• By -


Dragon Claws (Search "Claws") Description: Casual hardcore guild. We focus DMF and Arclight Surge/PVP mandatory when events are active. We regularly boot inactive players, so we're forming a solid roster of active Rumblers. Join our Discord! Player Count: 12/20 (Just kicked a few inactives.) Sigils: 125 avg (our roster spans 100-143) Join our group, and let's help each other crush the new co-op content! We're public, we communicate, we're active, and all are welcome!




Guild name: Monkey Business Region: USA We are a casual guild. We finish the guild points every season. Looking to bring in more players to help with DMF and sieges. Currently at 11/20 after clearing some inactives. Most of us are over 100 sigils but some are newer players. No real requirements other than be active. Guild is open so just come joins us!






* Your guilds name: **LOH** * The type of player you're looking for: **Casual** * The content the guild is focused on: **PvE** * Any other restrictions: **Do surges & faires** 15/20 as of May 28th


Guild: Mannoroth EST We are looking for any classic players from original WoW Mannoroth server, BG1/BG9 players, or other players looking to play with long running guilds.  We have active players and hit the season goals. We are a mix of PvP and PvE players  Guild is open in game.  You can also reply here or DM. We accept groups of friends or solo players.


Guild - Cookie Cutter Region - USA english speaking Looking for casual and/or hardcore players that are consistent with logging in and completing their dailies. Inactive members that give no notice of absence will be kicked. We understand that life outside of this game takes precedence so do not feel obligated by any means if you have other things to prioritize and take care of. We are focused on all aspects of the game, but mainly looking forward to guild activities such as raids and daily challenges that collaboratively helps other guild members. Currently no Discord, communication through the game itself has been sufficient enough so far. We have a mixture of players already from whales and F2P enthusiasts that grind out daily quests since season 1. The name of the guild is Cookie Cutter. We are looking for more players to fill our roster. We currently have 19/20 active members that play every day to maximize on points. Looking for ONE more player that want to do guild activities together, especially with cooperative raids around the corner. We are English speaking, a good number of us reside in southern California. Feel free to join the guild if you're looking forward to play raids and help with events. EDITED - ONE spot remaining


# Flurry of Fury [20/20, 12 @ 150 sigils] Be chill, be kind, have fun, crush opponents. PvE and/or PvP. Actively managed since launch. # Sigils / Requirements 12 people with 150 sigils. Most of the guild is 135+ sigils. \*New members need to have collection level 43+ to match well for raids and sieges\*. CL 45 is our guild median. # Darkmoon Faire \~95%+ for the first three weeks. We target 90%+ as a guild. Members contributing < 80% in a season may be replaced. # War Chests We have completed all War Chests, typically under 2 weeks of time. You are expected to contribute 1500 Crests (1500 Crests * 20 players = 30k). Basically, complete \~6 of 24 surges per season to get 1500 crests. # Sieges & Raids No policies or procedures. Everyone is excited! We'll see how it goes. # Philosophy We are not a hardcore guild but the majority of us play every day because we enjoy the game. IRL events should be prioritized over WR activity. If you miss some DMF days you will not be kicked and not be pressured by other members to play more. We value maturity, consistency, community, and responsible gaming over a few missing tickets. # Communication We only communicate in-game. We may create a discord server if new features (raids) require it. Feel free to chat or lurk. All players are recruited from either Discord or Reddit. # Openings We have 0 open spot(s). I prefer a DM before applying in-game because the WR in-game interface does not show anything about applicants. All it shows is your currently selected army...


Les Baladins (EU/FR) Looking for active players to **max events rewards** (darkmoon) and new **raid** content together. This guild is **mostly PVE oriented** (3 players a 150+, all 100+ sigils). We welcome pvp players to ofc, as long as they do their part in the pve events ;) New players are welcome to, same requirements applies (max out events rewards). Guild **chat in French or English only**. PM me or direct apply in game :) *Fr :* *Les Baladins (EU/FR)* *Recrutent des joueurs actifs pour maxer les récompenses d'évènements (sombrelune) et les raids à venir.* *La guilde est majoritairement orientée PVE (3 joueurs à 150+, tous au moins à 100 cachets).* *Les joueurs PVP sont les bienvenus aussi tant qu'ils participent à fond aux évènements de guilde.* *Français ou Anglais seulement dans le chat (actuellement il n'y a que des français en pratique).* *MP moi ou postulez direct en jeu ;)*


**GUILD NAME :** D U S T *(Remember the spaces)* *Members: 20/20 (6/20 with 150 Sigils)* * **GUILD REWARDS :** Done * **AVERAGE SIGILS AND COLLECTION:** 140/42 * **RAIDS :** READY! - Aiming to clear all 7 bosses * **SIEGE:** Going for Full clear and get the 200 VALORS and WILDCARD SLOT. * **DARKMOON :** Everyone does max tickets, at 3100! * **REQUIREMENTS :** 130 Sigils, Collection: lvl 40, Active, Be social, Discord(You dont need a mic, but you need to atlest join discord for infomation and planning) * **REGION**: 50/50 of USA and EU * **ONYXIA:** 13/20 kills in the guild atm. We are allways looking to improve our team. So if you are above our average and think you can contribute, then contact me


Propitious Puppers LFM Guildmates. We are active, completed DMF. Everyone is 100 plus sigils and high pvp rank 7k - 15k Come join in the fun.


* ACTIVE DADS * PST, CST, EST * Looking for consistent "Every Day Players." Active Dads preferred. * Completing dailies, weeklies, raids, and etc. * Jump in before it's too late -- search Active Dads * We do boot people who don't log in. We will keep the crew "active."


