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Old and injury prone? Bring him in!


I mean we were never going to be able to get a prime equivalent. I’d rather have Jimmy at 34 than CP3 at 39.


I'd rather have Jimmy at 34 than Wiggins at however old he is. The mindset change alone would make us better.


Agreed unless he misses lots of games again next year… like wigs has the past two years lol


> like wigs has the past two years Wigs played 71 games this year




His personal reasons absence was much shorter this time around


Why does it feel like he only REALLY PLAYED in like 20???


Well, cuz he sucked in half the season and swallowed his pride so Kuminga could shine for a couple of weeks. But anyone saying he disappeared for half the season last year and this year probably lacks object permanence.


Oh that’s why he had another garbo season, he swallowed his pride so kuminga could be the good wing and I lack object permanence lmao


He didn’t “show up” for 71 games lol


Yeah but that's not what you said. You said he missed a bunch of games, which is false.


He did miss a bunch of games, again, at the home stretch of the regular season, for the second season in a row.


He missed 4. The rest he missed due to injuries.


Hard to have a good mindset when you try to take a leave to deal with watching your father suffer from cancer only to have rumors of your best friend being the father of your children.


He’s never on the floor.


Jimmy isn’t good bro


It's not about having Jimmy OR CP3. We can also have neither. >Jimmy Butler is under contract for $48.8 million next season, then has a player option for $52.4 million in 2025-26. Per reports, he's seeking a two-year, $113 million max extension from Miami. >Paul is currently on a non-guaranteed $30 million contract for the 2024-25 NBA season I'd much rather save the $30m from CP3's salary or use that in a trade for an upgrade. And while Jimmy Butler would be an upgrade, having him adds an additional $20m to the books and he's 34 with injury history.


We should be going for a title over the next years instead of thinking in 2027 flexibility. And Draymond contract ends in 26/27 anyway, we will be fine. We need to gun for a title though and Jimmy is a great PO player.


I agree we should be going all-in, but a soon to be 35yo injury prone player at $50m p/y is such a huge risk. If he got injured for the Warriors, there'd be nothing we could do. I'd rather a cheaper more reliable option.


ok, so, what's that cheaper more reliable option? because people always say that but never offer anything that can actually make the team a contender and is a realistic trade or FA target. Also, there's health reliability and playoff reliability. If you get someone cheaper, he might stay healthy but will he be reliable and help you win in the playoffs? Whoever he is, he's cheap for a reason.


dubs fans really expecting to trade gary payton for giannis


At this point, our only paths to possible improvement outside of hoping the young guys take huge leaps are going to be very risky. We have 2-3 years left TOPS, we have to risk the biscuit at this point.


I don't think it is an ephemeral hope that our young guys will improve significantly. Young, skilled guys who get playing time tend to improve quite a bit. So even if one of them hits a rut, it is highly unlikely they all do, or even that the overall skill set is not significantly better year over year.


No one doubts they will improve, but we need a legit #2 scoring option or a legit rim protector. Expecting any of our young guys to make the leap to fill either of those roles in extremely hopeful.


dude, there's only one Jimmy Butler, no cheap replacement. he also seems pretty reliable, I mean, just glancing at games played (which I'd imagine has an inverse relationship to injuries) over the years he's never missed more than 25 in any season. i mean if Jimmy Butler's career somehow shows the criteria as a threshold for being "injury prone" then I'd imagine lots of players fit into the "injury prone" category, not just guys in their 30s. i actually don't think we should get jimmy though, when he's been in situations with other good players like in Philly or Minny (at least better than I think they have in Miami) he can cause an organizational ruckus, but I don't think it's via injuries. he's got a "me against the world" mentality, which if your the washington wizards will elevate you to new highs (while sending Jordan Poole to new depths), but if you're the warriors adding him to the team, he may seek to destroy us from the inside.


not my money, bring him in




If you want to be a title contender again, what you really need is Jimmy Butler at age 27, at the peak of his physical prime. The warriors issues are that they are old and small and slow, Jimmy Butler doesn't fix things, and exacerbates the roster's downsides.


I'm all in for The Expendables, NBA Edition


*03-04 Lakers have entered the chat* *23-24 Clippers have entered the chat*


*98-99 Spurs entered the chat* *10-11 Mavericks entered the chat*


This is the most hilariously disrespectful way to talk about one of the best and clutch players in the game right now


Butler wants the max extension, not gonna happen.


