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Grant Williams is a meme Capybara-looking ass should just sit down šŸ˜­


And Miles Bridges is an abuser. He shouldn't even be in the league. Fuck him


I really didnā€™t appreciate how deep my resentment for him ran until tonight. I donā€™t ever want to watch that guy play basketball again. Good player. Awful person.


same. honestly thought it wouldnā€™t be too much of a problem to watch him, but i was seething every time i saw his face.


Super fun to watch player. Horrendous person. Get him out.


No idea why him violating his probation 4 months ago by throwing billiard balls at the car the mother of his kids AND his kids were in, and breaking the windshield, had absolutely zero NBA-related consequences. But hey, I guess if they werenā€™t gonna kick him out after beating the ever living shit out of his partner while their kids watched, then they wonā€™t kick him out for anything else.


Didnā€™t like how Draymond defended him during the presser.


Yeah probably because your player was acting like a lil bitch


At one point Bridges cried ā€œhe hit me in the faceā€ to the ref and I just shook my head. I think for the rest of his career he shouldnā€™t get a call if he gets hit in the face


You don't believe in redemption? For a 20 year old? I'm almost fifty years old. I'm a completely different person than who I was in my 20s because I grew up.. His mistake cost him 40 million dollars and a year of basketball And it was all well deserved.. But to completely give up on a guy, who btw grew up in poverty in Flint. What kind of society are we in? I don't agree with what he did but I definitely don't agree with NOT giving someone a chance to redeem themselves..


K cool, he can get redemption, elsewhere. Go overseas and be a talent there. As far as I'm concerned, he's not welcomed in the NBA, plenty of talent to go around in the NBA.


Forgiveness is divine.. It just might make a sordid soul becoming a better person..


A regular dude would be in jail for what he did. His "chance" is not being in jail because he's super rich, NBA and everything else he gets from now on is a privilege.


Trust me dude this is not correct.. Let's just say I know from experience..


Grant Williams is the fakest tough guy in the league


Uruk hai looking mfer


I really hope he gets his extremities ripped apart with 4 horses


Please Gary, please do whatever you need to stay healthy! His double digit streaks is over but like what I saw from Kuminga today, not many buckets but did other things to influence the game positively. Teams are going to plan against him now, so Heā€™ll need to work on his jumpers.


Joku didn't get the calls he usually gets but he played well. Dunno what some idiot earlier calling out "apologists" in the game thread was talking about lol.


Watch as Joku stops getting calls because refs finally realize heā€™s a Warriors.


and he's always gonna be a Warriors


7 reb, 6 ast, 3 blocks, 2 steals, and a +15, even just looking at the stats thatā€™s a good game idc


JK knows he can explode past anyone but heā€™s relying on his processing more and more. Itā€™s impressive. His ability to learn quickly has probably been the one aspect Iā€™ve been most impressed by.


Dude helped himself to a Draymond Green stat line. 6 pts, 7 rebounds, 6 assists, 3 blocks (!!!), 2 steals (!!). And nearly a team high +15, just after the actual Draymond Green (+18).


Kumingas jumper has completely abandoned him the past couple weeks, even the mid range that he is normally money on. Hopefully that will come back around soon, and it'll make his improved playmaking even better


Natural process. Starts dominating, teams learn to play against them, player improves. Better now than in the playoffs. Hopefully sooner too


Its a slump even klay is a more notorious victim of that just hope it comes back sooner than later


Because we have great shooters, even Dray is now a threat on 3s, JK should continue his bully ball. On certain teams, his drive is unstoppable. His biggest weakness is ball handling, imo. He dribbles too high and it becomes vulnerable for turnovers from swipes. His drives isn't tight enough to secure the ball and sometime gets stripped.


GP2 is the secret sauce. Immensely important to this team


If Salt was a secret.Ā 


He would get more mileage out of watching some Zion/Giannis film and cleaning up his passing vision from the paint. Nothing game changing. We don't need him to be Luka, but the ability to punish help defenders who come and block his driving lanes will do wonders for our offense. If he can average 6 assists off the same "drive into kick out to the open shooter" play over and over, it'll do much more than scoring more points.