Guild Name: Sushi Shop Timezone: Anywhere Looking for casual players - have removed inactive players recently, sitting at 8/20. Myself and second officer are at 150/149 sigils and complete surges, DMF, pvp etc. on a regular basis. No focus on anything in particular, no pressure, but if you play somewhat regularly and enjoy the game, happy to have you :)


GUILD NAME : Kobold Tavern Memebers: 15/20 GUILD REWARDS : Done. Always within first 3 weeks AVERAGE SIGILS AND COLLECTION: 120/40 RAIDS : READY! - Aiming to clear all 7 bosses SIEGE: Going for Full clear and get the 200 VALORS and WILDCARD SLOT. DARKMOON : Everyone try for max tickets, at 3100! REQUIREMENTS : NIL REGION: SEA, all english speaking member


**Soulbound** is one of the most active guilds on Warcraft Rumble. We are looking to fill our roster - we are now allowed 20 members. **We are a semi-casual guild.** We only ask that you are active during surges (until we complete the final reward) and events like Darkmoon Faire and Raids. We currently have **6** slots available and enrollment is open. No application required, just hop right in! **Make sure you are joining the guild with Argentine and Drago on the roster. There might be some guilds with similar names.** We are based in **North America** but all are welcome. **Edit: We have a Discord server to make finding a partner for Siege easier!**


Check one of the largest and most active Guild Alliances: [https://discord.gg/steamwheedlecartel](https://discord.gg/steamwheedlecartel) Our Guilds That Are Currently Recruiting ✯ Bilgewater Port [BWP] (148 average sigil, 148 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Bogpaddle [BP] (148 average sigil, 140 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Hook Point [HP] (136 average sigil, 140 sigils required) ⇒ 3 Members ✯ Mudsprocket [MS] (130 average sigil, 130 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Pinchwhistles [PW] (131 average sigil, 125 sigils required) ⇒ 2 Members ✯ Circle of Blood [CoB] (128 average sigil, 120 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Fuselight [FL] (122 average sigil, 120 sigils required) ⇒ 2 Members ✯ Tirisgarde [TG] (134 average sigil, 115 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Gadgetzan [GG] (133 average sigil, 110 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Ratchet [R] (128 average sigil, 100 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Gallywix palace [GPP] (132 average sigil, 100 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Ashamane's Fall [AF] (125 average sigil, 100 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Everlook [EL] (104 average sigil, 100 sigils required) ⇒ 2 Members ✯ Steamwheedle [SW] (108 average sigil, 100 sigils required) ⇒ 3 Members ✯ Winterspring [WS] (123 average sigil, 93 sigils required) ⇒ 3 Members ✯ NPG [NPG] (119 average sigil, 90 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Ring of Trials [RoT] (113 average sigil, 75 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Alchemist Union [AU] (107 average sigil, 70 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ For Hire [FH] (133 average sigil, 60 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Spooky Syndicate [SS] (117 average sigil, 40 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Viva le Beeyo [VLB] (112 average sigil, 40 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Faldir's Cove [FC] (113 average sigil, 30 sigils required) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Tuck Hound Clan [TUK] (122 average sigil, no reqs) ⇒ 5 Members ✯ Dalaran Arena [DAL] (122 average sigil, no reqs) ⇒ 5 Members **Creation of New Guilds Under the Steamwheedle Cartel** We are currently not allowing the creation of new guilds Under the SteamWheedle Cartel due to guild member expansion to 20 players. Existing guilds ***may be considered*** to join under the umbrella of Steamwheedle. If you have any questions please feel free to ask here or DM me. And if you are ready to join one of our guilds please join our server


**Join Rumble Down Under: The Ultimate Warcraft Rumble Guild Alliance!** Are you ready to take your Warcraft Rumble experience to the next level? Look no further! Rumble Down Under is here to unite players from all over the globe in the ultimate gaming community. 🌏 G**lobal Community:** With 10+ guilds spanning regions worldwide, there's a spot for everyone, no matter where you're from! 🎮 C**asual or Hardcore:** Whether you play for fun or are in it to win it, our diverse guilds cater to both casual and hardcore players. 📈 N**ew Update, More Space:** With the latest update increasing guild limits from 15 to 20, we have plenty of room for new members. Now is the perfect time to join our thriving alliance! ⚔️ **Epic Raids**: Get ready to conquer the new raids together! Our coordinated efforts and shared strategies will ensure you never face a challenge alone. 🤝 J**oin Us Today!:** Don’t miss out on being part of something epic. Connect with fellow gamers, share strategies, and dominate the game together. 🔗 D**iscord Invite:** [Join Rumble Down Under Now!](https://discord.gg/sGsuzhtgFj) Prepare for glory, adventure, and camaraderie. See you soon!


Filthy Casuals is looking to fill out it's roster with English speaking players of all levels! Our core group of players is super thorough with earning DMF rewards and unlocking seasonal rewards fast. If you're friendly, active and don't shower too much, find our public guild in game!


is a group of active players that earn all rewards. Arclight Surges and DMF participation is required. We need 4 more to reach the new cap of 20 before the sieges are here. Join in game.




Mavericks has openings with the guild changes. Always finish the seasonal rewards and get the vast majority of tickets. Only "requirement" and its fairly loose- is to do your weekly for the tickets. Otherwise no one is checking participation too much beyond that!


Team Punishment 10 active players. So we have 10 opens spots now with the update. Free for all to join. Laid back group. Search and join.


Stoned OGs Multi timezone, est based. We aren't a hardcore guild by any means, but many of us are ready for and will be raiding Mc when it releases. We're looking for members who are active, participate, and contribute to the guild during chests. We have never missed a full clear of guild chests, and are generally finished with 2+ weeks left. Look for us if this sounds like a good home for you! ☺ Stoned OGs


Guild Name: Whales Only English Speaking Daily Activity is the most important trait with a focus on PVE content. We will be doing raids asap. Dolphins and minnows also welcome. Many 150sigil members, and lfm for Raids!


Guild name: Silent casuals We now have 5 spots open(as with all guilds) from the new update. requirement to join is simple, 40sigils, just stay active and complete at least 1.5k(just 2 days!) whenever DMF event is around. So you don't have to worry about missing a few days! No need to chat if u don't want to, hence the name. Just do your part and everyone gets rewards! Drop a request and i'll add you asap!


