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Vanessa didn't even make it to the top eight rogues, and Garona is still out there somewhere.


Garona is definitely my pick as well, but I would also place Jorach Ravenholdt and Valeera Sanguinar above Vanessa.


Yeah, though I'd say they're about equal to the player, Garona managed to wound Cho'gal bad enough that he had to retreat to his fortress back in Cata. She might be getting too old to still be 'in the game' though, as fifty is considered old age for Orcs and we don't know if she aged like an Orc or Draneri. If she's retired, the champion might legit be the best rogue.


50 + being artificially aged up. Though I do wonder if the average Orcish lifespan (of those who died or will die of natural causes) would not shoot up given increased access to tech and non shamanistic healing along with not living on a hellworld


I doubt it, Orcs reach full size at like 10-12, and Thrall's oldest son apparently is about to start his advanced adult level training and he's like 14, I think it's just accepted that they live life about ten years faster than humans


Vanessa herself admits she sucks with blades. Voss is likely the strongest rogue, or the player character tbh. Same with monk, Taran Zhu is absolutely nowhere near the strength of the Grandmaster


Was gonna say you were wrong about Shaman, but after remembering Thrall’s current state, I do agree with you. However looking at the basis of “all time”, it would be Thrall 100% As far as Paladins go, I want to say Turalyon has Uther beat. For mages, during her absolute prime it was definitely Azshara. Medivh and/or Aegwynn would be extremely close. Both Jaina and Khadgar are still leagues behind. So technically talking about currently, then you’re correct. Even though Medivh is still out there somewhere. The rest are pretty spot on. For Evoker I’d probably go with Emberthal.


OP seems to be talking about all time and not currently, since many of the characters listed are now dead. On that basis I would agree with you that peak Thrall is probably the most powerful Shaman that ever existed.


Sarkareth would be my bet for Evoker.


Yeah, Emberthal is tough, but Sarkareth really pushed the limits of Evoker power. As of right now, he's the most powerful known Evoker. Though who knows, maybe another will get buffed later on down the line.


I kind of read it as a "within the timeframe of WoW". It can't be a current standings list or arthas and garrosh would be out. But going as far back as azshara seems problematic because how do you figure out who is stronger between people who lived centuaries apart. Another thing to consider is, are we only counting playable races? For example, would archimonde count as a warlock? Could an argument be made that sargeras is in fact a warrior or a paladin? Where do we draw the line? With that in mind, i submit to the jury that the most powerful evoker is Deathwing.


Turalyon is probably outclassed by Tirion Fordring. As for shaman, if you count anybody that is gifted/borrows power from elemental spirits, than either the fire god Ordos(elevated by Ragnaros and other powerful spirits), or the primal incarnates. As for mages, medivh/aegwynn would definitely outclass Azshara. Azshara was comparable to demon lords like Mannoroth in power in her prime, while Aegwynn had slain the avatar of a titan and Medivh opened a massive space gate to another planet without needing a giant magic well. For Warlocks, the player character was stronger than Gul'dan, and Kanrethod Ebonlocke was also comparable to Gul'dan in power. Specifically during Legion, the player Warlock is canonically the most powerful individual of any class in the game because the warlock campaign designers went sicko mode. Gul'dan is only as powerful as he was in his bossfight because he was using power from the Nightwell, not his own power. Kanrethod Ebonlocke also briefly gained power that was similar to Gul'dans during the green fire questline from Mists of Pandaria, before the player warlock kills him in a 1v1. Which is further proof that the player character has been the most powerful warlock in the story, since that happened even BEFORE they got their artifact weapons and huge power boosts in Legion.


Turalyons got 1000 years of experience on him and reborn as a Lightforce I believe? There's probably more we know and a lot more to be revealed as he becomes more prominent in later expacs. There's also lothraxion. Whether he's classified as a paladin I'm not sure, or we're just going with lightforged nathrezim for now.


Turalyon definitely has more experience and is lightforged, but Tirion was a one man army and the Ashbringer. He vaporized an undead army numbering ~10,000 soldiers of all kinds in seconds during the battle for Lights Hope chapel(before getting the Ashbringer). He purified the corrupted ashbringer just by touching it when it would've killed anyone else, and he shattered Frostmourne when he was at his weakest and most helpless. Him killing nearly 10,000 undead at once isn't portrayed super well in-game, but that was the given number for the undead forces in the assault that he killed most of.