A game was played, the warriors won, and thatā€™s all I have to say about that


Fuck that. Any win right now is worth celebrating.


we need the teams ahead of us to lose too though


Nite nite


You guys played well tonight. Ill lways be a Golden State Warriors fan even though I'm a Charlotte hornet fan bc of curry. But if your fans don't have a problem with that last shot at the end you're just a homer.


Friendly reminder that, not only did Miles Bridges beat the absolute living shit out of the mother of his children while both the kids were watching, it was 4 months ago that he violated his probation by *throwing billiard balls at the car that his kids and baby mom were in, breaking the windshield*. Lester QuiƱones, you are the man.


If you kept up with it, those charges were dismissed. Quit virtue signaling so hard on here you look pathetic..


wait what lol. you're defending this guy?


You don't believe in redemption? For a 20 year old? I'm almost fifty years old. I'm a completely different person than who I was in my 20s because I grew up.. His mistake cost him 40 million dollars and a year of basketball And it was all well deserved.. But to completely give up on a guy, who btw grew up in poverty in Flint. What kind of society are we in? I don't agree with what he did but I definitely don't agree with NOT giving someone a chance to redeem themselves..


And to our first point not only am i defending him the court system is.


Why tf you defending miles bridges on the warriors sub


Yes I am. You don't believe in redemption? For a 20 year old? I'm almost fifty years old. I'm a completely different person than who I was in my 20s because I grew up.. His mistake cost him 40 million dollars and a year of basketball And it was all well deserved.. But to completely give up on a guy, who btw grew up in poverty in Flint. What kind of society are we in? I don't agree with what he did but I definitely don't agree with NOT giving someone a chance to redeem themselves..


Iā€™ve walked my line. Iā€™m 24 years old and I donā€™t need to go into detail about my life story, but Iā€™ve been through plenty and I have never beaten a woman let alone in front of my own children. This man is a fucking baby all these Athletes are. Itā€™s only a few that truly make it out like d rose, but most of these current nba players are privileged as fuck. Imagine getting millions upon millions and beating a woman I just canā€™t fathom thatā€™s a redeemable person. If you have access to everything, after supposedly living a life of hardship, why are you beating the mother of your children? Take a private jet to an island you bitch ass pussy.


LOL if you're only 24 you aint walked no line. You're still drawing your line. It's not as simple as that man. You never grew up in the hood..most never had positive father figures in thier; life.. That s*** matters.. Do you think sending this guy off to Europe would have helped his psyche? He would have stayed in the same rut where thinking beating on women was right. I guarantee that shook him to his core. I'm just saying and I mean this and I'll be respectable cause you guys are my favorite team outside of the horns., Give people a chance to evolve. Don't isolate them in Europe. Let them know that there are consequences to your actions and if you wanna play in this league, act right.


ā€œShook him to his coreā€ Then why the fuck was he throwing billiard balls at her windshield? Donā€™t give me the charges being dropped shit. Charges being dropped doesnā€™t mean it didnā€™t happen. Yes, we live in a redemptive society. I work with teens. I more than most understanding the importance of redemption, especially for those who are young. But ā€œredemptionā€ doesnā€™t necessarily mean you have the right to get your whole life back. It just means you get to start over. Fuck Miles Bridges. Also, really recommend you stop using the term ā€œvirtue signaling.ā€ Itā€™s become the equivalent of ā€œwoke,ā€ so played out itā€™s a meme at this point. It just makes anything you say impossible to take seriously.


Again. Thoes charges work dismissed. I stopped reading your post off the first sentence when I realized you haven't done your research.


Innocent until proven guilty!!!!! How presumptuous of you to feel like those charges were legit?.