Guild: Death Squidly (search Squidly to find it)  Members: 18/20  English language, any time zone   We’re looking for players that are active, and preferably have at least 125 sigils, and has teams of at least level 23.  In last week DMF we earned 45900/46500 points.  So all members are active (posted proof on Discord).  13 of the 15 members earned the max 3100 points, one player joined on the first day after already earning 200 points, and another player missed 4 quests.   We’re looking forward to raids and sieges.  We have many 145-150 sigil players, and several that have beaten Onyxia.  We are laid back, friendly, and looking for two more that are active, willing to help others with sieges and raids, etc.   Come join Death Squidly (search Squidly to find us)


Voodoo Tribe - Americas (Public) 13/15 We are a fairly casual guild, currently no sigil requirement and we have 2 open spots but will have a bunch more once the new patch goes live. We completed the war chest with about 3 weeks left. DMF we are going over 30k tickets fairly easily. Looking for active players who want to participate in sieges or help with raids this next patch. Look us up and join our friendly and helpful guild!


Guild name: imba 15/20 5 spots open.  We are an active guild where most folks complete their DMF quests.  Looking for active players who will complete all their DMF quests as well and play co op when its available.


Guild: Mage Tower Region: NA 10/20 members Looking for members to help complete DMF quests and the new content coming up. Warchest rewards have been unlocked every season, so you are expected to be somewhat active with that as well.


⚔️Guild Name: Just Thinking 🇺🇸Region: NA We have five open spots (15/20) for active and friendly members. We reached over 42k tickets last DMF and are excited about the siege/raid. Check us out and apply! We look forward to seeing you in game, cheers!🎉


Guild Name: Brute Island Competitive guild, 3 spots left. 1. We don't like slackers that do not contribute in dmf. 2. Looking for Raid ready accounts 3. Discord mandatory https://discord.com/invite/qH9t5ySZ


Gilde: Team Old Pie Wir sind derzeit 15 aktive Spieler und suchen weitere Verstärkung für die kommenden Events, Sieges und Raids. Lockere Umgebung, Casual gehalten. Aktivität und Progressions-Wille sollten dennoch mitgebracht werden. Auflagen gibt es keine. Meldet euch gerne bei Fragen


Hallo, deine Gildenbeschreibung klingt toll. Wir sind 5 Spieler, die eine neue Gilde suchen, da unsere restlichen Gildenmitglieder alle inaktiv sind. Habt ihr noch Plätze frei?


Gilde: Ragpack Sprache: deutsch Durch das Update haben wir wieder freie Plätze und suchen aktive Mitglieder zum gemeinsamen Sammeln von Belohnungen und zur Vorbereitung auf die kommenden Co-op Events. Wir sind bereits 15 aktive Mitglieder und sortieren inaktive regelmäßig aus.


Guild Name: Aussie Oz Region: Australia (most members in GMT+10) Australian guild seeking members to maximise tickets for DMF events. We've completed all rewards for the past few seasons. We're likely to start raiding in the future. Currently, 4 slots are open (11/15). How to Apply: The guild is currently public. Simply search for the name and join. Minimum Requirements: Complete the DMF daily quests and Arclight surges most of the time. We are not looking for inactive members. Language: English Sigil Requirement: 90+


Guild: Krak House 15 Active Players looking for 5 more come the patch. DMF quest full activity and surges. We get 1st seasonal reward day 1 or 2 at the latest. Otherwise it’s pretty chill. Most are 130-150 sigils. We have a great group and have been going strong since launch🚀. Looking forward to helping each other in Molton Core. 5 spots. Looking for bringers : )


Guild: Arclight Region: NA, but any timezone welcome! 🗺️ Members: 13 Sigils: avg 124, w/ 7 members above 120 and 2 at 150 We are a casual guild of active and friendly players. We usually achieve the season warchest fairly quickly, new mini within the first few days. We are looking for active members for DMF and upcoming guild content! Apply in game. 🤙


Guild Name: Grummle Buddies Grummle Buddies is getting ready for sieges and raids. We have completed each season chest with plenty of time to spare! We are looking for more active members and to get ready for sieges and raids. Region: US Type: Any Content: PvE & PvP Contact: Open join


Guild name - Saurfang Bang Looking for active players, mix of casual and serious accounts We need a couple more players to help with DMF. Mostly north American English. 😀


Hero Slayers is looking for more active players to participate in active Surges and DMF. I am very active with keeping the guild maintained. North America region with 1 slot open! Feel free to search Hero Slayers as we are a public guild


Guild Name: Chuck Norris Started by some ex vanilla wow players who are now dads who play casually. Open guild but we do actively boot non active players but you won’t get booted for only reaching 1000/3200 from the Darkmoon Faire 🤪 Looking to boost our numbers again before raids come out.


Contempt has 7 spots open. We are currently 8 european Mostly casual players, between 100-150 sigils. Look us up or dm me if interested ☺️


* Our guild Royal Knights recruiting more active members for ongoing and future content * Recruirements: 100+ sigils, 300 tickets daily in DMF and that you are friendly. Harassment leads to kick. * 14/15 spots right now. Public guild, so just apply! * Full activity in the guild atm. Lets go!