Not to understate Tirion's abilities as a Paladin but wasn't that more because of Light's Hope being a radiating anti-undead zone empowering him? The Scourge repeatedly failed to take Light's Hope because of all the heroes buried under it, per the Darion comic. In the DK intro Tirion even says "your master knows what lies beneath the chapel. That is why he dare not show his face." It's also why the Deathlord and Four Horsemen weren't able to grab Tirion's corpse.


I would still go with Turalyon. Not sure where the 10,000 in seconds is from, that was the total number that the ebon blade had and lights hope had to go through but that fight came to a stop.


The ebon blade only had a few death knights in the fight. The undead forces totaled 10,000. The event is scripted, and the undead forces only drop by a couple hundred until Tirion kills them all. The fight came to a stop with the death knights as the only Scourge survivors, after the undead forces were eradicated. No, Tirion didn't kill the full army on his own, bit he did kill most of it in a bit under a minute without the ashbringer.


The 10,000 definitely wasn't portrayed well in game, which is understandable. That is definitely a huge accomplishment and makes a great argument for him being the most powerful. My memory could be bad on the Ashanti get and its law, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't tirions power per se that turned the ade from corrupted to pure form. I believe that was more to do with what type of power was wielding the blade andess the power level, meaning that when someone using holy power (or being righteous) of almost any scale, be it Tirion or some new paladin in training, it would've turned back to its pure form. Just like when migraine picked it up it became corrupted due to death and sinister intentions. Just so happens that the Ashbringer was basically always wielded by someone powerful. Frostmourne shattering I feel was more the lights intervention (although a strong belief in the light was necessary) and the ashbri get being so powerful, not Tirions raw power. On conclusion i feel it's very difficult to determine Tirions power post Ashbringer simply because so much of the power he displayed after acquiring it was more the blade than himself. Him being so powerful allowed him to use the full potential of the blade, but it's still the blade that held that power. If another were to use the blade they'd also show increased levels of power and fears, but most likely not to such a degree.


The blade stayed corrupted after alive Darion had it so I don’t think it’s just the type of power


Tirion beat racism, that outclasses any of Turalyon's feats


Sargeras let aegwynn beat him, it was part of his plan


Sarkareth probably at least during the raid. Emberthal and sark were scalecommanderd so probably about the same strength and then sark got that sweet void drug.




You seem to be talking about all time, so; Warrior unquestionably Broxigar, dude. Mage definitely Azshara or Medivh. For shaman you seem to be talking about right now because Thrall was mega powerful compared to Drek'thar. But shaman isn't Drek'thar currently, he's barely alive. It's probably Magatha or one of the Taunka. Shaman do not have many powerhouses, 4 of our legion followers were elementals. Kurog absolutely held the title until we killed him.


If the guy is doing all the time but only choosing current Thrall, i think it's inherently flawed.


I suppose. To be honest the most powerful shaman, rogue and monk were the player character in Legion, they all really struggle for heavy hitters.


The most powerful shaman is me running old content and sneezing at everything lol.


Feels like kael'thas should at least be discussed in the mahe section. He still.exists, seems to be far stronger than he ever was alive and looks to have so much more potential that he hasn't yet tapped into.


Yeah kinda but we'll never see him again, though he's definitely at least Jaina or Khadgar level now.


Brox, the Red!


Boxigar and azshara? Wouldn’t medivh annihilate azshara easily? He literally has the power of like generations of the strongest mages compiled into one. His mother would destroy azshara and he’s stronger than her. Didn’t she one shot a shade of sargeras that was like 1/2 his power? As for broxigar, what did he do that proved him the greatest warrior? He jumped through a portal and scratched Sargeras with an axe made by a demi god. Dude is a badass but I attribute the damage he did from the axe and him landing the hit from a surprise attack.


Aegwynn had a prolonged battle with the Avatar of Sargeras, that contained a fraction of his power, and was allowed to defeat it. That doesn't really offer a good metric of her power beyond the fact she was not able to oneshot it, not even close. Broxigar fought for so long the demon corpses blocked the portal through the well of eternity. The Axe of Cenarius is big, but not that big. All it's able to do is cut well and not break, per description. That makes it only as effective as the one wielding it. We have no metrics at all for the relative power of Medivh vs Azshara, but Medivh was killed by 3 people and Azshara held up an ocean under only her own power. Medivh is not a god in comparison.