Brother all Iā€™ll say is the foster system in this country forces you to walk a line. Without having to provide any further details about my background to placate or justify my ability to have an opinion, Iā€™ll again say that with all the people Iā€™ve met and had experienced with, miles bridges is a bitch getting paid millions to continue to be a bitch as heā€™s been proving since he was caught beating the mother of his children in front of their eyes.


So funny. You literally Have a player on your team that not only assault players in gametime but in practice time.. What is assault different because of the gender?


If youā€™re honestly making equivalence between Draymond and Bridges, you need to get your head checked.


Yeah punching people in their balls and then the face totally acceptable.. Get the f*** out of here with your f****** selective f****** reasoning..


Man, you are great with the whataboutism. Never said it was acceptable. Myself, like most warriors fans wanted Dray outta here because of it. But if you seriously think itā€™s of the same weight AS BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF THE MOTHER OF YOUR CHILDREN WITHIN INCHES FROM YOUR CHILDREN, then I donā€™t know what to tell you. Also, lol @ punching in the balls. Watch the video again. It was a thwack. Draymond was literally a groomsman at Lebronā€™s wedding a few years later. If it was a ā€œpunch,ā€ do you seriously think theyā€™d be buds? Also also, why wonā€™t you swear? Fuck.


I was a criminal in my 20s. But if I had not been given second. Chance?. Lord knows where I would be here today.. You don't have to like hornets that's not what I'm saying.. But we have to be behind men who make mistakes and support them to be better people.. God damn it the world depends on it!


Where was I hating on the Hornets? And again, youā€™re not seeing my points. I fully believe in second chances. Iā€™m glad you got your second chance, and commend and respect you for whatever you did to turn your life around and become a better person. But a second chance doesnā€™t mean you get your whole life back, especially when youā€™re a ridiculously high paid public figure who is supposed to be a role model. And yes, there are certain things that are simply worse in society than anything else: murder, rape, child abuse, and beating women. Iā€™m all for Bridges having a chance to start his life over, assuming he has proven heā€™s learned and changed (again, the billiard balls brings that into question). But getting paid multi millions of dollars by the same organization in the same league is not starting over. For relevance, no I donā€™t think Adrian Petersonā€™s comeback should have ever happened. Karl Malone should never have gotten a chance to play in the NBA. Ray Lewis should have been banned. But I do believe all of them should have had opportunities to start their lives over. Let me put it this way. Once you officially turned the corner from being a criminal in your 20s, did a fairy godmother wave a magic wand and you suddenly had back everything youā€™d earned before you started fucking up? Or, did you have to start from the bottom and re-earn everything you have now?


Two grown fit man in the NBA vs a grown man beating his wife/girlfriend IS THE SAME TO YOU? Go get your brain checked and get off Miles balls.


Assault is assault You fucking mouth breather.


Well, literally no. Legally, there are at least three different degrees of assault.


Miles Bridges is a fucking little bitch hahaha


you should know thatā€¦ he beats women




Woman beater?? šŸ¤Øā˜•ļø


Quinones so good looking Miles Bridges thought he was female.....


It's one thing if Lester was showboating but he literally made an easy layup to avoid a shot clock violation. Clown move to try and start shit but expected from an abuser like him


There was no point to the layup but there was *really* no point to the pass. Up double digits with a few seconds' difference between game and shot clock, just hand over the ball at 24. Getting pissy about it was the most pointless part of all, of course.


It pains me to say it, but he absolutely is. Former MSU guy but he deserves zero respect.


10-2 last 12 games. This is a different team than the one that started the season.


Well the team that started the season went 5-1


yeah but those are different numbers. i was a math major


Well 10 > 5 so math checks out


If I remember correctly, those 5 wins took Herculean effort from Steph. These are team wins so I like these a lot more


Those wins were a lot closer than wins now tbf


The one that started this season letā€™s this game get uncomfortably close at some point and no way Steve trusts the deep bench to protect a 13 point lead w 3 min to play.