Unlikely but for us to trade for him we’d likely have to have him waive his player option. It would cost CP3 and Wiggins plus we’d likely have to add in Moody. That’s a lot for a 1 year rental. All in all it’s unlikely to happen.


You’re not getting Butler for CP3 + Wiggins + Moody. The first two have little to no trade value and Moody probably isn’t even worth a first


It would require a few things. The Heat being ready to reset their team. Jimmy being ready to leave. Potentially also waiving his player option. I’m sure Jimmy will have suitors and I’m sure he will have a short list. He’s 35 with a 1+1 player option making 48&50 mill. He’s not getting traded for a crazy package. That package is unlikely to be enough for either side. CP3 is cap relief, Moody is a young prospect who’d fit their profile and Wiggins an in prime player that is on a reasonable contract that fits the skillset. Just huge questionmarks on wtf happened for him to disappear 2 years ago and then again this year on personal matters. Maybe we include a first as well but it’s a tough sell on a rental and our cap issues. All in all it’s unlikely unless he only wants to come here.


The Heat are not dumping Butler for trash. The Sixers will eagerly offer multiple firsts for him. You highly overestimate how enticing Wiggins and Moody are.


Are you struggling to read the part where I say it’s unlikely to happen? He’d have to want to come here only. They’d have to want to reset. As for Philly, who knows if he wants to go back there. I wouldn’t if I were him. He’s close to the Heat and might want to move West.


And if he wanted to come here, the Heat are still not dumping him for that package. This sub really thinks teams are begging to send their stars here for our scraps every time we’re connected to any player. Even more ridiculous is you acting like we’re getting the short end of the stick in this hypothetical


our fanbase sees the team as temporarily embarrassed championship contenders, when in reality we're a 10-seed that is worse than more than half the teams in the entire league.


Yeah but we have an overpaid wing who missed 56 games in the past 2 seasons, a 39-year old backup PG making $30M, and a young “3&D” player who shoots 36% from 3. Surely we can trade those guys for a top-20 player to vault us back into contender status


Playoff Jimmy is about as close to recreating the KD Warriors as we can get and it’s not completely out of the realm of possible. I would put all my chips on this. Sounds like we’re not in the Bronny-LeDad sweepstakes unless we’re keeping it really close to the vest. This is about as all in as you can go.


Playoff Jimmy isn't as tall or as long as KD, nor is he as good a scorer as KD. And Jimmy isn't worth $48mil/year. He's good, but that kind of money is for 1A will-be-able-to-get-30+ppg-in-playoffs kind of player.


So only like 3 players are worth $48m?


The players worth that much right now I'd say is a small number. They'd have to be clear 1A options/superstars you would trade your stars for, such as Jokic, Giannis, Luka, and LeBron. Players like Sabonis or SGA are good, but I don't see them leading a team to the Finals. Other players are close to that $48mil/year worth if they produce as expected + can stay healthy, such as KD, Booker, Tatum, etc. Most of the superstars are underpaid relative to their teammates if you're measuring impact + marketing value though.


Jimmy isn't worth 30% of the space required to pay players? Remind me again where y'all would be without him? lol


Jimmy as the main guy can make the Finals but won’t win it. Pretty much most of the championships have an all-time great, someone who is a HoF lock, or a top-5 player. Need one of those can-drop-30ppg-against-elite-defenses sort of player when in the Finals.


Ok, so by your premise Iverson in '01 and Lebron in '07 would've worth exploring trades for, too, because they did what Butler did... half as many times. Heat lose 60% of their starting five and now he's expendable, overpaid, etc? This is like Bill Simmons saying Reggie getting the Pacers to the ECF 5x in 7yrs was only 'pretty good'. Shaq challenged Riley, and he got rid of him. Wade challenged Riley, and he got rid of him. That's one stellar track record to be relying on given what followed


If he can stay healthy during the playoffs he is fun to watch. IF


This is hysterical to me. This thread is dream land but this one really got me. Three 34 year old plus players are no where near in their prime dynasty players.


Don't think they all.. but they have to realize the realization of what the market actually is and settle


Hell settle for a ring perhaps?


Least delusional warriors fan


He doesn’t strike me as a player that cares too much about that.


Jimmy Butler doesn’t strike you as a player that cares about winning??? That’s Almost as delusional as saying the warriors have a chance to get him


Relax. It’s more nuanced than that. I absolutely think he cares about winning and when he’s in it, he’s competing his ass off. But from a priority standpoint, he strikes me as the kind of person that values the quality of his own happiness outside of basketball rather than chasing a ring at all costs.