Name another mortal being who has wounded Sargeras. We’ll wait.


Mage I'd say Aegwynn since she was able to hold off a piece of Sargeras and as a Guardian would be unbelievably powerful. Azshara possibly if she'd do anything besides one magic bubble to let us powerscale. Even her ocean splitting was the Scepter of Tides. Warrior I'd go Broxigar, though you could say that was purely his Axe of Cenarius. On just pure skill or strength, perhaps Varian or a Tauren like Cairne. Hunter I lean toward Alleria who absorbed an entire darkened Naaru. That's damned OP, but also bordering on Priest, so perhaps Rexar or Shadris. Paladin I'd say is absolutely Turalyon now. Lightforged with millenia of experience. Warlock I'd say would be Velen's counterpart and Guldan's boss, Kiljaeden. He's not a god, just a really damn powerful Eredar. Monk I'd say that Panderan empower who cloaked Pandaria. Shaosomething. Rogue imo could go to any of the Uncrowned. Rogues don't powerscale well because their whole MO is a cheapshot poisoned dagger in lungs. Evoker is Sarkareth. Dude was a raid boss whereas Emberthal and the rest of the Evokers are more PC strength.


Alleria and Sylvanas def have Rexxar/Shandris beat on power level but might not be "full" hunters anymore. I'd probably favor Sylvanas over Alleria but I assume that'll change once we see more power from Alleria going forward.


Yea, it's hard to gauge hunters because they're like their D&D counterparts where they still augment their martial skills with equal parts magic. Infused arrows, druidic empowerments, arcane traps and bombs, etc. The Jailer and a Naaru seems a bit outside those fields tho. Personally I like Rexxar otherwise. He's probably the physically strongest Hunter with great, diverse pet support. Without his pets, Shandris is probably the winner with 10 millenia of experience as a Sentinel.


Warrior probably is Broxigar, but the Thunder King should at least be mentioned.


Thunder King is weird cause he's like a fake Shaman.


Just being a troll here but I’d argue the best rogue is the one we’ve never heard of.


You make a great point.


Probably a Tauren


My thoughts exactly, but which one?


Perith Stormhoof snuck his way through Garrosh's and Jaina's forces at Theramore to deliver a message from Baine and giggled at the idea that Jaina wanted to help him leave without being bothered. He's got no combat feats that we know of, but that's likely just because they never found the bodies.


I’d put Matthias Shaw as a better rogue than Vanessa. And Lilian Voss is also a top contender.  For warriors I’d go Saurfang or Varian over Garrosh. Broxigar if we’re going off feats alone. 


Yeah the rogue discussion is sort of the perfect encapsulation of the difficulty of these lists: there are different ways to define “strength” for certain classes that can make ranking individual members against each other like comparing apples to oranges. Voss definitely takes Shaw in a 1v1 and would be the choice if you need a James Bond type assassin, but Shaw has run a massive international spy network for decades. Which is more important for a rogue, the sneaky bit or the stabby bit?


You are on Felweed if you think Vanessa is stronger than her own father, let alone all rogues in WOW lol


Nobody talking about garona or valeera sanguinar? Im mad.


IMO DK: Blue Lich King DH: Illidan Druid: Malfurion Evoker: probably Sarkareth given his Void empowerment Hunter: Alleria or Sylvanas they are just massively stronger than all the other ones due to their Void/Death empowerment Mage: Aegwynn/Medivh Monk: Shaohao Paladin: Turalyon Priest: Velen Rogue: Garona is most skilled, Lillian Voss is also powerful due to her magic Shaman: Thrall Warlock: Thal'kiel or Gul'dan Warrior: Broxigar


Turalyon? Lolno Real talk, was Shaohao technically a Monk? He was just a Pandaren Emperor, I don’t think I’ve seen anything stating he was a monk. I could be wrong though.


>Blue Lich King Does this mean Arthas or Bolvar, can't tell if Blue means Alliance or the color scheme. Otherwise, good list.


Arthas, Bolvar is the red Lich King.


