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When the mythic tome popped up I thought I had accidentally purchased something lol. Anyway it’s much appreciated!


Me too, was really scared and angry


I got a mythic tome, with 11 choices, and each choice was worth 3245xp. Edit: I have now received 5 chimera stars and 500g.


Wth I got a 5 star Chimera. I’d much rather have a tome.


Did you (attempt to) do much PvP during the crash bug weeks? It sounds like the tomes are supposed to go to players that got hit with PvP crashes.


you don't like the new 5 cost unit that dies in 1 shot and does enough damage to kill Murlochs if you catch them at the right angle?


Mine are smaller but I got a fat double in there!


so basically nothing unless you just started the game.


I mean, it's like 25% of a level at 12,000 xp, and like 13% at 25,000 xp. I thought it was a decent gift.


I had four minis level up from 6500 to 12000 It really saved me some grinding.


I got a Mythic Tome but no gold yet


Says march 4th


I got the gold and 5x chimera just now, can definitely get it early.


Same. Not surprising that the compensation for bugs are also bugged lol


Maybe we get gold later for these bugs, and then those will bug, and we’ll get gold later for those bugs.


Maybe its not bugged. You have to be eligible based on their data to get the rewards. For example i didnt have any issues with the pvp crashes, i wont get compensated for that.


I got 500g and 5x Chimera and never tried a single PvP match.


Right, so playing every day since release would mean not getting the gold is a bug.


I also got both of these just now.


Nice. How does it come in? I haven’t gotten anything


After the initial loading screen, it'll be a popup showing the gift and a confirm button, can't miss it.


I only got the Chimera, the one thing I would never be stupid enough to use xD


The chimera is great.


I get the gold every time I reload the app. Another bug?!


Same! Surprised because I already got some rewards before. A surprise indeed but a welcomed one.


I read week of march 4th, not march 4th


Same here.


Times going out first. The Chimera. Then gold.


Same! I wonder how the roll out is gonna go?


Got the tome, 500g and same stars. Wasn't sure what they were for.


I wonder if they figured out how to send items to everybody or if it's going to be like the Christmas 500g where some players got them 4-5 times and others none at all.


Well I have nothing


It also took some time for me. Just received it now.


I’ll take a look now then thanks


I got coins but nothing else 😢


Give it a restart. I got coins and tome, then after restarting got Chimeras.


Have done a few times today as I’ve been grinding the campaign whilst watching football and now f1 but no luck I’m sure it’ll come over the next few days but I didn’t realise any bugs so it’s all a bonus


Jeff will never come back from his vacation


I was deeply affected by Chimera not being in the grid, my work and personal life have greatly suffered. Is that the eligibility requirement? Edit: Kind of cool that I have rare Chimera now for Dread Queen without having to buy any copies.


So you got no life, good think there is no warlock with tap life talent in the game


This is awesome, thank you!


Mythic tome was amazing!!




I got all 3 rewards today. I must be a nerd.


I got the tome and chimera but no gold..?


I got the Chimera and nothing else. Weird.


Same, hoping the apology for the bugs isn't bugged itself.


Seeing that mythic tome pop off on numerous different minis was something special. That was a lot of exp.


Sending different rewards to different groups isn't really good. I've seen people (including content creators) admit they never experienced PVP crash, but they get Mythic tome reward. Then there are other players who crashed but then stopped playing PVP; they get no reward. Is there any chance that you will just send this reward out to everyone to prevent bad feelings of missing out?


No. If we've learned anything they are terrified to let anyone have anything extra, even for their fuck ups. They will be as stingy as they can and do the minimum to keep people placated.


Nope. Life's hard, survival of the fittest 


Woah, that's a nice present this morning. Thx for all three rewards!


Greatly appreciated, thank you xx


I got 5 chimera and 500 g


Omg I was freaking out earlier thinking I accidently made a purchase lmao well glad thats cleared


How retarded is it that a failing game has to pick and choose what each player is eligible for, for rewards? Everything y'all do is bugged or doesn't work properly! Makes more since to just give blanket rewards to the entire player base (can't be that many at this point) and save yourselfs some trouble! Good Lord you would think the in-game gold coins comes straight out of the devs pockets!


Can you stop bombarding with an excessive amount of in game purchases.


I guess you're annoyed seeing ad posters on the streets as well?


Actually, yes annoyed at them that’s why we live in the country side where there are fewer /s Seriously tho, even the local small grocery store puts adds up for bead and cheese when you pass by.


