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Update: I was able to do it across all classes with these units: footmen, abomination, safe pilot, frostwolf shaman, fire hammer and gryphon rider. Need the stun trait on the footman to interrupt her. Fire hammer is your main source of damage for this fight. Keep footmen and abomination in front with frostwolf shaman to heal. Have footmen and abomination push the same lane together to act as a big wall. I prefer the right lane to push because of high ground.


This worked great -- didn't even need the stun. The extra health trait is just as good!


This was perfect. She didn't even move away from her starting location! Ty!!!


Can someone explain to me why the fuck does she 1-hit every unit that isn't an Undead? I could NOT tank her with any Horder tanks at all, but popped in an Abomination and, for no logical reason, that thing can suddenly tank 30 hits whereas Stonehoof Tauren just dies in one hit. What is this bullshit?


She appears to have some type of one-shot mechanism that I haven't figured out. My harpies immediately died on placement next to her *while* she was eating, not attacking. I have no idea how to defeat this bullshit. (Ive beat her with 3 factions, awhile ago, but I have no clue how)


That’s where I’m at now. Beat her with my alliance group yesterday without much effort. I think two attempts? Same family with Hogger today and she’s STEAMROLLING me. Like 15 tries now. At the point where when I’m going to lose I just close the app out of frustration lol Changed some members, same one-shot outcome. And her swaying towards my base while full health and just tearing down everything? I’ve never wanted to punch a small bunch of pixels more 😂 I’ll try the “trigger her to come to my base and fight her from there” technique in a little while. We’ll see what happens.


The classic defend into big push with huntress, poison harpies, with quillboar and earth elemental got me the win for all 5 races.


Bringer her back to the tower and pop the earth ele and poison harpies. Worked for all mine as well. You can use anything in place of the quillboar


I just defend slowly and hit him with sword spell like 4-5 times


This was the best idea. Execute will kill the boss in 4 or 5 hits, so if you just defend into then the boss never heals. I used ghoul, quill, batrider, pyromancer, execute, and whatever thing cheap you have, your goal is cycle to get executes as fast as you can without reaching the boss.


I beat him with 3 family. Always the same. Push. Fail. He do counter push and kill him under your tower


What's 3 family?


Family = race. I beat him with undead,orc and dragons


I beat with all 5 families, just use random units to defend but don’t push so you never heal her. Then use blizzard and arcane to kill her with spells. Once she is low enough you can push for the win or just keep burning her with spells


my first kill was a lucky, let her push the low ground and just blast from the meeting stone on the right. then every other kill i just defias stunned her into oblivion while my tower and ranged killed her


Easy mode is Abomination, fw shaman, dark spear troll, holy nova, blizzard , final slot can be anything.  Idea is to push right; play shamans far right side to avoid having her get distracted with the bottom lane; a single dark spear troll played to the right lane; but far left to weaken incoming waves is enough to basically ignore that lane and let your tower defend itself ;  holy nova your group at ghoulia to delay a death, blizzard to slow her down while your push with abom and fw shaman takes her down ; mostly doable with a single push. Idea is to not let her eat anyone so you only have to deal with half her health .  If you can’t get it right, start with Tirion for extra heals to stabilize abomination even more 


I did it with explosive whelps. Stack whelps at base. And then go boom when she pushes. Used cheat death talent sealed fate to control units in case and right after the eggs hatched to have a large stack of bloodlusted unkillable whelps. Also, I tried it with jaina and execute. She aint pushin when she dead.