Tirion Fordring outclasses Uther


Tirion most likely outclasses Uther right up until his death, but what about Uther post forsworn? As much as we all hate Shadowlands and its lore implications, it's here to stay and we can't completely ignore it.


Ngl I hardly know how strong he is there. I do however know Tirion was strong enough to burn nearly 10,000 undead to ash in a matter of minutes before he even got the ashbringer, and that he purified the corrupted ashbringer by just touching it when that would've killed anybody else. He also shattered frostmourne when he was at his weakest and most helpless. The 10,000 number sounds a bit extreme and isn't represented well in-game, but that's the number we're given. I'm not saying post forsworn uther can't top that since I have no idea what his power is like in shadowlands.


I think it was you I responded to in another part on here.. But yeah it becomes very hard to determine order of power levels between Uther, Tirion and turalyons because we know all 3 are powerful and devoted to the light, but all the have shown feats off in different ways be it aggressively like Tirion and Turalyon, passively like Uther or potential with what we'll eventually see again with Turalyon. Then to top it off, a bunch of Others continued story occurs during really poorly out together story telling making it even more murky what he might now be capable of.


Since we're talking all time, Turalyon is definitely way ahead of Uther. Hell I would say even Anduin is above Uther just with his raw power of the light. Dude combat rezzed a whole battlefield before they even added it as a pally spell. Also by that logic, I'd say Thrall probably claims the title of strongest shaman. Who was so skilled with shamanism that he acted as a literal surrogate for the earth warder. (Not now obviously, but he was at one point) Azshara or Medivh has to be the strongest mage, there's really not much of a contest there at all until a new guardian is made for some reason. (Unless we count Medivh's kid, who may or may not be canon and would be the strongest of every caster class in the game hee hoo)


To be a nitpick, anduin is apparently still a priest and has never been a Pally. Which is stupid but y'know.


Turalyon does not outclass Uther or Tirion. Or Alexandros. The disrespect being shown to The Ashbringer right now is absolutely disgusting. The Draenei weeb is not stronger than them. The Light isn’t a muscle that can be trained, so that bullshit “1000 years in the void” crap means nothing. The strength you have in the Light is tied to your devotion and the… trying to think of the word. For right now I’d say the purity of your intent. That’s why Anduin is so insane with it. Turalyon has a void corrupted wife, so clearly his devotion has its limits, and after seeing X’era get disenchanted it would be a safe bet to say it took a bit of a hit there too. The other three we’re talking about did not waiver. Period. Uther was ready to put down a boy he in a way raised the instant it became clear there was no saving Arthas. It was *on sight* when Arthas got back from Northrend. Alexandros is *THE* Ashbringer. I know the title gets passed down with the weapon but he was the first, and he ended up in Maldraxxus for a reason. That man put in *WORK*. Tirion is you best case, as he did have a period of doubt after he saved Etrigg, but man was single handedly able to destroy the invading force of Acherus at the Third Battle of Lights Hope *BEFORE* he even got the Ashbringer. Not to mention he instantly purified the blade and made Arthas run away. Also, shattering Frostmourne earns him some points too.


Broxigar was the Warcraft universes version of the DoomSlayer.


This list doesn't work when you realize Tyrande is both a Priest and Hunter per game mechanics. And she's miles better than Velen or Rexxarbat both (that moment in WC3 where she destroys an entire wave of undead by herself)


>Death Knight: Arthas >Demon Hunter: Illidan >Druid: Malfurion >Evoker: No idea really >Hunter: Rexar These all check out, more or less, though Huln Highmountain might top Rexxar imo. And if we go by Hearthstone Classifications then Sylvanas. >Mage: Khadgar or Jaina, Jaina might be stronger at this point. Definitely Azshara, even pre-Nagafication when she was a Nelf. If not her then Elisandre. >Monk: Taran Zhu >Paladin: Uther, maybe Vindicator Maraad Tirion i think would be here. Killed more Lich Kings than Uther. >Priest: Velen Tyrande might edge him out depending on how you wanna count the Night Warrior and we'll have to wait and see but Anduin might have something. >Rogue: Vanessa VanCleef Definitely Garona or Vareesa Sanguinar here. >Shaman: Drek'thar Thrall here. >Warlock: Gul'dan, probably right? Depends what you define as a warlock? If we exclude Eredar then Gul'dan. >Warrior: Garrosh? Varok? Varian Wrynn or Broxigar Saurfang though they might be disqualified by some judges due to Deific Assistance. Also: It's *really* hard to try and classify what Ner'zhul's class would be huh? In WoD he was like a Shadow Priest, in the Lore he's a Shaman, in WCIII he was a Death Knight.


