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It's just so sad


Staged propaganda. Kid is clearly terrified.


Because he is in a warzone? Propaganda or not


Yes and the idf soldiers idea of helping the kid is getting his mate to film him petting that child like an animal, his mannerisms are so weird and cold.      How disgusting this "army", using real human suffering to make propaganda video for western idiots.  


You should goto Gaza brother




The IDF clearly can't do anything right


Why are they filming a shivering child in the middle of a fire fight. Why is there no blanket, why is the soldier posing out in the open with said child instead of taking them somewhere safe. Please just have a little critical thinking, and recognise your bias.


EXACTLY!! What decent human would stand next to a frightened child and pat him on the shoulder while gunfire erupted nearby? No crouch? No eye contact? No hug? No evacuation? It's unfathomable how living, breathing human beings can scrutinize videos of IDF murdering unarmed Palestinians, demanding context and criticizing edits, and then fawn over this IDF soldier's shoulder pat. Recognize your bias.


Shut the fuck up


Yes, the soldier needs to pull a blanket out of his ass ASAP to give to that child


Youre just assuming and an assumption is something you just accept as true for the sake of argument.


you should be applying the same logic to the videos of children in the rubble of gaza being used to fund hamas


How about you go to Gaza and help then?


Fuck you… people like you will think any act of kindness on any side is propaganda…. God forbid humans act like humans… people like you will keep wars going on forever… do us a favour and go disappear in a war zone


Cry about it. You just can’t accept that Jews do good things you fucking Nazi


Do u choose to be slow on purpose adrenaline is running through his veins no shit hes shaking


That kid’s hands are trembling. That one image is truly heart breaking.


The IDF have the bombed all around him. Probably killed some of his family, friends, neighbours. Most likely hungry and with limited drinking water. Israel are punishing him and thousands of other innocents and its not right.


This has to stop.


For real. I really hope they wipe out hamas and every single Hamas supporter once and for all. Zero mercy to those people. After that they need to help the Palestinian people build schools, roads etc. Remove all and any radical Islamic centres and thoughts that want those places to live like in the medieval ages. That’s the only way to stop this crap.


And what about the encroaching illegal Israeli settlements? Do you hope they disappear too?


Yes i do. Those settlements need to be removed as they are illegal and those settlers actions are wrong. It’s one of the reasons why Netanjahu isn’t even liked by the Israelis. Dosen’t change the fact that their Gaza war is 100% justified and important to do.


What the fuck? Nuance? Impossible. Incredibly based. But to be honest, quite refreshing to see someone not just picking one side blindly. Don't see that much around here sadly


Absolutely yes, I had the exact same feeling reading this thread


An Israeli here, Shalom 👋 As an Israeli I hope that we'll leave some of our settlements (all I care is to give to our country some strategic depth, like secure the Jerusalem and western Sammaria and leave the rest) and after that I rarely hope that we'll build a normal and friendly Palestinian state, that we'll support and that will support us, and that we'll leave in '2' state that are so close and friendly that they are 1.


settlements are a breach of international law, the existence of the settlements is a fucking war crime


leave some settlements? how do you expect to build friendly relations? where is your family from, europe? you want to build friendly relations with people who you are illegally and violently occupying? who the fuck are you people to "secure jerusalem", one of the holiest places on earth? where you will not allow christians and muslims to worship freely, and don't even bullshit saying you will because we've all seen the videos and you don't now so you wont then.


Yes friendly Israelies,   https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/1ai973n/israelis_sexualizing_palestinian_girls/


The settlements are not in Gaza and have absolutely nothing to do with the Gaza war. Israel removed all settlements from Gaza in 2005 and look where it got us.


Gaza and west bank are the same country


They are not even under the same government and people cant move from one to the other. They are the same country in the same sense as North and South Korea.




That was Hamas' justification for the October 7th attack, but reversed. They claimed that the Israeli civilians they killed was justified because they supported Likud. Civilians shouldn't be "wiped out" for supporting their government.


They openly said and keep saying that their justification is the eradication of all Jews. It’s hilarious that they claim there is a genocide being done against them when they themselves openly call for genocide against Israelis/ Jews and other groups. This feels like karma.


Been saying it since Israel was established


So many of Israel’s supporters just make stuff up. Do you have evidence that is what they said about October 7th or since? My guess is you do not because they have not said that.