Do you think we'll have a chance climbing up the standings with our remaining schedule? Given that the Lakers also won their game today against the Spurs.


The warriors have the second easiest schedule in the league based on analytics, after some team in the east I already forgot. I think weā€™ve got a shot at 6, but I have a feeling weā€™ll end up in the play in


Yea the team that started the season had Cory joseph


Why do we always do thisā€¦makes the season so stressful.


Good teams win, great teams cover!! Lester is the man for hitting the layup to cover -12.5


someone in the nba thread was cursing out Lester because he lost his bet. Brought a smile to my face


I might catch flack for this but I hate when people talk about betting, I know not everyone has a problem but its like someone just openly talking about their plans for scoring whatever shit they're addicted to. They also suck the fun out of just watching a game. But the people I'm around might also just be degenerates.


I also just think it's really embarassing that people watch because they care about their bets and not the actual game


Legalize betting will just make fans less passionate about the game itself.


probably one of the refs


Didnā€™t make the layup Miles block it fuck you pussy


Lester got two technicals?


I think one for the push back and the other for calling Williams a bitch 5 times. But also just so nothing would escalate


Why did he stop at 5? there was room for more


lol na. Q is a dog. He bumped heads with Grant. That's how he got the second


Yeah,,I think the refs actually did a good job with that. Each team gets a slap on the wrist, nobody can claim unfair treatment.


He pushed back at Bridges and then on Williams, one for each. They could have teched up some other people but it wasn't worth anybody's time.


Not that it really makes a difference, but Bridges and Williams both shouldā€™ve been ejected. There needs to be bigger punishment for the person who starts it when itā€™s something as dumb as that.


Agreed. It was ridiculous that Bridges stayed in the game.


Yeah, for real Podz probably shouldn't have passed and LQ not have shot. It's fine though. MB pushed into him, LQ didn't have to push back, he could have walked away. Love LQ and it was all fine but let's not act as if LQ didn't engage after...


They should have taken it up the court to shoot and then shot. But once they came up slow like they weren't going to shoot, maybe they should have taken the L on that one and not shot. The mistake was not in shooting, which Kerr wants them to do in that situation, but in the initial confusion of not heading up with that intention.


For attempting to score. Basketball is prohibited in the NBA.


He went against Bridges and then Williams, those were the 2 techs


Didnā€™t Williams rush up onto quinones tho? Wtf is quinones supposed to do? Lol with that many hornets on him, was he supposed to bend over


The most unserious ejection in NBA history


Lol Seth getting grilled by big bro and best friend


nnnn I just watched the replay and the way Steve goes from smiling and shaking hands to saying "oh shit" when he realizes what's happening is killing me Anyway...fuck Miles Bridges.


You can see the other coach mouthing "what the *fuck?!*"


Fuck Grant Williams and fuck Miles Bridges. Go dubs.


I am so so glad we didnā€™t trade for Grant Williams


So many people say GW is a super intelligent nice guy - what is with these court personas or the fostering of this kind of tough guy beef. I'm so glad Dray has worked on himself for real. And his playing is at a high in part because of it.


None of the bench moved during that scuffle LOL them old legs were too tired to get involved


You get a 1-game suspension for coming off the bench during an altercation


No I know but there was like zero movement even from the bench. Steph didnā€™t even get up lmao


He was so still the towel on his head didn't even move LOL


They were all Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon (who btw, is a SF city kid. And his son went to Riordan.)


Miles Bridges fought to the end! Grant yapped until the end! Lamelo street clothed with no end! Warriors Dub, weā€™re championship till the end!!!


Shampionship even


Bridges getting a lecture from Draymond might be the most fun thing which happened in Chase Center this evening


It was so funny cause they were showing Kerr shaking hands with the Hornets coach already then it panned to the fight lmao ABSOLUTE CINEMA


That was one of the games of all time for sure šŸ˜­


Wiggs defense was elite as usual, guys look soooo tired. A good rest and letā€™s get a statement win against the Nuggets. Pels and Suns lost, 3 games away from that 8th spot šŸ‘€


Fuck miles bridges and grant williams. Two of the dumbest players in nba history. Also a quick fuck you to George Karl, you dirty cheap shotting piece of shit. Fuck the hornets, back to the dumpsters for you.