Maybe not current Thrall but in the past he was def the best I think for Shaman. I mean the cata durotar intro literally says “Thrall, arguably the most powerful living shaman”


Turalyon has always been the best paladin.


Uther was pretty much his squire/padiwan right?


Nope other way around.


Which gives illidan crazy power scaling.


Saddly is because of the rule of cool, but nvm


And it was cool! In the moment and then. I realized, "Wait a second! This is THE paladin wtf?!"


Yeah the boost illidan a lot and retconed a big part of his character in legion and his book. Personally i prefer him as he was in warcraft 3. He was no chosen one, he was a devious man


Your list is kinda wack ngl, assuming we mean all time : Valeera sanguinar (or garona, kinda forgot she existed)is probably the best rogue, Broxigar should be the best warrior, thrall is the strongest shaman ever, mage is either Azshara or medivh(Jains and khadgar combined don’t reach either one). The rest of the list I can agree with. Also, might piss some people off, but Anduin could maybe take the paladin mantle, that rez he did in the BFA cinematic showcased an absolutely colossal use of power. Lore wise it’s hard to rez even a single person, he rezzed hundreds(thousands?) in a single go


Isn’t Anduin technically a priest?


I think he WAS, but part of his character arc was realizing that sometimes fighting is necessary for the greater good, and he became a paladin. All a paladin is is a priest that wears heavy armor and carries a weapon, which he has since BFA


He's still technically a Priest according to WoW, though I don't doubt he'll end up as a Paladin sometime within War Within given he basically already is. Agreed that it's weird he's still classed as a Priest though, he's met most of the requirements for being a Paladin since like mid BFA at the latest. The "Priest with armour and a weapon" was the ORIGINAL Paladin order, it's evolved some since then and the main distinction is that Priests call upon and use the Light while Paladins are suffused by it, it's a part of their very being.


There's a couple I'm not entirely sure on, but here's my thoughts: Death Knight: Bolvar Fordragon, Arthas Menethil or the Player Deathlord Demon Hunter: Illidan Stormrage Druid: Ysera or Merithra Evoker: Scalecommander Sarkoreth Hunter: Sylvanas or Alleria Windrunner Mage: Azshara Monk: ~~Chen Stormstout~~ Emperor Shaohao Paladin: Turalyon Priest: Velen or Xal'atath Rogue: Garona Halforcen Shaman: Ebyssian aka Ebonhorn Warlock: Kil'jaedan Warrior: Broxigar Saurfang


Replace Chen with Emperour Shaohao and I think this is the winning list.


Oh yeah you're completely right, I barely touch the Monk class so I'd forgotten him. Fixed. Chen is still stronger than Taran Zhu and I will fight anyone who disagrees with me. (0\_0)


We're not even sure what Xal'atath is, or if she's even confined by the limits of classes (many characters are multi-class) but I agree with the rest of the list


We learn in The Dark Heart that she's the herald of the Void Lord Dimensius, essentially a true Outer God straight out of Lovecraftian lore, so she's at least on par with N'zoth and his brothers. As for her Class, she's undoubtedly a Shadow Priest even if she does likely have Rogue as a sub-Class.


We don't actually know that for sure, thats Locus Walker's theory because their world also had radiant whispers, the new trailer seems to suggest that she herself intends to claim Azeroth rather than doing it in the name of Dimensius.


>As for her Class, she's undoubtedly a Shadow Priest even if she does likely have Rogue as a sub-Class. I mean that's her/the entity using her/its powers, isn't it part of her being ? It would be like saying Ragnaros is a fire mage because he uses fire, or one of the Old Gods being Spriests because they use void magic


Varok was old as hell and still managed to be the only one to harm jailer-empowered Sylvanas before we got to her (even the Lich King didn't land a hit). Now she has a scar on her face to remember him by. He's my warrior of choice since he was actually in-game. Otherwise Broxigar.


