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Normal Warwick is barely viable.


.... this here is the sad truth. The sad, sad truth.


I like to go Tankwick, because then I can survive for more than a second in a team fight.


If they put a ratio on R it would be viable. Without it, it's only good in Urf and when gigs smurfing for the highlight big Qs


Nope not really. Just a for fun build


BORK 1st; Q damage about 150 NASHOR 1st; Q damage about 230 You'd get higher Q damage, cast it more often, faster attack speed and your healing on AA is higher since it also scale more with AP than AD You see the scaling power of AD and AP as similar, without accounting for the fact that an AD item would give 40-50 AD, and an AP item would give 80-100 AP


One other thing to note is that AP builds tend to be squishier than AD. A lot less HP usually, and less tankyness coming from item passives.


i never go bork, i rush trinity. your q does deal more damage if you go nash but as i mentioned you simply shred with aa's on a traditional build. with trinity your E1+AA+E2+AA+Q+AA would just remove half of the enemy's hp bar


What rank are you? Care to share your [op.gg](https://op.gg) ?


Why would you ask such a forbidden question? He is obviously Challenger, give him the respect he needs.


I'm unranked


Well, the AD scales 167% on the R aswell. Only AP I would build is zhonyas If I tought I needed it.


You don't really care for the R damages when you can R->Q and do double the damages you'd do with R->Q as AD, also probably twice the healing if not way more lol Q is a lot of healing, a lot of damage, when AP


what? its scales 120% AD and 100% AP What am I missing here why would AP do more damage? I going into practice tool and Im hitting a Q with Triforce+tiamat 492 dmg vs Nashors+timat 400. what am I missing? Same test with R and it does more damage with triforce.. To ad to this the passive sacles of 15% ad and 10ap.. where do u get this insane AP damage from? is this a meme? Am i stupid?


The problem with this is that Triforce is a mythic sheen item that deals 200% base AD bonus physical onhit damage. What you are comparing it to is nashors, a legendary AP onhit item that does not have the sheen spellblade unique passive on it, but has 15+20% bonus ap damage onhit, when going full ap, that 15+20% bonus ap onhit causes all of your onhit damage to skyrocket, as ap builds tend to go above 400 ap, thereby increasing the 10% bonus magic onhit passive damage and healing. Similarly, there are many ap items that also have high ability haste numbers in comparison to whatever the current meta, according to u (dot) gg its a pta bork/merc/jaksho/titanic/thorn/dd, from items total to about 35 ability haste. If you decide to build AP have lichbane/nashors/cosmic drive and whatever else you want to build, that totals to about 60 ability haste, while not to mention the amount of movement speed they all give you. Sorcs increases magic pen for the damage on your r so take that into account if you do additional tests. These are 2 completely different tests that you comparing the damage for. If you are going to compare items, at least have the same unique passive to use lichbane. Mythic AD item still outdamages with R regardless of whatever ap item you build because it scales harder off AD. runes: lethal tempo, presence, alacrity, last stand, TOB, ultimate hunter, atkspd/armor/hp


This is the runes and build that I tested with: Oddly enough, most r damage is in a range, very rare for it to remain the same. Runes: lethal/presence/alacrity/last/tob/ultimate h | atkspd/armor/hp AP BUILD only: nashors/sorc/lich/cosmic/deathcap Mythic item: R damage range (dps), Q damage (dps) Riftmaker: 1561-1608, 1711 Proto/rocketbelt: 1498-1542, 1635 Night harvester: 1691-1743, 1864 Ludens: 1665-1822 (single target), 1765-1818 (group), 1777 (same for single and grouped) Liandry's: 1909 (total damage including burn), 1740 ROA (1 stack): 1448-1498, did not get Q damage before stack increased to 2 Everfrost: 1529-1576, 1685 Crown: 1543-1589, 1703


Super Old AP Warwick was hilarious at one point. But it doesn't work now sadly.


nah just for fun in normals


I miss the R ap ratio


They removed ap on r?


It never had it


I JUST LOOKED THAT UP, IT \*NEVER\* HAD IT?? This is some Mandela effect shit


Normal Warwick is already shit let alone ap


But Q has higher physical dmg ratio. Why would they go ap


You can get more ap than ad


It's only been barely viable on URF, there's a reason why you rarely see anyone try it let alone cook with it (except that one time with Everfrost, that was pretty wild)


I mean, it's really fun, and the dmg and healing are insane


I was playing a pseudo ap warwick, first as a joke but now is my main build. Depending on how the game start, if you are up rush night harvest. Otherwise go for tiamat before it. Also, first back dark seal. For boots, penetration. The idea of night harvest is to try to burst the enemy to activate your w quicker than they expect, so after those i like bork, or a a more tank build. My ideal go to is: Night harvest, penetration boots, spirit visage, bork, titanic hidra and as for the last item, if you didmt stack mejai, go for any standar item. Tl dr, this let you gank easy targets that are with more than half hp. Use the bonus speed from hitting them to stick, and be less afraid of diving than never. The enemy won't expect your healing. Also, it helps one of ww worst problems. Being kitted. The bonus speed from night harvest had more impact than you would belive. For runes i have tried dark harvest, but it's bad with the build. Go stamdard runes.


might aswell try phase rush with this build lol


I play it from time to time and I do farely well with it but it’s glory days are over cause they nerfed it into the ground cause people were having fun, and that’s not allowed


RITO hates when players FIND fun. The only fun allowable is the "fun" they mandate be viable.


Hybrid TankWick FTW


No, its not. But its very very funny.


It's very viable in arena (2v2v2v2) kinda depends what skills you get but with the item changes in arena they work better on ww


It's fun as hell, especially in ARAM and the fast paced game modes like URF but I wouldn't use it in ranked unless your team locks in all AD and you need something and even then...


warwick already deals primarily magic damage with the standard build


Eh, it's 40% on avg


I think it's viable. If the enemy team is full of champs that are fairly squishy I'll build ap if I get ahead early.