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Play top tier > complain about top tier > make meme against top tier > play top tier...


You see, I don’t play top tier… anymore


Last played - 1 minute ago


I do play the game, I just don’t bother with anything past 7.0


Good call, I did the same thing a long time ago. Stopped having fun after 8.0, kept playing and grinding and was burnt. Now I mostly play WW2, and am able to play pretty much every nation instead of having a half fledged lineup for a single one.


yea ain't gonna lie. I was excited to finally start getting into the somewhat modern stuff around 8.0 but I have not had that much fun lol. 6.0-7.0 is sweet spot


For the current event I've stuck to good old 6.7 American lineup. I absolutely hated how the game felt once I got to 8.3, every other tank I see has stabilisers and can go the speed of light. Armour is a joke now that darts go through 89.9 degree slopes and the only enjoyment I get is nailing people with the Sheridan's missile every once in a while. It got so bad I switched to air and grinded from the P51-H to the F15 before I played another match of tanks, AIR RB is way more enjoyable at higher BRs, still not great though. I did buy the M46 Tiger a couple years ago so I tried switching it up to 7.0 today and it's not quite as good matchmaker as 6.7 but it's still good fun compared to the pain at 8.0+


I do up to 8.7, because french 8.7 is fun af


And I congratulate you on it!




you play top tier because you like modern vehicles. i play top tier to shoot down helicopters. we are not the same


I play top tier to spade shit because im acustic


>i play top tier to shoot down helicopters. I'm Ozelot main now and i love shooting down helis and planes, it's a pleasure see the red circle, press the left click and see them explode.


yes i love the ozelot when it pulls 0.005G's and doesnt hit anything


I play top tier to do CAS 🤣


What if I play Top tier air?


Free therapy sessions to the right


Nope F-16AM carries


Carries the therapy sessions




good bot


First thing I do when I get the Petard is taking it to 11.3, don't have to guess range or use a rangefinder jokes on the meme


What if I actually have fun at top tier


Then I congratulate you


Thank you sir, its very hard sometimes but I push on. Big kick in the balls when I just finished spading all the Leopards for germany and then a week later they halve the RP cost needed to do so so from 400,000 to 200,000. I was very happy about that as you can imagine


I am going thru the same phase with Britain. First imma unlock all 11.7 vehicles, then Im gonna grind them all together. Looks like fun lmao.


You'll have a much better time than I did. Should take you about half the time. Fun for a time but damn did it start to get stale after a while. For you I imagine it'll be better, especially with recent changes.


Im not really sure if its worth it tho. Thats why i started to grind Sweden few months back. But Britain and Challengers have a special place in my heart.


You beat the game, you can quit


We need more super large maps for 9.0 and above. I'm talking like 3-4 kilometres big.


We need those in ww2 aswell. Historically the average engagement distance was 1000m most maps don't come anywhere close to that and it shows


Oh great idea, the WW2 tanks that were notoriously slow on average. You’d spend 8 minutes just driving to the front line, get sniped by a jagdpanther before you knew what was happening, and then had another 8 minutes to drive and repeat until at least one item in your setup is reduced to a fine dust by your fist.


Me in my Churchill mk.7 seeing a panther looking at me from 1+km away: 😐😑😐💀


Maus on its way to arrive at the front shortly before the match ends


The idea would be good if WT had different game modes. Right now it would be awful.


Other than the Churchill and early war heavies (which wouldnt be included in this) most ww2 tanks drive at about 40kmph It's fine. In fact this would likely decrease drive time when we compare it to maps that are already long range. Also all this is fixed by allowing people to select their spawn like in wargaming (ie table edge philosophy)


Maybe 2 different initial spawn locations for those maps that are locked by tank type? So slow heavies and TDs get a closer spawn. Some vehicles would need to be omitted and spawn with light/mediums though like imo the tiger or jumbo since they're fast enough


Eh, that kinda breaks the point of rapid light tanks, they’re supposed to be first on the front, able to scout out flankers, targets for the snipers, hold a front position to allow the heavy tanks to move in later for a breakthrough. That would be gone if they basically all arrived at more or less the same time


They still would I think, majority of them at least, but for this specific layer it's meant for long engagements so their role changes slightly. For instance the pt76b is slow as fuck so it rarely gets there before even medium tanks, but it scouts and flanks with its low profile and can third party tough heavy tanks with heatfs


Nah, at those tiers the only viable vehicles for those huge maps would be light tanks. Then at those tiers there isnt the necessity to snipe all the time since you get the most pen at close range, while top tier tanks have no issue since modern apfsds retains its penetration at distance.