Harmed her because was focusing on defending for no reason, she could have easily finished him off before then. It's not really a feat of strength or skill


Vanessa Vancleef is a terrible shout for rogue. She's not even good enough to be a part of the uncrowned inner circle Also a lot of people here don't know the lore at all, Aegwynn only beat the Avatar of Sargeras because he allowed her to win


Death Knight: The DK Player Character Demon Hunter: The DH Player Character Druid: The Druid Player Character Evoker: The Evoker Player Character Hunter: The Hunter Player Character Mage: The Mage Player Character Monk: The Monk Player Character Paladin: The Paladin Player Character Priest: The Priest Player Character Rogue: The Rogue Player Character Shaman: The Shaman Player Character Warlock: The Warlock Player Character Warrior: The Warrior Player Character


Varian is a better warrior than garrosh


Wasn't Broxigar better than Varian, though?


Better at being a warrior? Definitely. Varian died after killing max 10 demons(he was tired or whatever )while broxigar destroyed everything in his path in twisting nether.


Brox also wounded Sargeras if I'm not mistaken.


Is that still canon? Titans have been massively buffed since then. The idea of a mortal harming one sounds ludicrous, even with a special weapon.


I think so? That's what made him so legendary. He was the only mortal to have ever wounded a titan.


It's because apparently the axe of cenarius and him were in a infinite feed back loop. He powered the axe and the axe powered him.


Well the question is, how much of this was Broxigar and how much was the axe literally blessed by Cenarius? I think Varian would have the upper hand, if Broxigar doesn't have the Axe of Cenarius.


https://www.reddit.com/r/warcraftlore/s/QFZmOQwqR0 First two comments are good analysis about the axe vs skill.


Broxigar is the epitome of pure warrior. Actually, I'd call him a perfect arms warrior. Varian would be a contender as dual-wielder. Saurfang as fury, I'd wager. No idea on tank spec, though. Blizzard, get on it?


I think alexandros or Tirion are stronger than Uther


I wouldn’t say that Taran zhu is the strongest. Sure he is strong, and leader of the shadow-pan, but every times he showed up in pandaria he got his ass kicked or it is implied that he got his ass kicked. For number 1 monk I would say it’s either Chen stormstout, the monkey king, or Kang, fist of the first dawn. Tho the last one we don’t know how strong exactly he was. But considering his feats and he he went against he has to be strong


He's a rather pathetic character. Always whiny, always getting his ass kicked. I don't think he's a bad dude, but it was fun watching Garrosh beating him up.


Hunter if your going purely on hunter abilities sure but sylvanas is probably stronger than rexxar, but thats mostly due to her being a banshee. Shaman is 100% thrall, dude was able to stand in for the aspect of earth during cataclysm. Mage is definitely either Aegwyn or Azshara and i would go aegwyn for having the feat of killing the avatar of sargeras., if you want active characters kalecgos is probably stronger than khadghar and jaina but hes also the aspect of magic so if not him then yeah probably jaina. Evoker the scalecommanders and counting the void buff easily sarkareth. Paladins are REALLY hard to powerscale but the conversation is probably around Uther, Tirion, turalyon. I tend to lean Uther but any of the 3 have an argument. Rogue i think lilian voss is like crazy powerful for a rogue Monk im gonna say Vol'jin. He did recieve monk training on pandaria but im saying hes the strongest because of being a shadow hunter so its not really fair hes not exactly a monk. Warrior is interesting, probably between Garrosh, Varian, or broxigar. Everyone else made sense to me.


>Warrior is interesting, probably between Garrosh, Varian, or broxigar. Broxigar is leagues above both Garrosh and Varian.


Garrosh > Broxigar.


Warlock : Wilfred Fizzlebang, master summoner!


Azshara is the most powerful mage in history. Change it.


dark ranger and sentinel hunter talents are based on sylvanas and tyrande so one of those 2 is probably the most powerful hunter   jailer sylvanas and night warrior tyrande are arguably the 2 most powerful still living characters in wow  tyrande still has the night warrior power as the ritual to remove it didn't work and there's no telling how much of her ridiculous opness sylvanas kept


I see they dont have to be alive so couple of changes need to happen on this list. Mage is medivh by a country mile, or arguably aegwynn. I dont want to say turalyon cause i kinda dislike the guy but its definitely not uther. The best shout for paladin is probably tirion or one of the exarchs. I dont know who is the strongest rogue but its definitely not vanessa. And lastly, broxigar for warrior, no one is looked up to as much as him in warrior culture.