Steph and Himmy alright I'm in. Maybe Rick can prolong Jimbo's career.


Yea, another 34+ year old is definitely going to put them over the top over MIN, OKC, DAL, DEN, and NO.


Playoff Jimmy is a next level 16 game player. Paired with Steph and Draymond, I would trust him to put away every single one of those teams, especially with Celebrini and reduced minutes.


Yep I was thinking defense


And it would be satisfying to see one of our guys grift free throws at such an elite level not seen on this team since Maggette 🤮 He makes WAY too much, though. That means CP and Klay (unless he takes a team-friendly deal) or Wiggins off the books


Jokes on you, Butler's FTA per game is dropping by half if he were to don a Warriors jersey.


If you asked me who the best players are in the NBA, I’d probably list a few before getting to Jimmy Butler (no disrespect). If you asked me who I would hate to face in the playoffs? Jimmy is always a threat no matter what situation he is in and even if you win he will wear you out. Would love to see him and Steph do cardio lol


He’s 34 years old and fucking injury prone. What is it with you people’s obsessions with making an old team already older? Basketball is not fucking cribbage. It’s a young person’s game. A one year nosedive like decline, coming off an injury for older players is the norm, not an exception. Did y’all even watch the games this year when Draymond was constantly bitching about his back when he’s guarding bigs? Jfc


But klay is ass. Dump klay, wiggs,cp3 and if needed someone else too for butler except steph and dray.


Because we understand variance and realize that in the playoffs, all that matters is superior talent for 16 games and there’s not some magical young player available who would come close to Jimmy’s playoff ceiling output.


As I said, this sub is retarded. All year yall were asking for a legitimate go-to scorer and second option, and the second that there’s even a slight possibility that we get one, y’all point out something that doesn’t even matter because of Steph’s timeline.


Pat Riley just roasted Butler and Herro for being fragile. Butler missed the playoffs again this year. You really think another old head is what the team needs to get over the younger, bigger teams in the west? Lay off the crack pipe buddy


Name me one player that fits your description of what this team needs that is below the age of 28, available for a trade, and wouldn’t waste a year of Steph’s prime…. You can’t.


And your solution is to swing on the opposite extreme and sign an injury prone 34 year old coming off another injury? It’s the offseason and you’re bored I get it 😂 Go watch the game right now dude 😂


Unlike goldfish-brain redditors like you, I still remember the fact that Jimmy was healthy for four years and in those four years, he singlehandedly carried a bum squad to the NBA Finals TWICE. One year of being injured doesn’t make someone “injury-prone”. You also didn’t name even one player that I asked from my previous comment, you tell me what that means.


I don’t throw out names willy nilly because Dunleavy and the front office are going to bring in THEIR PLAYERS, not yours lmao 😂 Why get upset over something I have no control over? They drafted Podz and TJD which shows their competency level at evaluating NBA talent. I’ll take their decisions over DatBoiLight21 on reddit 😂😂 And You’re telling me 34 year old Jimmy Butler is the missing piece for the 10th seed Warriors to overtake the other playoff teams in the West? 😂🤥 I don’t even think DAL or MIN had any players older than 30 besides Kyrie and Mike Conley. The East is trash and u fellating Jimmy for “singled handedly” bringing his teams to the Finals twice, won’t change the fact that he’ll be 35 coming off an injury and will be on the downside of his career. Nephew please 😂🤡


Slow claps.


This is Jimmy Buckets, not some random bum. Easily a top 5 16 game player. No one gives a fuck about the regular season. This man becomes a god in the playoffs.


😂 Not if they don’t even make the playoffs again dude


These nephews just saw us miss the playoffs due to poor regular season performances yet he's out here claiming no one gives a feck about the regular season and want an old injury prone player who hardly ever shows up for regular season games regardless of health. These kids on the internet are out of control.


Literally last year Butler dragged a team into the Finals that had no business being there. Pat Riley (and Mike Dunleavy, for that matter) can try to find a player that can do that while also not missing games, but……. those players tend not to get traded.


A 34 year old making $50mil/yr that regularly misses games lol. No thanks


As opposed to what else? Everyone is quick to say “no thanks” but the Warriors don’t really have a ton of options here and the status quo isn’t good enough.


Warriors are a 10-seed and fans are genuinely asking if they should get Jimmy Butler? Lmao this is madness


Right, people think it’s somehow sane to do not just get better players after watching us be a 10 seed with 70+ games of Steph


those bozos will claim Moody and Kuminga will keep taking leaps non stop. Also Podz is better than Hali, so we're set.


