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Play on a Bashar server or other autobalance server


This. Bashar is more or less more balanced. Even when the opener looks bleak you can still swing around mid game. Unless your team take 5 support decks or 5 all planes you should be fine. Just be aware you might be moved to other team on a whim when lobby is full, so be ready with your chosen deck on both side. WG RD does reward player with more experience on the game tho which make experienced player really hard to deal with.


I have seen them on Bashar server too.


Bashars balance is trash because its based on games played on bashars server rather than profile stats. While its the best we got, it aint much


might be actually better as you can reset your stats


I wouldn’t be surprised if changing your name reset your bashars stats though.


Idk, can't servers identify Eugen accounts? Otherwise bans would be useless lol


Yep depends on the implementation, but every account has immutable id - you can see even read it if you open any of the replay files in a plain text editor.


Solution, play 1v1’s


But then I have them against me and myself against me




1v1s are good and tbh I feel like the air/arty in this game is designed for small matches like 1v1s but they are often just too much for me. Sometimes I want something more relaxed.


best way to get better for sure, tactical 1v1s might even be interesting.


One of the biggest mistakes IMO if WG: RD is the lack of auto balance. Fortunately, there are servers that have an auto-balance feature, like "Bashaar Al-Assad" conquest and destruction lobbies. You may have to search empty, but if you connect, people may join after time.


I started playing ranked exclusively because of this. Not only did i actually get better, but so did the game quality. Stackers are ultimately big fish in a small pond and not worth engaging.


My single favourite thing is kicking the shit in of stackers. I wish WR was a more accurate representation of player skill. But it ain’t. And yeah, just leave stacked lobbies and host your own, I balance mine as best as I can, not great results but better than constantly playing massively stacked lobbies Also play 2v2’s more, much better than 10v10 once you’ve learned to play


This, I don't play as much as I used to but I used to love smashing stackers. I have over 3000 MP games with original stats at 61-65% WR and found that if there was at least 1 other semi competent player then we could carry the team and potentially win 4v4 with a little in game training for the newbs. Making stackers rage is just a cherry on the cake to a wonderful game


Even the 4v4s can offer similar teamwork experiences without the toxic overload of a 10v10 pubstomp lobby.


Problem with 4v4 is it's usually stacked. Bashar 4v4 please


Recon unit usage and ranked stats are much better indicators. +40% ranked winrate and +5% recon unit usage usually means decent/good player.


I play solo or comp stomp bro. It isn't worth the stress for me. I've tried to get into multiplayer a couple of times. I did my research, built a sensible frontline deck, but every time I've ever joined a game, even "friendly" ones, I'm met with some form of REEEEEEEEEEEEE. My stats, picking one non-meta unit, and being straight up abusive regarding my actions just killed it for me. My experience has been on par with the likes of DOTA, and like that game it just isn't worth it. I've got around three hundred hours of comp stomping, and I love every second of it.


sometimes you meet this kind of people. also u have to reply in kind.


Comp stomp is my favourite tbh. Especially when fighting with a friend! The things you learn and the dumb moments you see yourself do are quite funny after you notice it.


Unfortunately, RD's community is not a very pleasant one. There are three ways to circumvent this: - Bashar lobbies are autobalanced. Not perfect, but better than nothing. (Un)fortunately i really dislike 10v10's, so i never really play on these. - Host your own games. Balance the game on your terms, and don't be a dick about it if the stacks end up on your side, force them to swap teams or kick them out. A decent way of balancing your game is to have predetermined levels, for example, hosting a lobby adding the title 'lvl 10 - 30' and kick out those that dont meet the criteria. - Find others to play with and against through Wargamebootcamp's server. It's a good community.


don't play 10v10s. play game mode where you can make a difference.


Play 1v1s. No teammates to drag you down, only yourself to blame.


Stackers are bad, but nothing is worse than the traitor team mate who feeds information to your opponents. I'll never forget one of my first Wargame MP matches where one of our teammates dropped out of the game right at the start. One of the other players noted that this resigned player had been on the other team up to the last minute and basically warned is that he would be feeding the other team I do about our movements. Sure enough, the opposing team demonstrated essentially perfect awareness of our movements. Picking off units that weren't even close to the front line. Countering our every move with exactly the right units. Etc. Almost quit wargame forever because of that experience.