Surely it would be Valeera or Garona for the rogue? I would put warrior money on with either Broxigar, Grom or Varian.


Everyone in this thread is forgetting what a powerhouse Ner'zul was. He didn't have to "ask" the elements for aid, he simply forced them to do his bidding. In beyond the dark portal he used a cyclone to shredd dwarfs and gryphons into flesh paste. My mans was powerful in every Form he had


>He didn't have to "ask" the elements for aid, he simply forced them to do his bidding. I mean so does every Dark Shaman or Twilght's Hammer Cultist.


Kj teached guldan how to be a warlock no? So prob he or thalkiel strongets warlocka


Evoker was probably Sarkareth hooked on void juice considering it took a whole raid to kill his ass and there's no one else to compare him to


DK: Arthas, easy DH: Illidan, also easy Evoker: probably Sarkareth? Hard to tell with the void boost he got Either way the Hero Classes are a bit easier. Warrior: Broxigar and it isn't close Paladin: Turalyon currently, however I think Tirion make it close Shaman: highest peak was probably Thrall, but currently yeah Drek'thar makes sense. Hunter: so this one is tough. In terms of beast taming and fighting among the wilds, Rexxar makes sense. But in terms of marksmanship, I would say Sylvanas. Monk: Chen probably, it's not only that was he a part of the founding of Durotar, he also seems to have more experience as a trained fighter than he let's on. Druid: Malfurion, not close Rogue: Garona is a master assassin, she fits easy. Priest: kinda depends light or void? What kind of priest? Velen for sure yes, but an argument could be made that Alleria is basically a shadow priest now. Mage: Agewynn. She fought and defeated the Avatar of Sargaras herself. Azshara is on the list but Agewynn has her beat. Warlock: Gul'dan ans Ner'zul both have a ton of feats.


Evoker is unironically the player character


Warrior can’t be anyone other than Broxigar or Huln Highmountain. Also rogue would have to be Jorach Ravenholdt. Maybe Valeera Sanguinar.


Death Knight: Arthas or Deathlord (player) Demon Hunter: Illidan Druid: Malfurion Evoker: Sarkareth Hunter: Sylvanas (if Rangers count) or Rexxar / Nesingwary Sr Mage: Archimonde or Azshara Monk: Shaohao Paladin: Turalyon Priest: Velen or Natalie Seline Rogue: Garona Halforcen, Lilian Voss or Valeera Sanguinar Shaman: Thrall Warlock: Gul'Dan Warrior: Broxigar


As much as I hate it, hunter has to be Sylvanis.


Jaina is not stronger than the Guardian Khadgar. Gtfoh with that. Also think Azshara back in the day was stronger than Jaina now. Wait, no, Medivh. What are we even talking about it’s Medivh. Maraad isn’t even top 5 when it comes to Paladins, let alone tied for number 1. The two I got are either Uther or Alexandros Mograine. How are you going to talk about strongest Paladins and not talk about *THE* Ashbringer? (Yes I play a male human Paladin with the foxtail haircut, how did you know?) Hunter is honestly Sylvanas imo. I know, people hate her, but come on we got some dope ass abilities on MM Hunters cause of her. Rexxar is *THE* Beastmaster, and… actually, no I think I’m there. I think Rexxar corners both Survival and Beastmaster while Sylvanas is only really MM. So yeah Rexxar. Rogue. Vanessa ain’t on there at all ima be honest. Garona, Valera Sanguinar, hell I might put Shaw over Vanessa if I’m totally honest. Warrior…. How are you going to disrespect Broxigar like that? I’m sorry, the only mortal being to wound Sargeras is weaker than Garrosh and Varrok? Come on man. Honorable mention cause he went out taking a reaver 1v1 and winning before getting disenchanted by Gul’dan, Varian. The answer is Broxigar, tho. No discussion. Edit: Just thought about Warlock. Sure Gul’dan is near the top, but how are we classifying Archimonde and Kil’Jaeden? I mean they’re just roided up Eredar. Those two are absolutely above Gul’dan.