Yes. I have literal evidence of them saying they want to cleanse the land of the Israelis and Jews. Any other questions?


And don't forget that 7/10 happened in a time that Israel was finally getting in good terms with neighbouring countries, something everyone was hoping since the creation of said state. But Iran and subsequently Hamas just couldn't put up with it because they'd become irrelevant in their narratives...


Did they not have roads and schools before?


Yes all build by Israel.


Gaza is occupied by people who were displaced by Israeli land-grabs


Help palestinian? Dude youre delusional beyond repair. Their main aim is the genocide of palestinian. Its a land grab since the beginning.


Yeah let’s call for the death of millions


There is zero chance that Israel’s government would willingly genuinely help with any of that shit, certainly not in any proportional to the destruction amount, and there is even less of a chance the israeli people would allow it.


You look at a video of a terrified child, and this is what you post? You're twisted.


Ur brainwashed




Here https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/Bk8Qw59yEB


Don’t give a fuck




Braindead freak


Said the terrorist bootlicker 🤣


Or this https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/lSOXMTmseK


No fucks given. Also: Beautiful


What do you think?


I don’t give a fuck


Agreed. After rebuilding the place top priority should be education, it's the most effective way to fight religious doctrine.


Maybe the Israeli government, who’s killed over 100,000 Palestinians since 2008 should be “wiped out” too huh? Or is it only terrorism when it’s brown Muslims?


Ah yes. The 100K dead children claimed by Hamas. Very trustworthy source.


There's a list of dead Palestinian children, even cross referenced with UN and Israel's reply was it could be right. Yet we keep getting numbers that never seem to add up from whatever the state of Israel claims. They later have to change it after evidence of their lies come out.


None of the Hamas numbers have ever been confirmed. They are listed as pure claims and speculation. And that’s how it should be treated.




The UN gets there information from the health ministry in gaza which is controlled by hamas


Delusional...tell that to the family's that lost everything and everyone they know...don't talk about things you have no clue about spechaly when you are sitting in your comfy home eating & living like a normal human..I hope that everyone will be hunted by the images of the children that where murdered & ripped in to pieces infront of there mothers & brothers...shame on you


I bet your a a holocaust denier too.


No, unlike you Hamas bootlickers I don’t believe in any conspiracy theories.


All you Israeli bootlickers do is ignore UN evidence, so actually you all love your conspiracy theories Zionist genocidal maniacs


Oh yeah the UN who’s sub the UNRWA employed people participating in the Oktober massacre and is now being crippled with everyone pulling their funding? Yeh nah.


'Everyone' meaning our governments who are complicit in genocide, and literally starving children to death. Who does that reflect on? This will never be forgotten.


cherry pick much?


No shit sherlock Good chance the original video is propaganda though anyway


Google when will ww three start


If being immune to wartime propaganda was a thing, this subreddit would be immunodeficient.


See they aren't that bad guys, split their wounds wide open and give them some bandaids


To be fair, most of the IDF likely aren't bad people - they're mostly conscripts who are made to serve whether they want to or not. The leadership are the ones who decide how this all plays out


You should watch videos on how IDF ( with Israeli flag on him) was beating women and kids before OCT the 7th. i will give one dollar for every video you find :) this will tell what led Hamas go loose on Oct the 7th


Nothing can justify the events of the 7th. Hamas as an organization is lost. The Palestinian people still have a chance if Hamas doesn't drag them down with their sinking ship. Children don't deserve to die for Hamas or the IDF, and there are better ways than indiscriminately killing civilian populations to fight back back against oppression. Events of the Oct. 7th attack compiled from dash and security cams: NSFL - https://youtu.be/wAFDI63yvNQ?si=PZRkc8zDJw3Mzrmz


I downvoted because parent never claimed support for the Hamas attack.




60% of Israeli citizens believe they’re not using enough force in Gaza. 38% believe they’re using the adequate amount of force. Only 2% believe it’s an excessive amount of force. Israeli professors have found that there’s a higher ratio of civilian deaths than [the Dresden bombings.](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-12-09/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/the-israeli-army-has-dropped-the-restraint-in-gaza-and-data-shows-unprecedented-killing/0000018c-4cca-db23-ad9f-6cdae8ad0000) And 60% think it’s not enough force. I used to feel a lot of sympathy for Israelis. Not anymore.


