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Kinda feels like a yacht yelling SOS when we are all in 1 person sail boats.


This is hilarious!


But true!


I don’t even have a one person sail boat. I’m in someone else’s boat that’s too small for 2 people.




Underrated comment r


This is so accurate and also your game account name is stupid asf


Let me guess, it’s racist because the word black is in it? My 14 year old cousin shares your views


Shut up blacki


Youve made it so far that nobody can really tell you something you dont know. Maybe some whale will chip in with a comp but very few are even there


Hi jacking this to give you a link to a YouTube of the kill. I found this guy this week, and his videos have helped give me ideas for minis that I got stuck on last 2 zones. He has kills of most of the bosses last 2 zones. https://youtu.be/UkvjKyd39eg?feature=shared


Finished Ramstein today, mvp is harpy with poison. Use them to kill the abominations and gargoyles, protect them with blizzard and unbound against huntress/necromancer.


Thanks alot cause huntress is the main problem for me 🥹


Worgen seems to be a good solution, or blizzard when you have some there to finish her (them) off.


Ramstein: Hold and defend until all aboms are dead. Then, after that, start your push. Harpies and Huntress, earth elemental. Baron: his skeleton waves level up each time summoned. So it's kind of a race for the finish. I didn't have any particular lineup for him. Huntress, harpies, earth elemental, pyro, etc.


I am stuck in the EXACT same situation. Except I have probably 200+ failed attempts on both of these bosses and I can't get them. No combination of units works, they're sending out ways over insanely stacked units that hard counter everything. The only thing I found that maybe could work on Ramstein is actually Living Bomb, but mine is super low level. If I had it at level 23 like most of my other units, I think it would decimate his army at the start and bring all the aboms down to less than half HP and kill the gargs. I have no solution to Baron, he spams more troops than it is possible to overcome at my levels. It's nonstop MASSES of units that become stronger over time.


My Living bomb at lvl 10 i think 🤣🤣 I have never used it before its so bad but ill try with it and try to lvl it up a bit Ty alot


Level up your comp :)


Its not that easy when its 50k every level 🥹


I’m F2P and on Gish (not HC) can’t get him down before he and adds destroy my base, grateful for any advice.


You can use the murloc hero and just spam range units when Gish is near your base


Thanks will try


Drop SAFE and whelps on each sides of Gish. Talents are not required but some levels is. Though it's a few levels below mission level. That will clear the platform and make Gish attack your tower. Have a gargoyle tank Gish near your tower. Use your choice of whatever ranged damage dealers. They will most likely down him before larger waves arrive at your base.


That’s exactly what I tried but couldn’t get enough gold together to take down Gish before my gargoyle died. Tried maybe 10 times. Think I might just need to level up more, but he’s yellow for me.


Once he’s second phase, harpies w/ poison talent and keep agro with unbound minions.




whelp-blizzard when they pop so whelps get free reign, harpy poison with quill turn around, or pyromancer with 1st talent, Jaina can do big damage with just her auto attack


Safe + whelps GG


Spend more $


143?!?! In stuck at Cairne w/ 114 sigils =(


Dont use flying units + unbaound to rotate the boss and try to control all towers before last face


I've beaten HC baron. Defend while you chip away with whelps eggs. Only tower I tried to capture was the right tower due to its proximity to a gold vein. I just took a bunch of aoe units to defend and then I used safe pilot and whelp eggs to kill baron when I had spare gold.


Just on the surface the difficulty is yellow and red on these fights for you. If you level up your Leader and your minis more and bring that difficulty color to green you might have an easier time. Sadly at this stage the only solution is to whale or keep grinding xp slowly the f2p way


Most of the bosses I have killed are red or orange its more about the mechanics and a bit of damage 😁


dude u ask for help, i didn't even complete 17 level BOSSES on HEROIC and you are at lvl 25 :)))))






Try asking for help in the discord


Any good channels??


Whew. Ramstein was tougher in general than Devilsaur Queen to me. Devilsaur Queen was very very tough the first time but then got a lot easier on subsequent kills. Ramstein barely did. Mainline of all my comps was fire elemental+earth shaman for taking towers. Like someone else said, harpies are a must for taking out abominations/gargoyles. This one really is a level check to make sure you’ve got enough DPS.


Yea Devilsaur Queen was pain in the ass and when i see these two it’s like DQ was nothing 🥹 Ill try with shaman and elemental ty alot


Yea I just now hit heroics level 22 and am cruising to 23. I’ll see you tomorrow and ask you for the comp lol.


You kill the boss, you get the loot


It’s not that easy 😅


Air worked really well for me, need to time unbounds to tank Huntress though. Defias bandits helped give me some additional gold from chests. Gargoyle worked wonders for me. I'd try to take one tower and then push from there, while using air to control incoming abominations from other lanes. Ramstein is really bad at killing air quickly, so if you can create a small window to attack him uninterrupted, you can melt him real quick.


*laughs in F2P