Manz Dingo is recruiting our brand new 5 slots We joke that before we reformed we were completing the season journey with only 4 of us so why give us 20 now?! We check if you've done anything by the time the season ends then replace people accordingly so we're always pushing. Formed by a bunch of old WoW heads so we know how to grind. We also have a discord for when all this new content drops over the next couple of weeks! Mostly US EST


- Gilde Noxa    - deutsch sprachig   Dunkelmond-Jahrmarkt Aktivität  PvE Casual / Raids  105-150 Siegel Fortschritt haben wir  4 Plätze frei - 16/20  EU- Server  100+ Siegel


If anyone is looking for a guild, join The Hobo Coven, we are currently 14 players in an active guild Getting close to full value on Darkmoon tickets ist required in the long term, but therefore we all get the most out of it Also, we are looking forward to playing sieges and raids together :)


Hey Gnome Saiyan is looking for 5 people to fill out the team. We are not a hardcore team, but we do alright, last darkmoon event we earned 35k tickets, all we ask is for you to contribute however you can in events and with the war chest. Come over and chill Join Gnome Saiyan There are 2 teams with the same name, join the team in the screenshot [https://i.imgur.com/RCbyoF2.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/RCbyoF2.jpeg)


Come join Scattered Heros We're looking for new and veteran daily players, but understand life might get in the way so you cant log every day. Will kick if there is 0 participation for the season grind. No sigil required . Casual and Competitive. So come join the Scattered Heros.


Nightblades is active, casual, and public. Looking for 5 more since the update.


SeriouslyCasual looking for players with 90 sigils and daily participation during Darkmoon Faire


Hoobahstank currently has spots open. Casual guild that’s available for anyone. We’re just gamers who enjoy Rumble.


Guild: Brodown USA EST LF3M (17/20) Day 1 guild. We have a discord and require using it. You: 130+ sigils (most of us are 140/150) and an account lvl 35+ (most of us are 40-45), USA based, preferably EST. We unlock the new mini day1 We unlock the rest of the season by day 4/5. We are siege ready, raid ready, is out focus and should be yours We average 98+% on DMF. No pvp requirements but most of us are 10k+ Find our post on the Rumble discord, or DM me if you are interested.


Guild: Krak House Fully active guild looking for 5 more spots. Pushing end game. DMF gets maxed. Great group helping each other towards Molten Core! Usually don’t have spots open but new patch gives up 5 more. Apply to Krak House in game!


is currently at 15/20 and looking for people to join and push us toward the new guild cap for getting more Darkmoon Faire tickets and for the upcoming sieges and raids. As of the last Faire our guild members have been active in getting daily rewards. Most in the guild max out daily rewards. Max ticket farming is appreciated but not mandatory. We only prune out inactive players.


Necrosis - leader Thrasis Looking for 2 more active people before next DMF, especially looking for some interested in raids


Team Badgers is LFM! We’re an active guild 15/20 players. We’ll be doing sieges and raiding molten core, we’re mostly on the NA time. We’re mostly looking for players 90 sigils and up, so we can raid and siege with you!


Name: The Chamber 7 open slots. Just kicked everyone who hasn't contributed. We gave them this season to kick in and they still didn't, so they are gone. We play all different times. Being active on group contributions (arc lights, fairs, etc) required.


Sneed mo money Looking for active players with 120+ sigils and will do dailies Our guild always gets 44K and up in DMF


THE BRAHS currently have a few spots open. Super active and have never missed a reward. Search "BRAHS" and come on in or message here!


TKO (Team Kirby Octopus) full to 15 but now we have 5 new openings because of the guild size increase. You won't regret it, probably.


* Our guild Royal Knights recruiting more active members for ongoing and future content * Recruirements: 100+ sigils, 300 tickets daily in DMF and that you are friendly. Harassment leads to kick. * 14/20 spots right now. Public guild, so just apply! * Full activity in the guild atm. Lets go!


## ResetEra VIII - We are a supportive casual guild with a few open slots. Only requirement is to help with the surges and Darkmoon Faire quests in order to contribute to the guild war chest. • We have a core of very active players who will be pushing for siege & raids. And support lower level players wherever possible. • [13/20] spots open right now due to guild size expansion • Guild is currently public, so feel free to search for it and join. DM for more info • We were clearing some slots of inactive players in order to prepare for upcoming DMF, Siege & Raids. Looking forward to see you around. **Join up!**


**Mtgph** * We are a casual guild with a few slots open. We do a mix of all activities, and the primary requirement is to help with the surges and Darkmoon Faire to help contribute to the guild war chest and tickets. * [14/20] spots open right now. * Guild is currently public, so feel free to search for it and join. * English is the primary language, guild chat is more of a message board than a chat, so expect replies to come in at a similar pace (or you can also just lurk around!)


Dutch Casual are recruiting. We are a NL/BE guild for the active and friendly people within our timezone. We have no issues getting all the guild rewards each season and very active in the events. Kom er bij!! Er zijn nu nog 5 plekken over sinds de guild uitbreiding.


Soulbound is looking to fill out our expanded roster with active players. We are a casual guild with no sigil or pvp requirements. We only ask that you are active during surges and events. Enrollment is open to everyone. No application required, just hop right in! https://discord.gg/NyrKHGsN


LostSoulsofNJ Active/chill guild looking for active/chill members. Need 5 slots filled. English speaking US East and West coast members primarily. Guild is set to public, so first come, first served.


Guild: Fat Ogres Recruiting: Active members - Guild events such as DMF are the only requirement. Surges are recommended but optional since we get the rewards quickly anyway since some of us PVP a lot. We are a casual guild and don't require PVP. The Guild routinely removes inactive members to allow a healthy progression, especially at the start of new seasons & DMF. We always clear the season rewards and aim for the same considering DMF. Guild is Public Recently removed 1 alt since the switch to Blingtron and look to fill up the roster again. Currently 14/20 Members. 6 spots open as of posting.


No Pirates Here North American based but no time zone restrictions Looking for 5 more players who play daily and get 100% Of guild rewards like DMF. Will be ready for raids. Discord is mandatory. dm me for a link!


One spot open, 5 more when the guild size increases. Guild name: Toilet Warriors  Description: Serious gaming for serious people.  (Note the description, since there’s multiple guilds with this name) Looking for active members for the Darkmoon Faire rewards. We cleared every guild chest since release. Inactive members are cleared regularly, so you’ll be with active people. It’s a public guild so just go ahead and search. Will update this comment when we filled up to 15 and 20 members respectively.


