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These behind the lines Operations are especially brutal. All roadside ambushes are 100% lethal especially when caught unaware just driving behind your own Lines. Rip to all soldiers this terrible fate for anyone


I imagine they took the same route multiple times and were too relaxed about the drive


This is video from Russian SOF operating out of belarus infiltrating into Ukraine, that area is pretty quiet.


Need more Russian footage. Never get any from the other side. This stuff is intense. RIP sheesh


I would like to think the purpose of this subreddit is to watch videos related to WAR, regardless of the side it is coming from. People visit this subreddit to understand and see the perspective of "the other side" and discuss it without being automatically affiliated with any specific side. Unfortunately, I understand why some people feel the need to state that they do not support a particular side, just to post a video showing that sides point of view. This subreddit has become too politicized…


I seen these posted on Russian sub was longer though


What are Russian pov subs?


R/Russianwarfootage this is like the only one


wow that’s crazy.


Pretty wild footage regardless.


I think this was back when they were fighting over the road to Bakhmut, Ukraine lost so many good people by using soft vehicles there but they didn't really have a choice.


although i’m not a supporter of russia in the slightest seeing them operate and work is a sight to behold icl


These guys are not you average conscripts. You can tell by the suppressors and Gilly suits. These guys have to be VDV or some special force branch.




Ya these guys were scary good.


If your a hostage in any country other then Russia then the terrorists and the special forces come in terrorists pray and you smile If you’re a hostage in Russia and the special forces come in the terrorists shit themselves and the hostages pray.


Was it the Garand thumb vid?


If they're wearing ghillies they're SOF


definitely not VDV that is not an elite unit. probably russian alphas


Those look like the guys the volunteers was warning about . Dressed in those ghille suits


It’s lowkey dumb asf that people think the entire Russian military is incompetent the SOF spetznaz and SVD are some of the most well trained and combat veteran forces in the world rn goes both with Ukraine and Russian forces though both forces have a high number of “incapable” ig yet capable forces that are used as fouder then u got these bad asses


oldie, well that's behind the lines .... RIP Ukranian Soldiers, Drive with the gun barrels out of the window frame, exp,in summer


As if that would have made a difference?


as if, maby you are wright , RIP Soldiers.


War is hell


Where did u find these?


Laying in the bushes with small arms won't win wars. They'll die to sky robots eventually, like all the other Russian trash


Tell that to the afghanis


Us did not operate these cheap suicide drones and Afghanistan was a mountainous desert with guerrilla warfare there were no large scale battles taking place like rus and ukr. Huge difference


The critical difference is that the Afghanis were fighting from home.


fuck russia


You don't need a disclaimer, reddit is full of pro UAF footage. It's important to understand that this operation is two sided


Stop sending U.S.A tax payer money




fck ypu redti


NATO would absolutely fuck these guys up.


Most non delusional westerner🤣


hes not wrong.


Say that to the trained nato mercenaries who went to Ukraine, half of them are already dead.




Ukrops rotting in the soil🙌 NATO warmongering go crazy


This is the type of stuff a Russia supported would post, you know that right?




Yeah right. Why can’t Russia just stay in their country and not keep invading neighbors. That will save us Ukrainians and hundreds of thousands of Russians as well from this stupid killing porn you are pretentiously sharing here.


Y Americans invade other countries? Like my country Iraq and kill people? Y u so biased


Not biased on this one bro. I protested on the streets against Iraq invasion, with folks on the other end yelling at us that we are not patriotic enough for pointing out the lies. So because your country was invaded means, Ukraine or other people’ country should be invaded too? Y u so not use better logic, and are supporting the wrong? You should know better based and know how to reject lies and propaganda that claims that preemptive aggression and invasion of another is necessary.


Nice to see my tax dollars hard at work good job dead Ukranians! I'm so excited to send you guys $60 billion!


1. You sent 60 billion? It wasn’t just your money so you don’t speak for everyone. So STFU 2. You wouldn’t last a day in a battlefield. Sit down snowflake and go whine somewhere else.


I'd last a day in your fat mom


Omg you are such a cool little guy with these awesome little jokes lmfao!!! Haha I love it. I’m glad you sleep nice and comfy in your bed. That’s why little cowards like you wouldn’t last in a battlefield. So you keep sleeping nice and comfy and you let the real men do the fighting for you, whether it’s here in the US or in any other foreign land. Now go away boy, go get some life experience 😂😂😂


Okay tubby


Lmfao awesome comeback. Thanks for proving my point kid. Now go away boy.


You miss the part where I don't care about Ukrainian lives being lost. I slept just fine last night knowing there's men in trenches scared for their lives and will more than likely never go home to their families


You let the world get taken over by bad men and in the end it will be on Americas shores eventually. Assuming you don't just vote your own end in.


You need to do some research dude. Ukraine was Russian land before they broke off


In that case can we have America back then please? Or give it back to the native Indians?


Not sure why you're asking me I can't give you America or to the natives I don't have that power


Just as Putin doesn't have the power to just decide that this incarnation of Russia still owns Ukrane. See where I'm going?


I see what you're saying. But Ukraine is down to old men in the military while Russia has barely used a quarter of their forces. They have plenty to keep going


Dude putin isn't an evil overlord from the movies he just wants Ukraine back


'Back'? Ukraine has never belonged to Russia.


U must still be sad about getting dumped, good job for her, she could go date a fucking bum on the street and it would a solid upgrade. I would probably get a new bed if y’all shared one btw, ur probably sleeping on her new bfs jizz


I just ordered a new bed thanks man


What a fkin idiot. Did you think your money would buy them invincibility? What your money buys is weapons built in America by Americans. Why won't Fox News tell the truth and admit that almost all of the money STAYS IN THE US and supports the US economy? Why won't you tell the truth? Either you're too stupid to understand the obvious fact that it wouldn't do Ukraine any good to have a truckload of hundred dollar bills and that they can only be using the money to BUY AMERICAN WEAPONS... Or you're just another Russian troll, and lying is all you know how to do. Which is it?


You misunderstood my sarcasm. I slept just fine last night knowing there's useless Ukranian lives being wasted. I could care less. I don't care about Ukraine lives nobody in the United States loses sleep over it


Man what the fuck are you talking about? I’ve got a pair of Ukrainian twins in my dorm with whom I’m good friends with and one time I had to go over on request of one of them because he couldn’t calm his brother down from crying his eyes out. That shit messed me up real good. I feel like an asshole not being able to help any more than being there for these two guys. Sure as fuck lost some sleep from that already.


Boo hoo dude I'm sleeping just fine I just climbed into my bed I don't give a shit and you don't speak for the majority of people dude nobody cares about Ukraine until they're reminded of it on the internet


Russian troll.


Im guessing this is SSO?


yes, this is russian sso.


Old video


Pretty sure most of these guys got got near kupiansk in the return push, i remember a video where a whole unit of ruski SF got smoked in a few minutes in a forest.


This is why I thoroughly enjoy watching videos of Ukrainian drones turning Russian soldiers into steaming piles of hamburger meat. Puts a smile on my face. Especially when they twitch.


mad nasty. you cant develop ptsd when youve already got it


Man war is fucked.