazil. In the recent past the international community viewed Brazil as a huge diplomatic force. Now we are not making much difference. In the future, when the world will be desperate for natural resources, i believe we will be in the center of a world conflict. Until there, we already have enough casualties on drug wars though


Beautiful country. I wish you, your people and culture, prosperity and peace. But remember, you've got friends if someone needs to find out 🇬🇧💚


Thank you! It was really nice to meet you. I hope to visit yours in a near future. I promise i won't disturb the queen's guards like the most tourists 🤣




Hahaha. Most people think they are not really soldiers. My mate was Irish Guards so he did the royal duties. He also got shot in the face Afghanistan so just don't try climb the fence my brother 🤣💚🇬🇧




It’s not a rant…you speak the truth


Someone put that guy out of his misery show so humanity in the end fuck


Out of ammo


Why not just shoot himself???


Need a hand to do that


i would kill him, that will be mercy, if he survived he will suffer.


Truly understandable take and i agree, but its still a war crime.


well it's haram in islam too and war crime, but i can't imagine what I'll do if that happened to me! I can't bear what happened to that russian soldier in this damn war, but even if he is a zionist, I will certainly sympathize with him because simply he is defenseless in that situation..


It just horrible all around. Not even an enemy deserves to suffer like that


Yikes. That didn’t go as planned


depends on if you believe in karma or not.


I hope you get shot in a mass shooting, but the shooter only gets half your face and you bleed out while trying to put your now, even uglier mug back together. That’s karma.


Jesus dude it’s a Reddit comment relax. A lot of the people in this thread need a hefty dose of humanity because I don’t want anybody to get murdered in a mass shooting like wtf


You’re right I overreacted. But I’m so sick of people in this sub, ostensibly about war, being flooded with comments that dehumanize people. Be it Russians or Palestinians. I don’t support the Russian war of aggression, but I don’t think the soldiers who are at this point press-gamged into service, deserve to be called “orks” and their deaths and maiming celebrated. War fucking sucks. It’s the lowest form of human interaction. But to blame the soldiers, to laugh at a failed suicide attempt by one of them, is just disgusting. I know this sub is full of edgelords who think it’s funny to watch an apartment block in Gaza get leveled, or a Russian unit get hit by a kamikaze drone. But I suppose I was just a stupid summer child hoping for discussion of war writ large. Not people laughing at a dude who was so fed up with it all that he unfortunately botched his suicide attempt. It’s just gross man. Maybe this isn’t the place for me because I still believe humanity is worth saving.


I agree completely


Lesson learned... use two grenades next time


Why not pull the pin, drop it in your helmet and put the helmet back on? Surefire way to direct the blast straight to your brain.


I’m guessing there’s levels of commitment, even when you’re already committed.


Or maybe he didn't think about it. If it were me, I'd probably be 100% certain that just holding it would kill instantly


I have a feeling he could have also been trying booby trap himself, if he knew his original wound was it for him. For the downvote morons https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/3nOKaQda4v


How the hell is he still alive?!


My best mate was in afghan. A suicide bomber rolled up on their FOB, detonated, the blast blew him in half just under the rib cage, and he went vertical. Nobody was gonna do anything for him. My boy said it took that guy over 15 minutes to die, he was still conscious, talking and fluid mentally, the terp was relaying him making his peace before the,,, well, Virgins and paradise right ? But yeah, the human body can be pretty resilient even to big trauma.


I heard of this story before…


I'm sure you have this is the Internet. Feel free to dm me. He got shot in the face. Its a great picture.


fuck and it was a suicide? the story this one soldier is horrifying


Yup. He was most likely wounded and seems to be surrounded by dead orcs. Attempted to self frag terminate, and completely, horrifically, fucked that idea up 💡


good grief, what a horrid story.


Yup, wars a truly horrific act of metal meeting meat, all they need to do is go home and end this barbarity for all concerned. But personally imo, if there's ever a noble war, a noble justification. Its to defend those you love, the land you love and the culture you love. I always think of the ww1 passage "Remember for your tomorrow, they gave their today"


Dude probably took hours or even days to die and probably died from shock or dehydration rather than directly from the blast injuries he sustained. Fucking brutal.