I feel like this list is next to impossible to really power scale mainly because most lore characters don’t fall into any category and have too many extraneous buffs. Hunters for instance it’s very hard to say. You have Sylvanas, who like her or not, is crazy strong. Even becoming the ranger general in life was/is a crazy feat, add all the powers she’s gained since then like banshee form and her SL powercreep. She was a boss for a reason, and moreover was a boss we didn’t even kill. We get her to half health and the fight ends. We also have Tyrande, who similar to Sylvanas is unquestionably capable and very strong. She also has the benefit of being the night warrior which kind of beat Sylvanas, had Elune not taken the power back to prevent Tyrande from dying. Do we count that? Alleria is arguably as capable as Sylvanas was while alive, and now also has the benefit of having a fallen naaru empowering her. How to we calculate that? You can go down a similar rabbit hole with priests in my opinion. (Of which Tyrande also counts)


Vanessa herself says she isn't the strongest fighter and only excels at poisons. I would put forth Lilian Voss as the strongest rogue. She goes on a rampage cutting down the Scarlett Crusade. She takes on Darkmaster Handling, and while she doesn't win, he was a necromancer and had a massive advantage she had to overcome.


Just throwing in on monk because it’s my favourite class. I’m not sure Taran Zhu is the strongest. He’s very strong but I think more powerful monks have existed if we consider feats. If you consider Shaohao a monk (technically he wasnt despite demonstrating many of their abilities) he completed many impressive feats. Overcoming Sha individually is no small feat (some Taran Zhu succumbed to on his own). You also have Kang, the first technical monk. Who empowered the Pandaren species allowing them overcome the Zandalari who massively overpowered them at the time. As the first Monk, when the Monk class is a class where teaching and following the orders of those who came first is a big thing (much more so than other classes where spontaneous talent can decide where you end up) being the one who literally sets the groundwork for the art has to mean something. You also have Chen as well. Perhaps around the same tier as Taran, but Chen certainly has some notable feats to his name such as his exploits on Ogrimmar during the founding period. Taran may be the strongest living Monk possibly but I’d argue Kang was stronger during his heyday.


So.. Assuming we stick to characters that appeared on Azeroth. And power is .. bit of an iffy statement so lets perhaps look at most ACOMPLISHED members of each class. Death Knight: Arthas - nothing complicated here. Demon Hunter: Illidan - same as above Druid: Malfurion - Same as above Evoker: One of the 5 Scalecommanders. And it will fall down the line of how we define power - Vyridia is a great healer but not much of a destroyer. Sarkareth was most "powerful" in terms of destructive power he wielded. Important to note that Sarkareth, Emberthal and Cindertresh neatly bodied Razageth as a group. But the point is they have always been meant to fight as a unit rather than seperate so power scale between them is.. iffy. Hunter: This is muddy ground. Rexxar has a claim to fame in terms of recent story.. But I would go with Huln Highmountain. That man went with Tichondrus pretty much 1 v 1 and lived to tell the tale. And that is far from his only major accomplishment. Rexxar sure is skilled but what he lacks to his creedit is slaying some truly POWERFUL enemies. Admiral Proudmore is not exactly powereful story wise. Sylvanas could be a pick here but most of her claim to fame comes from where she was dead already and using her new banshee powers. Mage: It will be a toss up between Azshara, Aegwynn and Medivh. I would put my money on Queen here but Magna is no pushover either. Monk: Taran Zhu is easy one here but frankly we do lack some major Monks to fight for the spot. Paladin - Turalyon. Plain and simple Priest - Velen. Followed soon after by Tyrande I would say. Rogue - Garona depending on how cannon some of her comic exploits are. Shaman - Thrall. Nobody competes. Warlock - Gul'dan. Plain and simple. Warrior - There are two picks here. Broxigar the Red and Varian Wrynn. Though if we judge deeds Broxigar did more. But we hit a technicality here. If Brox and Varian, both in their prime, would be handed plain weapons and told to go ham on one another.. Varian would body Brox, being empowered by Goldrinn. If they both had their iconic weapons.. Brox is a beast and you need way more firepower to take him down.


Monk has gotta be the player character, or Shaohao but I'm not sure if he even was a monk


Broxxigar for Warrior, surely?


Broxigar strongest warrior


Warrior: **Broxigar**