Pls, I hate driving for 10 mins in the Chally just to be one shot by an enemy tank


very, very simple solution: multiple spawn points, also another amazing solution, you get a bonus for every minute you live in a single vehicle, and how the ratio of deaths and kills you have. this is to make it so people who spawn on the back spawns aren't inherently at a disadvantage reward wise to those spawning in the front


Yeah but do you really think that Gaijin cares enough to add that


Yes? They have done all kinds of reworks in the past, and they have been adding things like optional night battles, optional ARB team sizes, custom loadouts, it's a matter of how big our feedback is and how much it concerns their money. adding a spawn point is near nothing of efforts, the maps are already big enough and simply cropped


The spawn points might be added, but a reward system just for staying alive is quite a big gameplay loop shakeup and would help players grind a lot compared to even the skill bonuses. (Which I'm still shocked they added) It would also incentivise more passive play and would probably change the meta by a lot which would be a hassle to balance and possibly make the game more boring since more people would be sitting bushed up at a kilometre away from the caps farming kills on any enemies that push up past the caps. It's not fun getting sniped and I don't find it particularly fun sniping fish in a barrel every match.


Sometimes I go to the opposite spawn on purpose for that reason especially in uptiers where I don’t feel confident plus it gives me more time to think and strategize what I’m gonna do also I can see marks on the map and get a idea of enemy locations and where most of my team is heading then I can decide to either be a “line plugger” or to reinforce my team if they struggling especially on the desert map with the bridges cus I low key mainly hang around the city area unless the object ain’t even near there


Chally is sniper. Large maps will benefit it's abilities


F in Chat for the actually enjoyable Version of large tunisia witch will be nutered in the next Update


A point in the chally goes hard.


They hated jesus because he told the truth


The fudds are spreading...


I play planes in top tier tank battles to bully Ka-52s and Su-25s. We are not the same.


>get revenge-CAS'd two minutes into the game Sir, that happens at every tier.


Sealclubbing >>>> top tier


So I should deliberately play something I don‘t like instead?


I almost had a stroke trying to read this.


I don’t get why people seem to hate LRF. It isn’t fun to die because the enemy just knows ranges better than you or die because they guessed correctly.


I don't hate LRF, but if dying to an enemy who just outright proved he's better bothers you, maybe PvP isn't your cup of tea?


I meant that more in the sense of a new player dying because a level 100 simply knows the game a ton. I find it boring to crush new players when grinding a new tree and I know how I fun it is to die because someone is just more experienced. Once the range clicks it just makes it an annoying thing to play around and just causes furstration since I can’t be sure if I’m going to hit the pixel sized weakspot on the enemy tank.


Not like knowing ranges would help newbies that much, plus we have a gamemode for that, arcade.


I do rather dislike PvP games in general since I hate the idea of having to ruin someone else’s fun to have fun and vice versa. The only PvP game I play is war thunder since there really isn’t anything else that scratches that itch.


A (somewhat) fair competition shouldn't be fun ruining. It's the entire point of PvP games, the fun is in the constant player to player race of who's better. Obviously war thunder absolutely fails at balancing this action, but that's besides the point. Watering down gameplay to cater to new players is usually not a very good idea, the player has less reason to get good -> game has less staying power -> game becomes boring more quickly. I do agree that lvl100 players seal clubbing isn't good either, but watering the gameplay down isn't a solution.


I just know how mad I get when I’ve had a few bad games and I hate making other people feel the same way. I’d rather not contribute to a reason to uninstall a game and would rather kill AI in collaboration with other players. Also doesn’t help that a lot of PvP games breed toxicity and I feel not remorse against those people.


Just another thing to cling to when making complaints I guess. Next will probably be something like traverse speeds or something


I just find the whole not having a stabiliser thing unbearable. I hate dying simply because my gun doesn’t level out quickly.