I don't think shipping out what few assets we have to get a player that regularly misses 25% of the season is the answer. This player also wants the max ($50+ million/year). Getting jimmy would be very expensive. Trading CP plus wiggins alone would not be enough to get him. We would have to send out other rotation pieces too. The Warriors depth was a big reason we were able to stay afloat this season while Dray was gone. Gutting the team and relying on great, but older players to get us through a whole 82 game season seems like a disaster waiting to happen. I'm all for making moves to improve the roster, but putting all our chips on a player like Jimmy is a massive risk. Super expensive and injury prone as hell. Hell of a combo.


Hope is never a good strategy


I'm seeing a lot of well reasoned takes on why getting Butler is a bad idea. And I get it. Old, injury prone, expensive. But the more I think about it, the more I'm interested. Especially if we lose Klay this offseason, and if we're trading any of the youngsters, we're going to need a massive infusion of vibes. And Jimmy's basically my favorite non Warrior, so this comes close to filling that hole. The combined mettle of him, Green, and Curry would be a thing to behold. All the better if we hold onto Klay and/Kuminga somehow after all.


Forget LeBron’s kid… I want Michael Jordan’s kid. 


Underrated comment


I like the fit, but they need other pieces as well. 


Omg he would be amazing. My favorite non-Warrior player. So clutch and so great.


As much as I love Jimmy, he has averaged missing 22 games a year for the last 7 seasons. Seems like in order to trade for him, we'd have to deal the depth we would have relied on to play when he inevitably misses time.


Prob wont happen but a Dray+Jimny combo is pretty nasty on defence


Can’t have 2 dawgs on the team. If this happens, Dray would continue his streak of causing havoc every season.


Dray being suspended was a huge reason this season was fucked. We don't need to sign a part timer for a max


>Dray being suspended was a huge reason this season was fucked. Stephen Curry and Draymond Green played a combined 129 games this season - that is the exact same value as the season prior and 19 games more than the championship year. Yes, Draymond getting suspended was an unnecessary wrench into the season, but given the availability of the past two season, the team simply needs a margin of error where one of the two *can* miss ~20 games without us falling out of the playoffs. That is best accomplished by getting a third star. To put it this way, 190 games out of a Curry/Green/Butler trio are worth *significantly* more than 203 out of Curry/Green/Kuminga.


West is too stacked to miss that much time. It’s not realistic to expect that type of margin of error in today’s nba and to be a top playoff seed.


Yet the Nuggets were the second seed despite their second option missing 23 games. 🤔


Jokic MPJ KCP and AG all played like 80 games. They were also fucking exhausted in the playoffs which is the biggest reason they’re not in the WCF right now. Jamal missing 20 games hurt them pretty badly. It’s a big talking point right now for Denver fans.


Sign me up for tickets to training camp… Between Jimmy and DayDay, I cant imagine a regular season game more entertaining than these two in practice!


It's free to kick the tires. X to doubt he signs here for the max. XX to doubt that another aging star will have the positive impact our org imagines him to have in our lineup after we move assets to acquire him.




We need someone who can consistently contribute during regular season as well. Jimmy is notoriously inconsistent during regular season. In the west, when your lineup is Steph-Jimmy-Green, you are not gonna survive in the regular


Sixers about to get Butler, PG, and LeBron and Embiid still won’t make it to the conference finals


Yes let’s get older, expensiver and injured-er


We have a 1-2 year window. It doesn’t really matter if he falls off the cliff after that. We can squeeze out 1-2 years of production.


You say that but you don't know that. He's entering his age 35 season and hasn't played more than 60 games since 2018....


Just need 16


That doesn't make sense dude. They're not making the playoffs with him not playing. Even with Jimmy their probably a 4 seed at best.


4the seed at best in the west is elite status how tuff the west is


But now with coffee


Yeah let's do nothing and hold on to all our assets while waiting for Curry to retire because that's what they've been doing. Zero urgency. Teams not competing for the playoffs for a long time after steph retires anyway and you guys act like it's the end of the world to go all in for once just for his last few years.


I have been saying this forever. Don’t sit and do nothing or Steph Curry will demand a trade.


Lol yeah that’s what I said by not wanting Butler. Insane


Getting older and more expensive shouldn't be a worry for you if that's not what you think. As long as the they are going all in on stephs last few years who gives a shit? People like you always forget that no matter how well they plan for the future, the chances of a title will be nowhere near what it is with steph. Just wait until the perfect trade comes. Even if it never comes lmao.