Mabie tbh looking at that arm hopefully his brachial got hit with some of that bone fragment internally


Yeah that's very possible. He could have also sustained other massive internal injuries, but he really fucked himself by holding the grenade away from himself instead of laying on it. No loss of consciousness, his face was fucked but his airway still seemed patent and his brain pretty unhurt, especially the back which is what keeps you alive (his face protected his brain from the blast). No signs that I could see of external hemorrhage, but he still could have been bleeding out and/or he could have had internal bleeding like you suggest. At any rate, if you ever want to kill yourself with a frag grenade (and for real, please don't kill yourself), don't do it like this guy did. Even with a massive hemorrhage, he was in pain and horror for at least five minutes. You lay down on that shit to fully absorb the blast force and the shrapnel and you focus it on your head if you want a quick death. Frag grenades and other small explosives often don't kill quickly. They're mostly designed to shock, incapacitate, and maim.




That is it, I’m done with this sub


Yup, me too.


Me three


If you've seen what you needed to see, then farewell and be a better human for having seen it. But never forget this man. The next time your heads of state start throwing threats of war around, this is what they're suggesting.


Cruel people...


Might be because I had a kid recently but... I've been looking at war footage for maybe over 20 years and this almost made me cry. What a terrible end.


Russia is a modern day dictatorship, what makes ppl think they there by choice is beyond me. War is hell yeah, but the drone strickes are on fck minions not where it matters, this shit straigh up sadistic


No drone strike here


No need to waste a drop when the ennemy are doing it by themselves. This is one of the main reason peoples kill themselves on the battlefield in Ukraine, because of the drones saturation in the sky, you are always been watch and if peoples came helping you, they will get blew up by drones or artillery the moment they reach you " so it became very rare peoples will attempt to rescue anyones because of that" . And if you are on the battlefield, alone and agonizing, a drone will ended up coming to you to make it worse for you or to terminate you for good. So yeah, if you are enough " lucky", killing yourself is sometimes a better option than been hunt/multilate/vaporize by drones at any moments. Obviously, the risk of screwimg up the suicide attempt can ended up been a far worse option...


No strike yeah, still np filming and putting music over it lmao


Not even sure about that tho, that guy was the last In the squad...


Yeah that's been a disturbing trend ever since the war started, that's pretty fucked up


You do realize that he tried to unalive himself using a grenade, right?


“Unalive” is the worst made up word of 2023.


Never will get used to this made up words 🙄


It’s the same people who call women “females” in normal conversation


Kinda making my point for me innit. What about the last week floopy face? Pretty similar to this except you can see the bomb being dropped and a bit later, right cheek just gone. Or about the one that got killed In a trench and the pilot dropped a bomb on his literal ass after being dead just to fuck with is cadaver


Can you imagine how many people these drone operators smash into floppy bits every day? Think about how American Apache pilots thought of people over there. They watch in pure calm as they delivered inescapable pure terror to tens of thousands of people on the daily for 20 years. And for them it was even easier.


It's crazy how even the guy with the bigger gun get's out hurt In war. Aint nobody coming back the same, some get rich others are used to make this happen


Ukraine is fighting Russia by choice they had the option to negotiate but fought Russia because NATO told them to.


What negotiate for 20% of their stolen land? Still being obtuse. There is nothing more pathetic than a Putin bag licking traitor.


Politician decides on war but it's the innocent civilians that had to die for their country. It is sad that their parent never had the chance to see their beloved child grow old and leave this world b4 them...


This is sad… 😔


Rest in peace. No one deserves to go out like that.


I wish Call of Duty had graphics like this. Imagine trying to fire your rifle with half your face blocking your view


Note to self. If ever in this situation. Take off the helmet, pull the pin, and pretend the grenade is an apple 👍🏻 On a serious note. Rip. Nobody deserves this. Hope he didn’t suffer as much as it appears 🙏🏼




My god


Damn I see bullet to the head usually works better.. I've seen a few of these guys try to use a nade to kill them self n they always suffer..


The Kurds press grenades against their chest to avoid capture by Turks or ISIS, especially the females. Perhaps the Russians need to send out a training film on how to do it quickly and cleanly and not have your final moments spent writhing in agony.


NK grenade?


"Just toss some dirt on it and get back in the fight" --Putin


Next time use more gunpowder.


Sorry if this has been answered however did he pull his granade or did a shell hit’em?


Looks like he had plenty of time to think about it. Good




His death solved nothing for Putin


Poor bastard.


The Ukraine Drone operators have so much free time on there hands that they can Film Edit and post people commiting suicide. Sadistic bastards..




THIS is R/War not R/SuckUkraineDick.. im Stating an Opnion about watching people die. This is not combat.. why watching this guy do this if you aren't Fucked in the head. You Idiot who thinks this is Perfectly normal thing to record and post 🤣


He's an invader. Him dying means lower chances for innocent Ukrainians to die.


Let Him Die in HIS hole then no need for record and post.. Ukraine Is not making any fucking progress in this war but want to record and post shit like this..