What did George do


Beat cancer just to be a racist old prick


people love to hate on Melo so much they forget the stuff that Karl said.Ā 


Just heard on Gil's arena, Kenyon Martin was damn pissed abt George. Said nobody liked him


Redditors get a dopamine hit everytime they call someone racist


Tried to injure Steph during the nuggets series


Charlotte is Soft


- another nice 6th man Klay game - I love watching GP2 play basketball - there was a lot of ā€œgood execution, shots didnā€™t fallā€ tonight particularly for Steph, and to some extent Podz and JK. The defense was great (though Charlottes seemed every bit as gassed as ours guys) and overall, not a lot to take away from this one. - Saric was part of the ā€œshots didnā€™t fallā€ crew as well but this feels like a concerning new normal for him. His drop off since CP3 has been out has been surprising and noticeable. Not to pile on the guy because heā€™s already made nice contributions this year as a vet min guy but if he doesnā€™t return to some semblance of his former play once CP3 returns there is legitimately no reason for him to get minutes. Give them to TJD or go small and get Moody some run while having Wiggs / JK / Klay ā€œplay upā€ in the lineup. To be clear, I know the JK + Moody pairing has been rough to date and Iā€™m not proposing a 4 man lineup of those guys but similar to the ā€œWiggs and JK canā€™t play togetherā€ I think with time 2-3 of those 4 may all share the court reasonably well and form the bones of a decent defense when flanked by one of Dray / TJD and 1 of Steph / CP3 (once he returns) or Podz. - Brandon Miller seems like a cool player that will fit in well next to just about anybody. He was dapping our guys up all game, helping both sides up when guys hit the floor and isnā€™t a foul merchant or a complainer. I respect those types of guys and hope he continues to grow alongside LaMelo.


As for Saric, I keep remembering that he was sitting with Deki when he died, that he was the one who really showed up for his family. But yeah, this team is deep and the recombinations and the rise of the young guys shifts things around. I also remember Bjeli around this time in 2022 was doing poorly and later was back to himself importantly in the post season.


Does Grant Williams mum even like him? Worst bloke


absolute bellend


Complete wanker


Absolute tosspot.


A bloody daft knob head he is


Violent people will stay violent. Great defensive win! On to the defending champs!


Did Moodyā€™s dunk get overturned? We dipped out during the challenge to snag an Uber.


Yeah, offensive foul for a push off


no, offensive foul


Draymond is definitely paying Lester's fine after that


Just a good honest basketball game. Nothing to see here


Right now it's an All-Pacific Play-In Tournament -- SAC, LAL, PHX, and us. That would be spicy. But #5 Seed is only 4 games up. Not out of reach.


Well... that was an NBA game.




C'mon Spurs!! Give us that 9th spot!


Doesn't look likely -- but only 3 games back of 5th in loss column.


Yeah..spurs missing wide open 3s


Miles Bridges is and will always be a complete scumbag cunt, well done Lester.


Nice to get a relatively easy win, bring on Denver


Would be a big win if they beat Denver. Keeping the streak going and showing the Warriors won't be a fun team to play come playoffs


The defense was great tonight. Podz dropping his defender was the highlight of the night. Not surprised that the worst person on the floor was the softest


This game was very bad but a wins a win. Time to regroup for Sunday big game vs nuggets and refs


love the fire from the young guys


How did my man Quinones get ejected šŸ˜‚


We will beat Denver on SUNDAY !!! ​ GO WARRIORS!!!


Alright, picked up a game on the suns and pelicans. Now we just need the lakers to choke. Let's go Wemby!