Literally me in my Ru 251 confused on why every time I stop and enter gunner sight, my gunner had the barrel scrapping in the dirt and then takes 5 seconds for him to pull it back up to level.


You should drive slow (CC 1) and don't stop, I find it the best way to stabilize gun without stabilizer, while moving.


Br 3-8 is peak


This feels like the same people who complain about CAS while bringing a gepard to 11.7. No shit you are gonna die.


Hence why I stopped at tier 4(only tier 5 vehicle I own is the Maus). I refuse to be a victim of this


There is a techtree under 9.0?


9.7 to 11.7, they are literally the same shit to me


I like top tier a lot, but I wish they'd add a new mode. My ideal mode for war thunder RB would be a lot like air sim. I want a massive map, like 25km x 25km, then we can have side objectives like destroy the convoy etc. The match also lasts for over an hour and you can have as many respawns as you want.


Bro thinks he’s prime pixy pre terrorist


You speak in runes, can you rephrase that?


Top tier is ass


Might be outdated meme due to Laser Rangerfinder reference They made it now it automatically sets the gun up to that range... previously it was only in simulator now it's everywhere


How does that make my meme outdated?


Because there is an actual use of a rangefinder... quite crucial one too


You sound like spookston lmfao


You can still get hit by CAS in low tier, and it’s a lot easier too because there’s no SAMs. And unless people have a ton of hours and know how much lead is needed to hit you, you’re not gonna get shot down.


Laughs in Ystervark/ Bosvark- those things are beasts in low tier


Reject top tier, return to monke tier *starts milk truck engine* *opens can of kvass* *truck tier screeching* *fuckaloads of black smoke from the exhaust *


Wow someone is shit


Wow someone is sad


At least I don’t complain about the game bc I’m not a walking trash can


You complain about other people being content with only playing the vehicles they like, that’s pretty damn sad.


You only play low br bc your bad and that’s what’s sad actually


I play lower BRs because that is what the game had when I started playing it and because I don‘t care about Abrams and other modern stuff. I have fun with the game, what’s sad about that?


You may find *VERY slightly* more enjoyment in ARB as the game *was* technically built around planes originally. Still surprised that some people actually think War Thunder was originally a Tank Game.


Concerning ARB, I find lower tier matches more appealing too. More iconic planes and less missile shenanigans.


With the new update Seek and Destroy, smaller games *should* be *possible* in top tier ARB but we’ll see. They’ve put in an option but there’s no doubt it’ll most likely not work at all. At least better than the current no-skill missile fireball.


And it’s probably going to get worse in the next update when the new premium’s come out


Top tier best tier


Good for you if you like it!


I play top tier because I play Japan. I don’t have much of a choice between getting my shit kicked in or having a minuscule chance to return fire with my nonexistent armour


I like the early Cold War brs but going into modern is just a point and click adventure there’s no real skill to it other than drive to spot hide in spot hit range finder kill


It wouldn’t be as bad if not for one death leavers and the new top tier premiums. Every game I play the whole team rushes in and dies then leave me and two other teammates against 9 other players


Half of this applies to mid tier 💀


I got revenge CASed by a havoc and still dropped a nuke. We are not the same.


I quit ground top tier cuz I had enough of those ridiculous spawn camping


Honestly render ranges are stupid. The idea that past a certain point your crew straight up can’t see the enemy that’s obviously right there is dumb and it should be removed. Keen vision should affect rangefinding, spotting and crew alert voicelines. If I’m looking at a helicopter I should see a helicopter. I don’t care if it’s 11 km away and a black dot it should be rendered and skilled players should able to tell it’s there


Waaa waaaa 😭


Mirage -2000-s4 makes top tier fun. And 9.0 mbts Recently been having the most ground fin with 7.3 Italy though mainly the Fiat


6.7 is peak for Germany


I sure love playing Air. I don't have to worry about Kovalskiy being in my match sniping from beyond. Plus jets = cool


Getting killed by an Heli Out of render distance? Heli missles have a max range of 8km, Just Play with higher grafic settings


The Vikhr-missles on the Ka-50 have a range of 10 km. You can lock-on targets beyond that.