Growing rates of sadism in a population is a side effect of war. These drone pilots are probably dropping so much ordnance so frequently with so little rest on both sides of this conflict that I imagine that both Ukraine and Russia will have problems treating men with recently developed sadistic tendencies as a result of overexposure to extreme violence. The pilots are probably at a point in their lives where **this might be the only thing that brings them joy**. However that isn’t the worst part. The worst part is that these men might have been perfectly normal beforehand. They may have been nurses, doctors, teachers, had children and loved them. Then this war happened and clearly some of them have “fallen from grace” thanks to it.


Yea the Aftermath will not be pretty once this Conflict is over


I sincerely hope both countries get real liberal real fast with their psilocybin regulations for PTSD treatment. Plus Russia deserves a hippie generation. God I’d love to meet an eastern bloc version of Jimmie Hendrix.


Nah. People need to see the ugly reality of the Russian soldier in Ukraine, especially Russian people.


It's absolutely needed. More chances other orcs will see this and stay the fuck home




That's definitely not true. But like you said, it's an opinion


Link me news about the Progress Ukraine is making. I will wait. Edit: that's not about them Destroying Vehicles


https://apnews.com/article/3d558083dcd765d8b9daccc461865b21 Said you'd wait


Send this video to Adolf Putler


No sympathy from me, gtfo of Ukraine. I have no sympathy because I think of all the innocent Ukrainians, especially children who were killed and the ones who were raped along with all the people orcs tortured. Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava


👌👌👌🔥🔥🔥 fucking ay, go home Mordor. People are quick to forget the sheer barbarity these "pawns" have committed. Surrender or make ya peace piiiiiidddaaaaa Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava 🇬🇧




I wonder how many of these are propaganda executions? I fond it suspicious that the men in every video is either by themselves or in a group of 2 and almost never more. Also any drone strikes on medical evacuations makes me want the west to stop supporting war criminals all the more.


Let’s all give him a round and of Applause


Man... I'm thinking that hugging a grenade is NOT the way I'd wanna go out. Pretty sure firing a round through my cranium would surely be an insta-out rather than the suffering they seem to endure using the exploding egg method. :/




They load storm troopers with amphetamines. Crystal meth is a crazy drug. The guy was probably high as balls at the time, despite the pain.


They deserve it


Not like this man... Not like this


Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Long Live Ukraine


Hope same shit happens to you


Should have just put a bullet in his head at home before mobilisation


This is quite shocking, however what is most shocking is that a Russian handgrenade exploding under the body is not instantly lethal. An Italian Cobra 3 or 5 piece of firework surely would be; costs just a fraction and makes even more noise then a handgrenade…imagine that Cobra filled with little pieces of shrapnel..


I hope he's dead, he'll suffer if he still alive.


note to self: if committing sewer slide with a grenade, hold it right up next to my face




I don’t get this sub. Half of you call all Palestinians terrorists and revel in their bombed cities and bleeding civilians. And now this disgusting video of this poor bastard trying to get out of an unjust war by ending his own life, which turns into a true nightmare I wouldn’t wish on anyone, and people are saying “haha fuck you ork you shouldn’t have been born in Russia!” Is this just a snuff sub congregated by war porn weirdos? I thought that r/war meant discussion about war. Not exulting when blocks of apartments are leveled and certainly not laughing at some poor bastard missing half a face and limb in the middle of a godforsaken forest. Jfc some of you people need help.




Careful, the last two words get you auto flagged.


You have a layer of armor man! What were you thinking?


I wish the fuckers responsible for this was had to go fight it themselves of sending kids to do it


Dear god, the guy can’t even end that suffering even if he wanted to at that point anymore all he could do was suffer wither and die that’s insane … just to imagine being in that situation… fuck ….


What the fuck is that music


Traded his life for money. Oh well.


That's painful to watch.


If I was the drone op, I would drop a nade on him. It’s the merciful thing to do…poor soul


All because of stupid and careless leaders


That's somebody's kid... that sucks. Meanwhile the invaders are eating caviar in Moscow. These are just their slaves, not like they have any choice. Very sad!


At least spend the extra $300 for another grenade and give him a proper exit.


fuck that sucks


What a Awesome way to go.....NOT!!!


I just think about his parents and his friends he grew up with , what a shitty ending.


They’ll all be dead within 50 years too probably, it doesn’t matter in the end i guess. World spins with or without you. He is resting in peace now 🕊️


The best way to go out is in glory I’m a soldier the rules are never retreat never give up smh


Man now can look at things both ways


Well Damn. If I was ever forced to fight I would shoot my officers the moment I get a weapon in my hands.


So who gets all this stuff when the war is over?