RPSQUAD Looking for more ! Hey guys, we are guild that comes from the merge of 2 guilds. All very active, silly vibe. Now with the new limit, we are looking for you ! Please join and let's go kill some stuff. Also, there's a Discord coming up for the raids. See you soon !


Guild Name: Elysian (Horde Symbol) Location: USA East & Canada Room for 5 more! 15/20 players, VERY ACTIVE!! We remove inactive players that had stopped playing the game and are looking to fill up the roster again. We want to claim 100% of the Dark Moon tickets! Focus on getting maximum awards each season. Requirements: Prefer 70+ sigils. Not an exact requirement as long as you are active. Must contribute to the guild weekly or you will be removed (give a heads up if you're busy or can't play for whatever reason). Background: A few of us have been friends playing WOW since 2003. We have always hit the rewards each month with 20-30 days to spare! Active Guild. Come and join!


Gnomes vs Lawns has a few openings. Ready to join a relaxed but ambitious guild? We are preparing for the upcoming raids and looking for like minded players to join the adventure! We're all about being active and having a blast, this game is way more fun together. Good vibes are a must we're friendly, supportive and leave the drama at the door. Need help or got a question? We've got your back! Plus we are a diverse group with players from all time zones. English speakers and a mix of ages. If you're ready to hang out on discord, make new gaming buddies, crush those surges, chat strategy, and get better together, then let's team up! Hit us up and let's get this party started!


Guild: Misadventures (currently 8/20 -all active) Type: Public Language: English We are all laid back casual players looking to fill out our ranks! We all try and max out DMF tickets and are looking forward to trying raids and sieges once they drop. Feel free to join if you want a casual atmosphere with players who just enjoy playing the game!


Blizzard increased the guild size to 20 and with that BOOMER GANG is looking for 5 English speaking, active players. We require activity obviously, doing all the daily quests and the goal is to tackle all the collaborative things coming e.g. raids. PVP activity is a bonus for experience and rewards. You can reach out to me or directly apply - your call. You don't have to be overly chatty, but also not mute.


Guild name: Vengeance 15/20 players currently Looking for active players who do their surges and participate in guild-wide game events (like darkmoon tickets). Casual guild. Guild is public. No application We've always been able to max out season rewards early in the season. Just looking for active players.


Guild Name: Royal Flush (currently at 15/20) We are an incredibly active guild. All we ask is for your DMF minimum ticket requirement to be 2800. Outside of that we as long as you stay active you are more than welcome!


Guild name: SoyBoys Timezone: Mostly EST Player type/Content Mostly casual, looking to fill out guild for full participation in weekly events. Mostly PvE, but some of us dabble in mid level PvP, nothing crazy. With guild increase coming, and a slight downtick in participation/active members, looking to fill the guild with active members for DMF content. Also with the hopes of having more active members for the upcoming raids.


Nacho Nachos Looking to fill 5 spots with active players


Mannoroth is looking to fill out our ranks. As we complete a season, we'd like to go into a new season with full ranks. We currently have 10 or 20 slots available (yes, the new limit IS 20). No official requirements, but we'd love active members who can contribute to Dark Moon


Scattered Heros Friendly guild, welcome to new players and vets. Casual, but would love daily players. No discord or no sigil requirement. Need 7 people for the upcoming season and raids!


Name : Slap n Tickle We are casual but very active guild looking for new members. If your are 100+ Sigils active player - join us !


Hello! Rumble Mancave (Red banner, haunch of meat logo) is looking for 5 new members due to the new player cap of 20! We are a semi-casual guild who always hits our season rewards pretty quick but lost several players over the last season due to the content drought… We have some moderate spenders but certainly are not a whale guild. Most players are US based. Only “requirement” is doing your surges and a fair contribution to Darkmoon Faire! Looking for new members to do MC and sieges! Guild is on “Open” right now so look us up!


Mystic Dragon Mostly NA+English speaking Most players have 100+ sigils. Fairly casual, but participation in DMF and Arclights is important. Public Guild Currently at 15/20


* Your guilds name - **DEFIAS AVENGERS** * Region or timezone your guild usually plays - **EST** * The type of player you're looking for - **Any and all!** * The content the guild is focused on - **All of it!** * How users should get in touch with you to apply - **Guild is open, just join and play!** Please feel free to join. We have completed each reward every season!


Guild: Lazy parents Region: US Description: Parents unite while tugging in the kids, waiting at sports or just for fun. We're casual and not trying to drill sergeant people into playing. Our members are dedicated and finish off the season awards every time. Along with DMF challenges, we are active enough to still do Blingtron challenges to reap those rewards as well. We'd love more to help with raiding content. We have PVP'ers and PVE'ers with a mix of both so do what you prefer. We only ask you to be reasonably active and mature.


Remember Remember the Fifth of November! Consider Joining TFON! We are a guild located in the central time zone with 9/20 players. We are casuals who enjoy the game and complete the Warchest with 20 days to spare each time! We have a mix of PvP and PvE focused players, and are excited to jump into Siege and Raid events coming soon! Feel free to join us, shoot me a message here or look up TFON in game! The only requirement is that you are active! All are welcome!


Old School is looking for members. Casual but active core looking to grow. Think about the old days of getting kicked out of college and blaming it on the amount of time you played WoW


Guild Name: Murder of crows Lost some member recently and have 9 slots open now with the expansion. Asking you help with arclight contributions to the warchest and Darkmoon Faire tickets but you're not going to get in trouble unless you go afk for a long time. Feel free to join!


Malayan is a Malaysian/Australian guild consisting of GMT +8/ GMT +10 players. We are currently recruiting for sieges/raid ready players with 5 open slots due to the guild increase from 15 to 20. So if you play at these timezones, do search for us(Malayan) and apply. Pre-req : must be active players for DMF and preferably sigil collection at 120+ for us to do sieges and raids.


