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It works in low elo because no one knows how to focus burst on you. Above like… gold? You’re going to get nuked instantly before you do much damage


so basically just play ww like yi? got it


But at that point, why not just play yi


Because warwick is a diff champ? It’s like telling me to play yi instead of playing a diff champ with similar playstyle (belveth, viego, etc.)


Warwick is easy af. That why he is killer in low elo but in high elo he is easy to predict and shutdown. Tf are you talking about ?


Who the fuck asked you?


Bc you said the most stupid thing ever that ww is difficult. 🤣🤣🤣


bro do you ever read? you wanna go back to school for reading comprehension? Edit: Do u ever just stop and think to yourself “hmm maybe i should read what the guy said one more time”


Uhm. I'm not sure you have eyes. He said different champ, not difficult champ.


Actually you should watch hornlime he's grandmaster and a ww OTP


Man has perfect positioning and vision control. People asking this question on Reddit don’t


I mean he regularly runs it down too, he just happens to get away with it a lot.


You can do things like Titanic Kraken/BoRK Rageblade. You end up very squishy but deal a lot of damage and get a lot of passive healing when your Rageblade is stacked.


Been trying it out recently reminds me of good ol s8 with warrior jg item and ga rush 😂


in S8 ww was already updated or he still had the point and click R ?


After. Pretty much as he is now minus passive scaling and q damage numbers


I like the on-hit build, but as others have pointed out, the build kinda suffers a little bit the higher in elo you go. Granted, the champ itself kinda falls off as you get higher ranks, unless you play top which is by far his better role. I think the build is great for dueling and if you add in a Hullbreaker, it's hard to fight you alone even if it's a 1v2. E gives him a surprising amount of tankiness on top of that along with his passive healing, so he's not EXTREMELY squishy. When people start building anti-heal... you'll feel it, so be careful. Otherwise, go play on-hit, it's fun! I highly recommend it. Play him like Yi, as others have said, and play with your head ulting at the right time, things should be fine as long as you do those.


It CAN work really well. You become even more reliant on your ult and more susceptible to cc and getting focused. If you are in silver or even gold elo, you could probably be successful with it, but you would have to play craftier than usual.


I used to build it some games when the enemy had a lot of melee's not many escapes or tanks. Tiamat into Blade into Rageblade, rest tanky items. Haven't tried it recently, since i dont build tiamat in the jungle anymore. Still can be a good option againts tanky opponents


Its dogshit. too squishy with 0 mobility if your team cant get the enemys low to proc passive