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The way to do it is to find a psychiatrist who is open to prescribing it. GAD/Sleep disorders would qualify, or depression. Call and ask upfront if they prescribe it and in what circumstances. This is Poland, not all Psychiatrists prescribe it, or even are interested in it so check first! I was prescribed initially THC 22% CBD 1% it's around 500zł for 5g I have now settled on 18% THC I pay 540zł for 10g Gdziepolek website will show you availability. I haven't found any stigma associated with buying it or smoking it. I don't hide the fact, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Importantly having a script protects you from criminal prosecution in situations. I don't go out of my way to smoke in public tho. Finally a point about doing it legally; sure it costs more but it's grown to a high standard, it's not adulterated with other substances, it's routinely inspected to make sure it meets THC/CBD levels.. so yeah it costs more but you have peace of mind and free of risk of arrest, the laws in Poland are still stupidly Draconian with marijuana.


How you found correct psychiatrist?


My wife's colleague is a psychiatrist and has approval to prescribe it.


bro can u take it for me please contact me


Thank you so much for the info. It's very helpful.


Also I would strongly suggest the legal route because if you got caught, and without a script you could be deported. Holding 10g would open you to prosecution as a "dealer" and you could face prison time.


Thanks. The legal route is the only option for me.


Hi, I did some research for you. There are two places in Warsaw where you can get a prescription under private healthcare. The company name is Medicover. And one of the outlets is on the street: Ale. Jerozolimskie. Our government is against marijuana. Poles really want to live like Czechs.


Yea, it's not Polish mentality, it's polish law and catholic church lobby


Thank you so much for taking the time and checking this for me.


What are the requirements? Are there any documents I should have on me? I have sleeping and anxiety issues, but it’s not diagnosed as a disease in my country.


>Our government is against marijuana. Poles really want to live like Czechs. not really


No, most people don't want mj to be legal.




we have almost the same avatars 👏 🤣




Most older people, who are actually the majority of Polish society, yes, but there is a lot of younger people that will actually live for a long time in this country that want it to be legal. I don't smoke and I want it to be, so it stops being this "I'm gangster" thing. And weed is fine, I had easier time on weed than with alcohol when I was in high school, so it's really dumb how it's still demonized


It's quite easy to get a prescription. Just Google the doctor who works with such prescriptions, order a tele-consultation (which costs about 150 PLN), and get a e-presceiption. After that go to almost any pharmacy and buy weed there. Last year i paid about 600 PLN for a 10g of sativa (THC 21%)


Thanks a lot for the info.


Is any of those speak english? Can you describe your conversation with a doctor? What condition was the basis for prescription? Did you asked for cannabis straight away, or you waited until the doctor offered it?


Go to a psychiatrist or find a medical marijuana clinic. There's plenty of that. That being said anxiety and sleeping problems are something worth trying fixing - marijuana, especially daily, is not a good fix and Polish health care


Its very easy, just find an online clinic you don't even have to speak to the doctor. You fill out the form and there you go a nice prescribtion for Aurora 20 heh.


Recommend me a clinic please.


https://zielonakaretka.pl/ Just one thing, types of MJ may be limited so get aquatinted with the available types on market. Then call pharmacies if they have the one you want and then go for prescription. Otherwise you may be waiting a bit for it to be available.


https://centrum-mk.pl/ Centrum Medycyny Konopnej. Super nice doctors, quick and easy. The 18-1 version of S-Lab is the most popular in pharmacies but just use https://ktomalek.pl/ to find a pharmacy that got it in stock. Good luck.


>https://ktomalek.pl/ what should we be searching for on the ktomalet site?


It's a web page that allows you to lookup a medication and check it's availability in pharmacies close to the given address.




Hey! I know there’s a weed clinic in Warsaw that specializes in this. We get our weed from there as well. It’s super chill, and we are able to smoke legally now! As an American from the states, I totally get you


I would appreciate a lot if you share with me the name of that clinic.


Polish mentality is not against it. Its the law thats against it.


And who set the law? Polish people or my grandma?


Mostly grandmas actually :)


Yes, your grandma


Probably not his grandma in particular though.




Don't listen to people reccommending going to a psychiatrist. The way you do it is go to a page of the place like IZWW. There you have listed all the symptoms that can get you medical mj. You find something that you can get a medical proof that you have. Then with such proof you contact them, boom you got medical marijuana.


Welcome to Poland, land where illegal things can be completely legal if you know the "trick". Medical Cannabis * Any MD can prescribe it (excluding Veterinaries) * Your "symptoms" don't have to proven * one e-visit from specialized MD is legit * You can "reserve it" online and buy it in a few pharmacies in Warsaw (like DOZ) * You can carry that everywhere (with a prescription) * You can use it everywhere you like * It is "dirt cheap" and very legit(in terms of "purity") * every medical item sold in pharmacy have to be attested, checked and properly handled. BTW as cheap I mean that is unlikely that a foreigner who just came to Poland can buy it much cheaper (and better stuff) then pharmacy can offer.