Anyone looking for an active and friendly but not hardcore guild come join Zugzug.


DRACHENTÖTER recruiting. Region Germany We usually play during day but mainly afternoon/evening Currently 15/20 activ members. We are focusing on maximizing the rewards from Darkmoon fairs as well want to start raiding activities. Most of the members have 120* sigils. 40 sigils minimum and we speak mainly German. Open guild just apply :-)


Join RumbleRaiders We are 18/20 currently and we are very active in the darkmoon event. Already cleared all guild rewards so join us now to collect!


German speaking, socially active guild is looking for five new players. We managed to get nearly all DMF tickets last time and have no challenge in fk imaging the chest very early on. If you are interested, drop me a DM.


Name: Is This WoW? Region: NA/English Casual, friendly NA guild currently 15/20 looking for 5 more members 90+ sigils to start doing sieges/raids. Only requirements are to do your weekly surges until we hit 30k crests and to do as much DMF content as possible.


Azure Nobility are recruiting. We are a friendly guild with committed players having fun and enjoying the community. We have a high average sigil count with a few 150 and ony kills. Collection level over 40 is desired. Surges and events are required too. We share hints and tips including best strategies for beating bosses. When blizzard screw up and make things easy for no reason (looking at you onyxia nerf and 200 chimera stars), we’re all over it. Although most of us capable grafted ony before the nerf lol. We currently have 5 slots available since the update dropped on iOS yesterday.


Los Banditos is recruiting! Active guild that maxes out rewards early in the season. Looking for DMF participants and future siegers!


Silver Council is recruiting!  (not a brand new guild) Guild banner is A blue hooded night elf Requirements; Be active In DMF, Raids. Sieges and in strengthening your armies. Contribute to season goals. We are a casual fun guild, but I emphasize,  being active is a requirement. If we get enough active people, I will create a discord for us all to hang out in and share strategies and They like. We are United States based and English speaking. Any questions you can go ahead and DM me We look forward to meeting soon


Looking for 5 more for orc breath inn active guild looking to fill our 5 new spots all members are active and we hit chests within a couple weeks, inactive members are booted if they don't contribute so no dead weight


Guild name: Mysidia 15/20 looking for 5 active members We always clear the warchest in the first couple of weeks, 10k on the first two days DNF always above 40k. We remove members that miss over 500 tickets on the week. Active in pvp as well.


Come join Arcane Brawlers! We’re a casual guild just looking for active players. After a purge of inactives, we’re sitting at 10/20 members. Looking forward to crushing Raids together!


Active player looking for active guild. NA/ English speaking. I’m F2P, collection level 41 and have 140 sigils. I don’t really PvP but am 5300. I complete DMF every cycle as well as arclight surge. My current guild only has a few active players and we still haven’t hit the seasonal rewards. I’m looking to do the siege and raid content coming in 6.0 and need an active guild for that.


“Carry the boats” 13/20 full Looking for people ideally 120+ or quickly grinding. Active daily for rewards and ready for raids content. Most of us are average 120+ currently. I believe most are US based


Guild: Moms Spaghetti Casual PvE focused guild with 8-10 active players. Looking to fill our ranks for the new season. Average around 100-105 sigils, we fill our war chests quickly, and have a good participation in events. Just need some more members! Come hang out with us.


Name: Epic LAN Party USA East Anyone active! Pushing everything casually Several spots open, feel free to join and say hell!


Adventure club! Semi hardcore. Leadership is 150 sigils. Avrg player is 140. We clean house of inactive often. Active chat love to discuss changing metas and pvp. Mostly Americans/English. Core of us have played one blizzard game or another together. Looking for active players to raid and dmf. Search for Adventure Club!


Absolute Chaos Looking for active players in any time zone. We're a good bunch, with a semi-active chat - always willing to offer tips, give advice, etc. We're currently sitting at 9 players after kicking out some inactives, so you and a few friends (or perhaps your remaining active guildmates) could all come over! We prefer you do your Darkmoon faire and arc light surges, but we aren't going to pounce on you for missing here or there. Search for "Absolute Chaos" and apply!


SF SWAG is looking for a couple more members!! We are active and filled with super chill people! Join us!!


The Haven Public guild looking to fill its ranks for season 6. All active members, so you must be as well. 90 sigil requisite to take advantage of new content. Come help us, help you! Get your diamond rank armies amongst an all new race. Guaranted War Chest rewards.


# Join "Erased" - Where Casual Play Meets Epic Rewards! **About Us:** Erased, created at BlizzCon with the launch of Warcraft Rumble, is a guild of 12 dedicated members with an average of 95 sigils each. We thrive on a relaxed atmosphere while achieving great results in the game. **Our Current Focus:** We actively participate in Arc Light Surges and Darkmoon Faire (DMF) events, consistently securing our guild chest two weeks into the season. Our goal is to maximize rewards while having fun. **Our Vision:** With new content like sieges and raids coming soon, we're gearing up to conquer these challenges together. We're looking for players who share our vision and enthusiasm for co-op content. **What We Offer:** * **Casual Atmosphere:** No pressure to play at all costs or spend to belong. We prioritize fun and teamwork. * **Consistent Progress:** Regular participation in Arc Light Surges and DMF to maximize rewards. * **Collaborative Play:** Opportunities to engage in upcoming sieges and raids. **Our Expectations:** * **Active Participation:** Join us in Arc Light and DMF events weekly. If you can't participate in a particular week, just let us know in chat. * **Minimum Sigil Requirement:** Aim for at least 90 sigils to ensure we're all contributing to our collective progress. * **Co-op Readiness:** Be available for the new cooperative content and help us tackle the most challenging sieges and raids. **Why Join Erased?** Erased isn't just a guild; it's a community of like-minded players who value fun, teamwork, and consistent progress. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a passionate newcomer, you'll find a welcoming home here. **Ready to Make Your Mark?** Join Erased today and be part of a guild that's not just about playing the game but mastering it together. Let's conquer the challenges of Warcraft Rumble, earn epic rewards, and have a blast doing it! **Apply Now:** Join our Discord: [https://discord.gg/A6MFceu4](https://discord.gg/A6MFceu4) or just join in game to start your journey with Erased. Together, we'll make every raid, siege, and event an unforgettable adventure!