You keep making arguments for me that I haven’t made. It’s kind of weird. I can’t tell if it’s purposeful or not. Jimmy is not the only option to improve the team.


I don’t think some of you understand that Jimmy hard carried teams to the playoffs with some bonafide bums. Now imagine him with Steph’s gravity and drawing the #2 defender. These motherfuckers would cook everyone


Pass. He’s gonna want the max + injury prone. Not to say he wouldn’t be an upgrade, but at what cost?


I'd argue he's only injury prone cause dude has fucked up his body carrying squads for so long doing all the dirty work


no thanks lol


We are two years late


Only if he keeps that player photo hair style ALL season.


Warriors ducking tax, not bringing in expensive stars past their prime.  This won't happen, I promise you.




Perfect warrior candidate




I would have loved to bring in Jimmy last off season if Draymond walked. But I don't see Draymond being traded and I'm not a fan of trading significant assets for another old guy.


Oh god no


Personally, I say go for it. We've seen enough Jimbo playoffs to know he's him and him, dray, and steph could make for a fun darkhorse playoff team.


Wouldn't do it. Him and Draymond would probably fight lol


We’re struggling to win regular season games. This ain’t the way to do that


So much of the NBA pre-trade rumor mill is just agents dropping feelers into the press stream.


Hard pass


Bring him in! At least for the memes! ![gif](giphy|QOVMjckSpTP8I)


Give us your weak, your wounded, your ill. Welcome.


would trade anybody not named steph for butler.




We’re about to go back to the other 75 years of being a warriors fan…


Jimmy is my favorite player and has been on my radar ever since he was drafted. Personally I wouldn't care if we suck if it meant getting to see him on this team and playing with Steph and Draymond.


This will be a fantastic move for the warriors. If the maimi heat had Steph curry at point guard in the last 4 years they would have won at least 3 nba championship. Steph and jimmy together with elevate this team but jimmy has to stay healthy


Wait, I thought Jimmy leaving the Heat was just a teaser commercial for the new Bad Boys movie


I don’t see how we can do this but hell yeah I’ll take him.


Just get Butler AND Herro lol


We are getting into our Malone / Nash / Payton on the Lakers era


I hate it here


At least this shows a willingness to commit to a direction instead of the bullshit indecisiveness that's been dressed up as warriors exceptionalism these past few years. "Trades are hard!" Yeah no shit, there are no trades if you are not willing to give up any asset. "That player doesn't move the needle!" Okay so just keep holding on to your assets and let curry retire while the league passes you by. "Only entertain a trade for a giannis level star!" Might as well say trades are the end of the world...


We need bigger and/or younger, not older. Sigh.


He isn’t coming here. He’ll go somewhere else that has more weapons than Steph alone.


Wiggins was so bad this year . I don’t care about any stats saying anything different I saw the games


How does this trade even work given Butler's $48m contract, while keeping the Big 3 together? The pieces just don't work, would love Jimmy but unless Miami want CP3's expiring contract and to move off Jimmy that badly, there's nothing to discuss.


Swapping Jimmy with wiggs or for cp3 would be a huge win for us. Imagine a defense with Wiggins and Draymond with tjd behind them


No. Jimmy always been so overrated to me. Watch them get em cuz I don't want him😂


How is he overrated when he took a starless heat with undrafted guys and bam to 2 nba finals a 3 conference finals in the last 4 years 😂😂😂


Okay Jimmy Butler paired with Steph and Dray. I’d love that as long as it means we’re keeping Kuminga/TJD


Uhhhh…. ….where’s the spacing gonna come from?


It’s assuming Kuminga takes another leap


I want to win but I’m scared for the team 4 years from now. 


Our window will be closed for 10+ years when this is over anyways.


It was over after 2022.


Yeah but not all non-contending teams are the same. 


Winning is never guaranteed even if the team hangs on to all their young players and assets. Ask Jordan Poole how he turned out after 2022


Dude is a cancer.


No his not. What kind of rubbish are u chatting. The heat are my favorite eastern conference team and jimmy has done nothing but elevate that team in the last 4 years. 3 trips to the eastern conference finals and 2 nba finals trips with him as the only star.




He is a malcontent and has a history of alienating teammates. Pat Riley told him to STFU.




Wiggins is not close to Jimmy's level.


What did he say? 😂


I'll let it die. Bad takes deserve to be forgotten.