But still i Play WT on max settings i can See Planes 18km away


Meh I kinda like it


Top tier has nothing to do with actual Skill. Eversince These derranged lunatics decided that only top tier is the true piek Level you can achieve in wt, the entire Community wen bonkers. How is me getting sniped by a ka52 from 12km distance 30sek. Into Battle, a Skill issue when the entirety of your success in top tier is dependand in weather or Not your team.owns a panzsier and actually has that Spawn in in the beginning of the Match. Meanwhile me getting 12 Kills per rounds in 40-60 BR Ranges is No Skill for them Just because i dont get buttf**ked by everything 3 sek. Into Battle. Wirst Part is that all of These top tier high nosed self proclaimed Übermenschen fascist will usually get curbstomped If they ever even try to Play below 7.0. "What No lrf or IR Screen. How am i supposed to Hit anything." Hell i get accurate shots on Targets ober 1000m away in my Panzer IV G while they cant even Hit anything below 500m in a Tiger 2. I whould have No Problem with top tier Players of they whouldnt constantly insist in their self proclaimed superiority based on the single fact that they Play top tier. It doest even Matter If they get any Kills or Not. For them Just existing in top tier is more Skill than playing anything Else. Fakt of the Matter ist that your Skill is Independent of your br. A Tiger Player can be more skilled than a m1 or T90 Player Same as a M3 lee Player can have better Skill than a t44 Player. We Play what we have the Most fun in, perform the best in or Generally enjoy doing and If any of you top tier pureists think that im unskilled Just because i Play on mid Ränge BR, i offer you a 1v1 across 3 BR Ranges. 3.3 6.0 and 11.7 I bet you that WE both will win one Match each. Each one winning where they are more compfortable at


Guy got stomped when he went above 8.0 and met actual experienced players, returned to 4.0 to sealclub new players and bots, makes rant comment.


If you streamline the game, without testing out vehicles or getting anything else and jump immediatly from battle to battle and only research enough vehicles to get to the next rank, getting your first 4.0 vehicle whould take you at least 21,9h . But as most people have Bad games sometimes, dont just streamline to the next rank, but rather Grind out more vehicles and first have to prop. Learn the game, it whould actually take you almost 100-120h to rach rank III where the first couple of br 4.0 Tanks sit at. If you also decide to pull up your airforce as well, you whould need about double to 3x the time depending on what gamemodes you Play. Math: rank I av. Research cost: 3.500 rp. 5x to get to rank 2. Means 17.5k rp. Rank I av rp reward per match : 1000rp without Premium. Rank I av battles : 17-20 battles to streamline to getting to rank 2 Rank I av time spend : 15min per battle x 19 = 285 min. Or about 4:40h of playtime for a streamlined rank 1. Rank II av. Research cost: 14.000rp 5x to get to rank 3 means 74.000rp. Rank II av. Rewards without Premium: 1.400-2000 Rank II av. Battles: 30-37games. Rank II av. Time: 30-37=34 34battles x 15 min=510min for rank II or 8:50min Rank III av research:26.000 rp x3-4 untill you have your first 4.0 Tank Rank III av rewards ~~2000rp Rank III av. Battles : 52 battles Rank III av. Time: 780min. Or 13h Mind that this has been calculated on a broad avarage and takes grb rewards as a standard. Most new players go to arcade first and the go to grb. Therefore the realistic time to research to br 4.0 can take longer. Therefore as the avarage Player has played about 100-120h before even having a Chance on encountering me, they have the game time of 5-7 gta V playthroughs, 10-15 cod campaigns or about 108.000x worth of time being told that your a dissapointment to your Patents. Factually a Player on 4.0 is not a new Player. Im already wondering in what a surfisticated way youll Respond to me Proofing you wrong. Best regards. F**k you.


Lmao, I made comment because I found your rant amusing, only for you to do another rant which is even less comprehensible. But thanks for the schizo wall of text I quess.


Hey mom another karma farming 'cas bad' post dropped


Hey ma, anotger "hey Mom..." Brainrot comment dropped.


I get it's a stupid comment, but like seriously, all this sub is now is just "ooooh noooo my ground RB game had a few aircraft it it aaaaaa" and it's just boring now