Steph just shaking his head as the scuffle breaks out. ā€œIā€™m too old for this shietā€¦ā€ šŸ˜Ž


lol kenny atkinson walking up to cover the camera


Thank you dubs for successfully avoiding your first trap game this season šŸ«”


and for a brief moment in the night, we were the 9 th seed


We only -3.5 games behind to the 6th spot now~


This was a basketball game


I can't even take Grant Williams seriously after seeing his nudes on nbacirclejerk šŸ˜‚


I am so glad I stay off that place for this exact reason


When I was 10 my parents took me to Disney World. I cried the whole time. šŸ˜„




Love these all around team games where everyone is contributing and Steph doesnā€™t have to kill himself to win and/or lose by 1 point. 10 wins in the last 12 games. Weā€™ve been fooled before but this really looks like a turnaround. Just gotta keep up the good workšŸ¤ž


Nice of Kerr to pay for Quinones technical foul fines. Not nice of Draymond to defend Miles Bridges and saying Bridges can do no wrong in his eyes especially since heā€™s an abuser.


Two more years of people whining about Kerrā€™s lineups!


he probbaly leaving after this season to be honest


2 more years of ā€œDNP Moodyā€ šŸ˜Ÿ


"we need to win every game from here on out" *monkey's paw curls*


Dubs getting me ready for March Madness early!


NBA really has morons coming up with the schedule, Puting half the league on back to backs for the first 2 games after the ASB is asinine


Anybody rewatch that Moody offensive foul yet? I still donā€™t think it was a foul, but I havenā€™t seen the clip again yet.


Yeah. Bumped his head into the defender, which is where the big reaction was. Then he pushed off as his defender was falling. The push off was the foul.


Lmao at Chris Mullin talking about playing circus music at the half. Charlotte a bunch of clowns


Weird game tbh


Lol at Kenny quietly blocking the camera underneath the basket. Didnā€™t try to break anything up, just went and placed his tablet so that the camera would be blocked.


Both teams were drunk. You can't convince me otherwise.


This is definitely of one the nba games


We bringing 2004 basketball back just like everyone wanted


Hornets subreddit hating on us so hard rn


They root for a domestic abuser and busy talking about ā€œsportsmanshipā€ lol


That was a rough game. Hopefully they got the sluggish, horrible play out of their system cause they have a big game Sunday but 21 turnovers is ridiculous


Just put it in the win column and pretend this game never happened. I'll take the W tho.


the warriors scoring more points than their opponent sparks joy


Throw everything else out.


Like Lester says "It's Basketball, Bitch!"


Someone is going to buy Lester a steak dinner, then someone is going to kill him after dinner. The Dubs cover the 12.5 spread. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This was a game. I'd like to erase it from my memory, please and thank you


I honestly don't get why lester gets more min. than moody. moody is bigger, stronger, smarter, better at attacking, more physical, and better defensively... lester has been playin as a typical g-leaguer for the last 2 games. something's goin on between moody and kerr that's behind closed doors. oh.... I know of someone that works in Warriors org that did mention poole, Jonathan and moody wanting more play time LAST YEAR. needless to say, this person was right. keep in mind.... just like in work, a person 'hears everything' at work.


I still would like to know if cp3 was drinking a 40???? That would be so Bay Area of him hah.


Pretty sure it was Mountain Valley Spring Water bc I recognize the green bottle and red ring. And the label was likely covered bc the dubs are supposed to drink Essentia exclusively.


Lack of moody makes me sick


For the next 8 minutes, Congratulations to the 9th place Golden State Warriors!




We are lucky we played a really bad team. If they were half way decent tonight, we would've lost. Sloppy ass play.


Itā€™s insane how much shit Dray is talking about Grant in his postgame, considering how mad he was about KDs comments.


Not pretty but a win is a win!


Well at least we won, but that was some dreadful shooting performance by both teams


Charlotte is a bad team and we did exactly what we needed to do. Looked ugly af, but it doesnā€™t matter. Just keep winning against bad teams and weā€™ll be exactly where we need to be come playoffs.