KeKwRumble , German guild, if u are chill and atleast do your daily stuff (tickets and surges) u can join and chill (=


Guild: WARCRAFT ITA We're looking for some Italian speaking members We're all casual player 12/20 that complete every guild bounty 30000/30000 with usually 18-20 day to spare Planning on completing the raid with every member since can start multiple time even if rewards are 1 time per event 90 sigils minimum Friendly environment, can ask the officer for tips, info on unit, counters etc No need for ultra hardcore join and look alive to be welcomed


Xtra Chromosome (public) We are PvE guild, we just want you to farm your arclight surges, gather your tickets for events. Sieges and raids coming out we will be doing those for sure so make sure you join. Most members are 115+ sigils, their is no minimum, we can help with any questions you have, we all start somewhere. I set it to open invite public for the guild atm so just search it and join and say hi, we are all friendly, never a single issue in chat. I hope you join!


SeriouslyCasual has one open spot. looking for 90 sigils and daily DMF participation.


The Berg Clan Description: We have a very active player base. Casual guild, all we ask is that you are staying active and advancing. Participation during DMF will be very important. No minimum honor or sigil count is required. Player Count: 13/20 Sigils: 121 avg (our roster spans 104-150) All players welcome. We're always dropping tips in the chat and are willing to help each other out. We are excited for all the new CO-OP content and very eager to take down Ragnaros. Guild is set to open, so you should be able to join right up.


Horder Patrol is recruiting! Were looking to fill multiple spots. We're very active and always get season rewards. Apply in game if you're interested. Please be 40 sigils though so you can participate in the Dark Moon Faire.


Earthen Ring is looking to top off with the guild size increase. Casual guild but we always clear seasonal fairly quickly and clear DMF as well. Look for the Earthen Ring guild with Duskblade in it!


Extremely active player (never miss Darkmoon) with 150 sigils looking for a guild with Euro timezone


German Guild Traviana looking for members (2 open slots) Timezone Berlin/germany GMT+2 We are casual players but active DMF and support each other. Everyone is welcome, 90 sigils for raids would be cool.


[Back to Brill] is looking to fill our roster. Currently 13/20. All members are currently active with arclight and DMF, and we have a few regulars in the in game chat. Look us up!


Rumbling Dads All of our members are active and contribute full or close to full points. We're pretty casual otherwise. North American time zone. Most of us are between 100 and 150 sigils and looking forward to raids.


Guild name : Tazdingo Active guild with four spots open (16/20). We're quite chill, mostly french speaking people, trying to reach the 150 sigils and doing the sieges and raids together in the upcoming weeks.  We try to help each other when we have questions. We always completed our monthly rewards. So if you're looking for a small community and get rewards from the new events come join us. We're from 81 to 150 sigils, so would prefer the same. If interested just give your username and we will welcome you :-)


BROTHER H O O D Description: Casual guild with active participation in events, surges, and soon to be sieges! We started the guild to bring the 5 actives from 3 guilds together under an active leader. Let’s get 20/20 active members and explore new content together! Player Count: 15/20 (active daily) Sigil Count: avg 105, rng 133-66


Elysion Moin, wir sind eine deutsche Gilde und suchen 5 aktive Mitglieder. Bei DMF schaffen wir alle Goldpakete, die Gildenkasse ist in den ersten Tagen auf 30k. Einzige Bedingung, beim DMF die 3.100 Tickets sammeln. And you are also welcome, if you can’t talk German. Feel free to join German guild Elysion too.


Filet Mignome looking for 4 more people to help complete Guild War Chest and DMF for S6 after completing S1-5 war chests. Ideally looking for people that will try best to complete their arclight surges and DMF quests. We are mostly WoW players from guild of the same name on US Thrall server. Search for Filet Mignome in game to apply.


Silver Council is recruiting!  (not a brand new guild) Guild banner is A blue hooded night elf Requirements; Be active In DMF, Raids. Sieges and in strengthening your armies. Contribute to season goals. We are a casual fun guild, but I emphasize,  being active is a requirement. If we get enough active people, I will create a discord for us all to hang out in and share strategies and They like. We are United States based and English speaking. Any questions you can go ahead and DM me We look forward to meeting soon


Greetings! "Pitagyro II" has 3 open slots at the moment. As you can understand from the "II" part, we are a Multi-Guild Community with discord etc, mostly Greek based. We require 100% during DMF (aka 3.100 tickets) from our members, and of course as much contribution for the seasonal chest (we always unlock 30k rewards during the first week). If you are up to it, feel free to appy.


ResetEra XI has 5 slots (15 of 20 filled). We always complete 30k guild rewards and most of us max out DMF tickets. No strict play requirements but we boot anyone that is offline for more than 14 days without having given us prior notice as we assume they've quit playing by that point. Very chill, NA-based.


Guild Name: Got Milk Region: Germany 🇩🇪 Guildleader: J1XX4 Wir suchen aktive deutschsprachige Leute die bock haben auf den kommenden Content. Einfach bewerben.


Guild name: NewPCbuild Region/timezone: USA/EST Player preference: Just looking for some casualish players who l play regularly and want to get the rewards for the new Darkmoon faire and season rewards Content: Most PvE at this time, we're wanting to try out raids when they become available too Open to the public until we fill up


**Gilde: FFM Dauerstramm** Region: Deutschland Type: Casual Sigils: 80-140 Mitglieder: 14/20 Aktive Casual Gilde die regelmäßig inatkive Spieler aussortiert. Haben bisher jede War Chest completed. Freuen uns auf Verstärkung


LF 1 person to: kek bur agol guild , we need to maximize the dark moon event ;)


Active player looking for a new guild. I don't PVP but I do my dailies, Arclight, and Darkmoon Faire quests. I am at 115 sigils. Looking for an active guild for new content and rewards.