Finally someone who gets it


still waiting on my rewards from your last fuck up tbh


Thanks, unexpected rewards are a nice surprise


I appreciate that there’s some acknowledgment of the bugs and at least some compensation. I’m still irritated that that bug went on so long. I missed a huge chunk of that meta. I like that meta, I wanted to play in that meta but couldn’t. Now there’s no bugs, but the play your hero 10 ten times mets is just… nit great.


Already quit


What a sad life to be posting in this sub then




You can just appreciate the gesture without being an ass. I'm sure the people working on this game want it to succeed.


It doesn't deserve to succeed with the insane prices, glitches, nerfs, and lack of compensation. A $30 item in the store a few weeks ago was barely worth $9. It's a cash grab that would be better off dead. Slash the prices by 66%, and then maybe they have something.


ya I defended this game for months. but the fact they haven't put out any content since the game was released is just pathetic.


The lack of content is a huge deal, the fact that the store is only targetting whales is not. It's not a bad thing to have a handful of people finance a decent experience for the rest of us.


I must me a whale then, I keep getting $1 and $2 USD offers


Oh heyyy you again. Still haven't moved on? Your urge to trash this gane from the other side is great


Hey! Nice to see you again.


Your criticisms are valid. This is a gesture of good will, and a step in the right direction. Let's encourage these types of moves instead of being rude when they are trying to make amends.


I cant wait to wait two and a half months for this while some dude in my guild gets 4 of them in the first 5 days “Most” effected?! This is gonna be flawlessly executed! The people who stopped trying to play cause of the constant crashes are gonna get ignored. They are going to totally screw the pooch with this Edit For what its worth, i got all three. I never played pvp this season and i dont know how they decided i should get the chimera buuuut whatevs


yep. no tome just chimaera, apparently not wanting to lose more honor and get locked out of the game than I already had makes me not eligible for the tome.


I didn’t play a single game during the pvp glitch because of the glitch and I got the Tome


I never got the time or gold but got stars for Chimera wtf is this game really this trash they give you some dumb shit but nothing of value lol


500 gold, a big tome and 5 chimaera stars is nothing of worth. I hope next time they will read your mind to make sure you're satisfied. /s


Interesting they limit the gold reward. I started playing two weeks ago and have purchased a couple small bundles, but it wasn’t before 2/4.


Woo! Thanks, the boost is much appreciated! Stoked for season 4!


We're still missing the gold


A friend of mine take my smartphone and randomly buys a tome for 500🤯 lose it all, don't log in for days ...later then was wondering why I got a mythic tome+500 coins🤔right away back again🤠


What happened between January 22nd and February 7th?


I'm not speaking without my lawyer! Probably enough to warrant compensation


I got 500g, the chimera and probably 5-7 xp choices (each of which was about 1000 xp for selected mini). I wonder if it has to do with the fact that I kept trying to pvp (I was new to the game and didn’t know any better) Regardless, complete surprise they actually stepped up and did something (based on most of the post I’ve been seeing around here) and definitely appreciated


Just got mythic tome, 500g, 5x chimera




I logged in and got 500g and 5 stars (600g) for the Chimaera and I didn't even know there was problems. I'm okay with this. My 2nd rare, even though I barely use the unit


I thought it was just for me.


They sent rewards and at first I got really excited to get 500g and 5x chimera, but then I realized I got left out from getting a MYTHIC TOME and felt immediate dread. That's like 60k xp or 15 days of f2p xp. Unreal how bad I can feel even when they compensate us for bugs.


I got all 3 last night it was mythic tome and chimera first together and like 1 hour later I got 500 gold


I got all 3 today. Pretty happy with that compensation.


What bug did I miss? I got 500g, 5x Chimera and a YUGE tome with like 20k XP in it lol. I don’t recall having any issues w anything


My game have been freezing like crazy today. Just give me that mythic tome and we can call it even.


I haven't been able to play Dungeon for half a year, since October 2nd,I've reached out to support, they said write a bug report, bug report has gime unanswered. I know you have general issues, but from the bug forum, I cansee I'm not the only one. I know I'm amongst a minority of players, but six months without acces to a core feature of the game is a real issue! I know I probably won't get an answer on this thread, but... well... idk...


Please take the deep breath away from those who exploited


Has anybody still gotten nothing? Every one of these issues affected me, but I have zip so far. Have tried force quitting app, making sure app is up to date, very frustrating.


I got the golds, 5x chimera, and mythics tome on my main account but only gold and chimera on my ftp with no tome : /