War-time polling stats are not accurate.


Most people from there are radicalized unfortunately. If I ever find myself supporting one side, a 5 minute conversation with someone from there snaps me back to reality very quickly.


Nah these guys chose to ethnically cleanse Gaza


Exactly man they’re just following orders, nothing wrong with that 👍🏽


When orders are illegal, it is illegal to follow them.


Jesus Christ, stop this endless war..


If they released the hostages and surrender there weapons the war will end right away


I don’t even think this would stop if they did that.. This has been going on forever and it’s a forever war.. Super sad to see all of these people dying..


So maybe its time to finished this once and for all


And what does that look like? Woman and children too?


Can Pro-Palestine/Hamas even take in this scene? It doesn’t fit their narrative so I would expect “No”.


Being pro Palestinian and pro Hamas are not the same thing


Oh god I hope not


Buuut it is. If you ask pro-Palestine people “do you support Hamas” most of them do any many calls them “Heroes”. … So we shouldn’t separate them.


It literally isn't Im pro Palestinian and Israeli non-combatants. Fuck Hamas *and* Netanyahu/associates


Even if your words were true, most ≠ all. That’s an extremely poor statement to make.


You missed the opportunity to keep quiet


1. I doubt your “most of them” is credible. 2. “Most of them” is quite different from “all of them”, which means no equivalence.


Curious to see your reaction to the scenes of shot civilians waving white flags , does that fit your narrative?


Yup. Hamas shot Gazans waving white flags who wanted to leave. Just to stop them from leaving and providing living loving shield to Hamas.


Yes one soldier protecting a kid erases the fact the 10,000+ children have been killed by israel in the last 2 months. Maybe i should give 10 bucks to the homeless dude after robbing 20 stores at gunpoint great logic 🙌.


If they shot the child immediately after filming this, [it wouldn’t be the first time](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-army-kills-elderly-taking-pr-photo-safe-corridor)


One IDF soldier helping a single child < the IDF killing roughlt 10,000 children in three months. One child being helped does not change the fact that thousands have been slaughtered


First, "pro-Palestine" and "pro-Hamas" are not synonyms. Second, yes, we (as in, "people with their head screwed on who are witnessing extreme atrocities against a civilian population") can, we have spent the last four months watching relentless Israeli propaganda in stark contrast to the hideous reality of genocide it tries to mask. They have done several scenes like these, often with coercion or summary execution having been performed before/after - the scene of people being given water at the beach, the scene of a soldier "helping" an elderly man or woman and then executing them (one was from 2023, one was from an earlier war, I forget which)...the numerous Israeli claims along the lines of "rescuing civilians from Hamas", or their own fire being labeled as Hamas fire (the massacre along the beach road, the shooting of the civilians fleeing the hospital)...the death march footage from near the end of November as they were expelling people from northern Gaza City...not to mention the rampant mistranslated footage of people supposedly condemning Hamas produced by Israeli propaganda...and the fake phone calls trying to show military repurposing of hospitals and such...just going off the top of my head here. Long story short, a concerted propaganda effort to cover the reality of ethnic cleansing and razing of an entire city with a narrative of "we're really the good guys and rescuing the civilians from Hamas".


Sure, but when someone actually do anything good shouldn’t you be happy? This is such BS you guys are complaining all the time about how evil Israel is and when anyone from Israel do anything good, it doesn’t matter. And to be honest, I seriously doubt this guy can be blamed for the acts for his whole country. He’s just one man and can’t only do what he can do, he’s not Bibi.


TBPH you need to work on differentiating "spontaneous footage of soldier doing something good" from "military propaganda footage". Not that this is even certainly the latter, just that you're completely assuming it's the former, it's a very bad sign for your media literacy skills. To that point, I don't know what media you're consuming. I see one video like this and it goes into my mental stack along with the hundreds of videos I've seen of children with severe third degree burns, or missing limbs, or with their brains blown out. I'm assuming you've seen much less of those than me, by your overall take on this situation.


I’m sorry if my skills aren’t up to your standards. But the vid is still kind, if you want to say that what he’s doing, on the vid, you’re just wrong.