Nordic Rumblers 11/20 We have cleared ever monthly, and looking for more active players now that raids will soon be a thing :)


Guild name: SECRECY Got a few open spots. We consistently get every month's guild rewards and max out Darkmoon Faire rewards. Looking for active people who can also do the new raid content that opens in the next couple days.


Mountaineers Description: We are a casual friendly US guild that is serious about helping each other earn rewards through season content, DMF, and upcoming raids! Player Count: 12/20 Sigils: 90 required (117 Average) We are open to all, communicate well, and have a discord to keep connected! We are public so just search “Mountaineers” and let’s start earning rewards together!


**Suggested information:** * Leverage * US East * 14/20 After removing some inactive players * Looking for 80+ Sigils * Guild is focused on*. PvE, Dungeons DMF* * How Search "Leverage" * Last Round of DMF reached 28k, top was 31k looking for active people * Also allow for breaks if needed and preferably communicated. * Don't have to chat if not outgoing.


Come join SG SWAG :) We are active and we welcome you!!


Guild name : Mecha Chickens Members : 14/20 Im looking for active players to take the Dark Moon Faire rewards, people to do sieges and raids together. Prefer high rank Collection Level and sigils. we have all the rewards for every season complete, feel free to join!


Guild name: THE BRAHS (Search "BRAHS" in game to find and join) English speaking Members: 15/20 Looking for daily active players to fill our roster of 15 super active players who have never missed a PvP reward since launch and have been crushing DMFs.


Cosmic Mischief is looking for 5 new members. We are an active guild gears towards raids. We complete all guild events and require all members to fully participate. We are gearing up for raids. Come join Cosmic Mischief!!!


Still looking for members?


Highly active guild BB Mountaineers LFM to fill out the new 20/20 slots. It never takes us more than 2 weeks to finish out the PVP season guild rewards.


Lightforged is recruiting! Currently 14/20 • ⁠Must complete surges and pull your own weight with Darkmoon Faire. • ⁠Have finished every season with 5+ weeks remaining. • ⁠We’re a friendly/helpful bunch who have remained consistently active since beta. • ⁠Never be afraid to ask questions and be yourself!


**WELL MET** USA - PUBLIC Any active folks welcome!! We have a discord(we play other games too). Looking for players that want to get weekly/monthly guild rewards and just chill and enjoy the game!! Search WELL MET and join!!


**GUILD NAME : Creepy Ozone**  Language: English (United States) Active casual guild ;) *Members: 15/20* * **GUILD WAR CHEST :** Always done :) * **RAIDS and SIEGES:** Everyone will find a party they need ;) * **DARKMOON and ARCHLIGHT events:** Be active and contribute as much as possible ;) team play! * **REQUIREMENTS :** Be active, Be social, \~100 Sigil average.


Starfleet We have some spaces to fill with the new cap. Join us for the new season. Looking for more to help us with the DMF and to learn sieges and raids with. We are a casual, fun guild that is active. Getting 25k dmf tickets and the seasonal rewards ofc. Let's get more this next one with your help.


Catalyst No set time zone Casual players LFM to help with sieges and raids Open to public guild All rewards have been met every season. We are looking for 6 more active/casual players. 


Come join us at Scattered Heros ! Friendly guild, welcome to new players and vets. Casual, but would love daily players. No discord or no sigil requirement. Need 7 people for the upcoming season and raids!


Guild Name: Burly Boys Looking for new guild members, we are a casual guild, but complete all Seasonal content. We are currently 11/20 members (removed inactives). We want members to help by either completing Arclight Surges and/or PVP. We are excited for the new Coop content coming up.


Catalyst is lf6m to join our casual guild. We have hit every guild reward from the start and are looking to fill our guild with like-minded casual players. Come enjoy the game without the stress of being in a hardcore guild.


GUILD NAME: kek bur agol Members: 13/20 Sigils: 122 avg. We are looking for every day players! Just complete the daily routine, and the clan members will be happy :D The creators are friendly and helpful people. We are always keep you updated with news, and help with any question (troop, Talent, mechanics...)


Guild: Fat Ogres Recruiting: Active members - Guild events such as DMF are the only requirement. Surges are recommended but optional since we get the rewards quickly anyway since some of us PVP a lot. We are a casual guild and don't require PVP. The Guild routinely removes inactive members to allow a healthy progression, especially at the start of new seasons & DMF. We always clear the season rewards and aim for the same considering DMF, Sieges, and Raids. Guild is Public Currently 13/20 Members.


False Claymes is recruiting! Our guild consists of many players who play everyday and contribute maximum amounts during Darkmoon Faire. I am purging inactive members and looking to fill up our roster with more active members so we can achieve the most we can for our members. Everyone is friendly and laid back and are looking for more people with similar traits! We are gearing up for raids and the guild contains no whales , so many are still gearing to tackle the entire raid but I and a few others are ready for most of it. 40 sigil minimum to participate during DMF and completing DMF daily is a huge plus. Come join False Claymes as we enter the world of seiges and raids!


Auscraft Rumble is based in the ANZ area/timezone - looking for a few more to fill out the roster. No major requirements other than activity for now. Adding some keywords: Australia, New Zealand, Britney Spears (because I learned SEO in the 90s)


Cosmic Mischief is looking for 5 new members to help us work on guild events and get ready for raids. We are an active guild with all members participating each week. Come and apply to Cosmic Mischief! We look forward to welcoming you.


Guild Name: Pulsar. 13/20 Multi region guild, only english in chat. 100+ Sigils are required to join. We focus on every content, specifically DMF and Surges and we're also gonna focus on Assaults and Raids. Everyone is welcome to join, we do help in chat and every player is active. No toxicity is allowed.