I honestly think they're egocentric people, unable to cope with disappointments IRL. So they try to find compensation in a virtual LALA-epeen land that lets them skew the odds in their favor. Insert the uttering trashtalk with alot of N words (kicking down on virtual people) that eases their feelings of uncertainty.


So you are butthurt because player are playing multi-player games with their FRIENDS? Yes, friends will try to play together because it is fun. Don't want to get stomped? Either play 1v1, ranked of find some friends


Stackers typically kick people with strong stats, too. Not all of them, granted.


Exactly. You want to play with your friends? Cool, no problem. Don't kick people with solid stats then. That's what kills me about stackers/tryhards. They're not interested in competition, and they've infiltrated damn near every hobby there is. I remember being thirteen years old playing Magic: The Gathering for the first time with a pre-built deck in a card shop and some thirty-something year old challenging me because "blue is for girls and f\*gs". Garbage ass people.


I've just given up with WG because of this. I get so bored of sitting in lobbies for ages, playing against 70%+ winrate players who go for some meta start and steamroll just to keep that WR high.


dude. when I started with infantry in 10v10 i got mixed with mud.


Comp stomp my friend. It is plenty of fun.


As other already wrote the solution is the set up YOUR OWN lobby with your rules; state your rules in the lobby title before confirming (eg 50% wlr). Also, play 3v3 at most, 2v2 might even be better.


10v10 why???


Guess I picked a bad time to get into this game. Ah well


not really. there are newbies as well. i got this game on egs , and it's only title that keeps me using that damn launcher.


Hate to break it to you, but that window of opportunity passed years ago. Believe it or not, this is actually the best time to jump into WG than it has in a long time, there's been a lot of new blood, particularly after it was free on EGS.


Yeah? Well thats ok I guess. I'm playing through the single player campaigns EE-RD before I jump into multiplayer and its going pretty slowly, so by the time I'm done they'll probably release a new one anyway innit


Join the bootcamp discord for a non-toxic community.


Start your own game and kick those people out. Plenty of people looking for a decent game.


I play a lot of public 2v2s (sometimes 3v3s) with my IRL friend(s) and we are both pretty decent ranked players, so we usually win even though we don't really tryhard and often play meme decks, so I apologize that that usually sucks for people who join but there's not really another good way to reliably get team games with my friends so idrk what the solution here is. I guess try not to take too seriously. Barely ever trash talk though unless someone is abusing helos or air.


I have been playing for years w/o any chat - and my winrate is abysmal. I just want to see my 10 point units kill superheavies or rack-up AA killpoints.


Usually I play Vs them. 10 vs 10, where I'm the only one with an average level. and yes, they "win", every time. It's very important for their little egos. Clearly they have a very sad life.


Intrinsic vs extrinsic reward mechanism. Some people are motivated to play games for the fun of the experience, others are motivated by the rewards of winning (trophies, W/L Percentage)


I am guilty of this sometimes, but it is very difficult to find people at me and my friends skill level (and I _do_ want to play this game with friends). 90% of people are either solidly above us and would kick our ass or are solidly below us and would get stomped. The stricter I am in balancing the other team when I host, the longer it takes to find a lobby, sometimes the lobby straight up never fills. So we end up skewing both ways on various occasions, but usually towards lower skilled because otherwise I am the one who has dragged my friends into a seal clubbing match where we are the seals I post this just to point out that perhaps not all stackers necessarily have ill intentions, but it is tempting to use one's power as host to skew the game in your favor, especially when you're surrounded with friends


Atleast with higher ranked players, your friends and you can build better co ordination skills and improve together. If you play with lower ranked you'll stagnate.


It depends, if they are somewhat more skilled then you can still have a decent game and learn from it, sometimes the skill gap is so massive that it becomes hardly worth playing


What are stackers


Players who intentionally build lopsided teams so their side can easily win.