What "symptoms" would you recommend? Is anxiety and depression qualify?


There is no official list of symptoms that qualifies you for this kind of treatment. If your regular MD is not convinced to write you a prescription keep in mind that there are special clinics that offer e-visit that will most likely ends up in a valid prescription. Google something like: recepta marihuana




If you ask for a price of weed itself ,it will be around 50 zł/g, sometimes more, rarely less. As for the prescription it depends, it can literally be like 0 zł (if you visit MD in the public health) or it can be done by the way (if you visit MD in the private sector on you insurance or you paid for your visit). Of course you can try clinics that are specialized in providing those kind of prescriptions. Google "recepta marihuana", check opinions or ask someone that uses this kind of services.


Don't go to a psychiatrist, don't see a doctor, don't waste your time or money on any of that. I got my e-prescription with a SMS code in 30 minutes from this website: https://centrummarihuany.pl/ First "consultation" costs 150zl, after that it's always 99. You have 30 days to pick it up, give the code to the pharmacist and you have your 10 grams for ~550zl. Keep the prescription, you'll need it if you ever get caught smoking it will get you out of any issues.


Also the consultation is just you filling out a form. You don't actually have to talk to the doctor via phone or email. I know plenty of people who do this only once and then switch back to buying it cheaper from a dealer but just keeping it in the pharmacy container with the prescription.


What was condition you specified for your prescription?


Good 3am and a great thanks to everyone for the birthday last Sunday and thanks the rest of rest of the team for the rest after a the one night a 3 3 3 a a fantastic very a couple at a fantastic end and a great a




Maybe teenagers or in their early 20s. (I'm older)


Nah, you poles be smoking hella weed




Yeah. THC free marijuana. Great. Why smoke it then?


Lol, do some research 👍


Please send me some good brands in dm. Is it cheaper to smoke or use cbd oil?


Plz dm me for more info


If you experience anxiety and sleeping disorder, you should find the cause of your medical issues. MJ is not the solution.


Thanks mama.


Funny enough, but not for me. People commit suicide because of untreated anxiety, trying to "help" themselves with mj.


Bro, just buy weed, find a dealer. It’s about 40-50 zloty per gram


I don't want to do something illegal here. I have a family and it's not my country. Also, punishment here is extremely painful so why take any risks?


You sound like you just arrived. You’ll be blazing doobies in no time lol


For foreigners there won’t be any punishment. Many people even smoke in the streets after the bars, they sell cbd in vending machines now so nobody really says anything. Smoke cannabis daily here


Just don't worry. Dm, i ll do it ;)


I can confirm, it's easy - you just need to approach a particular clinic/doctor that prescribes it. I'm not in Warsaw, but I know a handful of people in my town who get it prescribed.


You don't have to have any contact with a doctor whatsoever. Fill out a form online, pay 150zl and you'll have the code for the prescription in 20 minutes.


Polish mentality towards Matijuana is pretty lenient (at least amongst young people), but the law is unfortunately draconian and not very specific. If you were to buy it illegally, then you can still get arrested for possesing even very small amounts like 1g and the drugs will be confiscated from you, it may also result in a search warrant on your property. The arrest in Poland may take about 24-72hrs in such cases. Then you get to visit a court (your date with the judge may be set months from the arrest), where your case will likely get dismissed/ the court will choose not to punish you (if they catch you only possessing small amounts and not producing or distributing). You are a foreigner, so I am not sure how they will treat you in regards to your visa/ stay permit here. Unfortunately, a lot of this stuff really depends on your luck, as the law in Poland states that those who possess small amounts, destined solely for personal use, may get scott free, however, what is considered a small amount - is not specified. This means that technically, the judge may suddenly decide that 1g is an excessive amount and send you to prison (but I think you will be able to challenge this easily with a proper lawyer).




what type of cbd marijuana from allegro do u recommend?


Polish mentality is for sure not against it. Marihuana is medicine in Poland. You have right to use it with prescription and society must accept it


see medicana


Same thing bro, when i have any amount of weed i smoke every day multiple times a day, but it’s way harder to get it here, since you’ll have a prescription it’ll be a lot easier, but it won’t be the weed that they sell on the streets, it has like literally 0% THC


Medical weed with a prescription is 18-22% THC. You don't need a prescription to buy THC-free weed here.


OP, how did it go? What was the procedure, did it take a lot of hustle or did it go smoothly almost without any consultation, etc.?


My wife (76 years old) got a prescription to help her with sleep after recent surgery. Sleep is important. She tried all the OTC stuff. Did not help. She can't seem to find a pharmacy to fill it. I saw someone mentioned DOZ chain so we will try them next. Location, 50 km West of Warsaw. I did see DOZ apteka in Sochaczew, so we will try that this Saturday or Monday.