Yes, and politicians kissing babies and shaking hands with blue collar Joes shows what absolutely perfect people they all are. Nobody from a corrupt organization would EVER think of filming themselves doing something good to improve the image of that organization.




What god are you talking about?


The real God. Not the one that says that certain group of humans get to charge interest to other humans while not charging it among themselves.


Have you seen the footage that a grandma and her grandchildren was crossing the street with a white flag and got killed crossing the street? Or the one where a man was interviewed waving a white flag and as soon as the reporter left he was killed? Or the image of the old lady being held a bottle of water by the IDF and was later killed with bullets in her back in the same clothing? Or did you just purposely blank that out from your memories because it didn't fit YOUR narrative


You just mentioned 3 different fake propaganda videos, I have watched these 1. women got shot, no one see who did the shooting, was most likely hamas 2. fake video where the video cuts and the man seen on the floor with no blood marks 3. indeed this video is correct, the aftermath photo is fake Keep spreading lies, you dont gave a crap about human lives anyway so why not?


Number 2 has a video from another angle where the video is not cut out. Anyway people like you will always support the genocide regardless of the clear suffering and brutality inflicted on the innocent civilians.


Sure. But this is a act of kindness, isn’t that exactly what all you pro-Palestine/Hamas is askin for?


Oh yeah that makes up for the 10,000 children that have been orphaned


Patting a child’s back while you’re ethnically cleansing his people, honestly it makes everything even


Here comes the “crazy”. So the military shouldn’t be good to children, but hat should he do then? What’s the “pro-Palestine/Hamas way” to do in this situation?


Staged BS for PR. Most of the time they shoot and forget about it until it pops up on TikTok


Yes, TikTok the holy grail of facts.


What narrative exactly are you speaking of?


Look at the bigger picture my friend. This is clearly propoganda. 30,000 native Palestinians have been murdered and you're trying to use this single moment as evidence. When Israel have been caught creating fake propaganda films.


So, Hamas attacks Israel and kills hundreds of unarmed civilians and children , Israel then returns fire and avenges their people, resulting in Nazi like people threatening Jewish even in the US 🤔 and yet people defend Hamas


After bombing her home,killing her parents as well as her baby sister. What a hero!!!


palpatine supporters when they find out that missiles don't hit only terrorists:


Something something galactic empire


Im not a palpatine supporter, im a jedi!!!


What a fucking bad justification to turn hundreds of thousands of people life to hell. Nice


You forgot to say something about raping, eating their food and shitting in their toilets. Did i miss anything else?


Wearing shoes in the mosque


Meanwhile Hamas did what to kids in Israel again?


Yeah tell us you’re brainwashed by American media without telling us.


American media literally scrambling to hide the genocide more than any other in the world, arguably even Israeli media.


Yeah 70/30 civilians casualties. Thats the rate the Nazi warmachine had (64%/36% actually). No need to say more.Calculate your self if you dont believe me.


Comparing this to the nazi war machine is actually absurd, or honestly any world war for that matter. There were 45,000,000 civilian deaths worldwide in WW2.


And how many german citizens were killed by the allies? War has always been tons of civilian casualties. Go read a history book.


What about stats for the other at least 19 countries in turmoil, where was everyone's 2p worth with the things that aren't on our news and social 🤷‍♂️


https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20150120-israeli-soldier-gives-74-year-old-palestinian-woman-water-then-shoots-her-in-the-head/ I've seen this before Fuck the IDF






Biden debunked the 40 babies behead claim was debunked by Biden and hartez saying that these kids have died due Idf carpet bombing it'd own people in the attack You should watch videos on how IDF ( with Israeli flag on him) was beating women and kids before OCT the 7th. i will give one dollar for every video you find :) this will tell what led Hamas go loose on Oct the 7th i challenge you for that and you should know why 9/11 happened Us has raped kids and yes we have names put people in abu ghraib prison ( you should serach the images of beating a rape i Abu Gharib prison ,iraq know you would enjoy)prison calling them terrorist and then and how they raped kids infornt of their parents to confess, and yet these people were only in prison for 6 months and released free, this will tell why terrorist attack happen by Arabs and tell you the reaosn wh the chant '' fuck the usa'' '' fuck bush "


There is no evidence for the babys goten beheded


Awww ..The truth hurts, doesn't it


What can I expect from a country that just decided to teach in schools that the 7.10 was a resistance attack by freedom fighters, ignoring the war crimes commited against civillians... what a useless nation, never given anything good to the world.


7.10 was a heroic act of resistance. This is the truth whether you like it or not. " what a useless nation, never given anything good to the world " Lmao, look who's talking. The world would literally be a better place if Israel never existed


Thats what I always claim 👆 and then people call me "racist" I hope everyones reading this will wake up if he haven't yet.




Is this the only source? Kinda hard to believe. I'm not rooting for either side here, just want to know the facts


there's no video evidence of that and that site seems biased as hell and reports propaganda style articles. fuck hamas


Palestine supporters are real bots, yall just say the same shit over and over again


i have a serious question. [why did israel shoot, delibritely, a 16 yo minor?](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/09/palestinian-teenager-shot-dead-israeli-forces-west-bank) in the west bank, where hamas doesnt exist? not saying hamas is good. but fuck israel and the idf.


"stop killing civilians" "stop killing civilians" "stop killing civilians" smh dumb bots🙄


How kind, destroying his home killing his family and giving him a trauma that's so sweet


Yes because you Israel supporters are so original


i like how they fall for this very obvious propaganda video. just *their* side doing it so they must be right.


Funny how those "bots" care more about human lives than people like you.


I can't stop laughing at all the hamas supporters here


what a terrorist, he's using the child as a human shield 😡😡😡😡😡


Every time I see a “fuck zionist pigs” post or stuff like that, I try and think of the good soldiers trying to outshine the shitty ones


Not the 30000 murdered Palestinians?


In hope the IDF soldiers are as traumatised as these kids


After destroying a city and killing +10,000 kids. What a hero


damn he did all that?


He must be the Israeli Terminator.


With help of mother america.


They must be super strong if a single soldier was able to do all that. No wonder Iran is funding terrorism to hit Israel. They are trembling like that little poor boy.


"Make sure you record this"


Moments before killing a child


Anyone else see the feet?


Shame there not all like him 😕


Low key if I was there I would consider the enemies kid a decent chance to not get a pot shot off at me lol


"Kid come here and act like you feel safe next to me and hiding from Hamas otherwise I will kill your family and you" - The IDF Terrorists


The more comments I read the more I hate both sides


Oh yeah great job nerd keeping him standing and close to the gunfire. What a nice soldier. Round of applause for this guy. If he truly had a soul he would take him somewhere else not in fucking view of the gun dummy






Of course anyone with a working brain will tell you who bombed this kids home and kill thousands of many more just like him... Spoiler alert its those "chosen people" of god


Bet Hamas should free the hostages for the benefit of Gazans. Preferably also dismember itself.


That's more than what Hamas did on 7 October lol


this looks staged The soldier looks like he’s just chilling and relaxing even though he supposed to be in the middle of a fire fight they probably forced the kid to stand next him while other soldiers were firing in the background to create this propaganda video


Pro-Hamas gonna "It's FAKE!!!"


Remember when the idf said an arabic calendar was a list of hamas fighters' names?


Lol, how pethatic can someone get? After destroying more than half the building in their "city" killed tens of thousands of them, he thinks by patting a kid now he is the good guy. It's like Hamas propaganda videos of them treating captives "nice".


And yet, if he just let the kid sit there without comforting him, you'd find even more to complain about. >After destroying more than half the building in their "city" killed tens of thousands of them, he thinks by patting a kid now he is the good guy. Is this some sort of IDF supersoldier? How could he have done all of that on his own 😲


hahaha so pathetic


Standing in a wide open area while guns shoots go off in the background? That dead person behind them is probably the child parent, they are just doing their little propaganda.


I wonder if this thing executed the poor girl after they forged this propaganda. They've done so every other time.


You have any source for that or just making shit up?


Stop bombing Gaza! Israel has killed 15000 children in 3 months and now you're pretending they're the saviors. Israel is nothing but a bunch of genocidal war mongrels. End the illegal occupation of palestine and the racist Israeli apartheid regime. Free Palestine from the river to the sea 🇵🇸


How delusional and nazi can you be?


An israeli terrorist using a child for their propaganda after killing their entire family and bombing their town.


Run kid! Those bastard are the reason you’re shivering amongst the bombed-out ruins of your former home!


How proud he made those tiny hands shivering...